Gary Arndt

is an American independent travel writer, photographer and speaker who has traveled to over 100 countries and all 7 continents.

Hosted AMAs

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caesarromanus42 karma

Larger countries tend to live in the biggest bubble.

The United States is probably one of the best examples. We don't border many countries and we don't tend to pay much attention to anyone else.

caesarromanus39 karma

Here is your passport stamp.

caesarromanus33 karma

In terms of straight up culture shock, it was probably the first time I ever traveled over seas back in 1999. I landed in Japan. My heart was racing and I couldn't sleep because of jet lag. I spent the whole night watching Japanese TV and walking around the hotel noticing all the little things which were different.

I can't say I'm really phased by it anymore, however.

caesarromanus33 karma

Friendliness and hospitality are two different things.

People in Fiji and Samoa I found to be very friendly. The best hospitality I've received was in the Middle East.

People in the Arab world might not come up and hug you if you are a stranger, but their hospitality is world class if you are a guest.

caesarromanus31 karma

Best Food: I'd go with Japan and Argentina. Fish and beef :)

Scariest situation: I visited the Preah Vihear temple on the border of Thailand and Cambodia in 2008. It is a small temple located exactly on the border that they were fighting over. I took a 7 hour trip on the back of a motorbike to get there. It was crawling with soldiers, but nothing was actually happening with I arrived. I later found out 2 soldiers were killed by landmines soon after I left.

On the way back to Siem Reap we got pulled over by some guys in a car. My driver had a gun under the seat and was ready to pull it out before they pulled away. They were talking in Cambodia so to this day I still don't know what was said, but I was scared.

caesarromanus28 karma

If you can, and it is a really difficult place to get it, try to visit South Georgia Island. It is in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean. Nothing like it I've ever experienced. You go on shore and there are 100,000 penguins there all loud and stinky.

I also highly recommend the Jellyfish Lake in Palau, Micronesia, Oman and the Galapagos Islands.

caesarromanus27 karma

I had savings from selling my house and a business when I started.

However, I also try to save money. $100/night is expensive for me.

Now days I make a living from my website.

caesarromanus25 karma

I was expecting some hostility in the Middle East because I am an American. However, not only didn't I receive any, people seemed genuinely glad to meet me.

caesarromanus25 karma

I think everyone, everywhere in the world wants to live a comfortable life in peace.

Most of the problems in the world are caused by a fanatical few.

caesarromanus24 karma

Make traveling a priority in your life.

Don't spend years toiling away working so one day you can travel. There is no reason why you can't start doing it now.