
I have been viral on YouTube since 2008. Some of my biggest hits are "Go Cops," "Ima Korean" and most recently "My Name's Obama."

My albums have been listed on Billboard's comedy chart.

It's hard to gauge my exact number of YouTube views so I invite/challenge anyone to count the views and tell me. I counted around 125M existing views.

Ask away!

Comments: 445 • Responses: 77  • Date: 

Themingemac47 karma

Do you REALLY have any black friends?

iamRucka87 karma

Yeah about 5!

scarofthesierra46 karma

Hey Rucka! It's the guy that asked you to do this AMA on Facebook.

My question is, how do you really feel about Youtube deleting all your videos on a constant basis? Have they ever gave an exact reason why? Annoys me a lot when I go to watch a video and it's already deleted.

iamRucka55 karma

The reason is usually "Hate Speech." It's not cool but at least there's 100 more uploads of the same video!

Jakeyyz38 karma

Hey Rucka, been a huge fan for a few years now. I only have one real question; besides youtube, have you ever been in any trouble with the law be it copyright or 'hate speech'?

Keep up the good work.

iamRucka50 karma

Not yet! I don't think there's any copyright problem. As far as hate speech, it's not a crime in USA but I heard people in UK go to jail for racist tweets.

Exitiumx24 karma

Did Justin Bieber actually complain about your video?

iamRucka135 karma

Who? Are you referring to some guy I know named Justin, the subject of the song "Justin's Beaver" in which all celebrity similarities are coincidental or parodic?

SpydahMang20 karma

Have ever made a song you didn't like?

iamRucka33 karma

"Banana Peels" is kind of an embarrassment, but many people say they love it. I have certain songs that I'm not crazy about, looking back.

Garsino24 karma

"Banana Peels" is gold, you shouldn't be embarrased about it.

iamRucka17 karma

Thanks! I don't really regret anything I did.

TheJK31420 karma

You should also post your videos not only in funny, but r/imgoingtohellforthis , there, you would be a god.

iamRucka34 karma

Can you post them in there for me? I'm really new to Reddit.

EatingRiceKrispies20 karma

How much shit do you get in for the content of your songs? While most people seem to have a good humor about these things, I'm sure there are some who have been more than a little confrontational.

iamRucka31 karma

Most of the comments/mail I get these days are positive. Occasionally someone complains and I say "Sorry about that!" and they usually warm up to me after that.

EatingRiceKrispies17 karma

Was hoping for assassination plots. My illusion has been destroyed.

iamRucka45 karma

My mama's basement windows are bullet-proof!

Tibokio20 karma

How much money do you get from all those views?

iamRucka29 karma

Zero! I am not a "YouTube partner." Even if I was, most of my video views are on other people's channels anyway.

Not_Doing_Things15 karma

As you said you didn't make money through YouTube, how do you pay your expenses then?

iamRucka29 karma

iTunes sales (and other online stores) and streaming like Spotify and Pandora

Drumboardist20 karma

Do you have a real job, and, if not, when were you able to stop doing it so you could focus on Youtube'ing it up, full-time?

iamRucka32 karma

I became a full-time YouTuber in 2010, around the time "Go Cops" came out.



iamRucka26 karma

You know my balls are huge, from listening to my lyrics! I haven't measured my dick but I am told it's great.

s-set2216 karma

Hey thanks for doing this Rucka! Been following since I believe your first song "I can do whatever I'm white". My question is will you ever make another YouTube account and try to re-upload/upload your songs or have you basically given up on YouTube?

iamRucka20 karma

I currently have like 5 accounts!! Go to and click "YouTube" tab. SUBSCRIBE to all of them!!!

nerothosrex15 karma

Do some celebrities know about your parodies?

iamRucka37 karma

I heard "Weird Al" Yankovic does. Is he a celebrity?

MadeInDeutschland14 karma

Do you sometimes get recognized on the street?

Furthermore has your internet life gotten you into any interesting situations (death threats, sex, both) ?

iamRucka32 karma

I get recognized. I have gotten some great sex. The death threats are usually online.

alpha_fence113 karma

How many times you got banned from Youtube?

iamRucka37 karma

I lost count.

IAlchStuff12 karma

Please for the love of all that is holy, WHAT IS YOUR RACE?? Also thanks for producing this music, huge fan.

iamRucka31 karma

Black! Duh.

DayzedandSol11 karma


iamRucka58 karma

That's actually from the Uganda National Anthem.

pastinaak11 karma

Some of your videos are a little bit racist. Does your family know about your job? If so, how do they think about it?

iamRucka20 karma

All my friends & family are supportive, but not everyone likes the bad language.

Konebred11 karma

Hey man, your shit is funny as hell. I recently heard your songs on a couple random pandora stations I have. Just one question, what is the best hate mail you have received from people who don't get it?

iamRucka33 karma

Some Russian guy was angry at me about my song "Russia's Gay." He was all like, "YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT THE CONFLICT WITH GEORGIA!!!!"

PeterPorky10 karma

What do you think the line is between free speech and hate speech?

iamRucka40 karma

There is no line. That's like asking, "What do you think the line is between fast food and KFC?"

nickrolled10 karma

Do you know of any of the artists you've parodied hearing your work? Have any contacted you about it? What about Justin Bieber

iamRucka80 karma

None of them will talk to me cause I sound better than them on their own songs.

Jakeyyz10 karma

How long does it take to write, record and edit your songs?

iamRucka16 karma

Writing can take 1 day or a couple weeks. Recording takes a few hours. The video can take a few days to edit.

amad300010 karma

Have you ever had people recognize you on the street? What have they said/done? Are most of the replies good or bad?

iamRucka35 karma

Some kid said "Do you know Rucka Rucka Ali? You look like him." And some guy passed me in the supermarket at said "Hey you're the guy that can do whatever cause you're white!"

HedoInASpeedo10 karma

Did you always like rap and hip hop growing up? It seems like I see more and more white people rapping and most have a sense of humor about it which I enjoy.

iamRucka23 karma

I find that most white rappers have a stick in their ass. They hate me cause black people like me more than them.

tomasgdvl9 karma

Whatcha doin' for a livin' beside your parodies?

iamRucka41 karma

Selling drugs.

winhamster9 karma

Have you ever regretted something you said in a song?

iamRucka16 karma

Not that I recall!

awkwardlongusername9 karma

Im a huge fan, but why did you start?

iamRucka22 karma

I was desperate for attention, probably.

CityAtSpeed8 karma

What nationality do you descend from?

iamRucka34 karma

I think Africa.

nithin19978 karma

How did you learn to do such a magnificent and stereotypical Asian accent?

iamRucka23 karma

It comes from the heart.

1mk87 karma

Are you rich?

iamRucka14 karma

No D:

laith-the-arab7 karma

Hey Rucka, been a huge fan for years! I ran into you in Detroit once, near the combo center! Hope you remember me.

Which parody is your favorite? Why else do you have coming up?


iamRucka18 karma

Are you sure it was me? There's alot of black guys in Detroit. I got more stuff coming soon!!

Jakeyyz7 karma

The album versions of your songs sound differently to the youtube versions, why is this?

iamRucka28 karma

The YouTube versions have the original artist's music instrumental (Kesha, Lady Gaga etc) but for iTunes I must use a new instrumental made from scratch. For copyright.

arun27_6 karma

Love your music but my parents don't... i was stupid enough to show them. Question is are you actually racist?

iamRucka11 karma

I don't have time to be racist. Tell your parents to lighten up!

pieman7226 karma

What was your inspiration for writing AIDS in our butts

iamRucka31 karma

I was trying to warn the world about the government plot.

trimtrom6 karma

Are you and Perry buddies in real life or does he really despise you as portrayed on "The Big 3"? It is too hilarious.

iamRucka10 karma

All of my contact with Perry has been public (on the Big 3 Podcast, on Twitter etc) and I think over time he realized he can't fuck with me so he tries to be my friend.

crixu56 karma

Has any one talked to you about the parodies you did of their songs ? What did they say ? did they enjoy the parodies or not?

iamRucka5 karma


piegoodman6 karma

Long time fan here. I was always wondering whether you have a job in real life and whether your main source of revenue comes from your songs. Thanks.

iamRucka14 karma

I try to make money wherever possible! You hiring?

general_dipwad6 karma

I'm surprised nobody has asked yet, but can we expect another song regarding Perry?! I first heard about you through The Big 3, saw Yo Perry!, then started watching your other videos. Great job!

iamRucka8 karma

Thanks! I enjoy working with the Big 3 (except Perry who is a jerk)

ISpeakMyThoughts6 karma

How many of your video do you know that have been pulled from youtube?

iamRucka6 karma

I lost count. At least 10.

onewaymule6 karma

Hey Rucka!

I'm a big fan of yours, and I especially love your contributions to The Big Three Podcast. I'll often queue up those episodes just so I can listen to your Perry songs.

Do you foresee any future collaborations with those guys?

iamRucka7 karma

I hope so! Don Barris and Mole are cool cats. Perry is a dick!

poats6 karma


iamRucka16 karma

No clue. Is your friend's mom hot?

youraverageaardvark6 karma

How did get started doing songs and parodies?

iamRucka12 karma

I was doing comedy rap since 2006 on Myspace. Then I started doing parodies to play on a radio show where I was interning. YouTube happened by accident!

Bekaloha6 karma

No question, just commenting to say your parody of Rebecca Black's 'Friday' is partially responsible for helping me lose (so far) ~40 lbs. It's my #1 workout song!

iamRucka33 karma

I thought you meant it got you smoking crack.

Front_Street6 karma

How did you get people to first notice your content?

iamRucka15 karma

The videos went viral on their own! The first one was "I Can Do Whatever I'm White," with 25K views in the first week.

kotthuet6 karma

tits or ass?

iamRucka9 karma

Ass all day!

ArchangelleLogie6 karma

When's your next video coming out? Which group is it gonna be about? Jews? Arabs? Kardaschians? Mexicans? I can't wait to see it.

I feel like you used to release more often :/

iamRucka3 karma

Soon soon!!

FailureToStart5 karma

What three pieces of advice do you think people would be better off knowing?

iamRucka19 karma

Be on time. Wear a condom. No drugs til your homework is done.

ToaSt6675 karma

What have people done to try to shut you down? I imagine with so much popularity on such controversial songs that you have much opposition.

iamRucka7 karma

Just YouTube and their antics.

GodTheAbortionist5 karma

I heard you can DJ at parties local in MI. True or false?

iamRucka15 karma

I guess I can MC a party, but I don't spin records or anything.

IspamObjection5 karma

Rucka, what is your favorite song parody you have made or feel like you did the best job with?

And what is your favorite song that isn't one of your own? (Parody or non-parody.)

iamRucka6 karma

I like "Rubberband Man" by the Detroit Spinners. Now THAT is music!

usefulnfo5 karma

How much money to you make annually? What's a good metric to put value on YouTube videos? Is this your full time job?

Ballpark figures would be great. Cheers

iamRucka15 karma

It's different every year. I don't know what metric means. And yeah this is a full time job!

dublinp5 karma

Why the name Rucka Rucka Ali?

iamRucka31 karma

Denzel Washington was taken.

IDowntime5 karma

Your thoughts on Zayn Malik?

iamRucka25 karma

The 9/11 guy? Shame on him!

MrTriggerhandz5 karma

about how long does it take you to write lyrics for a parody?

iamRucka8 karma

It can take a day or a few weeks. The best songs are the quickest to write!

DanielGovier5 karma

Your top 3 favourite parodies you've done?

iamRucka12 karma

Too hard! I guess maybe "Haiti," "Russia's Gay," and "Osama Bin Found"

Garsino4 karma

What is your favourite thing to take a bash at when you're making parodies?

iamRucka11 karma

Political correctness (deep answer huh)

infantry2094 karma

hey rucka! huge nucka here. i have 3 questions. 1. what is your musical inspiration? 2. what is your favorite song of all your parodies? 3. what political party do you consider yourself a part of?

iamRucka8 karma

Thanks! 1. poon tang 2. Al Qaedirection 3. I'm not registered with any party

wherestheorangesoda4 karma

Waffles or Pancakes?

iamRucka14 karma


eric1019954 karma

How long does it take to write/record a parody? Do you have a professional studio of some sort? Also is making videos for youtube your only source of income? Thanks for doing an AMA!

iamRucka6 karma

I pay for studio time. My guy sets up his equipment at my house. Does it sound fine?

athiest_gamer4 karma

What religion are you? Has anyone ever attacked you (verbally or physically) IRL? What drugs do you do? Has youtube directly contacted you over your accounts?

iamRucka12 karma

Ruckistarian. A few times. What you got?

HayesHD4 karma

Hey Rucka huge fan here. Has an original artist of a song you made a parody of ever contacted you about the song and if yes what did they say? I listen to your Pandora station daily!

iamRucka5 karma

I am waiting for Katy Perry to call any minute.

Elja19924 karma

How did you met MC Serch?

iamRucka3 karma

I interned at his radio show, "Serchlite Saturdays" at Hot 102.7 in Detroit.

supermav274 karma

Did they really take your number one video down?

iamRucka6 karma

Yes ): Whyyy...

TheJK3144 karma

1.How often are you recognized on the street? 2.What is your favorited song that you made/parodized?

iamRucka8 karma

Now and then. I like "Ima Korean" alot.

TheInzaneDoctor4 karma

dude, in your video "Hitlers suicide note" theres this one word "schwanzstucker". I'm German, wtf does it mean :D never heard it before.

iamRucka9 karma

Doesn't it mean penis?

shiningbeans4 karma

Do you generally come up with lyrics or a theme and fit them to a popular song, or do you listen to songs and hear a potential parody in it?

iamRucka12 karma

Usually the second option. That way works best for me.

kaxtar3 karma

Rucka have you ever personally received threats in ways outside of Youtube?

iamRucka5 karma

Yeah, there's Facebook and Twitter and e-mail too!

Swimswimswim993 karma

Which candidate did you support this election? Who's your favorite musician or band? How can I get an autograph for my dad, who is a huge fan of yours?

Keep up the good work.

iamRucka3 karma

Me, me, tell him to ask me himself, and thanks!

BoneGarden3 karma

Unrelated question, but my youtube account was suspended in 2005 without warning. Any advice on how to get it unbanned? I've tried their procedures and receive automated responses that don't help.

iamRucka8 karma

It's gone, BoneGarden. Just get back up on the horse. You grew from this.

thedinnerdate3 karma

What is your favorite sandwich?

iamRucka8 karma

Are you offering to make me one, thedinnerdate?

thedinnerdate5 karma

Absolutely! I love making sandwiches. Here is one I just made yesterday:

It's turkey, salami and havarti cheese with mayo. I also grilled some shredded chedder, mozzarella and monterey jack on both sides to get some crispy cheesy goodness on there.

So what is your favorite sandwich?

iamRucka5 karma

I think the one in that picture is my new favorite! I like roast beef.

ImTravy2 karma

Hey, can I be your photographer?

iamRucka7 karma

This never ends well. Let me guess, we meet in your basement??

Garsino2 karma

  1. What do you consider the funniest line of your parodies?
  2. Most interesting song you have made? I don't mean the funniest one, but the one you found most interesting to work with.

iamRucka3 karma

  1. "There's a dumb fat dyke running every fuckin' school, it's true. So no one reads & writes but the chinks & kykes & spooks... hey 2 out of 3 ain't bad!"
  2. Probably "Don't Be a Playa, Haiti."

Zowitz1 karma

Do you hate the people/songs you do a parody of? You're awesome btw

iamRucka3 karma

Some of them are terrible.