I Am A 95 y.o., former Canadian Minister of Defense and Transport Minister. I want to discuss my experience with the cabal/deep state, global warming, politics and extraterrestrials. Ask me anything!
Hello everyone! My name is Paul Hellyer and I am excited to be here today for my first Reddit AMA.
I am a Canadian entrepreneur, politician, writer, and commentator who has had a long and varied career. I am the longest serving current member of the Privy Council of Canada, just ahead of Prince Philip.
I have had a long political career, with notable designations such as Transport Minister, Senior Minister in the Cabinet and Minster of National Defense for Canada.
I also love to read and have written several books regarding a wide array of topics, such as The Money Mafia: A World in Crisis. I have recently made 3 videos for my YouTube Chanel regarding global issues, my understanding and experiences.
I am here today to talk about some of those topics! Ask me anything in regards to extra-terrestrials, climate change, the global financial cabal, politics or any other topic you are interested in.
I look forward to answering as many of your questions as possible! I will be answering intermittently between 9:00 am and 5:00pm EST.
Ask Me Anything!
YouTube Channel: Hellyer's Baseline on YouTube
Edit: Thank you everyone for your great questions and insightful comments! I will be answering as many questions as I can throughout the day.
Edit: I will be taking a small break for lunch. I look forward to answering more questions afterwards.
Edit: I will be starting up again answering question around 1:30 EST. Looking forward to seeing more questions.
Final Edit: Thank you everyone for your questions, comments, insights, and conversation. I appreciated your time and engagement during my first Reddit experience! I encourage you all to continue to seek further knowledge and research on climate change, the global financial cabal, banking reform, and extraterrestrials! We have a lot of things we have to accomplish together if our species is going to survive and prosper. So get engaged, and do your best. Together perhaps we can succeed. Hope springs eternal.
Sincerely, Paul Hellyer.
mrhellyer7859 karma
I have only been in direct contact once, personally, when I was encouraged to keep up the good work I have been doing. I was told there are 8 different species working together with individuals like me, who are involved with disclosure and spreading the truth. They also enhanced my ability to communicate telepathically.
mrhellyer283 karma
Glad you got front row seats! The truth is far more incredible than any science fiction.
Tanks4me1685 karma
Mr. Hellyer, I'm going to post these questions also as a top level comment, as a private message and and through all of the websites you listed you are on I WANT THESE QUESTIONS ANSWERED and I want to make sure you see them.
I REALLY want to believe you are telling the truth, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Additionally, your quote below makes me skeptical of the legitimacy of this entire AMA:
They also enhanced my ability to communicate telepathically.
Is this a "natural" telepathic communication without any technology? Or did you elect to receive implants devices to enable you to do so? (To be fair, the latter actually sounds plausible, even with today's technology.)
My remaining questions are as follows:
1: Why haven't these species publicly announced their existence? Is it a galactic rule to avoid broad contact with an alien species until they reach a certain point of technological advancement on their own in order to preserve their own culture? Are we being "quarantined" because we are too violent? Are the human governments withholding their existence on their own for their own motives? If so what would those motives be?
2: Why haven't they shared their technology? (Faster than light travel, efficient energy production, etc.) If according to your wiki you say they don't believe we are good stewards of our planet (which is entirely agreeable) then why don't they help us?
3: According to your Wiki page, you claim some of these species are living on Mars, Venus, and one of Saturn's moons, so why haven't we found evidence of their habitats?
4: Have you met them in person or seen pictures of them? Are they all humanoid (ie bipedal, head on shoulder, two eyes, two arms, two legs, etc.) Or are some pf them wildly different in biology like oh say the Rachni from Mass Effect? If they are all humanoid, then what traits of a humanoid biology make it so special that it's the only body type that can allow for a technologically advanced species?
5: Can we eat the same food as any of them? If so, are they able to eat as huge of a range of foods as us humans? (A highly underrated ability of ours, IMO.) I am a huge foodie, so if this is all true and if we can eat their food, I would be in heaven.
6: I'm led to assume that if you are openly talking about this on Reddit, then that would mean that their existence is unclassified, because otherwise you'd be thrown in prison for the next ten years. Why is this unclassified, yet the governments won't talk about this?
mrhellyer1562 karma
Hi! I have done my best to answer your questions as best as I can.
For your first question, it is a “natural” communication without technology.
- Some have. Valiants Thor, the Benevolent Venusian with an IQ of 1200 lived in the pentagon for three or four years, offered us Earthlings a richer, healthier life in exchange for giving up our nuclear weapons. His offer was not accepted. (More on Thor, including his picture, in my latest book Hope Restored.)
- They shared their technology and both the US and Russia have adopted it for military purposes. Some has spilled over including microchips used in our smartphones. Unfortunately we could have had more in agriculture and medicine, for example, if we had abandoned our warlike ways.
- The US has a lease on Mars and according to Courtney Brown, heard of the “Foresight” Institute, the martians have at least two colonies on Earth.
- I have seen many pictures. They are not all humanoid, and some are quite different in appearance. To the best of my knowledge I have only been in their direct presence once. I am not a biologist, so you will have to look elsewhere for the range of difference which is considerable.
- Again, there are mark difference between species in respect of what they eat and their digestive systems, which I have been told are quite different from our own.
- Governments, especially the US government, have been working with several species for decades and knows an incredible amount about them. They have spent billions denying the existence of UFOs, ETs and their incredible characteristics. Only in recent days (last week) , have former US defence officials have admitted the reality of UFOs. I personally wonder about their motives. Unlike some whistle-blowers, I have broken no oaths. All my information has been gained from interviews and documents that have come my way but our discussion today has barely scratch the surface of these subjects. You need to read credible books - my books and others.
Daafda1899 karma
According to The Guardian "Paul Hellyer, a former Canadian minister of defence, has blamed the Illuminati for suppressing technology brought to Earth by aliens that could end our reliance on fossil fuels."
Is this a ridiculous misinterpretation of your views? If not, what makes you feel that you deserve to be taken seriously by intelligent people?
mrhellyer2453 karma
The Guardian is close but not 100% accurate. I have blamed The Cabal, which comprises the Illuminati, the “Three Sisters” as I call them, the Bilderbergers, The Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, the banking cartel, the oil cartel, the transnational corporations, the intelligence agencies including the CIA, FBI, NSA, the British MI6, the Israeli Mossad and a very large swath of the US military, have collectively suppressed knowledge of zero point energy which is the only hope to replace fossil fuels fast enough to stop the worst effects of global warming. But, zero point energy was not brought to us by the aliens. God gave it to us when he created the cosmos. The American military developed it decades ago, as did other inventors and entrepreneurs. It is still on the secret list. We must gain access and start using it at once if we want to save thousands of lives.
astroFOUND1641 karma
If you could only show one single piece of evidence to back up your claim of extraterrestrial life, which piece of evidence would you choose? What single piece is most convincing?
mrhellyer616 karma
Thank you for your question!
One of the earliest pieces of convincing evidence for myself, was a two hour interview I conducted with Colonel Charles Halt who had been the deputy base commander of the Twin United States Air Force bases in England (just outside RAF Woodbridge). Where he said a UFO incident changed the course of his life.
There had been multiple ongoing sightings by non commissioned officers of strange lights in the forest. The reports had been brushed off as imagination as is often the case with such sightings. There was a sighting during a Christmas eve banquet, which led the commanding officer to send Halt to investigate. Halt personally related it to me, saying “I am going out to put an end to this damn nonsense once and for all.” Once he and his associates reached the area of the lights, they found a parked UFO. And he said “My life was changed forever.”
Incidentally the visitors were very interested in the nuclear installations, which is considered one of the most important reasons they are taking an interest in our planet because they think we are likely to do something irresponsible and make it uninhabitable.
Halt was promoted to full colonel later, and has since written his own book describing the events that took place with pictures and evidence of the event. The book is called “The Halt Perspective.”
I have also included a summary of the two hour interview in my first book, Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species. You can read the first 35 pages online for free or find more free resources on google.
Nick Pope provided me with this case summary when it crossed his desk which was why I approached Charles Halt for the interview.
GamingWarrior1571 karma
What, in your opinion, is the biggest issue facing the world today that the general public isn't concerned enough about?
mrhellyer2214 karma
Okay that’s good one! The most important issues are global warming, a larcenous banking and financial system, the deep state and it’s plans for us and the world. I will be elaborating on each of these topics in due course throughout the day.
gloggs1029 karma
In your career what was the most 'I can't believe it' moment? Possibly something that changed how you thought about the world, or yourself.
mrhellyer1767 karma
Throughout 2005, it was not a single moment, but the process of learning about “the broader reality” that we are not alone in the cosmos, that there are many brothers and sisters who have be visiting our planet for a long time. We have to get to know each other and work together for the common good. It was this new reality that encouraged me to be the first person of cabinet rank in the then G8 to say “UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying overhead” this was the truth.
truthofmasks347 karma
What were the sorts of things that taught you about this "broader reality"? I understand that it was a process, but what were some parts of that process?
mrhellyer189 karma
One of the main parts of the process started in 2005 after reading “The Day After Roswell” by Philip J. Corso. It is full of information about the crash(es) near Roswell in 1947. He claimed to have seen some of the Zeta-Reticuli who had been killed. Later when he was in charge of the section of the army that handled foreign material he handed pieces of the wreckage to select American corporations to investigate and use to create new products. Some of the things that he claimed were retrieved from the crash were night vision goggles, and kevlar. Corso listed a whole series of advanced technology in his book. Most important of all was when I finished reading the book I knew the information was real because I personally recognized the names of the generals and the air force bases he mentioned in the book. Subsequently, I checked the book out with the a retired US Air Force general who said “every word is true and more” he then spent 20 minutes telling me about “the more”, including the fact that there had been face to face meetings between US officials and visitors from other star systems.
Tanks4me865 karma
Mr. Heller, I'm going to post these questions also as a top level comment, as a private message and and through all of the websites you listed you are on I WANT THESE QUESTIONS ANSWERED and I want to make sure you see them.
I REALLY want to believe you are telling the truth, but extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Additionally, your quote below makes me skeptical of the legitimacy of this entire AMA:
They also enhanced my ability to communicate telepathically.
Is this a "natural" telepathic communication without any technology? Or did you elect to receive implants devices to enable you to do so? (To be fair, the latter actually sounds plausible, even with today's technology.)
My remaining questions are as follows:
1: Why haven't these species publicly announced their existence? Is it a galactic rule to avoid broad contact with an alien species until they reach a certain point of technological advancement on their own in order to preserve their own culture? Are we being "quarantined" because we are too violent? Are the human governments withholding their existence on their own for their own motives? If so what would those motives be?
2: Why haven't they shared their technology? (Faster than light travel, efficient energy production, etc.) If according to your wiki you say they don't believe we are good stewards of our planet (which is entirely agreeable) then why don't they help us?
3: According to your Wiki page, you claim some of these species are living on Mars, Venus, and one of Saturn's moons, so why haven't we found evidence of their habitats?
4: Have you met them in person or seen pictures of them? Are they all humanoid (ie bipedal, head on shoulder, two eyes, two arms, two legs, etc.) Or are some pf them wildly different in biology like oh say the Rachni from Mass Effect? If they are all humanoid, then what traits of a humanoid biology make it so special that it's the only body type that can allow for a technologically advanced species?
5: Can we eat the same food as any of them? If so, are they able to eat as huge of a range of foods as us humans? (A highly underrated ability of ours, IMO.) I am a huge foodie, so if this is all true and if we can eat their food, I would be in heaven.
6: I'm led to assume that if you are openly talking about this on Reddit, then that would mean that their existence is unclassified, because otherwise you'd be thrown in prison for the next ten years. Why is this unclassified, yet the governments won't talk about this?
mrhellyer451 karma
Hello, I replied to your other comment as well but I will paste it here again! Thank you for all the questions.
For your first question, it is a “natural” communication without technology.
- Some have. Valiants Thor, the Benevolent Venusian with an IQ of 1200 lived in the pentagon for three or four years, offered us Earthlings a richer, healthier life in exchange for giving up our nuclear weapons. His offer was not accepted. (More on Thor, including his picture, in my latest book Hope Restored.)
- They shared their technology and both the US and Russia have adopted it for military purposes. Some has spilled over including microchips used in our smartphones. Unfortunately we could have had more in agriculture and medicine, for example, if we had abandoned our warlike ways.
- The US has a lease on Mars and according to Courtney Brown, heard of the “Foresight” Institute, the martians have at least two colonies on Earth.
- I have seen many pictures. They are not all humanoid, and some are quite different in appearance. To the best of my knowledge I have only been in their direct presence once. I am not a biologist, so you will have to look elsewhere for the range of difference which is considerable.
- Again, there are mark difference between species in respect of what they eat and their digestive systems, which I have been told are quite different from our own.
- Governments, especially the US government, has been working with several species for decades and knows an incredible amount about them. They have spent billions denying the existence of UFOs, ETs and their incredible characteristics. Only in recent days (last week) , have former US defence officials have admitted the reality of UFOs. I personally wonder about their motives. Unlike some whistleblowers, I have broken no oaths. All my information has been gained from interviews and documents that have come my way but our discussion today has barely scratch the surface of these subjects. You need to read credible books - my books and others.
mrhellyer384 karma
I was looking froward to all the questions today. I am Universalist, not a specialist. These are not the toughest questions I have had to answer.
Shalere420 karma
As a Canadian citizen, I look to the US today and see a system of checks and balances that seems increasingly ineffective due to both politicians and voters putting partisanship above the principles of fair governance and respect for office. Do you believe the structure of the Canadian government is any more resilient to this, or does it still largely come down to trust in the parties to adhere to the spirit of democracy even when they're in power?
mrhellyer374 karma
Well that’s a good question! I agree that the US system of checks and balances has broken down completely in recent decades as the Cabal has usurped power. Our Canadian system does not have formal checks and balances. The Senate was supposed to be one but while it has added significantly to debates from time to time, it has failed to act as an effective counter balance. Fortunately, our system of Courts has filled the void from time to time.
kevolad376 karma
Hi there, Canadian here living in Medicine Hat, though I'm an outlier here in that I'm not a rabid frothing political party fanboy.
If you'll allow, I have two questions.
1) With corporate taxes rates tumbling as regions compete for their business, how are we expected to make up the government revenue with stagnant wages?
2) Will we ever see justice over the revelations of the Panama Papers?
Thank you in advance, Most Honourable Sir.
mrhellyer378 karma
Thank you for your questions. The answers are as follows.
- There is absolutely no way that we can solve the economic morass you describe without changing our banking system and infusing significant amounts of debt free government created money. This problem has persisted for a long time and I elaborate in many books including the two most recent, The Money Mafia: A World in Crisis and the most recent, Hope Restored: An Autobiography. Or read the first hundred pages of Web of Debt by Ellen Brown which gives you a real insight into what gone wrong in the monetary system.
- It is doubtful we will ever see justice over the revelations of the Panama Papers unless we should ever elect a government that was determined to treat everyone equally. One can hope for such a government but the odds are not great.
Hope everything is going well in Medicine Hat, I used to visit periodically when I was in active politics.
mrhellyer130 karma
The Avro Arrow was one of Canada's greatest achievements. It was the best in the world in its time. There were several factors that led to its demise. I blame faulty intelligence on the part of the US Air Force. They overestimated the imminence and importance of Soviet missiles and when they would replace manned aircraft. Then the RCAF was somewhat culpable because it insisted in creating its own black box instead of buying one off of the shelf. The result was that the Avro Arrow was taking too much of the defense budget at the expense of army and navy.
I blame PM Diefenbaker for the decision to cancel the program and cut up the existing planes with acetylene torches but years later I saw documents that proved the decision had been made by the Chief of the Air Staff and the Deputy Minister of Defense Production. The minister of defense at the time had asked them if they had made an effort to give one or more of the airplanes to museums and they insisted that they had without success. I have often doubted the extent of that effort.
One aircraft of the six that had come off the line had disappeared. There has been a long search to try and find it. Finally a few years ago, I learned from a retirement US navy intelligence officer that it is in the Air Force museum in that highly guarded of Nevada known as Area 51.
sweetsummerchild97260 karma
What is something from your studies and experiences do you want the younger generation to be fully aware and must know about?
mrhellyer707 karma
The most important message at the moment is that it is almost impossible to get reliable information from the popular press- newspapers, radio and television. You have to find good books on the subjects that interest you because they are likely to have the information that is necessary for you to understand what has been and is still going on in the world around you. In fact, your future depends on seeking the truth and then taking the necessary action as you see it.
mrhellyer575 karma
I inherited good genes from my parents.
Food is important. I eat lots of green vegetables and fruit.
Exercise is critical. I swim laps every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
ac13332223 karma
Do you feel that the issue of climate change has been ignored (deliberately) by people who you worked with/for that know the long term dangers of it?
mrhellyer479 karma
I think there have been two problems, indifference and politics. Many people are too preoccupied with their daily lives to spend much time acknowledging that their planetary house is on fire. Some have been influenced by propaganda paid for by the oil cartel. A major problem is the number of jobs, read votes, that would be affected by serious attention to the problem and the tendency for politicians to let their short term interests of getting reelected take precedence over the life and death issues of the young.
TheSooner55189 karma
What was the toughest issue you had to deal with during your professional tenure?
mrhellyer491 karma
The toughest issue came when I was minister of national defense, during the final stages of debate on the Bill to unify the Canadian Armed Forces which had been so difficult and contentious. It was 1967, our Centennial year, and the House of Commons was anxious to adjourn for the summer. Prime Minister Pearson proposed leaving the final stage of the Bill until the next session in the fall. I knew that would kill the Bill, and we would have to start all over again.
My late wife, Ellen, and I were invited to join the PM and Mrs Pearson in their private railway car on route to Quebec City for the funeral of Canada’s Governor General, George Vanier.
After dinner, the PM and I went into a private room to chat. He repeated his plan. I said that he was the boss and could do as he liked. But, if he postponed the debate until fall, he would have to get another minister to finish it. “You are serious”, he said. “Yes”, I replied. “In that case, the Bill will be one of two completed before we adjourn”. Crisis over!
threadbare_penitence155 karma
What is the last piece of music you listened to intentionally?
mrhellyer333 karma
I cannot remember the exact piece of music, however my favourite is Beethoven's 9th symphony.
claytonmation73 karma
This question is in regards to the global financial cabal - what can we do to free humanity from their grip? It seems like they grow more powerful by the day and will soon be unstoppable with facial recognition, drones, and targeted misinformation to create a chilling effect on revolutionary acts, obfuscate who is really running things, and polarize the common people to turn against one another instead of against the true enemies of freedom. They have almost unlimited resources and millions or billions of unwitting followers. I feel like we need a global revolution, but they are already writing strategies to quash any sort of uprising. What kinds of strategies would be employed to counter such a revolution, and how can we overcome those obstacles on the path to humanity's liberation?
mrhellyer121 karma
The banking cartel is probably the principle sources of the Cabal’s power. My books, although I am not pushing you to go buy them, recommends the nationalization (public ownership) of all central banks starting with the Federal Reserve System, which my book describes as the “biggest bust in history”. Then governments could introduce some debt from money and “set the country free”. The answer to the second part of your question is in the final chapter of Hope Restored, which has an eight page explanation focused on how the cabal can be weakened.
Just for more information, I do not sell my books to make a living, if I did I would starve to death. I break my back and with great expense to write those books, with the goal to pass on my knowledge to people who are interested in learning more about it.
Graxen51 karma
Why have you decided to share this now? Could you give a "good" book recommendation?
mrhellyer148 karma
I have been making speeches, attending conferences and writing books on most of these subjects for about 13 years with significant results but nothing comparable to what is necessary.
Some young friends suggested an AMA as an efficient way to get the message out so I agreed because the urgency of exposing the truth has increased exponentially in the last two or three years.
You can find dozens of good books on the subjects of UFOs and ETs. The first one that I read 14 years ago was The Day After Roswell, by Lt. Col. Philip Corso. A recent book by one of the giants of Ufology is Unacknowledged by Stephen Greer, MD.
mrhellyer168 karma
He was a cool guy, one thing that got him far was that when he was talking to you he looked directly at you, he never looked around to see if there was someone more important that he should be talking to. That is a rare characteristic among politicians.
mrhellyer64 karma
I suspect that the extraterrestrials who they will contact, that in many cases they will take the initiative. I can't actually say that there is anything we can do to direct their attention.
erotic_thunderpants5330 karma
Can you elaborate on your experiences with extraterrestrials?
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