We're Former Members of Congress, ask us anything!
Hi, we're former U.S. Representatives Cliff Stearns (R-FL) and L.F. Payne (D-VA). We are members of FMC, the Association of Former Members of Congress. Our organization is focused on protecting American democracy by making Congress work better.
We want to answer any questions you have about Congress now, Congress when we served or Congress in the future. Ask us anything! We'll start answering questions at 12:30 p.m. Eastern Time and will be able to go for about an hour, but will try to answer any particularly good questions later. If this goes well, we'll try to do one again with different Former Members regularly.
Learn more about FMC at www.usafmc.org and please follow us on twitter at https://twitter.com/usafmc, to keep up with our bipartisan activities!
By the way, here's our proof tweet! https://twitter.com/usafmc/status/1024688230971715585
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HI! It's FMC here.
Reps. Stearns and Payne have left, but we are happy this is receiving some good feedback. We're going to keep monitoring the thread today, we'll gather the most upvoted questions that haven't been answered and forward them to Reps. Stearns and Payne to get their answers, and hopefully post them soon.
Also, if you liked this and would like us to continue, please let us know at our website: www.usafmc.org, or reply to one of our tweets, www.twitter.com/usafmc. One of the reasons we're doing these AMAs is to make sure we're engaging former Members of Congress with Americans who aren't sure about Congress and whether it's working or not. Social media helps us do that directly.
Also, feel free to throw us an orangered.
Thanks again for all your questions, keep them coming, keep upvoting and we'll see you on August 22d for another AMA!
FmrMbrsOfCongress470 karma
CLIFF: The decision by the Supreme Court, Buckley v. Valeo (1976) allowed money to be spent without limit in Congressional elections. The Supreme Court decision Citizens United allowed PACs to solicit contributions in any amount, without transparency. So, today we have a surplus of money in campaigns and oftentimes we don’t know where it’s coming from. So we need campaign finance reform which means repeal of citizens united, limiting the time for campaigning like they do in England and Canada and trying to limit the expenditures during this time, contrary to what was created in Buckley. This is simple, but difficult to achieve.
silver_sAUsAGes243 karma
Both of you represented districts that had more squiggles than a two-year-old's drawing. Do you support Gerrymandered districts? What are the proper times for a district not to conform to an arbitrary border, either based on a mathematical formula or on proportional representation?
FmrMbrsOfCongress204 karma
LF: I do not support gerrymandered districts, In fact, one of the causes of partisanship in the House of Representatives is the fact that so many of our districts are gerrymandered, to be strongly Republican or strongly Democratic, and are not competitive, in general elections. It is the responsibility of each state to determine how they draw their respective districts. Much attention is being paid in the states, including my home state of Virginia, determining how this process can be done more fairly to obtain a better representation for our people.
Arristotelis127 karma
What is truly the best way to lobby one's own congresspersons, as a private citizen? Phone calls, e-mails... do they matter, and what medium is best? Thank you!
FmrMbrsOfCongress163 karma
CLIFF: The best way is to make an appointment with your Member of Congress, in their statewide office and to present any information you think that makes your case, for your issue. Oftentimes, Members of Congress do not see your emails. So, a person to person meeting is the best way to reinforce your position. If you strongly support your Member of Congress, then you should consider contributing to their campaign and attending fundraisers and be on their team, if you believe in their stewardship.
LF: I agree with Cliff. But, I also feel that phone calls and emails are useful ways to let your Member know whether you favor or oppose particular legislation. Members frequently look at the number of emails and calls in favor, vs. emails and calls opposed, to get a quick view of constituents feelings on a particular issue or vote.
Merari01110 karma
What can the American public do to get the current congress to follow the law and restore democracy to the nation?
Every step of the way congress is obstructing the ongoing investigations into obstruction of justice and treason committed by the president and there are credible reports that voting machines have been compromised. Voting records have been destroyed, even, as well as the backup logs.
I do not think the republic has ever suffered such a direct and sustained attack on its democratic process from the inside. This is obviously very worrisome.
What can we do?
FmrMbrsOfCongress142 karma
LF: Surprise!
One of the important jobs of the Congress is to provide oversight of the Administration. The Constitution, in Article I, the Congress, and Article II, the Presidency, indicates that the Congress should provide this oversight. Lately, it seems that some of the actions of Congressional committees is more about supporting the actions of the Administration, than providing the required oversight. So, keeping this matter in front of the public and the Congress, as you are doing, is very important, as we approach elections where issues like this will be discussed and Members who understand and respect the Constitution can then be elected.
FmrMbrsOfCongress62 karma
CLIFF: Not really. They don't vote for you. You have to stay close to your district and listen to their concerns. You can see across the landscape, often times people win without the support of lobbyists. Nevertheless, they can provide funds to help you win, but if you stay close to your Congressional district, you will need less money.
_atreat87 karma
What are your thoughts on the current debate system where certain 3rd party candidates are not allowed to participate in the debates?
Do you think this practice allows for “free and open” elections?
FmrMbrsOfCongress50 karma
CLIFF: it is my understanding that third-party candidates like Ross Perot in 1992 were able to participate in debates because they met a threshold, through the polling process. Today, if a third-party candidate reaches that threshold, which I think is about 5 percent, he or she can participate in the debate, so it's still a free and open election process, but the candidate must provide credible evidence that he or she is viable.
cahaseler28 karma
Did you ever see partisanship like we have today? What do you think we can do to reverse this trend?
FmrMbrsOfCongress82 karma
LF: Partisanship today is as pronounced as I have seen it in the past thirty years. There are a number of attempts within Congress to limit the partisanship today, most notably, in the House of Representatives is the Problem Solvers Caucus. This group of 40 Democrats and 40 Republicans meet regularly to determine what issues they can agree on and spend time looking at policy solutions and legislation that can be accomplished. This effort is getting increased attention. As it forces Members to focus on points of agreement, as opposed to more commonly, those points of disagreement. This effort though recent, seems to be catching on and will eventually help reduce partisanship within the Congress.
science_love_fun24 karma
Good Afternoon Former Representatives Stearns and Payne! I have two questions for you.
What can the individual citizen do to best convey to their elected officials their support on certain issues?
Secondly, what does a more effective congress look like to you and your organization?
Thank you for your time!
FmrMbrsOfCongress32 karma
CLIFF: Every Member of Congress makes an effort to meet the voters, either through town hall meetings, speeches that he or she gives in the District, radio and television interviews. Toward this end, voters should be engaged and attend these town hall meetings, visit the office and meet with their Representative and understand the issues. Most importantly though, is to vote!
During the final debate on our Constitution in 1787, the Founders had to make a very big decision, and compromise. Our Congress would be more effective today if members were willing to compromise and seek to better understand the issues, pro and con.
LF: As far as a more effective Congress, the Congress should return to what is generally known as, "regular order". It has served well for many years. It is the process whereby legislating is done through the subcommittee and committee structure, with public hearings, and broad participation, creating effective legislation and building support. Congress today operates from a top-down perspective and eliminates some of the steps that have served well over time. That fairly simple change could make a real difference in terms of Congressional effectiveness.
FmrMbrsOfCongress55 karma
CLIFF: If you come to Congress with a young family, it's very stressful on the family. You miss many opportunities to be with your young children and support your spouse. Between fundraising, campaigning and travel, there will be many opportunities that you wish you could have participated in, to strengthen the family unit.
LF: Being an effective Member of Congress requires working 24/7 for your constituents at home and on your duties in Washington. Obviously this means giving up other important parts of your life, such as Cliff mentioned, your family events, as well as the camaraderie and friendship of people you've enjoyed being friends with before Congress.
FmrMbrsOfCongress18 karma
LF: John Lewis! He was my seatmate on the House Ways and Means Committee.
CLIFF: Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Congresswoman from the State of Washington. But, I could give you many, many more who I was close friends with, including people on both sides of the aisle.
DentedAnvil6 karma
First, thank you for your continued service to our country. My question: do you see the proliferation of alternative sources of "news" as an important addition to the free press or as a corrosive force undermining the legitimacy of a free press?
FmrMbrsOfCongress10 karma
CLIFF: I think your question is a double-edged sword. We all want free press but often times, I get news stories over the Internet which are false. Sometimes, you have to have facts checked but with the Internet, anyone can do a blog, a podcast or a facebook post, much like the Russians did, which creates incorrect impressions, arguments and ultimately, unnecessary dissension. So, in effect, the Internet sites like Google, facebook, Amazon and social media outlets need to monitor their sites to prevent this, or the Federal Trade Commission may have to step in.
FmrMbrsOfCongress2 karma
HI! It's FMC here.
Reps. Stearns and Payne have left, but we are happy this is receiving some good feedback. We're going to keep monitoring the thread today, we'll gather the most upvoted questions that haven't been answered and forward them to Reps. Stearns and Payne to get their answers, and hopefully post them soon.
Also, if you liked this and would like us to continue, please let us know at our website: www.usafmc.org, or reply to one of our tweets, www.twitter.com/usafmc. One of the reasons we're doing these AMAs is to make sure we're engaging former Members of Congress with Americans who aren't sure about Congress and whether it's working or not. Social media helps us do that directly.
Thanks again for all your questions, keep them coming, keep upvoting and we'll see you on August 22d for another AMA!
KoreasOwn336 karma
How will we get "big money" out of elections (specifically national)? It seems like the only way to see or influence real change is staying local
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