Howdy. We are The Glitch Mob.

We love our fans, we love Reddit, and we love music.

Our new album Love Death Immortality comes out in 2014. Pre-Order here:

The first video came out a few days ago. Here it is:

Ask us anything!


Comments: 2548 • Responses: 64  • Date: 

ICanHazTP2098 karma

Hey Mob,

If you watch a pregnancy backwards, its about a monster that absorbs a child through her vagina and keeps it in her uterus for nine months absorbing its nutrients, and then a penis sucks up the remains. I don't really have a question

theglitchmobofficial1913 karma


xodus9891108 karma

My girlfriend absolutely loves you and I think you're amazing as well. Is there any way you could surprise her with a voice mail?

Edit: TGM agreed to do it. I will record her reaction to it tonight when i get home and upload it to youtube for all to see! Expect the video tomorrow morning!


theglitchmobofficial1072 karma

hahaha absolutely. send us a # in a private message?

xodus989339 karma

Cool! Ill pm the number to you. I got a google voice number setup for her so we can post it on her later for everyone to hear too, I'll put a reaction video up too! you guys are amazing.

theglitchmobofficial654 karma

ok, we all left her a message. can't wait to see the reaction video :)

ziperzap98592 karma

My ringtone has been Drive it Like you Stole it for 3 years now, never going to change it. so I have 2 questions for you

1) how do you name your songs?

2) you guys took a very long time to produce Love Death Immortality (at least it seems to me), you can’t rush perfection but what obstacles did you have to overcome while making the album?

theglitchmobofficial751 karma

  1. we spent about 6 months naming the songs. it's a very important part of the process for us. the title needs to tell the story of the song, like the title of a movie or a book. we sort of sample, where we read through books and watch movies, re organizing and remixing phrases until it fits.

we spent a lot of time in the library with this latest album, digging through historical texts, art books, poetry, etc.

Farzaa161 karma

Woah, the library? That's honestly the last place I'd think you guys would be since your music is like Electronic Adventure Music. How does reading through literature and history translate to music?

theglitchmobofficial402 karma

there's something so magical about going through old books, digging through ancient stories, poems and imagery. for us, it's a way to get outside of our comfort zone, to kick the creativity into high gear.

theglitchmobofficial218 karma

  1. it took us a long time because we really need the songs to feel exactly right. the songs themselves were written for a long time -- the melodies, song structures, and everything were there. but it took a while to find a new aesthetic that is a sort of progression for us. it needed to still sound like Glitch Mob, but be a new chapter in a book

HaryMalt396 karma

Many trailers for movies are using your masterpiece, do you think one day make a OST for a movie? and what kind of movie would it be?

I have nothing else to say except thank you! big up from France

theglitchmobofficial538 karma

We definitely think film scoring is in our future. But a more distant future.

doublewub273 karma

Hey Mob, huge fan here. Just a few questions for the crew.

1) How did you guys meet?

2) Just an observation, but the new single (Can't Kill Us) seemed to be less glitchy than some of your other songs. Will your album be similar or a variety with your older styles?

3) What songs do you listen to in your freetime? What artists inspire you?

4) Where did you get the idea for your logo?

5) What goes on when you perform live?

6) If you guys could collab with any vocalist, who would you want to collab with?

Thanks a ton for doing this ama!

theglitchmobofficial406 karma

  1. We all met through music. We were often getting booked at the same parties throughout Cali years and years ago, getting back to back dj sets so we decided just to play all at once. It was really through the love of dance music

  2. The new album is just our expression of now and what we wanted to say through dance music. Tricks and styles are constantly changing for us but the story telling is what carries through from song to song and album to album.

  3. We listen to tons of different stuff from dance music, to hip hop, indie rock, ambient, and oldies. Anything really

  4. The idea for the logo came from an artist named Sonny K, it was came out of tossing ideas back and forth for a while until it came out... Hard to say really, its just one of those things that came from the stars i guess

  5. A ton of fun and a million technical situations that we can't even begin to explain haha. We just try to bring a good vibe and a good sound to your ears.

  6. Thom Yorke or Jay Z

Parkwaydrivehighway261 karma


  1. Are you guys coming to Detroit? (pls dont be 17+ I'm just a wee lad)

  2. Will you have my children?

  3. Will you remix more daft punk songs because Derezzed is absolutely eargasmicly amazing

  4. How do i even dance to your music

  5. Seriously are you coming to Detroit?

  6. Tacos or Taquitos?

edit: Not really a question but still

You guys should definitely talk to @ElectricFamily, I'd love to see some Glitch Mob Bracelets!

theglitchmobofficial264 karma

  • 1. Stay tuned.....
  • 2. Depends on how many.
  • 3. TBD
  • 4. Twerking seems to work.
  • 5. .....
  • 6. Tacos

Algosaubi237 karma

Hi! Much love to you from Sweden! I just wonder if you are coming to Sweden sometime? I would absolutely love to go!

PS. I have had sex to your music, it was very good sex. And music. Thanks.

theglitchmobofficial271 karma

We love sweden, boreta has family there. the last stockholm show was a blast at debaser!

and that is good to know. sex music is important.

SpicyBigDad237 karma

What happened with Kraddy? I noticed a huge change in your music as soon as he left the group. I remember reading about how you guys "Had different views" or whatever, but that's some cookie cutter stuff most bands say when one of their members leaves.

What really happened?

theglitchmobofficial368 karma

I know it sounds cookie cutter, but there were really personal and creative differences. kraddy is a great guy and an amazing producer, we have a lot of respect for him. we just didn't see eye to eye on musical and creative issues. not everyone is meant to be in a band together. all love.

Hurpdurp420225 karma

A Dream Within A Dream

Thank you for this song gives me chills every time I listen to it ESPECIALLY when the vocals drop ohmahGOD

Thank you!

theglitchmobofficial231 karma

that little text trick is awesome

and thanks. those vocals are from Swan

xxTokiWartoothxx198 karma

How does edIT get his hair so immaculately styled? xD

theglitchmobofficial385 karma

it's in the asian blood.

pseudolum158 karma

Odds are edIT made this post with a throwaway account.

theglitchmobofficial183 karma

Nope. He did not do that.

KaazEDM189 karma

Alright, producer question: what's one plugin you wish you had gotten earlier?

theglitchmobofficial266 karma

DMG Audio Equilibrium

highclassbabe170 karma

Can you come to Seattle soon? Please :)

theglitchmobofficial237 karma

we love the Northwest. will be back :)

Creepy_Submarine96 karma

Portland too!

theglitchmobofficial239 karma


kissinKyle169 karma

I just discovered you guys through this AMA and I feel like I've struck gold.

Edit: Since I need to ask a question, what was your favorite venue to perform in? Dream venue?

theglitchmobofficial160 karma

and this is why we love reddit. :) hi5

mang0lassi129 karma

You guys are fucking amazing. I'm a fairly short/small girl who lifts weights, and NOTHING gets me pumped up like listening to some really loud Glitch Mob. I also love how your music unintentionally makes my mundane life more intense (e.g. laundry -> MISSON:LAUNDRY, train ride->train ride to HELL!) Can't wait to hear your new album, just preordered the vinyl yesterday. And pleeeeease come to Electric Forest this year <3


-What are some of your musical/artistic inspirations? Anything from current artists to who you listened to as kids.

-What is your favorite unusual sound? Musical or otherwise.

theglitchmobofficial96 karma

  • Thanks for the love mang0lassi!
  • Inspiration: All of you guys and the beauty of life itself.
  • Favorite unusual sound: The space barf

d_snizzy122 karma

No question, just wanted to say thank you. I met you after your sunrise set at Burning Man at Nexus.

I just happened to be there and when I heard it was you guys playing I lost my shit and ended up almost crying from happiness. I was so happy and you made my week, if I had been sent back to Australia 2 hours later I still would have had a complete trip thanks to seeing and meeting you guys.

So thanks again for giving me one of the happiest moments of my life!

EDIT: I do have a question! What was the remix of "Get Lucky" you played during that set? Thanks again guys!

theglitchmobofficial110 karma

Thank you too. Burning Man was a lot of fun for us to get to test out new album material in such an "open minded" enviornment :)

d_snizzy41 karma

Thanks guys. Do you remember what the remix was by chance?

theglitchmobofficial70 karma

we found it on soundcloud somewhere... don't recall

rickyfactorial118 karma

i'm a mashup producer, so you guys probably hate me for what I do, but I just wanted to tell you that you guys are one of my biggest musical influences and sources of inspiration. I can only dream of opening for you guys one day. Thank you for doing this AMA, and thank you for the upcoming album.

theglitchmobofficial179 karma

no way we love mashups! there's this guy Dj Bahler and Frail Limb Purity who do mashups with our music. its an artform unto itself. much respect!

bigtonyy86 karma

Hey fellas,

First off I'd like to say that your music doesn't only make love to my ears but also sparks creativity and ideas in my head.

Now, all those ideas haven't turned out to be great ones (pole dancing class, really?) but I think overall your songs make me feel less like a slug and more Human, after all.

So, I'm going to hit you up with some easy ones:

What can we expect from the new album?

Name a new element or two that you're planning to incorporate into your live shows.

Last but not least, Josh and Boreta, what do you think of edITs constant use of fedoras? I mean come on, bro.


theglitchmobofficial79 karma

  • You can expect epic moments, amazing stories, and big feels.
  • new element: Livid Base
  • Hah! edIT has not worn fedora's in quite a while. But he always keeps it classy.

trevm3774 karma

What do you guys think of Justice? I hear a little bit of their sound/production in your new single.....

theglitchmobofficial107 karma

we love Justice, always have. big influcences

ericgon74 karma

How many songs have you scrapped?

theglitchmobofficial129 karma

When we were writing the album, we started with about 50 sketches. We narrowed it down to 10. And along the way we scrapped about 4 and wrote 4 new ones. A lot of back and forth


I'd love to hear the unreleased sketches!

theglitchmobofficial165 karma

those will see the light of day some time

kheloderia70 karma

I was a big fan of Drink the Sea, what can we expect that's different and new from your upcoming album? Keep up the great work guys

theglitchmobofficial105 karma

Bigger stories, bigger feelings.... Emotion.

suckmypianist58 karma

No questions. Just wanted to say y'all are cute as fuck.

theglitchmobofficial80 karma

awww shucks, youre sweet

Psychohosebeast6958 karma

What was the funniest thing to happen in the studio while producing the new album?

theglitchmobofficial227 karma

When we were in Joshua Tree, there was a scorpion that came into the studio and was hanging out with us.

We ran a Facebook poll to name the scorpion.

Our fans named him Herbert.

Stabby Goodnight was a close second

aloxp56 karma

Hey guys, I'm a new fan but a big fan. Just discovered Drink The Sea a couple of weeks ago and it's fucking awesome.

My question:

How much of your stuff is computer generated and how much is real instruments? I hear what I think sounds like real percussion and maybe even some guitars etc? But I have no idea how you guys go about it, please enlighten me!

And also, keep making awesome music because you guys fucking rock.

theglitchmobofficial89 karma

on drink the sea it was probably 70% computer, 30% live instrument. but we process everything a LOT to get a unique feel to it.

this one is about 95% computer, 5% live.

myemailiscool48 karma

what do you guys listen to, outside of your own genre?

theglitchmobofficial149 karma

currently listening to right now: NIN, gesaffelstein, king tubby, florence and the machine, miles davis, brian eno, muse.

boreta is a huge minimal techno fan too.

Phlegeth0n13 karma

What is your favorite Nine Inch Nails album? Hesitation Marks was an astoundingly good shift in a new direction.

theglitchmobofficial22 karma

downward spiral

trunks626247 karma

Hey guys,

I have to say, Drink the Sea is the album I listen to when I need to get shit done. For every paper I have ever written, as soon as I play the album I just start pumping out pages. I have no idea how you do it but I never ever get tired of your songs. The sounds, the combinations, everything - it's just so wholesome. Thanks for making such great music.

Would you ever consider coming to a not-so big city such as Urbana-Champaign? I really want to see you guys and meet the guys that helped me through so much.

Thanks for everything you do. Your passion affects millions :)

theglitchmobofficial42 karma

Thanks so much. a lot of people write us and say that they get studying done to the music. there's something about it, which is funny, because we never intended that.

we love playing small towns. the energy is unparalleled. we go as many places as we possibly can ... you never know!

lux2237 karma

Finally got to one of these on time!

A lot of good questions have already been asked so I'll try to go in a different direction.

I'm curious about what cars you guys currently drive. Also, building off of that, if you could have any car what would it be?

Thanks for doing what you do. I certainly appreciate it and I know many others do too. Your music soothes the soul.

theglitchmobofficial55 karma

  • What we drive: BMW, Jeep, and Harley Davidsons
  • Dream Ride: 458

Anticode37 karma

Could you guys please convince ediT to write another album like Crying Over Pros for No Reason? Threaten him if you have to.

Also, I'm so excited for your new album.

theglitchmobofficial36 karma

No threatening edIT. He's a good guy.

vonbibant29 karma

Hey guys! Huge fan of your music, especially your newest track!

With many complaining that all EDM sounds “one and the same,” what aspects of your music/production do you feel set you apart from the rest of the pack?

theglitchmobofficial61 karma

Since we are not really part of any "scene" or genre, we kind of exist on our own island. None of our music really sticks to one tempo and we like to tell stories through our songs as opposed to making "tracks".

tysonification28 karma

I'm a huge fan of the warm synth sounds you guys achieve.

  1. On the new album, do you guys use any real drums? Or what drum plugins do you currently favor?

  2. What artists are currently inspiring you guys?

  3. If you care to share at all, how did you construct the lead tone that comes in around 0:40 on Fortune Days? (

  4. These two are for Ed- Any plans for a new solo release? And are you going to continue with your youtube series?

Thanks so much, you guys are awesome

theglitchmobofficial47 karma

Thanks Tysonification!

  1. There are a lot of acoustic drums but they are all from stacks of plugins like Addictive Drums or NI's Damage.

  2. We love how Bassnectar, Deadmau5 and Linkin Park all connect with their fans.

  3. NI's B4 organ run through iZotope Trash, Audioease Speakerphone and tons of UAD plugins

  4. Definitely gonna continue The edIT Show as soon as I have some free time. Maybe once I hop on the tour bus. Solo release....... we'll see.

dinoswithjetpacks27 karma

Have you guys seen the apple tree video featuring your music? (it might just be remixes that you did) what do you think of it?

link for anyone unfamiliar:

theglitchmobofficial28 karma

yep, we love khameleon. he's a badass.

omfgMURPHINATOR26 karma

What do you guys do in your free time? Any hobbies such as video games or something?

Also, loved your newest single. Get's me pumped up every time I hear it. Keep up the amazing work :D

theglitchmobofficial57 karma

edIT is a really big PC gamer. Skyrim, Terraria, State of Decay, XCOM, and the list goes on.....

ziperzap9842 karma

will you play Terraria with me edIT?

theglitchmobofficial53 karma

I only play offline. sorry

LunacyInbound15 karma

Stormcloak or Imperial?

theglitchmobofficial98 karma

vagabond Khajiit

torilikefood26 karma

There is a tinge of NIN in your latest track, and it's deliciously dark.

Who influenced your new album?

theglitchmobofficial49 karma


There are a lot of various influences on the album, but it's a lot more fun for us to leave it up to you to tell us what you hear in it :)

rhymeswithcow20 karma

I've been nervously rephrasing this comment for the past 20 minutes because you guys are my idols haha. Please keep producing some of the best music I've ever heard.

Also, any chance you'll stop in Ohio? :)

theglitchmobofficial32 karma

haha. all good. we are just normal guys :)

one of our most fun shows ever was at the grog shop in cleveland!

Friskis18 karma

Hmmmm.. JUST WANNA SAY I LOVE YOU GUYS. Your music is awesome, keep up with the good work. Can't wait until the album drops!

theglitchmobofficial24 karma

Thank you!

toddaw17 karma

HEYO. It's great to see you on Reddit again. I have been listening since your "Waiting for the End" remix came about and then got into the Drink The Sea remix albums through Music For Relief.

  • How did the name "Love Death Immortality" come about?
  • Who designed the album art?
  • What can we expect from this album cycle?

Thanks for stopping by, and you stay classy. Mad love from New Zealand.

theglitchmobofficial18 karma

-The title came about after months of searching for a title that fit the epic feeling of the album. We are trying to tell a story about life, about things that effect us all.

-Aerosyn Lex designed the album art. it was a true honor to collaborate with him

-We are planning a lot of crazy and fun stuff that we can't about just yet, but ... .the new live show will be fun :)

andy1181117 karma

Ok im not trying to sound mean, But I really dont understand your music. Now I can be downvoted for asking something that people here find stupid. But would you be able to explain your music to me. I grew up listening to bands like Nine Inch nails, Tool, Deftones. Etc

So it would be cool to understand your music and what better way then to ask the artist

edit: Explain the style and where you get the kind of inspiration to create for your albums

theglitchmobofficial51 karma

Its hard to explain music, could you explain NIN? I grew up listening to all those bands too. Now we just make what we make and take inspiration from all those bands too. I dont think music is always suppose to be understood just experienced

DankMittenz16 karma

Why are you not coming to Minnesota or Chicago, seriously?

theglitchmobofficial27 karma

More dates to be announced...

elvista16 karma


theglitchmobofficial23 karma


Arconfire15 karma

What do you think is your best song and why is it Between Two Points?

theglitchmobofficial14 karma

that is definitely one of our favorites. a special song.

DNBsoldierLA14 karma

Have you guys ever had any interest in Drum N Bass?

theglitchmobofficial25 karma

We all grew up listening and djing DnB, it was where we all first heard electronic music.

Fredcarlton13 karma

Hey dudes,

My name is Fred and I'm one of the dudes who are working with matt on your live rigs. I helped draw those funny looking diagrams that were at the beach house.

1) are you excited to meet me?

2) do you like to party?

Shoots brah

theglitchmobofficial23 karma

What up Fred, I am very happy that we are first meeting on Reddit. Matt is a badass and a ninja captain.

1) yes siree 2) if by party you mean drink too much coffee then yes

trevm3710 karma

Do you guys still have jobs on the side or is The Glitch Mob your main source of income?

theglitchmobofficial28 karma

glitch mob is our main thing. there's not much time for anything else!

BoneThugsNHermione6 karma

I've never even asked an AMA question before but here goes nothing.

I found you guys through Americas got Talent when that group of black light dancers (can't remember their name off the top of my head) used your music in almost every one of their performances, how did you guys feel about that and have you had any contact with them since?

ediT: I just remembered, it was Fighting Gravity. The wonders of google.

theglitchmobofficial7 karma

your username is fucking awesome

Farzaa6 karma

Hey guys, big fan for a while here.

Most of the popular electronic music artists out there today are solo. What made you guys want to come together to form the ultimate tri-force of awesomeness?

theglitchmobofficial17 karma

It's always more fun to play music with your friends.

ThunderWaffles6 karma

Hey guys! You've been my favorite electronic artist for years now, and I'm super stoked that LDI is finally going to be released. I'm curious as to your different roles within the Glitch Mob, like, is there an idea guy? Or a plug-in guy? Or a "swoop in and change one thing to make the song better" guy? How do you all work together?

theglitchmobofficial22 karma

We definitely all have different roles, but they are dynamic. the roles change on a day to day basis. sometimes one guy will write a song, then someone else will add something, and the 3rd guy will delete half of it and start it over. we have a "scorched earth" policy when someone takes it in a new direction, we let them carry out their vision and let the song progress organically


Are there any (episodic) shows you watch and love? For example, Breaking Bad and Game of Thrones are pretty popular on Reddit.

theglitchmobofficial12 karma

We loved Breaking Bad and we love GOT. The Walking Dead and Sons of Anarchy are also favorites.

theglitchmobofficial9 karma

we are huge breaking bad fans. homeland, game of thrones, walking dead

sentient85 karma

edIT: In an interview you once said you eat a twix before a show, has that changed? Why is it your preferred pre-show candy?

theglitchmobofficial13 karma

I just love Twix. Milk chocolate, and caramel is tough to beat.

tysonification4 karma

If you had to choose 5 plugins in addition to your host DAW to make music for the next couple years, what would they be?

theglitchmobofficial4 karma

DAW: Ableton Live

5 Plugs (in no particular order):

Voxengo SPAN Plus DMG Audio Equilibrium Izotope Insight Brainworx bx Saturator Universal Audio's Pultec EQ

Veggie_Raptor1 karma

What's your favorite part of the production process and how did you come to know this was the case?

theglitchmobofficial4 karma

The initial idea / demo / conceptualization phase is always fun. It's always great to try and discover what story you want to tell.