I am Redman and I have a new show on VH1 called “Scared Famous”- AMA
Redman aka the “Master of Scare-a-Monies” for VH1’s new series “Scared Famous” here. Check it out and let’s talk about some spooky shit! http://www.vh1.com/shows/scared-famous
HookMeUpNard1017 karma
How High is one of my favorite movies of all time. Do you have any funny or memorable stories from shooting that movie?
VH1_AMA1503 karma
my mememrable moment is Smoking Our Ass Off Shootn the Movie...And the Great Production team We had ! It was like a party everyday coming to work !
jimbojangles1987168 karma
One scene that always got me to laugh my ass off as a kid was when the campus security guy (i think thats what he was anyway...the small white guy) was searching their dorm for stuff that would get them kicked out and he peers through a marijuana plant and goes "Hmm nothing here!"
I hope I'm remembering that scene right its been years since i saw the movie.
StepYaGameUp749 karma
Funk Doc: Have you ever gotten your doorbell fixed since you were on MTV Cribs?
NinjaloForever421 karma
You killed it on the new Wu "album". Any chance we get a new dual album from you and Meth? I know Meth said on The Breakfast Club recently that he enjoys acting more than rap now. Maybe a new Red/Meth movie similar to How High?
VH1_AMA648 karma
We workn on Album Black Out 3...I want to direct I dnt want to act...Thats my goal..
purseypee374 karma
how much do you stay up on whats coming out in hip hop today?
any favorite artists people should look out for?
any one we'd be surprised to hear you listen to?
you still got mad porn dvds? or have you moved to completely digital?
we need a blackout 3 and subsequent tour btw.
huge fan, thanks for years of music and never changing your persona to fit any kind of mold. you are one of the most unique voices in hiphop.
VH1_AMA654 karma
Im Not to to familiar with every music coming out..But i have kids and they keep me current !! I listen to TDE JCole JoeyBadAss GunPlay But look out 4 JOYNER LUCUS beast !! Yes i still have all those Porn DvD's gonna sell em soon !! lol Well Digital is the way..But im still Analog feel allday. Black Out 3 in the works.. Thank You for the Dope Comment
bjhenson2223 karma
Who was the most entertaining person to work with on Scared Famous? And why was it Alaska Thunderfuck?
VH1_AMA202 karma
Everyone was great to work with..Skyy frm Black Ink is so Dope.. I learnd alot frm Alaska really...She is a Go getter !!
beetman222 karma
What went wrong with Method and Red? It seemed like it had potential, but I heard rumors Fox mucked with the format a lot.
Any plans to try again with the rise of online streaming?
VH1_AMA412 karma
Yes they wanted to tamper with the writing of the show...and we couldnt allow that...Yes i want get into more streaming
elboogie7160 karma
Hi Redman! Been a fan since Whut? The Album.
My question is, who are your favorite rappers these days?
And, what upcoming movies are you most excited to see?
VH1_AMA301 karma
I dnt Have One favorite rapper...But TDE JCole JoeyBadass Royce 5,9 GunPlay Goldlink Boogie
spidermonkey94156 karma
I have to know. What is it like smoking with legends in the music industry? What's the funniest or most unexpected thing to happen? And...who were you most surprised smoked? By the way...your cadences are incredible.
VH1_AMA584 karma
Its A BLast smoking with Legends like Snoop and Breal. the Unexpected is Forgettn my MOms Bday while im smokn and its tattooed on my arm
VH1_AMA732 karma
Whn Im feeling Blue !! I go right to music..And Roll a Blunt ..And reflect..And ask my self why the hell am i feeling blue..And Most of the time its just bullshit
VH1_AMA289 karma
Yes i can..But i roll backwoods so theres never a perfect way to roll those..
VH1_AMA394 karma
The craziest thng about grown up in Newark is actually makn it out Alive !
Treylucid116 karma
What's good Redman! When Cannabis becomes legal in the states are you gonna have a brand/strain that you officially endorse?
Also I'm willing to test out a few grows to find the right one, so let me know if you need any help
VH1_AMA337 karma
Ha ! Maybe havn my own strain..But im lookn at the bigger picture whn its legalized in the U.S period..I want to be the person behind the responsibilty of smokn and digesting cannibis correctly
d00ditsjeremy93 karma
What horror movie villain do you consider the scariest and which would you consider the biggest bitch?
If anything I think we can all agree Jason ain’t no bitch
gekim73 karma
Saw you play with MethodMan at the Pemberton music festival up in BC a few years back, must say that was one hell of a performance. My question for you is, how much do you love that BC bud?
VH1_AMA117 karma
Im workn on Muddy Waters 2 bout to take crash directing class.. red and mef App " Blaze Now" Amber Lashae artist out atl RichMond hood store 827 Castleton Ave Staten Island
masimbasqueeze45 karma
Yo redman! What do you think about the new hip-hop styles these days? What newer artists do you like?
VH1_AMA111 karma
The New HipHop is dope...just not that much originality.. new artist Boogie frm westcoast JOYNER LUCUS GOLD LINK TDE Crew JCole
MrJDouble44 karma
In terms of your music career, do you prefer recording, touring and performing your own tracks, or ghost writing for others?
VH1_AMA96 karma
I enjoy recording and being on tour..most of the time im writing on tour..I jsut love to work on my craft at any given time...
Covdoge43 karma
What's your thoughts on the new wave of rappers coming out now, and do you think they'll have the staying power that last generations rappers seem to have?
VH1_AMA135 karma
Good Question...The New Rappers are Great..Just Not to much Original Music..everythng sounds the same.. If they keep this rate up they WILLNOT have that longevity
lostinkmart39 karma
Scared Famous sounds really fun. Are there any behind the scenes or just funny story in general you have about being on this show? I’m looking forward to checking it out and I’m rooting for both you and Alaska!
VH1_AMA75 karma
Funny behind scene story....Not really Just honestly seeing everyone walkn up to the show all cocky..and ended up shittn a chicken whn they got scared !!
VH1_AMA97 karma
My Kids not really into my music..maybe my oldest..my movies they seen..reason it wasnt that many ! But they love they Magnitude of love i get frm fans that appreciate my craft !
VH1_AMA12 karma
Im Listening to Oldie but Goodies.and TDE Gunplay Boogie frm west coast J Cole JOYNER LUCUS
Mitochondria4201401 karma
When can we expect a sequel to How High?
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