My name is Audrey Brigitte Paulson I am 12 years old and I have leukemia terminal phase and the doctors have given me about 6 months to 1 year to live.
Givemebroccoli3 karma
No because I don't have a console but I would have loved to have one! Video games are amazing!
Zillie773 karma
Can you guys put in a better link to your gofundme account? I had to type it in-I am just worried that other people might give up.
Audrey-you are awesome! ❤️
Givemebroccoli3 karma
(sister) yes, thank you for letting me know! And Audrey is saying thank you <3 <3
writerwhocantspell3 karma
Hi Audrey!
I don't know that I really have a question for you, but in a lot of ways you remind me of the sisters I nanny. They're five and nine and both have Type 1 diabetes. It complicates everything and at times they get upset about it (especially the older one who understands a little better that this is a forever thing), but they don't let it define them. They love playing with each other and their barbies and cats and coloring and just being kids. They have both have pen pals and when they describe themselves, their diabetes doesn't even come up.
So I guess my question is, how would you describe yourself? What do you think makes you yourself and what is your favorite part of being you?
Sending happy thoughts your way!
Givemebroccoli4 karma
Hi! I think I think I'm funny, generous and according to my sister I'm cool B) my favorite part of being me is that I rarely get upset or angry with anyone, my parents say that it means I'm a good kind person :)
lastseenleaving2 karma
What are your favorite movies? What's your favorite song? Who is funnier you or your sister who likes broccoli with mayo??
Givemebroccoli7 karma
The jungle book! Favorite song the song in the jungle book, the french version is funny!
TedAlBundy2 karma
I am not religious but I will pray that you recover despite what your doctors say.
How do you feel?
Givemebroccoli3 karma
Thank you! Right now I feel very happy, a bit tired because it's very late for me but this is the best idea I've had and I don't want it to end!
Givemebroccoli14 karma
I don't have a dog sorry but aunt Mina has one and he is so so cute, I wish I had one I get really bored at the hospital
_ser_kay_9 karma
I've seen in a few of your answers that you like dogs. Here are mine, if you'd like to see them :) They're all wiener dogs. The black one is named Penny, the red-and-white one is named Reid, and the really old one is named Oscar.
Givemebroccoli13 karma
Super cute doggies!!! Thank you for sharing this is awesome!!
Givemebroccoli3 karma
Draw, read, create jewelery while I wait for my sister or parents to come visit me
ph3l0n1 karma
Hi Audrey, If you could do one thing in this world? What would it be and why?
Givemebroccoli14 karma
Heal and heal other children because no one deserves diseases and everyone deserves to be healthy and with their parents forever!
Razor07233 karma
Hi Audrey! I wanted to ask if you played any video games and if so what game is your favourite?
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