AMA with Domhnall Gleeson & Director Lenny Abrahamson from The Little Stranger!
Hi Reddit, we’re Domhnall Gleeson and Lenny Abrahamson, leading actor and Director of The Little Stranger, which is released in UK cinemas on Friday 21st September. Watch the trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPDA7Z1c-Eg
DG - hey everyone, thanks for being so nice and asking so many questions. Sorry we didn't get to everyone. Hope you like the film, I'm as proud of it as I could possibly be. Lots of love, be kind, peace out. Dx
Proof: https://twitter.com/lennyabrahamson/status/1040589752708284416
Calvin_Uncle469 karma
Hello Domhnall.
I didn't expect 'About Time' to be as beautiful and great like it is. What a awesome surprise.
Did you have fun working with Rachel McAdams and Bill Nighy?
eirachrome253 karma
Hey Domhnall, as a former leaving cert Irish student I must ask, have you seen cáca milis? And if so, what did you think of it?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS337 karma
DG - I have seen it! Thought it was great. My father plays the most annoying man in the world, and is worryingly good at it...
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS224 karma
DG - hey everyone, thanks for being so nice and asking so many questions. Sorry we didn't get to everyone. Hope you like the film, I'm as proud of it as I could possibly be. Lots of love, be kind, peace out. Dx
Otistetrax165 karma
Hi Domhnall. How come your da is so fucking good? Not saying you’re not, but honestly I think Brendan should be considered among the greatest actors of his generation. He must have been an incredible inspiration. What would you say is the biggest lesson he taught you?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS278 karma
A courtesy flush is SO important. That was a big one.
Sorry. That and lots of stuff about being a good person in the world. That kind of thing. I like him even more than you do, I guarantee. He's amazing.
beldarin47 karma
ah Frank.
I was *NOT* expecting to love that movie as much as i did, thanks for that
RN-1003140 karma
Hey Domhnall, what was your favorite thing about working on the Star Wars sequel trilogy and specifically how was working with Adam Driver?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS282 karma
DG - I love being a part of something that means so much to so many. That's pretty cool. Working with Adam is great. He's great. I'm trying to think of something funny to say but it's not happening. He's great. Yup.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS297 karma
DG - why on earth would you give a moustache a name? Its name was 'Karl'.
bluevan129 karma
Hi Lenny and Domhnall, I’m a big fan. Question for Lenny: Has being nominated for an Oscar opened a lot of doors for you? Do you feel more free now then you did earlier in your career?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS189 karma
It definitely opened doors. And it's great not having to explain as much who I am. It feels like I've more of a free hand with the projects I make.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS297 karma
DG - that last reply was from Lenny, but he didn't put 'LA' in front of it. We've spoken, and it won't happen again.
Wodanaz_Odinn48 karma
Adam and Paul is a really special filum that I wish more people would see.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS64 karma
LA: thank you so much. In Ireland I meed lots of people who know it really well and can quote lines from it.
HumphreyGo-Kart124 karma
Domhnall, what has been the best failed attempt at pronouncing your name?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS299 karma
DG - Tonio. I was simultaneously appalled and incredibly impressed
sympathyofalover119 karma
Domhnall- now that rom coms are coming back, do you think you would do another? I watch about time whenever I need a pick me up, it's perfection!
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS154 karma
DG - Thank you, I love it too. I would do another one if it had any chance of having the same meaning as About Time. Perhaps Richard Curtis could help.
superkickingart76 karma
Hi Domhnall and Lenny!!
For Domhnall: You are my absolute favorite actor! I loved you in GCR and Ex Machina especially! How is it to go from doing sci-fi movies like Ex Machina and Star Wars and drama pieces like GCR and Black Mirror to doing a gothic horror movie like The Little Stranger? Are there any other genres of movies you would like to do? Maybe even more horror centered pieces?
Thanks! <3
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS130 karma
DG - thank you very much! I love elevated genre but I don't really think of Little Stranger as horror - more a drama for grown ups like 'Remains of the Day' but with this really cool ghost element floating around it. I follow the filmmakers primarily, so if someone like Lenny ever wanted to do any kind of genre thing, I'd be all over it. I'm aware that looks a little desperate, but... I'm desperate. Lenny ,what are you doing next? Can I be in it?
toolsonparade68 karma
Domhnall, can you share any of the poems you've used to get into accents for characters?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS105 karma
DG - Aubade by Philip Larkin is a great one. I've used that a couple of times.
FourthMbarrMan64 karma
Hi Domhnall, About time is one of my favourite movies. What's your favourite Irish movie?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS72 karma
DG - Lenny's made a couple of them. Garage is stunning. I also like I Went Down a lot, and The General is very cool. No family bias, at all.
FiKiev64 karma
Domhnall - What makes you attracted to creepy scripts? e.g The Little Stranger, Black Mirror.
Lenny - Do you ever become so lost in films your directing that it takes time to get back to reality?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS58 karma
LA: It always takes me a bit of time after I've finished shooting to get back to real life. Making a film is pretty all consuming and for the months of the shoot there is a total immersion in the world of the film. It's weird being back dropping the kids to school or cleaning up after the dog.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS68 karma
DG - I just like scripts that keep me interested. That feeling of worrying what the hell is going to happen next, and being a little scared, they're good ways to keep momentum. I think it's as simple as that.
jellysmoker52 karma
Domhnall, I admire the work you've done for charity. Which skit from Immaturity for charity is your favourite?
ToriaGraceNY52 karma
Domhnall, do you have a middle name? Haha Asking for my sister. Really.
buffysunmers45 karma
domhnall, if you could play any part that your dad or your brother has played, which would you pick and why? i think all of you are really wonderful actors — calvary, frank, and phantom thread are three of my favourite films ever. so excited to see this one!
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS81 karma
DG - Phantom Thread, and In Bruges, maybe? Or Calvary. Ah God, there's loads.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS44 karma
LA: Barry's and Kings. There is simply no discussion on this.
FiKiev41 karma
Lenny - If you could be stuck living in one of your films which one would it be?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS106 karma
LA: None of them are too appealing as worlds to be stuck in. Note to self: must make romantic comedy.
kezhfalcon41 karma
Any workout tips Domhnall? Need to get jacked. I'd ask Ryan Tubridy but he's busy.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS108 karma
DG - Myself and Ryan like to work the glutes, primarily. Filling out the back of your jeans is so important these days.
moby_dyckens40 karma
Domhnall, I am reminded of your brief cameo in “Mother!” with your brother. What was it like to act in an Aronofsky film in such a brief but memorable way?
ninjawasp39 karma
Domhnall, you were tipped for years to be the first ginger Doctor Who, would you ever consider the role in the future?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS95 karma
DG - anybody who tries to follow Jodie Whittaker is gonna have a tough time. She's ace. So, no.
jenna_jones_jr36 karma
Domhnall: How does a man with a lovely face like yours, and a whole body laugh, turn into such a believeable creeper even only in the photographs? Did you have your adorableness surgically removed for the filming? Thank you both!
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS82 karma
LA: I have his adorableness stored in a box and I'm not giving it back unless he pays me lots of money.
ToriaGraceNY36 karma
You’ve already done horror and comedy together, if you were to do another movie, what genre would it be next time? :) love you both! Can’t wait to see The Little Stranger!
Correction: suspenseful atmospheric thriller - not horror! ;)
f-sonny35 karma
Domhnall, do you always keep any props after filming a movie ? if yes, what did you keep from TLS ? bisoux
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS56 karma
DG - I do keep props if I can but they're really strict nowadays. I kept a couple of his cards that said Dr Faraday, and I tried to keep his hat but... it didn't work out.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS50 karma
DG - The Innocents is pretty fantastic, but it's maybe not horror in the way that people use the term nowadays. Similar to Little Stranger, actually.
clementinesoul29 karma
Hello, I'm writing from Spain (I apologize for my bad English). I deeply admire your work. I think both represent the cinema that I love, the one that is not afraid to put their fingers in the heart of the story and twist them inside. I don't care what the American critics say. It took me 30 seconds to feel "the truth" of your wonderful movie.
My question for both is: after giving everything in a difficult scene and staying "empty", where do you bring out the energy to continue filming a new scene?Any trick or ritual?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS39 karma
LA: I'm always so impressed with how actors can find energy take after take, especially in intense scenes. As a director I try to schedule so that there is some time for recovery. Ultimately, I think experienced actors learn to manage their emotional resources.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS38 karma
DG - thanks for that, glad you liked the movie. The energy can waiver but a good director, good actors, a good Director of Photography - all these things bring you back. I love going home feeling tired because you put some of yourself into your work. That's what the good ones make you do.
mahouyousei24 karma
Hi Domhnall! I’m a huge fan of your performances. My favorite is General Hux but I love pretty much everything you’ve been in!
My friends and I had a few questions - feel free to ignore any of them haha
We read in a review that you specialize in playing characters who cover their insecurity and desperation with ambition to the point where you may be typecast as such. What are your thoughts on this?
Is there a character type you haven’t played yet that you would like to play? Is there a character type you think you wouldn’t be able to play?
A goofy question: have you heard about Hux’s pet cat Millicent? It was a joke by Pablo Hidalgo on Twitter but the fans seems to really like it.
And one more for Domhnall and Lenny:
What is your favorite kind of sandwich?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS57 karma
LA: Pastrami. Also, I hate mayonaise and it's on everything. Please can someone do something about this.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS64 karma
DG - So you're the person. If it is in fact your fault, I hope you suffer greatly before you meet your demise.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS73 karma
Dg - on reflection, this was a bit harsh. I hope you have a nice day.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS54 karma
DG - I hope not. But there are some I'd like to have again. LIfe is so beautiful sometimes, it makes you want to cry.
smallthunderfloth21 karma
Howya guys ! Everything alright? Showed my boss the trailer at work and he asked “did this really happen?” So, question is - is this movie based on a real story? (I know, novel by Sarah Waters, read it, brilliant! But told Boss I would ask you this question, sorry about that.)
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS41 karma
DG - it's based, I believe, on nothing but Sarah Water's brilliant mind. Your boss may need a break.
StaticRaining21 karma
Hi Domhnall,
among some circles there are lively discussions concerning your character Dr. Faraday and a lot of people consider him queer-coded. Would you agree with that assessment or did you have another approach to the character?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS47 karma
DG - I'll be honest, and say that's not something that crossed my mind.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS25 karma
DG - Let the Great World Spin was good. Book of Evidence was amazing. The Outsider is fabulous.
Whatsername9215 karma
Hi Lenny and Domhnall!
2 quick questions for Domhnall. Firstly, was it you I saw crossing the road towards Leinster House at the start of summer? If yes, I'm sorry for staring quizzically at you like a gowl. If no, ignore the question.
Secondly, you did some amazing comedy skits with Immaturity for Charity and Your Bad Self. Is it likely that we'll see more collaborative comedy like this from you in the future?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS45 karma
DG - I don't know about question one, it may have been. If you stared at me quizzically, you are forgiven. But never do it again. Or I will haunt your nightmares.
Question two - I'd love to. I write sketches with my friend Michael Moloney, we have a couple hundred at this point and just looking for the right outlet. Some day!
moby_dyckens12 karma
Hello Lenny, your work on “Frank” was outstanding! What draws you to stories about eccentric characters? From the trailer, “Little Stranger” appears to deal with many outcasts.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS23 karma
LA: It's hard to say what it is because I've always been fascinated and moved by odd, lonely, eccentric people ever since I was a kid.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS19 karma
LA: I think we are all of us, at least in some aspects of our lives, terribly uncertain and separate, so there is something of all of us in these characters.
DarthBrimmy10 karma
Lenny, after Emma Donohue adapted Room to a stage play would you have any interest in adapting any of your scripts, or directing for stage in general?
Domhnall, similar question, but any plans to act on an Irish stage again in the foreseeable future?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS18 karma
DG - I'd love to. Finding the right thing after the Walworth Farce is very hard. It's a masterpiece.
Cookerfly10 karma
Both you guys have worked on so many genres of film. Is there any genre of movie you would like to work on that you haven't yet?
BestBelgianBun9 karma
Questions for Domhnall: which character has been your favourite to play so far? And how do you prepare for each role? Thanks x
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS20 karma
DG - I loved Faraday in Little Stranger. I just loved the journey. I think it's my favourite. I prepare for each one differently, usually the character lets you know what he needs. Lenny on this was the main guide and the dialect coach Joan Washington was a massive help also.
lukebrab8 karma
Hi Lenny and Domhnall, huge fan of your work.
I was wondering have you found being Irish to be a benefit or hindrance when navigating the film industry? I've always felt it's been useful for me because of our nation's reputation as storytellers.
However, I get the impression that to be really taken seriously, it's required that you eventually move beyond into the British or American film scene.
Thanks for taking the time to do this!
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS17 karma
LA: I've always found people to be very positive about it in Britain and in the States and I've managed to stay living in Dublin but still work abroad which is kind of best of both worlds.
ninjawasp6 karma
Lenny, you said you wanted to adapt 'The Little Stranger' after reading the first page, what did this book have so early that other books don't?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS13 karma
A combination of atmosphere and richness of character, and it just kept getting more and more interesting the further into it I got. And Faraday - he's such and odd and sad, and strange character. I couldn't forget him and wanted to understand him.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS26 karma
LA: I liked BlackkKlansman a lot, and there's a film called 'Michael Inside' from Ireland which I hope gets seen widely because it's excellent, but Loveless, the Russian film is the one that hit me hardest.
f-sonny4 karma
Domhnall, you absolut legend, What's the more important thing you've learned from making the TLS?
orangejulius3 karma
would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck? why?
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS14 karma
Let's not shy away from a challenge - I want to fight 100 horse sized ducks.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS7 karma
DG - Jesus Christ, Lenny. I mean, bloody hell. How many TIMES?!
Merrionst2 karma
Hi lads! Lenny: Obviously the script is very important in a film. But to what extent does casting affect the end product in films when you are directing? Does it differ for other Directors?
Domhnall: Is The Little Stranger the type of film genre you would like to do more of in the future? Does the process differ much as an Actor from making more conventional 'Hollywood' movies?
Cheers lads!
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS3 karma
Choosing cast is the single biggest decision, and I'd think that's how most directors feel.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS6 karma
I started making things on video when I was a student (not studying film) and just kept going. At the beginning I really didn't know if it would lead anywhere.
profatcats2 karma
So excited to see tls at the curzon Mayfair screening/q&a later on! How do you guys feel about the response the film has been getting? (Domhnall are you at the q&a? Irish film fest had you on their listing but you weren’t on the cinema’s one. Either way excited!!)
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS3 karma
LA: I've been happy that reviewers seem to get what we were trying to do.
HipsterXTurtle2 karma
Domhnall, I was wondering if you’ve seen your father in both In Bruges and Mr.Mercedes. If so, did you enjoy them both?
Also one of my teachers was an extra in the dance in Brooklyn, we slagged him when we found out and I thought you were brilliant
P.S Lenny don’t forget the LA!
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS3 karma
DG- Yes, I believe so! Universal would be in charge of that release. Soon, hopefully.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS2 karma
LA: I made some commercials in Prague years ago. It's beautiful.
MidheLu2 karma
Oops! I was under the impression you were friends with David Rice the author since you were at one of his book launches, maybe I'm mixed up
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS3 karma
Sorry - of course. I love the one he just did about Reinisch. He's also the loveliest man.
DomhnallG_LennyA_TLS1050 karma
DG - Okay, apparently we're the second most popular AMA on reddit right now. Who the hell is first? I'm gonna start spilling Star Wars secrets in the next ten minutes, tell everyone to come here IMMEDIATELY.
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