I am a 16-year-old girl who has never smelled/tasted anything, ask me anything!
Bran_Solo849 karma
I got curious and researched it for you. Some people have figured out how to feed themselves for about $20/month (see https://wiki.earlyretirementextreme.com/wiki/Food and http://earlyretirementextreme.com/cooking-for-6-days-in-30-minutes-for-less-than-4.html). Most people would go crazy trying to eat like this, but it might not make a difference for you.
The average American household spends $151/week on food meaning that if you followed the above guidance, you could spend $7008/year less than the average American. Assuming a retirement fund withdrawal rate of 4%, this would make your cost of retirement $175,200 lower than average.
edit: as has been pointed out, the study I linked refers to actually covers household food spending and not individual. The basics of calculating the impact of ongoing spending on retirement cost holds true, but adjust the numbers according to your own spending.
DivergingUnity279 karma
I was so excited to be enlightened by that recipe, but its all I eat already :(
Obi1kentobi1367 karma
Do you consider yourself lucky to not be able to “smell it” and hence unable to have “dealt it”?
DesolateDarlin1406 karma
I have had spoiled milk a grand total of 4 times, and I have a fear of throwing up so its actual hell. Nowadays, I will not eat anything even if its 3 days before the best by date.
TiBlode430 karma
Have you ever done drugs? My friend said he could smell the movies on TV when he did LSD.
Ihaveanotheridentity800 karma
Does the temperature of the food make a difference? I really appreciate this AMA. It’s fascinating.
DesolateDarlin798 karma
I really like warm drinks! soda, water, milk, that kinda stuff, both other than that not really
and, thank you! i wanted to bring more attention to my disability since nobody even knows it exists!
chromify178 karma
i feel like it would just be to have the lukewarm bubble feeling but nothing more, right? i think the problem people usually have with warm soda is that it tastes worse than when it's cold
dpresst_x_cnfesst782 karma
Can you sense spicy food in any way? Like a burning tongue, throat, lips?
DesolateDarlin2122 karma
My throat and tongue burn usually, but I love spicy food! usually, cause I get to look at the other people's faces when i down hot sauce or something like that.
2 years ago, freshman year, my school did a winter carnival thing with a contest with who could stand the worlds hottest hot sauce or something like that. I was given like, maybe a dime-sized drop on a spoon and I told them to give me more and they were like 'you don't want that' and I just stared at them until they filled up the spoon, and i downed it without batting an eye. my throat hurt the rest of the day but it was so worth it. I also won and got the rest of the bottle haha
kamikazi123176 karma
Sounds like you'll have a good hustle for bets in the bar someday. Maybe enter national spicy chili competitions or weird bad tasting food competitions. Win a bit of money.
MattJuice3684 karma
Have you ever been self conscious about your breath around people without being able to smell it yourself?
DesolateDarlin1028 karma
oh very much so.
you don't know fear until you fear that you smell and you cannot tell but everyone else can.
MattJuice3236 karma
I can not even begin to imagine how bad that must be for you. I usually am always doing double/triple checks and still second guess myself if I am fine. Do you have someone you trust to be your “smell buddy” to make sure you didn’t miss anything?
DesolateDarlin428 karma
one of my friends, in fact, my smell buddy. its nerve-wracking sometimes but people usually understand if I do smell bad since i can't tell. i even once had some say,' are we allowed to tell her she smells bad?'
DesolateDarlin1175 karma
Yes! Things that I like to eat or not are all based on texture.
My FAVORITE food is Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Cottage Cheese, and Ramen all mixed together. All different textures, all amazing together. Been told it tastes gross from friends and family that have tried it though haha
5p33di32124 karma
mashed potatoes
Also one of my favorites
Mmm, delicious, buttery corn
Cottage cheese
Not my favorite but I definitely enjoy a bowl
A staple of college dining, delicious anytime of the day
all mixed together
6689194 karma
That sounds so gross, but really cool that you have foods you enjoy despite not tasting. I would have thought eating would really be a chore!
DesolateDarlin261 karma
I have a lot of issues around eating tbh, just cause it's like a chore. I actually stunted my own growth because i'd never eat while growing up.
I am currently hoping to get cleared to start working out again to get to a healthy weight!
Mockles57 karma
would you be open to experimenting with suggestions for weird food combinations and reporting back to me on if you liked it or not?
1337_Mrs_Roberts324 karma
How did you find out about your disability? Was there a sudden revelation that ahh, I'm not like others.
DesolateDarlin760 karma
As a child, I was aware that I couldn’t smell. I am not able to remember why or when I originally had the realization, but I can recall the day I acted on my differences. First, I asked my classmates how they learned to smell. When they told me they just knew how to, I went around the rest of the day constantly trying to smell everything - my books, the flowers outside, and even just air. I ended up asking my parents, and in their confusion, I was able to realize that my inability to smell was different. And I didn’t like being different. For the next 10 years after that day, I attempted to lie to conceal my disability in fear that I would be judged because I was different. Seeing all these people around me being able to do something that I couldn’t do, made me feel very lonely during my elementary and middle school years. It wasn’t until the beginning of 8th grade I started to be more open about my condition. I’ve slowly learned to embrace my differences and be happy with my condition when I can. Smelling unpleasant things is something I will never have to deal with and I am pretty content with that.
McGooferson273 karma
Can we send you all the fruitcake no one is going to eat this year over the holidays?
dr_familiar265 karma
Do you like crunchiness of food, what is your favorite food in that way?
DesolateDarlin506 karma
I love eating food that's crunchy, even though I have TMJ so its difficult to appreciate them haha
My FAVORITE food is Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Cottage Cheese, and Ramen all mixed together. All different textures, all amazing together. Been told it tastes gross from friends and family that have tried it though haha
DesolateDarlin110 karma
no problem, i love talking about my disability cause people dont even know it exists, ya know?
BrosephRadson249 karma
Since you're missing 2 senses, are the other 3 more sensitive? Or can you even tell?
DesolateDarlin461 karma
My vision is 20/10, the best humanly possible and my hearing is around 18300 hz, i think???
DesolateDarlin309 karma
yes, can people who can taste only have it in their mouth for less? wtf
donatedknowledge197 karma
If I smell something really spicy my eyes start to water (like with unions). Doe this happen to you as well if you happen to be around chillies for example?
DesolateDarlin177 karma
Yep! I use to work with a lot of fried food and would have to walk outside because my eyes would get irritated. not sure if thats the same thing, but yeah haha!
juandelosstmarys195 karma
Since you can't taste, do you get cravings of any sort? Do you snack for fun or is eating just a necessity?
DesolateDarlin414 karma
yes! its weird but i usually crave for textures, like smooth, crunchy, or anything like that.
eating is just a necessity, a chore if you will. I have a lot of issues around eating tbh, just cause it's like a chore. I actually stunted my own growth because i'd never eat while growing up.
I am currently hoping to get cleared to start working out again to get to a healthy weight!
fatandsad1172 karma
do you just eat healthy as fuck? if healthy food didnt taste so bad I would.
DesolateDarlin254 karma
yes! I love vegetables and fruit, they just make me feel amazing! my favorite are honeydew/cantaloupe, watermelon, tomatoes, and carrots.
DesolateDarlin512 karma
I actually am a vegetarian, because I don't like the texture of meat AT ALL. I honestly don't care about other people's reasonings though, I honestly don't even consider myself a 'vegetarian'. I just don't like meat cause I can't taste it.
KnockingOnTheSky27 karma
It sounds like it would be super easy for you to eat healthy. Vegies, fruits, grains, nuts, legumes, they all have such great texture and you don't even have to add extra fats or salt to make them more palatable.
It sounds like a dream but a bitter sweet one.
DesolateDarlin16 karma
yeah thats basically me in a nutshell haha even though i dont really even know what bittersweet means
DesolateDarlin394 karma
If someones a shitty cook it usually doesn't bug me! I'm a SUPER shitty cook and nobody will eat what I make except for me haha
F_A_F144 karma
There's a super old episode of Futurama in which Bender tries to cook for everyone despite his lack of taste....literally! I'll have to google it later for you as I gotta put my kid to bed. I think it was called "The Iron Chef" or something along those lines...
DesolateDarlin105 karma
really? thats amazing, please send that to me!
and also, hereforthezommentz- touche ahha that made me laugh thanks
KyrakJellyman118 karma
A lot of people get a sense of the day by how the air smells (Incoming storms, different scents carried on a breeze, etc.). Do you have your own way of gauging how the weather will be aside from pure visual?
DesolateDarlin362 karma
its purely visual for me. the first time someone told me they could smell that it was gonna rain i thought they were fucking with me.
philosiraptorsvt106 karma
Three questions:
Do you like any particular flavors of Ben and Jerry's ice cream?
Have you ever tried a boba (large tapioca pearl) milk tea or smoothie?
Have you ever tried sushi or sashimi? There is a strong element of texture for a piece of tuna or salmon.
DesolateDarlin167 karma
- i fuckin love ben and jerrys, i love all of them haha. specifically half-baked tho haha
- ehhh.. its ok? i love smoothies but if theres a lot of seeds i cant
- its soooo fucking gross im sorry but i hate it.
5p33di384 karma
What's your opinion of the following foods?
Rice cakes
Ice cream
DesolateDarlin123 karma
- fuckin love it! its so cool texture wise
- get it fucking away from me i hate it
- alright? dont eat it a lot but i would if i was offered to
- love them! you bite into them and they have that amazing crunch and texture and its the best
- i love ice cream! the ones that have the most texture are the best!
DesolateDarlin190 karma
steak with squash, or a sandwich. stuff that i hate that i'd like to try with taste
xDav81 karma
Hey, since you mentioned that you find eating is a chore, have you considered meal replacement shakes to make your life more pleasant? Soylent, Jimmyjoy, Huel, and the likes?
ived_nella79 karma
How do you know when to clean or do laundry if there's no visible reason to think something is dirty?
smallfeet_HUGETOES76 karma
How does this change how/what you want to do? I'm 35 and still not sure what I wanna be when I grow up, so no pressure - just wondering what you're passionate about.
DesolateDarlin131 karma
I love art! I used art in middle school to help me cope with feelings of being different and stuff like that, i lied about it for 10 years. I am looking at colleges rn and am hoping to major in animation and minor in creative writing! this is actually my youtube if you wanna see haha- https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCk-xD1pGt6oa2Wil9HK0d9A?view_as=subscriber
DesolateDarlin146 karma
very. you dont know fear until you fart but have no idea if its bad or not.
DesolateDarlin169 karma
I really dislike cereal tbh. a mix of accidentally using spoiled milk and i really hate soggy cereal.
DesolateDarlin110 karma
You cant miss something you've never had, ya know? Sometimes i get a little jealous but get over it pretty quickly.
quick list of food i hate-
spreads (peanut butter, jelly, jam)
sandwiches in general
meat (anything, chicken i can put up with but nothing else)
smoothies with a ton of seeds
DesolateDarlin80 karma
Yes, and I usually ask the employes at the store to give their opinion, and even though they try to sell me the most accidentally one it really helps to get others opinions!
Broking3743 karma
Although you aren't able to smell, are you able to tell the difference of when there is a different smell present? Like a humidity, density, or other feel difference?
DesolateDarlin86 karma
being completely honest i have no idea what you're talking about hahaha. if the air is humid i can feel it but i had no idea you can smell the humidity? (am i getting that right?)
DesolateDarlin46 karma
I love vegetables and fruit, they just make me feel amazing! my favorite are honeydew/cantaloupe, watermelon, tomatoes, and carrots.
SCD59237 karma
Can you feel spicy food? Would you wanna spicy wing food challenge? Are there any food challenges you think would be fun to complete and have an advantage on?
DesolateDarlin33 karma
My throat and tongue burn usually, but I love spicy food! usually, cause I get to look at the other people's faces when i down hot sauce or something like that.
2 years ago, freshman year, my school did a winter carnival thing with a contest with who could stand the worlds hottest hot sauce or something like that. I was given like, maybe a dime-sized drop on a spoon and I told them to give me more and they were like 'you don't want that' and I just stared at them until they filled up the spoon, and i downed it without batting an eye. my throat hurt the rest of the day but it was so worth it. I also won and got the rest of the bottle haha
implordofall34 karma
Since your food preferences are based off texture rather than flavor, what is the most overrated food, in your opinion?
DesolateDarlin77 karma
meat, it fucking sucks to eat it. I hate it SOOO much, bacon specifically.
DesolateDarlin77 karma
yes yes yes yes yes x100
I love to eat lemons, down hot sauce, or just other shit to see other people's reactions.
AWisZOO30 karma
What's alcohol like for you?
Also, I don't know how to word this question. If I see an eyeball, or a bug, or something that is taboo to eat in my culture, then I don't want to eat it. Are you shy to eat taboo or odd foods? Or since you can't taste anything you don't care? Does that also go with nonfoods? Like could you eat paper or crayons or something? Also, I read spicy burns your throat, so can you tell the difference between salty, sweet, or savory foods?
DesolateDarlin58 karma
i dont like beer, but i like harder liquor cause i can usually drink it easier than other people i think.
i honestly dont care whats in my food, unless its spoiled. i've had spoiled milk too many times.
i use to eat paper a lot honestly, just cause i'd get bored in class.
spicy stuff hurts my throat, but other than that i can't tell the difference.
LastBarrelBender29 karma
What's the taste/smell you are the most curious about of how it must taste/smell?
DesolateDarlin70 karma
cookies. everyone says freshly baked cookies are the best smell so i'd definitely like to smell it if i could.
DesolateDarlin44 karma
yes. in my weight/heath and my mental state.
weight/heath wise, i'm 5'9 and weight around 120ish, but im athletic in general anyways.
I have a lot of issues around eating tbh, just cause it's like a chore. I actually stunted my own growth because i'd never eat while growing up.
I am currently hoping to get cleared to start working out again to get to a healthy weight!
mental state wise,
As a child, I was aware that I couldn’t smell. I am not able to remember why or when I originally had the realization, but I can recall the day I acted on my differences. First, I asked my classmates how they learned to smell. When they told me they just knew how to, I went around the rest of the day constantly trying to smell everything - my books, the flowers outside, and even just air. I ended up asking my parents, and in their confusion, I was able to realize that my inability to smell was different. And I didn’t like being different.
For the next 10 years after that day, I attempted to lie to conceal my disability in fear that I would be judged because I was different. Seeing all these people around me being able to do something that I couldn’t do, made me feel very lonely during my elementary and middle school years. It wasn’t until the beginning of 8th grade I started to be more open about my condition.
I’ve slowly learned to embrace my differences and be happy with my condition when I can. Smelling unpleasant things is something I will never have to deal with and I am pretty content with that.
DesolateDarlin32 karma
I love eating food that's crunchy, even though I have TMJ so its difficult to appreciate them haha
PhillipBrandon27 karma
What makes your condition "isolated"?
Do you/have you smoked cigarettes or pot?
DesolateDarlin87 karma
so, in medical terms, isolated basically means i have no other symptoms other than not being able to smell/taste. usually, people who cant taste/smell have other disabilities, like Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Kallmann syndrome, and many more. I do smoke pot, and its amazing haha
CovfefeYourself21 karma
Does your disability qualify you to sit in the handicap/senior seats on busses?
ButterKnifeScar17 karma
If you breath to close to a perfum (like the inside of a bottle ) does it hurt your nose? Because It does to people who can smell
DesolateDarlin36 karma
usually i dont stick my nose into perfume bottles and sniff haha, but usually the air does sometime irritate my nose even if i cant smell it.
AnxiousSun15 karma
What's candy like? Chewing Gum? Jelly Beans? Have you tried fizzy candy like Atomic Warheads?
DesolateDarlin41 karma
candy depends on whether you are talking about chocolate stuff or fruity stuff, cause the two are very different. usually, all the chocolate candy is very smooth and i do like it but i much prefer fruity stuff cause they're either very chewy and softlike, or they have sugar (i think its sugar?) around it and thats the fuckin best
i love to chew gum! i have tmj tho so i cant do it as much as i like to!
my favorite thing to do is buy those bean boozled things and then offer them to people like their regular jelly beans cause it doesn't bother me!
i love warheads so much!
SequesterMe10 karma
Why can't you smell or taste? Are the parts missing or somehow not connected to your brain?
BTW: Did you know the same kind of taste sensors that are on your tongue are in your butt? I don't really understand how or why but I think it helps with getting bad stuff out of your digestive track.
DesolateDarlin25 karma
the connections between the sensors in my nose and taste buds don't work properly so the signals don't get to my brain for me to interpret? if that makes sense?
also wtf
rdocs5 karma
Do you enjoy the texture of cheez ballz, I love to squish them in my mouth. Wats your take on oatmeal, olives, and sex. Not necessarily together but they can be together if you would like I guess?
DesolateDarlin11 karma
I love cheez ballz!!
oatmeal- gross get it away from me
olives- never had them!
sex- since im a lesbian its great tbh ahha
TCGElite5 karma
Everyone asking about taste, but what about smell. Fresh flowers, summer breeze, and the dump need to be smelt at least once in life. Is there any possibility you will obtain any of those senses down the road?
Also, have you ever farted in a crowded room, only to have th room empty out?
DesolateDarlin8 karma
i asked my doctor that and unless we jump through some major medical hoops i will most likely live my entire life without smell or taste. I kinda hope so, but honestly im not sure.
haha not yet lol
balents3 karma
When you eat veggies and fruits do you not eat things like melon crusts or kiwi skins? Wondering if you eat certain parts of things that other people would just throw out.
DesolateDarlin5 karma
i usually do what other people do, though i do like the skins of cucumbers
mockingbird-2 karma
Does that makes "eat your vegetables" easier?
After all, if you are unable to smell or taste anything, I would think it makes eating healthy, but not necessary tasty food a lot easier.
DesolateDarlin2 karma
yes because i love healthy food a ton, its amazing and it makes me feel amazing !
Bcm9802 karma
When did you first realise you had this disability? Was it diagnosed at an early age?
DesolateDarlin5 karma
As a child, I was aware that I couldn’t smell. I am not able to remember why or when I originally had the realization, but I can recall the day I acted on my differences. First, I asked my classmates how they learned to smell. When they told me they just knew how to, I went around the rest of the day constantly trying to smell everything - my books, the flowers outside, and even just air. I ended up asking my parents, and in their confusion, I was able to realize that my inability to smell was different. And I didn’t like being different. For the next 10 years after that day, I attempted to lie to conceal my disability in fear that I would be judged because I was different. Seeing all these people around me being able to do something that I couldn’t do, made me feel very lonely during my elementary and middle school years. It wasn’t until the beginning of 8th grade I started to be more open about my condition. I’ve slowly learned to embrace my differences and be happy with my condition when I can. Smelling unpleasant things is something I will never have to deal with and I am pretty content with that.
TunaCatz2 karma
Reading through your answers, it seems like not being able to taste or smell things has both positives and negatives.
Do you wish you could taste and smell, or do you think the cons outweigh the pros?
Bonus question: Have you ever met or spoken with other people who have this condition? What was that like? E.g. Did you guys strongly disagree about favorite foods and the like? Thanks!
DesolateDarlin2 karma
honestly im not sure. its hard for me to miss something i've never had, but i also want to be a part of a ton of conversations ive never been in, ya kno? I do think that given the pros and cons i'd like to smell/taste though.
i've never met someone with my condition sadly, makes me feel quite alone in this universe haha.
DesolateDarlin2 karma
eating is a chore, but i still have my favorite foods and drinks. i love soda/fizzy drinks and my favorite food is Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Cottage Cheese, and Ramen all mixed together. All different textures, all amazing together. Been told it tastes gross from friends and family that have tried it though haha
snekywang1 karma
What is your favorite time of year? Do you prefer urban or rural environments?
Chan_Vaen_edan_Kote1 karma
What are your most and least favourite textures to eat? Is there anything you just can’t eat because of the texture?
DesolateDarlin1 karma
I love vegetables and fruit, they just make me feel amazing! my favorite are honeydew/cantaloupe, watermelon, tomatoes, and carrots.
quick list of food i hate-
spreads (peanut butter, jelly, jam) sandwiches in general meat (anything, chicken i can put up with but nothing else) caramel smoothies with a ton of seeds
My FAVORITE food is Mashed Potatoes, Corn, Cottage Cheese, and Ramen all mixed together. All different textures, all amazing together. Been told it tastes gross from friends and family that have tried it though haha
Mymainaccgotbanned1 karma
Have you ever considered a raw meat/carnivore way of eating?
Ever tried eating offal?
DesolateDarlin2 karma
i honestly don't care if my food is visually appealing, cause im just eating it haha.
ghost16671 karma
i saw you mention that your growth was stunted because you didn't like to eat as a kid. are you very thin now?
DesolateDarlin1 karma
i am around 5'9, was suppose to grow to 6' because everyone in my family is super tall and weigh around 120
DesolateDarlin4 karma
i fuckkking love sodas! its my favorite drink fun fact, i can tell the difference between certain sodas because of the carbonation and its different in certain sodas!
Bran_Solo2512 karma
Have you ever thought about how much money you can save because you have different enjoyment of food? /r/financialindependence would have a blast figuring out the cheapest way to give you nutritionally complete meals that shave many years off how long it would take for you to retire.
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