IamA 1%er outlaw biker AMA!
My short bio: Been a biker since i was a kid, and a member of clubs since the early 60s. I'm Diamondpatch a 1%er mother fucker and member of Reddit, mostly a member of the subreddit over at /r/harley.
My Proof: http://imgur.com/a/RaNm7
with the shit going down in Waco i thought it was a good time to do another AMA and get some questions in that people are probably asking about my culture as a whole. I wanted to do this now so that any questions you have are not answered by someone that only knows half truths.
here we go!
EDIT Ok guys, i need to take a break and do that sleeping thing. I'll either get back to answering questions in the morning or i wont!
diamondpatch5045 karma
hahaha, i called up a guy in my club asking him if our club had any bouts with that occupy movement people.
I just realized what you did and i feel dumb.
kayjay254512 karma
Let's say I were to cruise up to your local bar with my crotch rocket and affliction t-shirt. I sit down at the bar and order a cranberry vodka. I grab the remote from behind the bar and change the channel to Spike. I strut over to the jukebox and play some Linkin Park and ask your old lady for a dance.
How do you feel about Obamacare?
kerrrsmack1380 karma
You seem to have a good sense of humor. Do you have a deep, fatherly chuckle or is it more of a maniacal cackle?
easttex453543 karma
I live in TX. Once a group of our most predominant 1% ers came into a bar and you could tell something was up, maybe they were looking for someone, who knows. We sent a pitcher to their table just to show respect. Once one of them came over and thanked us and asked if we needed anything. I just asked him if shit was going to go down, I'd prefer not to be sitting here when it did. He said no problem, about an hour or so later he tapped me on the shoulder and told me it was getting late that we might want to hit the road. I appreciated that. Is that sort of thing generally accepted as kindness? I don't want to piss anyone off.
alphamale9682531 karma
How do you feel about shows like Sons of Anarchy? Do you find them laughable, insulting or are you indifferent?
diamondpatch4493 karma
I love it, its a show about motorcycles and clubs.
fake ass bikers who get offended about sons of anarchys are like mechanics getting pissy over tim the toolman taylor. Its a show...just sit down and enjoy it.
redditbrowserman2377 karma
I'm a cop in an area with a heavy amount of street gang activity. We have prostitution rings, hard drug trafficking, and frequent violent crimes. Its gotten to the point where the high school is one of the more dangerous places to be, as so many of the kids are recruited at a young age. It's not uncommon to see gang tattoos on 16 year olds in my town.
We also have a very small biker gang presence, like 2 patched members and 3 prospects of a 1%er gang. (honestly not sure which one, I'm told they are affiliated with the hells angels)
Our gang unit seems to be focusing most of their efforts on countering the biker gang problem, and very little effort on the extremely large street gang problem by comparison. Sure, they ID street gang members and keep a database of them, but most of their time is spent on recon for the biker club.
I'm a financial and fraud crimes detective, who sometimes works cybercrimes, so my experience with street level crimes is limited, however even in my two years on patrol, and year in property crimes investigations, most of our problems stemmed from the street gangs. I literally didn't even know we had a 1%er gang in the area until recently.
My question to you, is are they right to devote so much energy to the biker gang? What is it you guys do that concerns us so much? I'm not asking you to incriminate yourself, I just want to know why there is so much effort put into such a seemingly small group of people, and a look from the other perspective would be interesting.
diamondpatch3796 karma
its easier to get rid of a biker club. We are not as ingrained into the society and streets as the street gangs are. You would have to eradicate the entire way of living in the ghettos to get rid of street gangs.
CurlSagan2105 karma
Are you good at BBQ? When I was a naive kid in a classic rock cover band, we got a gig for a biker gang's friends and family gathering in the middle of nowhere and the two things I vividly remember are: 1. Being terrified and 2. A slow-roasted pig that was like ambrosia.
diamondpatch2459 karma
i have honestly never met a biker, or a club that didnt know how to do some bbq...... never thought of that till now haha.
_Dotty_218 karma
Follow up question. Would a prospect's BBQ ability help him gain membership? Let's say he has won multiple awards for said BBQ.
diamondpatch340 karma
infact i know a guy in our club that is an amazing cook and it helped him for sure.
Sometimeswelose1792 karma
Do the same girls hang around your club and bang everyone?
Is it racially segregated?
kgw20121758 karma
Is there some kind of code between clubs? It seems like you guys have a giant bullseye on your back, and any rival could just shoot you in the back.
diamondpatch2535 karma
this is true. This is the point too, its a come and do it mentality. We are either too brave or too stupid to back down. Both really.
jim_the_joke_man1751 karma
I ride a Cam-Am Spyder and torrent movies. Do I qualify for a diamond patch?
My first gold edit: Wow, and thank you! I have so many people I want to thank God, the academy, Bob the mechanic, and of course my neighbors Comcast WiFi.
Yeaokbro1675 karma
I was at work one time and I saw a 1%er. I asked him how he was. Do you 1%er's like to be asked how you are when shopping?
diamondpatch2567 karma
I'm an old man, and one of those old guys who will just sit and talk your ear off about the weather and apples and my joints. And how back in the day we had it harder than you kids!
diamondpatch3306 karma
after walking up a hill in the snow both ways they were already rotten before we got to eat them. BUT WE STILL DID!
Bulby37983 karma
How good were your joints back in the day? Do you prefer joints, or other means of inhalation (such as pipe, hookah, or vaporizer)? Who is your favorite rapper, and why do you say Snoop Lion?
diamondpatch1821 karma
the shit you kids have today, is leaps and bounds better than anything i had back in the day.
cross-eye-bear15 karma
Then how about you elaborate more with on some clarity on your a answers in this AMA here buddy!
FIleCorrupted1628 karma
Ah so you have been arrested for everything else, including taking more than 3 sips of a beer while standing?
Sir_Monty_Jeavons1665 karma
What's the most 'I hope I don't get caught doing this' moment you have had? I mean this in the sense of crying at a film or making a baloon animal. I know it seems an odd question, but I can never imagine anyone in a gang have a baby voice for their dog or listen to jazz with a facemask on but I know it must happen, the toughest of the tough are only human. Cheers.
diamondpatch3275 karma
one of my grandkids left their nintendo witht he motion sensor joysticks at the club house. about 10 bikers playing these games and arguing about who was next, and for months we shit talked over who was better and talking about getting a nintendo for the club house.
diamondpatch2942 karma
thats what it was called!
I hate bowling in real life, but its so much fun in that game.
we also did end up buying one. I often will play a prospect in a game i know they are good at, just to watch them squirm trying to not beat me.
Bmc001285 karma
I ride a 50cc scooter around sometimes... What are your thoughts on a guy like me?
GhostRiver911820 karma
Fellow scooter rider here. I will add that getting the "motorcycle wave" from a biker is a lot like getting a wave from a player at a professional sports game.
___6___1214 karma
Have you ever been hassled by law enforcement because of your affiliation with biker clubs?
diamondpatch2175 karma
I have. I get pulled over almost every week atleast once or twice because of the patch i wear. The amount of drinks people buy for me anytime i set food in a bar makes up for it though.
Rikvidr1160 karma
What exactly does 1%er mean? I don't care at all for watching the news so I have no fucking clue what's going on. I've always wondered how bikers survive financially, how is that? Of course, don't divulge any information that could get you screwed by Johnny law.
QuiteAffable819 karma
So, drug dealing and prostitution? What rackets does your gang profit from?
QuiteAffable557 karma
Thanks for taking the time to reply. Is underage prostitution as much of an issue as the press makes out? How does your gang respond to incidences it comes across?
AdseyV507 karma
Given that, do you think it is somewhat justified when you get hassled by law enforcement?
diamondpatch2890 karma
to be perfectly honest, i do sometimes think it is. I mean, i'm a criminal and wear a patch that says i'm one. We arent the brightest bulbs.
Haematobic224 karma
Does that include not stopping at any red lights? How does that work out for you guys, without getting t-boned all the time?
apgbadboy264 karma
Hypothetically, if you or someone in your club had murdered someone, is there ever anything that made you regret it or keep you up at night?
diamondpatch882 karma
i'm going to give you a straight answer and say no. It gets easier the more you do it, and i served during a war.
nipdriver1043 karma
Do you get a discount at the Harley dealership for being so mother fucking biker?
bobfmbuf854 karma
How realistic is a show like Sons of Anarchy? Meaning, the women are merely property to the club members.. That women so easily get passed around... How about the process of joining a club... I believe its hang around, prospect to a patch? And lastly, infiltration of the club by law enforcement.. have you personally seen this happen? I read the book Under and Alone about William Queen.. Is it really THAT easy??
diamondpatch1429 karma
- its the 70s era of clubs set in modern times.
- women that are not old ladies get passed around.
- come around, hang around, prospect, patch.
- i mean, if you make a guy pretty much give up his life to infilitrate a club, then yes its that easy.
dgallant812 karma
- What does it take to become a member?
- How do you get paid? Average income for a member? (assuming cash come from within the club)
- is there a division based on rank?
diamondpatch1157 karma
- it takes a lot, pretty much your entire life is devoted and dedicated to the club.
- i'm retired now but used to drive a truck. We dont get income from the club....;)
- no.
swsscott790 karma
You and some other time 1% ers are at a stop light. Do I pull up next to you or stay the fuck away. Never know what to do in those situations as a fellow biker?
Thingsiponder738 karma
How hard is it to steer a bike and / or ride for long periods of time, with those crazy ape hangers? They look super uncomfortable.
diamondpatch870 karma
i might be biased because i use them. But i find them way more comforatble for long distance travel.
Thingsiponder379 karma
Your arms/hands don't fall asleep? And ty, I've always wondered about them, but never knew any bikers.
diamondpatch698 karma
i find that they fall sleep easier when they are below my shoulders. you tend to lean on your hands more when they are lower.
caveman660613 karma
My dad was paid to do illicit things for a guy from the Sons of Silence. Is it normal to go outside the club for things or was that guy irregular?
diamondpatch830 karma
contracting out is pretty normal for things we dont want to get our hands dirty on.
bestfomert594 karma
Hello and cheers for doing the AMA! Lots of questions here
1.How does one become a 1% member
2.What's the initiation like?
3.What's your biker activity like, what do you do, who do you meet, what are you 'responsibilities' and so on?
4.What crimes have you committed, and if you did get caught, how much time did you serve?
5.Opinions on gang/biker, what they are or their culture.
6.What do you think of the US prisons and the system.
7.A good cheap starter motorcycle, medium range, best value, and the best possible motorcycle you would consider?
8.Any advice on dealing with gangs/bikers/police officers in case someone crosses the path.
diamondpatch1181 karma
- by putting on a 1% patch and beating the shit out of anyone that tells you, you cant wear it.
- a lot of manual labor and just showing the club why they want you as a brother.
- its a lot more hanging out and drinking than you would think.
- I have served about 20 years of my life off and on in prison. for crimes that range the scale.
- I dont understand this question
- For profit prisons are bullshit all they do is harden the criminals and make them better at what they do.
- anything metric.
- respect, everyone just wants that, no matter what.
Lovehat575 karma
What is the reasoning behind a Harley only club instead of say American only? How stock does your bike have to be to still be considered a Harley?
diamondpatch768 karma
it came down to that the majority of clubs were started after world war 2 and we were pro america and anti other countries that made bikes, like germany or japan.
Lovehat233 karma
Could you get in a HO club with a self built bike? Also, did you see Devils ride?
diamondpatch475 karma
as long as it used an american made motor yes. we use the term harley only club, but in reality its a american only bike. I have.
redditloki565 karma
Why do you guys take all the money? The rest of us normal Joes have to earn a living too ya know. Freakin 1%ers
bryanhayn528 karma
What would happen if I taped a "1%er" patch to my shirt and rode my motorcycle next to a biker club or gang?
Jack-Schitt484 karma
Hypothetically, I can make you money. I'm not interested in the other shit, but I'm putting money in your pocket. I'm not a patch, but someone starts stepping on my toes, which takes money out of your hand and I let you know. Is someone going to get a knock on their door?
thatEMSguy476 karma
Did you happen to know any of the bikers involved in the Waco shoot out?
diamondpatch690 karma
I probably do, though I cant say for sure. I have met with a good bit of the bandits in that area, and even a few of the cossacks. So i'm sure i know atleast a few.
thatEMSguy387 karma
Follow up: why we're so many people from different gangs meeting? I thought the days of dangerous motorcycle gangs were long gone.
diamondpatch742 karma
the cossacks were at the bike night as a show of force saying, we can do what we want, after the bandits told them to stop coming. the bandits then decided to make a show of force themselves.
Imagineallthepeeps390 karma
Do you guys have an enforced code of conduct;and do you mess with people minding their business?
bearaids382 karma
Is it true that homosexual behavior is rampant in these biker gangs? If so, is it hard to keep up your badass image while kissing other dudes?
sarcastic-barista375 karma
can you explain how you would have reacted in a situation like Waco? be honest.
CharadeParade357 karma
What's your thoughts about the Hells Angels? Compared to other clubs, do they act and feel superior? Are they respected in the MC world?
diamondpatch583 karma
my club and the 81s have always been friendly, so i am a bit biased i guess.
they consider themselves the rock stars of our world though, and a lot of people dont like that.
Brad_Wesley317 karma
Does the fact that the Hells Angels are so well known mean that they are full on federal informants?
Suicide_King910313 karma
Yup, never seen gold/black anywhere else. Im in an 81 dominanted area though.
diamondpatch588 karma
ah, the gold and black is from our shared history with the el forastero. They wear a purple and gold MFer patch to show their shared history with us.
i'm galloping goose. Much respect to the 81s
Heliyum2292 karma
Your website is down. How can a respectable 1%er MC not have a fully functioning website. What if someone wanted to sign the guestbook or see flash animations of skeletons flipping people off?
affamata218 karma
You said:
women that are not old ladies get passed around.
I once worked with a woman who was married to an outlaw biker. Won't say which one or his name. He pimped her and beat her. Is that what being an old lady is like, typically, or is that more unusual?
kozmund210 karma
How likely do you think reprisals from that business in Waco are? For example, say I sometimes drink at a bar in Texas that Bandits "respectfully" frequent (ie, with a sober Sargent at Arms to keep anything from kicking off.) Would it be prudent to avoid it until things cool off, or is that chicken shit and I should just get the fuck out of there if any Cossacks/Scimitars show up wearing colors?
diamondpatch300 karma
I would say just get out of there if any cossacks or their support clubs show up.
Teamrayray208 karma
Does your club have to answer to a larger club? If so, in what ways? I'd ask which club, but I already know your answer.
diamondpatch419 karma
no mine does not. We are a 1% club, 1% clubs are at the top of the totem poles for our areas.
shaffmcheif184 karma
Hey man, thanks for doing an AmA. So I sort of get the 1%er stuff, but are there members that have regular jobs, and just go to gatherings and such for fun? Or are they not usually part of a club or "gang"? Also, favorite model of Harley?
diamondpatch370 karma
not a model, but i love the 90s evo motors they put in the sportsters, you cant break them. Most solid motor they have made.
At the end of the day we are just frats for people who enjoy motorcycles.
Scaletta467181 karma
I'd like to know what your opinion on human trafficking, forced prostitution etc is like. I live in Germany, so it could be different in America, but here, the Hell's Angels are at the forefront of human trafficking and forcing people into prostitution. Do you think that's still completely okay because you're "outlaws" or do you think there are still some lines you shouldn't fucking cross just because you'd like to be badass?
pukedonchuck169 karma
I am moving across the country this year and my mother is afraid for me to drive through Sturgis SD on my route because of what happened in Waco.
I happen to be moving and driving along that way the same weekend as the annual rally. Does my mom honestly have any reason to worry about my safety as a person driving an SUV with 1 little dog and 1 old as dirt dog that will be drugged up on xanax??
Or would life just be easier for me to go a different route in general, one because mothers are mothers and worry no matter what, and two Sturgis is fucking big and traffic might be a nightmare?
thisdude234168 karma
W just curious. What do you think about the Victory and Indian motorcycles?
diamondpatch295 karma
I like the way the new indians look, a brother of mine just got one and it rides real smooth.
Nushens157 karma
I'm a bit late to the party but I've read through (most) of your responses. You seem like you're true to the club and the life style but at the same time have the wisdom to realize it's not the best of choices.
So how do you/did you feel about family members joining a club? Would you embrace your grandson joining or suggest he try a "normal" life?
Also how were you introduced to Reddit?
Lastly - you mention that you headed in the direction of the club life due to your lower reading and schooling ability at the time but now your responses seem well formated and thought out so I'm curious how the club life taught you these skills.
diamondpatch475 karma
my daughter is a lawyer. having to pretend to tutor and help a girl that was smarter than you by the time she was 6 really gets you going.
WoWDisciplinePriest128 karma
Hi! Serious female daily rider here. What do you think the current attitudes towards female riders is amongst 1% members? How (if at all) has it changed over the years?
diamondpatch234 karma
A lot of club members dont take you guys seriously. I think it has changed a little, but honestly not quickly enough.
Gutterlungz1120 karma
I knew a guy in Seattle when I was younger that got his jaw broken by a biker with a 1%er patch after the guy I knew asked he biker if he was a real 1%er. Is this protocol for 1%er guys?
diamondpatch666 karma
I mean...did it answer his question? because i feel that it answered his question.
justsumbikerdood93 karma
I have some questions How often do club members leave or get there patches pulled and for what? How did you guys organize your events? what state are you from? how much were dues for each member? how often did you guys actually ride together for fun? Did you guys support other clubs/events? How did you pick which events you are going to and did every member have to go? What did you have to do to get in the club? What were your prospect duties and how long did a member have to prospect for? What size motor could you have to join? big v twin and up or sportsters were allowed?
diamondpatch131 karma
- not often, we tend to understand we are in this for life. It takes a lot to kick someone out. Like stealing from the club or killing another member.
- sitting around a table and talking it out.
- not going to answer that.
- 2 or 3 times a week.
- Yes we do, as often as possible.
- we would discuss it at meetings and no.
- I had to give up my life and replace it with my club>
- pretty much do everything i could to make my patch holders life easier. and one year minimum.
Unidentified_Remains67 karma
How is a picture of a patch I can buy on ebay right now any kind of proof?
diamondpatch286 karma
welcome to club! you will get your compliemntary hooker and meth shipment 3 days after you get your patch!
diamondpatch112 karma
well......some guy at a leather shop did. I dont even have the ability to staple it on without messing it up.
Grizzant15 karma
there are quite a few symbols that you can buy online/get tattooed that actually displaying them without affiliation is a super bad idea. i dunno if this is one of those.
diamondpatch51 karma
eh, i have been on reddit for about 2 years now giving information about clubs and the lifestyle. i have met a few redditors that have passed through my area and am a active member of the /r/harley community who know me pretty well. There is nothing wrong with being skepticle.
I'm a member of the Galloping Goose motorcycle club, if you search some of our images you will see the same patch on their vests.
good on you for being wary though.
diamondpatch55 karma
our symbol is a middle finger with legs running...a galloping (running) goose (bird)
it was the 30s/40s and our founder was probably drunk 24/7
gutterpunx0x48 karma
It sounds like that was the case, Are Your prospects known as Goslings? If not when can we expect that to happen?
clownshateeveryone64 karma
How does it feel being a drain on society in pretty much every aspect? Did you become a biker because of your tremendous insecurity in life and knew you would fail at anything you tired to do successfully that wasn't breaking the law?
diamondpatch120 karma
actually yeah i did. I wasnt good at reading, couldnt pay attention in school. What i did do well was fight and not get caught stealing. I stole a motorbike when i was a kid and took it for a joy ride of about 40 seconds before wrecking it and was hooked. Both on the motorcycle and the joys of stealing them.
JohnWad61 karma
How real is the show "The Devil's Ride"? Those guys seemed like a bunch of tools.
beardedandkinky73 karma
All I'm picturing right now in a MC clubhouse with the real housewives on a big screen with the entire club gathered around watching religiously
diamondpatch410 karma
wont even lie man... probably 8 of us sitting in our clubhouse with one of the newer guys old ladies sitting with us, she changed the channel to the real house wives and was watching it while we were just chatting and bullshitting around.
about 3 episodes in, we realized that we were all now watching and not really talking about anything other then trying to figure out what was going on in the show..
not the proudest moment of my life.
gold_snakeskin58 karma
Where's the most beautiful place you've seen on the road that most people wouldn't have heard of?
raguirre150 karma
When I was 17 I got a tattoo across my stomach that says Outlaw. When I was 19, I was working construction and a guy that had been in prison, seen my tattoo through my white shirt and informed me of your biker gang. What will a real outlaw do if he saw me at the beach with my shirt off?
monkeyeighty846 karma
My SO and I worked a few rallies (Bikes, Blues, and BBQ in Fayetteville, Arkansas, Biketoberfest in Daytona, and some others).
I've heard so many stories about the Iron Butt Rides. Like, you ride alllllll the way across country, and then you do this super long ride, and then you ride alllllll the way home again. I get the whole 'beautiful scenery thing' and hanging out with friends, but what about your butt? Do you ever get jeep seat, and any tips on how to avoid it?
diamondpatch88 karma
iron butt challenge is to ride 1000 miles in 24 hours. Just buy a good seat.
kozmund18 karma
My impression is that this situation has been escalating for a while. From what I've heard, if the cops hadn't started shooting it was supposed to have just been a big old fuck-off argument-settling chain and pipe brawl with few, if any, fatalities. Does that sound right to you, or would you guess that the situation was already to the point where guns were going to come out either way?
Thanks for doing yet another AMA, by the way.
diamondpatch34 karma
Guns are often pulled out regardless, almost everyone carries them, but it just takes one guy to set it off.
Sputnik4208 karma
How has methylamphetimine ( ice, crystal, bhang, etc.) changed the biker scene? Do you like IronMaiden? Lastly for a clean skin like me,a new Trumpet or an old harley?
diamondpatch18 karma
old harley, you cant beat the honest to god sound they make. And working on it is a breeze. It will break down, but you can easily find parts and fix it yourself, even with little to no knowledge.
Perdin7 karma
Most bikers I know think they're better than other types of gangs like Crips or Bloods because they have some sort of 'Code.'
- Do you consider yourself better than what my buddies call a 'negro' gang?
- Why did you become a biker instead of doing something more acceptable to society?
diamondpatch16 karma
- I do. but i think deep down that has less to do with their organization and more about my views on them. clubs are pretty much white street gangs.
- Because it was easier and i did it well.
Dirk-Killington5 karma
What's up man? I was a young impressionable kid once and wanted to run out to California and join a club. Thank god I didn't, I still have tons of respect for people who live on their own terms and skirt the laws they find offensive.
I joined the army thinking it would be a legal way to let out my frustration. I was wrong.
Here I am at 25 with little motivation for anything.
How has the life really benefited you? Is it hard to deal with your own morality versus the morality of the club? How much individuality is a member allowed to have in your local chapter?
diamondpatch9 karma
a good bit of individualty. we are all about being our own people. Clubs are made up of kids like you not knowing what they want in life, and clubs harden them and point them in the right direction. if you love motorcycles, think of joining a mom and pop club.
diamondpatch5 karma
I'll never tell a boozefighter this to his face, but i didnt care for it.
diamondpatch3 karma
well its a movie about their founder. the guy who leads the rival club the beetles. Is supposed to be the founder of their club.
frozenchicken2 karma
I knew all that. I was just hoping you were going to say they all have man crushes on Brando or something like that.
diamondpatch5 karma
thats how you get a pissed off boozefighter knocking on my door! more than a few of them are redditors and know me in real life haha
TommyyyGunsss4905 karma
Why did the Occupy Wall-street movement have such a problem with your club?
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