I AM KULAP, creator and EP of BAJILLION DOLLAR PROPERTIE$ on SeeSo.com. Ask Me Anything!
Thanks for joining. Throw your queries at me. And please enjoy ALL of Season Two of B$P on SeeSo.com starting TODAY 10/13.
Proof: http://i.imgur.com/GbSyAdO.jpg
EDIT: THANK YOU ALL for asking me Qs. I had fun but must dash now. Watch BAJILLION on SeeSo.com; you can see all of Seasons One and Two!
GeneParmesian61 karma
Kulap, can you give us an ETA on when Jason Mantzoukas will inherit the Comedy Bang! Bang! throne and your marital bed?
qber0534 karma
Dearest Kulap, do you think that you'll finally get to see the inside of dragon manor?
neptune_pirate32 karma
Kulap! I watched the first episode of bajillion online and it was wonderful. When will we be able to watch all of it down here in Canada?
kulapvilaysack30 karma
Thank you. I don't know when the show will be available outside of the US. I hope soon!
kulapvilaysack45 karma
The show uses written outlines, a road map if you will for the improvisors with suggested dialogue to use or not use. The actors never have to improv plot, but they improv most dialogue.
feverously28 karma
Hi Kulap!! I'm a big fan of yours. I was very sorry to hear about Rocky. Do you have any cute/funny stories about him that you can tell us?
kulapvilaysack54 karma
I miss my little guy more that I can communicate. Everything about him was cute and funny. #31daysofrocktober forever. furever. sorry.
cloroxed27 karma
Widow Howlapp, how long will you morn the death of your husband, Hot Saucerman?
kulapvilaysack41 karma
Bacon... fresh fruit... almond milk latte... changing my mind. A dim sum feast.
medicatedmonkey26 karma
Are you going to be in season two of Love? I'm so excited for it. Any fun stories with Paul, who's like a regular Walter White in here.
kulapvilaysack33 karma
I am! Ever so briefly.
Paul used to watch Rocky and I wouldn't except payment so I would buy him groceries like I was his mommy. Once I bought him a multivitamin.
Heynong man
Do you have any other projects in the works with seeso or otherwise?
Also how can a Canadian watch Bajillion? I've seen 2 episodes and it had me crying laughing but that's all I could reach.
kulapvilaysack28 karma
Thank you!! I don't have any other projects with Seeso, this one keeps me pretty busy. I still am working on my documentary, ORIGIN STORY. Check it out on www.originstorydoc.com
kulapvilaysack35 karma
I wanted to do a Childrens Hospital, Burning Love, Reno 911! type show and I genuinely love real estate realty shows. It started with creating the characters and the scenarios they could misbehave in.
CapedDebater16 karma
Sorry if it's too personal, but do you have any memories you could share of Harris? He means a lot to a lot of people here.
bananaracket16 karma
Hi Kulap! I love Bajillion and Who Charted, thank you for making great stuff! Off topic question: Where do you shop for bras? As a woman with giant cans (32H) who often fears they will one day smother me in my sleep I appreciate seeing women on TV who are also living dat life, but I am always interested in where they shop because finding the right bra is a real QUEST!
kulapvilaysack19 karma
I hear ya, sister.
I love FREYA, their an English bra and swimwear company. The website barenecessities.com is great!
DwayneTheCrockPotson15 karma
Kulap you are the greatest. Any plans for more silly Christmas songs like the CDR radio ones?
whhs5514 karma
KU! What is the strangest thing you've ever seen Howard Kremer do? I really look forward to listening to y'all every week on Who Charted
kulapvilaysack38 karma
Greetings Chartist!
Reveal that he was holding his contact in his mouth and then put it in a cup of water.
Also when his tooth fell out during a live show.
kulapvilaysack25 karma
Our show is filled with so many fun facts... to pick. I guess the top of my list is that Tom and Ben really have mono brows.
cartsandrafts13 karma
Hi Kulap! Thanks for doing an AMA, you're my favourite person!!
My question is- how is origin story coming along? Do you have a tentative release date? I'm so excited!!
kulapvilaysack23 karma
Aw, thank you!
We are still working on it. It's my personal story and I want to get it right. I'm hoping to submit to festivals fall of 2017.
abracadavertla12 karma
Hey Kulap, did you get a look at Howard's second headshot that he talked about on the newest episode of Who Charted? What can you tell us about it?
CapedDebater12 karma
What's it like getting to go to work at the Earwolf studios? Are all the different hosts pretty good friends? Do you guys get together and play kickball or have a holiday party?
Sorry to hear about Rocky.
kulapvilaysack20 karma
Thank you. RIP Rocky.
Job site is pretty chill. I'm close with a lot of the hosts and would like to become BFFs with The Hollywood Handbook guys.
I'll share that we have a holiday party every year, but I won't tell you which one.
twoVices11 karma
The Hollywood Handbook guys
I think the best scenario you could hope for is a "weird science" type relationship.
eddswift10 karma
Hey Kulap, I'll cut right to the chase: How much money do you make?
More seriously though, with so many hosts opting to put out show for free, do you see podcasting becoming a more bankable industry rather than a way for entertainers to promote other ventures?
ROKMONSTER71410 karma
Who's apart of the writing team and what goes into writing an episode?
kulapvilaysack19 karma
For seasons 1 and 2, Brad Morris was the head writer. Other writers: Kevin Seccia, Shauna McGarry, Kate Berlant, Jessica Gao, Alex Fernie and Seth Morris. Lot's of brainstorming goes into writing and episode, room bits, good crafty snacks, pitching jokes and typing them down.
yochristophales10 karma
Hi Ku! Any chance we'll see any crossovers for any of the SeeSo properties? I know so many actors crossover, but what about characters? Ill take my answer off the air. Thanks!
Myolor10 karma
Hey KuKu, big fan of who charted and BDP. As a Minnesotan, what do you miss the most about living here? Spit it and quit it.
DanEngler10 karma
During your interview with Alison Rosen, you said Seeso affords you the freedom to show sideboob and half-butt. Which half we talkin' here, top/bottom or left/right?
blue-sunday9 karma
Hey Kulap!
I know you've probably been asked this a whole bunch of times but how DO you juggle work and family?
ErikHandberg9 karma
Hi! The show is amazing and you are amazing. Question: Are you going to create or run any more shows soon, aside from BDP? And what was it specifically about these property reality shows that drew you to create BDP?
kulapvilaysack14 karma
Thank you! I like show creating and show running, so I hope so. I genuinely enjoy going to open houses and seeing how other people live. Plus there is a heightened reality when you are making such a huge purchase.
Tanz149 karma
Kulap, why are episodes of Who Charted with Armen being berated by the guests the best episodes (Matt Besser's and Hot Saucermen)?
jrokeach8 karma
When casting the show, were you specifically looking for UCB / Improv talent vs other types of actors? If so, why?
kulapvilaysack13 karma
Our show is semi-scripted, which means very improvised. I came up through UCB, so the people I go to first are my very talented friends.
AngryBobVila8 karma
Hey, Kulap! What's an aspect of the entertainment industry you think will remain the same fifty years from now?
damennis7288 karma
Hey Ku, You have so may projects going on! what is your secret for time management?
Roonil___Wazlib7 karma
Hey Kulap - I'm such a huge fan. I just listened to the most recent episode of "Alison Rosen is your new best friend" and I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed it - I laughed, I cried, and all in-between. I just wanted to say how relatable and sincere you always come across, and I don't think I'm alone in the podcast-listening community for saying how much we appreciate that about you!
My question for you - I remember you saying once (maybe on Who Charted?) that you met Scott on the episode of Mr. Show where he was the waiter in the "fancy" restaurant that has no bathroom. Could you tell us a little more about how you guys met? You two are such a power couple!
kulapvilaysack13 karma
Thank you for your kind words.
I had just moved to LA from MN after I graduated from high school. My roommate invited me to go see a taping of Mr. Show. She introduced me to Scott and the rest was HERSTORY!
thejjar7 karma
Hey Ku! Any update on origin story? I'm exited for it! I can't imagine how tough that whole ordeal must've been!
kulapvilaysack17 karma
IT. WAS. AN. EMOTIONAL. CLUSTER. FUUUCK. Still working on it. Hopefully I'll be done with it by the end of 2017.
donutsandchampagne6 karma
What is your favorite comedy (tv show or movie) and who is your favorite comedian?
kulapvilaysack7 karma
Zach Galifianakis always. Watched Ali Wong's special and am now obsessed with her.
ralphman50006 karma
Greetings Chartist! How much unused footage do you have of Dan Adhoot and Tim Baltz making out on BJP$...will there be DVD extras??
kulapvilaysack13 karma
So much. Did you hear there will be DVDs?!!!! I didn't know we were making DVVVDSSSS!!!!
pootedesu6 karma
What was it like working with your husband on Bajillion Dollar Properties? Would you have preferred to work with him or without him on Season 2?
KelCougarMellen5 karma
Greetings chartist! Are you and H. Michael Kre making an appearance at now hear this w/ PFT ?
ImHighRtMeow5 karma
Hi Kulap! Ive heard you're an avid reader, what are you reading now? Best wishes!
kulapvilaysack11 karma
I do like reading. I read Graham Hancock's MAGICIANS OF THE GODS. It was eh. Pretty academic and way too long. Tighten it up, Graham!
smish_smorsh5 karma
Hi Kulap! Do have any fond memories/funny stories of life in Minnesota?
kulapvilaysack15 karma
Did you know I worked at the Mall of America food court? Hulk Hogan's Pastamania!
Elleanor85 karma
Hey Kulap! Love Bajillion, what is a typical day like in the writing room?
kulapvilaysack9 karma
Pitching jokes, typing, pitching more jokes, various room bits, making fun of Kevin Seccia, re-writing, joke pitches, snacks, meals and cold brew.
yochristophales5 karma
I sadly didn't start listening to Who Charted? until a few months ago. If I wanted to go back and listen to some, who have been some of your favorite WC? guests?
kulapvilaysack7 karma
We've done more than 300 so it's hard to say. Certainly Paul F Tompkins... BUT I gotta say, I love seeing Howard one a week. He's my favorite guest.
theMeddlerMan4 karma
Will we be seeing you in the new season of Bajillion, either as a new character or as Jason's assistant from season 1? And will you be bringing back actors as new characters in future seasons?
jrokeach4 karma
Kulap - Love the show. Can't wait to watch s2 this weekend.
How does creating TV for a streaming service like SEESO differ from that of cable or network TV?
kulapvilaysack7 karma
Thank you! Please do and tell all your friends.
I don't have experience creating a show for cable or network tv, but I do get to swear. Swears are funny. More importantly, they pretty much let me do whatever I want.
kulapvilaysack9 karma
There's so much good TV. I really like Catastrophe, Atlanta, Better Things, Game of Thrones, You're the Worst, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Bob's Burgers... I can't pick one right now.
kulapvilaysack13 karma
CRAP. Guys, I don't know my way around reddit, can I edit?! CBB ALWAYS AND FOREVER!!!
yankee234573 karma
Who is your favorite Bajillion character? Is a third season in the works??
Wrong_Swordfish3 karma
You're a beautiful, talented, honest, saucy beast and I truly look up to you. Your interview with Alison Rosen was both heartbreaking and uplifting.
I saw the livestream feed of Who Charted and podfest and noticeably blushed in my living room when randy started to interview you. Did you properly scold Howard after the show?
kulapvilaysack5 karma
Thank you!!!
Nah, he apologized and I forgave him immediately. A Howard is going to be a Howard.
huskerdenton3 karma
Greetings Kulap--I apologize if this is a duplicate question, but do you have a tentative schedule for bringing Origin Story to the finish line? #ImWithHer
aldoboom3 karma
hi kulap! i know you are proud of your laotian background. i am going to luang prabang in january. any must-sees or must-dos?
kulapvilaysack9 karma
I have never been and am jealous that you are going! I've only been south of Vientiane.
Go to the Plain of Jars!
Pickleinspaces3 karma
Hi Ku! Thanks for doing this - outside of B$P, what is your favorite seeso original show?
PS I'd love to see more whooch taped! Your dance moves are too good to miss :)
kulapvilaysack7 karma
I love FLOWERS. It's like wow.
I also love to shake it. Thank you for seeing me.
Raptohijack3 karma
Hey everyone! I’ve really enjoyed Bajillion Dollar Propertie$ as well as a bunch of other Seeso originals. I’m a comedy writer who formerly wrote for The Onion’s sister website, and was wondering how to transition into TV writing/ late night talk show. Any suggestions?
kulapvilaysack10 karma
Thank you! I have never staffed, so I can't be much help... if you have representation, go on a bunch of generals. If you aren't there yet, be generating material. Shoot stuff with friends. Post your writing. Be seen.
dont_worry_im_here2 karma
How do you get access to all of these homes that you shoot your show in?
- Not Randy Denton, but still a solid Chartist
kulapvilaysack8 karma
Greetings Chartist!
We have an excellent locations manager, David Lyons.
llamafacelukas2 karma
What other shows are you currently working on that we can expect to see in the future?
Dass_it2 karma
What was your favorite clip or scene from Bajillion S1 and S2, respectively?
kulapvilaysack3 karma
I am super proud of this show. I love the PREDATOR PARTY story in 207, all Todd the Janitor scenes, all Dean and the brokers one on one scenes, Casey Wilson and Tim Baltz in 201, Mandell Maughan and Randall Park in 208, Drew and Ryan dancing, Tawny and Dan singing... the list goes on and on.
JamesGandalfFeeney2 karma
Hi Kulap, what is your opinion on the recent Wikileaks releases of Podesta's e-mails?
kulapvilaysack5 karma
Hard to say what is modified and altered. Sputnik, the Newsweek writer saying their words are being attributed to the Clinton campaign by the Trumpster.
fanistonforever2 karma
Hi Kulap any memories you'd like to share from the writers room also who was your favorite writer this year??
kulapvilaysack15 karma
We invented a game called Circle Jerk. Two contestants go up to the white board and draw a circle while the rest of the room is turned away. We then vote which circle is superior and name a winner. Then Alex Fernie aka THE CIRCLE JERK goes up to the board and circles what is wrong with each circle in a very rude manner.
We had tournaments.
herohomicide2 karma
Hey, Ku! Thank you so much for doing an appearance. I live for your excessive on/off-mic laughter. Two questions: 1. Any plans for a return of the holiday bindle/bundle? 2. Do you expect work with your show/doc/everything to chill enough that you might be able to do a few touring Who Charted shows?
kulapvilaysack5 karma
Greetings Chartist!
The Holiday Bundle is always available. Or at least I think it is. No plans to make #2.
I would love to do a few Whooch greasings.
normstafah2 karma
Is there blooper reel footage available anywhere? How do you feel about Disney Pixar creating fake 'blooper' scenes for the movie "A Bug's Life"
kulapvilaysack7 karma
Isn't Dave Foley the greatest. He's in Bajillion and it was thrilling to work with him.
There are lots of bloops and bleeps, but we haven't made a reel of them.
LabeSonofNat82 karma
Why do you make Scott do so much mattress shopping?
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