I'm Leif Pagrotsky, the Consul General of Sweden in New York - ask me anything!
I've been the Consul General of Sweden in New York since 2015. It's my job to promote Sweden when it comes to trade and investment, culture and the arts. My office also provides consular services to the Swedish community in our district (nine states in northwestern U.S.) I'm a former social democratic politician and economist, and I held several cabinet-level ministerial positions in the Swedish Government 1996-2006. You can connect with me on Twitter @leifpagrotsky, Facebook @Pagrotsky, and Instagram @Pagrotsky
You can start posting your questions right now! Starting at 11 am EST, I’ll answer them!
Proof: https://twitter.com/leifpagrotsky/status/862038123408175110
EDIT Thanks so much for your questions! I really enjoyed answering them. To learn more about the work of the Consulate, please follow us on:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/swedennewyork/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/swedennewyork and https://www.twitter.com/swedennybiz Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/swedennewyork
LeifPagrotsky_382 karma
Thanks for remembering my visit to your school a long time ago! My views haven't changed on that issue, but what to do about it? This is a billion dollar question. I wish I knew. What do you think?
pluribusduim183 karma
Why did Sweden discontinue it's "Call a Random Swede" campaign? I thought it was brilliant.
LeifPagrotsky_227 karma
Maybe the brilliance was that it was limited? I called once and it was great fun. I tried to sign up to be one of the responders but I was rejected because I had an American number.
Absobloodylootely106 karma
The alternative-right have created a narrative of Sweden being on the verge of collapse due to muslims. I am sure that with your role you often get confronted with this perspective.
How do you refute this false narrative when you come across it?
Do ordinary Swedes know about this narrative? If so, what has the reaction been in Sweden?
LeifPagrotsky_311 karma
Ordinary Swedes don't know about the fake narrative that Sweden is on the verge of collapse, and would not recognize it if they knew about it. The reality is so different that such statements sound absurd to us. Sweden is in good shape, the economy grows twice as fast as that of the US, employment is the highest in Europe and growing, crime rates are on a level Americans can only dream of, the budget and foreign trade are both in very big surpluses. If that's called a collapse, I suppose many countries would vote for it.
ScaryBlob95 karma
What was your secret for attending all the events that was going on in Gothenburg?
Lill-Gagga86 karma
How did you experience being against the official party line in the Euro Referendum of 2003?
LeifPagrotsky_98 karma
It was very tough in the Cabinet meetings but the opposite among people outside.
VigilantMike85 karma
What lessons do you think the US could take from Sweden about promoting the arts?
LeifPagrotsky_251 karma
Offer every child in school the opportunity to learn how to play an instrument for free.
Jaytime79 karma
Whats your opinion of the Eurovision?Is it fixed or not?
Whats the hardest decision you made in government?
Have you ever wanted to punch a person you worked with a why?
LeifPagrotsky_169 karma
I think it’s an exciting contest and great entertainment if you don’t take it too seriously. The final vote count is a real nail biter and it engages hundreds of millions of people in forty or fifty countries. I like the idea that so many people come together irrespective of country or language around the same music. I don't think it's fixed.
Whether to keep my beard or not. My bosses, the Prime Minister and my partner, were both opposed to it but I have persisted and here I am. Another tough fight was to push through a decision to open all of EU's borders for all imports from the world's poorest countries. Many countries were dead against but we succeeded.
I'd like to save this answer for my autobiography.
Seraph_Grymm56 karma
How have the current politics of both the US and Brexit impacted Sweden (in regard to trade/trade laws), and more particularly, how have they impacted your role?
LeifPagrotsky_98 karma
The effect so far has been in the form of worries and uncertainties about the future, but I don't think it has had an impact on reality yet.
Alin03155 karma
- What do you like most about living in New York?
- What do you think your next job will be after this?
- Can you describe your morning procedure to keep your beard at a top notch state?
LeifPagrotsky_125 karma
- I like the intensity and the diversity of New York, it's fantastic.
- I've no idea. Any suggestions?
- That's my well-kept secret! Fun Fact: I sold my beard once at an auction. It was for a fundraiser for girls' education in developing countries.
LeifPagrotsky_98 karma
Almost, Ambassador is the title of the chiefs of Swedish missions in capitals or in international organizations like the UN. Consul Generals are located in other important cities like New York, Istanbul, Hong Kong, etc.
RadBadTad47 karma
1) What did you come here hoping people would ask you about?
2) What did you come here hoping people wouldn't ask you about?
LeifPagrotsky_143 karma
Nice, friendly and easy questions.
Difficult and hostile questions.
LeifPagrotsky_109 karma
The air conditioning. It gets very hot in here and it's hard to concentrate.
Freybae33 karma
Trump Claims he has/is restoring America's prestige around the world. I have seen some polls from Europe that have him below Putin in terms of favorability and respect. Do those polls seem accurate, or has he restored America's image?
LeifPagrotsky_100 karma
Polls are more reliable than my personal impression as I don't live in Europe.
suaveitguy29 karma
What is the most northern part of Sweden you have been to? What is the most northern part that is relatively accessible and affordable to travel to?
LeifPagrotsky_65 karma
The Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi is the northernmost place in Sweden I've been to, and its not so difficult to reach by car or plane, although it's very far away.
But I've been even further north in Norway! Svalbard is three hours by plane further north, go there if you ever have a chance!
hummphrey27 karma
Can you comment on how tall you are? My father and I saw you last year at "En kväll i New York" at the Apollo Theater and remarked that you are a bit shorter than our 6ft selves.
fer_d26 karma
Hello. Mr. Pagrotsky. I am interested in scientific research in Sweden. What are the fields that Sweden has excelled in? Is there room to grow? If a scientist wants to go to Sweden either to immigrate or do collaborative research for a period of time, or maybe teach, what are the steps one could take? I have been to the Stockholm Water Week, and it was a fantastic event.
LeifPagrotsky_45 karma
The first step is to visit: https://studyinsweden.se https://studyinsweden.se/plan-your-studies/degree-programmes/phd-studies/
Many programs are available in English at every university. Welcome!
dudesweetman142 karma
Norway is superior in regards of having a better neighbor than Sweden. :p
suaveitguy23 karma
How is the Blodsoppa in NYC? Any great Swedish restaurants or grocery stores there you would recommend?
LeifPagrotsky_118 karma
Soup made of blood? Are you kidding me? I wouldn't dream of trying any Blodsoppa, it sounds appalling to me.
There are several great Swedish restaurants in New York, Red Rooster in Harlem, Aquavit in midtown Manhattan and Aska in Williamsburg Brooklyn. They are not cheap but really great. I also like Fika NYC for a break and a cinnamon bun with real coffee.
summitrock16 karma
Red rooster isn't a Swedish restaurant it's just run by a swede! They serve soul food.
LeifPagrotsky_77 karma
I recognize many of the flavors. Fun fact: Marcus Samulesson and I grew up in the same suburb.
LeifPagrotsky_69 karma
I think most Swedes feel that we should offer protection for people that are persecuted. It's their needs, not religion that should decide.
Ja, göteborgska.
Halllonsylt476 karma
Many years ago I listened to you talk at my school. You talked about how underestimated the "gråsosse" was. To go slow and be careful and not trust fast and easy solutions. Today we have a media climate that seems to value extreme opinions, easy solutions, bickering, and name calling. How can we move from that to a media climate that value in-depth analysis, intellectual honesty, and carefully planned solutions even if they are difficult to understand?
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