Hello Reddit!

This is rdein, Elektrobear, DAKU, nk, and pkbt. The Bombservice crew has teamed with our publisher DANGEN Entertainment! We are just a short week away from our newest release: the spiritual sequel to Momodora: RUtM, Minoria!

Ask Us Anything!

Edit: spelling

Proof: https://twitter.com/Dangen_Ent/status/1162363495754678274

Edit #2: Thanks for participating everyone! We all enjoyed answering your questions and look forward to seeing you play our newest game Minoria next week!

Comments: 157 • Responses: 95  • Date: 

trueyomic10 karma

After Minoria, what kind of game do you see yourselves making next?

I'd love to see you revisit Momodora 3d; screw the haters

Dangen_Ent8 karma

There's a lot of ideas I'd like to do, from Tactical RPGs to more Metroidvanias, Zelda-likes, and so on. But for now I'm unsure of what's in the future for Bombservice!


nickavv8 karma

How did you grow from the small and under-the-radar releases of the early Momodora games to where you are now? Was it dedicated community-building, just making good games, total random chance, or all of the above?

Dangen_Ent9 karma

It's difficult even for me to understand which factors contributed to that sort of thing. On a personal note, all I do is create games and aim to make better games than the ones I've finished before. Momodora RUtM got into a spotlight because of the presentation of the game, for sure, with the animation and boss fights receiving a great deal of attention. But it also feels like random chance, as there are many cool projects out there that never get noticed. Regardless, I'm very thankful for the community we've build around these games, it's something truly wonderful.


throwingback8 karma

When making Minoria, what aspects did you purposely try to deviate from or change up compared to Momodora?

Also, if you had an unlimited budget to work on any kind of game or idea, what would it be.

Dangen_Ent8 karma

With an unlimited budget I would definitely want to work on a huge, super detailed pixel art game. I really want to draw something like that.


Dangen_Ent7 karma

One thing I definitely attempted to do was a more focused story than my previous games. For me it's wild that Minoria has cutscenes with more than 3 characters on screen. In my previous games, the stories are much more vague and underdeveloped, and it's often just the main character and an enemy on screen.

Another point I tried to mix up was the combat. Minoria has more RPG elements mixed in, and there's also many more combat animations/actions the player can perform. One simple spoiler-less example is the fact you can use spells in the air, something that is not possible in Momodora RUtM. Throughout development I kept thinking what could be added to the game to improve the flow, and a faster combat system along with more player actions were one of the key differences we developed, compared to Momodora.

I think if I had unlimited budget, I'd probably want to make some sort of RPG like Chrono Trigger or a 3D game with an intricate world design like the first Dark Souls.


Dangen_Ent7 karma

with an unlimited budget, the world's most ambitious mmo walking simulator.


delusionalfuka7 karma

howdy I love you guys <3

-Are we gonna have op boss items like in RUtM?

-Did pkbt thought about a message for developers room (if there is one : p) in minoria?

-What's Cotillard favorite cat in RUtM?

-Can you Pet the cat in Minoria?

-What's everyone's favorite pizza topping?

-Can I believe that Cath was completely fine and by "ending her suffering" you were just calling her an uber because she was super tired after climbing karst castle in such a heavy armor (and a huge sword)?

-Do you remember the debug "rdein u baka ><" npc in front of crest wall?


Dangen_Ent3 karma

-Are we gonna have op boss items like in RUtM?

Boss items come back, yes! -rdein

-Did pkbt thought about a message for developers room (if there is one : p) in minoria?

Regarding PK's message: it's a secret! -rdein

-What's Cotillard favorite cat in RUtM?

Cotillard likes all the cats the same, but maybe she has a preference for Cat Kaho. -rdein

-Can you Pet the cat in Minoria?

No cat petting in Minoria, but now that you mention it... -rdein

-What's everyone's favorite pizza topping?

I don't even like pizza -rdein

pineapple and ham -pkbt


black olives -DAKU

Cheese - Elektrobear

-Can I believe that Cath was completely fine and by "ending her suffering" you were just calling her an uber because she was super tired after climbing karst castle in such a heavy armor (and a huge sword)?

You can believe whatever, it's all good! -rdein

-Do you remember the debug "rdein u baka ><" npc in front of crest wall?

Wait, what?! I don't remember that at all lol -rdein


Momodora Kart currently in development and scheduled for release within the holiday season of 2019 -rdein

bv7286 karma

The Momodora games leave quite a bit to the player to infer.
How much of that gets planned, and how much winds up on the cutting floor for whatever reason?

Dangen_Ent3 karma

There's a lot of stuff I have planned/explained in my own notes, outside of the game. The issue is that I find it difficult to place that information in the games without making it really boring/a lore dump. I'm trying to do it better for Minoria!


idiosynthetik6 karma

What were some of the pros/cons of going from the pixel art style of your previous 3 games to the very different look of minoria?

Dangen_Ent8 karma

You might not expect a musician to respond to this but I definitely felt pressure to find a sound together with elektrobear that would fit the new look. We needed to keep the retro feel but sound more polished and modern at the same time.


Dangen_Ent5 karma

The artstyle of Minoria is a combination of hand-drawn digital illustrations for the scenery, and cel shaded models for the characters (which are then posed in specific angles to mimic our previous sprite art).For the scenery, I particularly don't see any pro/con. It's just preference. My workflow is basically the same as I draw the tiles/props on a canvas and then spend some minutes polishing them. Both on pixel art and on digital illustrations, the polish phase is similar, except I do different techniques to arrive at the final look.

The characters are where we have a much more different setup. For a 2D character (pixel art or not), assuming you already have the concept art down, all you have to do is draw the character. You draw a sprite or a frame of animation, and that's it, it's immediately "done". For Minoria, the setup is far more complex as it involves modelling, rigging, texturing, and then finally doing the animations (and of course, iterating on all of these processes).

The pixel art look is definitely faster, but it might lack on clarity of details. Minoria's art style has a lot more processes involved, which slows things down, but allows us to put more minute detail, zoom the camera in and out, etc. And of course, there are the aesthetics, some people prefer one or another, but that is down to each one's tastes.


Dangen_Ent3 karma

I specialize in pixel art, so working on a game like this is not what I expected that I would be doing! But I learned so much more than I ever thought I would. For me the biggest issue was the resolution. Even though in pixel art you learn to simplify as much as you can, with HD art I never knew when to stop polishing and adding detail. It's something that you learn as you go. All in all, I gained a lot from this experience as an artist.


XelNya5 karma

When you're designing the layouts of where enimies are placed, what thought goes into making say one screen difficult, but fair?

Also, are there any fun secrets you can allude to, but not spoil?

PS: Love your games, especially in a time where fun, playable games really hard to find. Bought RUtM on a sale and it was the best game that year I played.

Dangen_Ent3 karma

For the first question, I have my own standards but of course it all depends on the feedback I get from testers. I adjust that sort of thing based on their feedback more than my own gut feeling.

No spoilers! No spoilers!

Thank you for the support!


Bonesreturns5 karma

Big fan of Momodora here, thanks for doing an AMA, i'll chuck a few random questions towards you guys

-Why did you guys decide to create a spiritual sequel to Momodora, rather than a direct one, especially after the success of RUtM?

-Will we ever see momodora 1 & 2 on steam?

-Who is responsible for the amazing osts of your games?

-What was your reaction to the success of RUtM? were you surprised? or did you predict the outcome?

Dangen_Ent5 karma

-Why did you guys decide to create a spiritual sequel to Momodora, rather than a direct one, especially after the success of RUtM?

I wanted to try something new for once. At the time I had been working on the Momodora series for roughly 10 years, so I needed to free myself from that.

-Will we ever see momodora 1 & 2 on steam?

There are no plans for Momodora 1/2 on Steam, sorry. In their current state, it would be difficult to manage them.

-Who is responsible for the amazing osts of your games?

The OSTs for Momodora/Minoria games are usually composed by Elektrobear and nk!

-What was your reaction to the success of RUtM? were you surprised? or did you predict the outcome?

I had around 200 followers on twitter when RUtM was released and was not expecting anything more than 1000 sales. In that regard, yes, I was very surprised and I'm very thankful for the support and great reaction that game gathered. I'm a pessimist by default so I would never predict I'd make a game with that level of success.


Dangen_Ent3 karma

Personally, I came on board for Momodora 2, did most of the Momodora 3 soundtrack aside from two tracks (Melilot's theme & Final battle) and then took a break from making game music. Ended up getting back in touch with rdein and the rest of the gang through the magic of discord a little while after RUTM launched.


NathanTrimboliDesign5 karma

What is your thought process behind level designs and layouts of the map as a whole during development? I really enjoyed the transition of themes in RUtM and the verticality of areas felt smooth rather than platform.

Dangen_Ent5 karma

Glad you enjoyed it!
I try to plan the game areas at the very beginning of the project so I can then keep the setting consistent and write a story/backstory that fits those locations.

With that said, the thought process is not something set in stone or anything, there's a lot of ideas thrown around and experimentation. It changes all the time during development as new ideas come up and something that worked before might stop working.
In a way, it's like a drawing. You start with an idea, then you sketch it, and as you start polishing it up you notice whether you want to change some elements or not. Needless to say, a lot of the insight I get is from feedback given to me by the testers or other members of the dev team.


TheMightyNyco5 karma

Obligatory "tits or ass?" Preferably answered by all of you :D

Dangen_Ent9 karma



Dangen_Ent7 karma

Anyone who takes a quick look at RUtM or Minoria will probably think... "Well, the character designer is definitely into boobs."

That is not a lie, but I'm more of an ass person myself. I just haven't found a way yet to integrate more ass into boss fights.


Dangen_Ent6 karma



Dangen_Ent5 karma

Big fan of both though there's something intensely magnetic about a perfect ass..


C_DOS_KEZ4 karma

Will we ever see Edea's back story because she is best girl.

also, ahead of the release, is there anything about minoria you feel is exceptional? and is there anything you feel you already know you'd do better next time?

much love [p.s. the music always slaps <3]

Dangen_Ent3 karma

Maybe in a future Momodora game we could explore her backstory further! Her item drop in Momodora RUtM and another item in Momodora III do have a bit of story on them regarding Edea.

I'm always looking for ways to improve for the next game, as I'm constantly taking notes of what to do in the future. I feel like the gameplay portion of Minoria is one of my favorite aspects, but I really like the game in general! It's a project I'm proud of!

Thanks for your support!


Dangen_Ent2 karma

(thankuuu <3)


Dangen_Ent2 karma

Minoria has exceptionally good girls!


baphadja4 karma

Were any unused concepts from the Momodora series repurposed for Miniora?

Does Miniora share a universe with Momodora, or at least some aspects of it?

Dangen_Ent3 karma

Not many people know about this, but among the many initial plot concepts I had for Momodora RUtM was one heavily based on a story of religion and faith. I couldn't get myself to complete that sort of story for Momodora, but I'd say those ideas basically became the foundation for Minoria's universe.

Speaking of universes... There is a sort of indirect connection between the two. That's as much as I'm willing to say.


AquilaDragon4 karma

Hi there,

Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight has quickly become one of my favorite games of all time, and I'm really excited that Minoria is nearly here! One of my favorite parts of RUtM is the boss battles. I think a lot of the bosses had really interesting, engaging ideas – fighting the Heretical Arsonist alongside Cath, fighting the duo boss at the end of Royal Pinacotheca, re-fighting Lubella in Whiteleaf Memorial Park, etc. I really enjoyed the optional fight with Archpriestess Choir, as well. I'd just like to know – can more great boss fights similar to the aforementioned ones be expected in Minoria? Thank you!

One other brief question. Was Cotillard planned to have more of a role in RUtM's story? Thanks again!

Dangen_Ent3 karma

It makes me happy you liked all those bosses so much! Making the bosses is definitely one of the most fun aspects for me. If I could, I'd fill a game with dozens of bosses!
There are many bosses in Minoria I'm fond of, and I hope you'll like them too!

Cotillard is among a special group of characters that is rather mysterious, and I'm unsure still if any future Momodora games should expand on their role. For RUtM, though, she was always planned to be the way she is!

Thank you too!


Dangen_Ent3 karma

There are some really fun bossfights in Minoria

- Elektrobear

amarubud4 karma

Tap water or bottled? Best tap water experience?

Dangen_Ent4 karma

tap. water is pretty good.


Dangen_Ent4 karma

Tap water from Madrid.


Dangen_Ent3 karma



Dangen_Ent2 karma

Diet coke.


Dangen_Ent2 karma

Icelandic tap water is amazing, currently I'm in the Netherlands and the tap water here is excellent too.


FlatBartender4 karma

How many cups of coffee do you consume per day and what kind of coffee ? (decaf or not, iced or hot, latte, with sugar...)

Dangen_Ent8 karma

Alright so on an earlier question I said "I don't like pizza", and now I'm about to say... I don't like coffee. I do drink a lot of milk though, all the time basically. These games are powered by milk.


Dangen_Ent5 karma

I don't drink coffee but I have an unhealthy relationship to diet coke. Which I possibly gained from an indie dev I won't name who consumes ridiculous amounts of supermarket brand diet cola.

Like super ridiculous.


Dangen_Ent3 karma

One, decaf, lots of milk, never any sugar!


Dangen_Ent3 karma

one black (at most).


Dangen_Ent3 karma

I don't drink coffee but I have been known to drink tea, up to 3-4 cups a day. Oh and I, too, have an unhealthy relationship with diet sodas, mainly Pepsi Max..


Artyyyooo4 karma

Why is there that one red witch in Karst Castle in Momo:RUtM?

Is she special?

And why is there a coffin next to her?

Who is that coffin for?

Do you prefer the pixel artstyle from Momo:RUtM or the Minoria artstyle?

Which one took more effort to create a game from?

Why isn't there a standalone Cath-game or a skin for Momo:RUtM? I want that. Please.

Why is Kaho's leaf so strong?

Why is the angel in RUtM immune to arrows?

Who is that angel anyway?

Dangen_Ent1 karma

Alright, so this question is packed... in a good way!

Why is there that one red witch in Karst Castle in Momo:RUtM?

Is she special?

Here's the twist: the "angel" is not an angel, but actually a vampire. I know, it's weird. Her wings are bat wings, more visible in the concept art than in the sprite. That enemy was put in the game very late so I didn't get any feedback on her design (eg, no one told me she looked like an angel), so that was actually a surprise to me when the game was released.

why is there a coffin next to her? Who is that coffin for?

The coffin and small bats before her fight are of course to tie-in the theme of her being a vampire. I should perhaps have added more detail to the wings and a better color other than blue! The red witch is a small nod to the black phantoms in the Souls games.

Which one took more effort to create a game from?

I like both the aesthetics of Momodora and Minoria, but Minoria's takes more effort to make!

Why isn't there a standalone Cath-game or a skin for Momo:RUtM? I want that. Please.

Making Cath playable would mean making a lot of animations... Please understand.

Why is Kaho's leaf so strong?

Kaho's leaf is strong because it's blessed with sacred power!


Fehafare3 karma

Omg, it's the people who made Momodora! And they're making a new game! And this is the best day ever! Why am finding out about this just now. Reverie Under the Moonlight introduced me to the series but I've since played all the games and I just love them to bits.

Reading up on stuff it seems that Minoria is supposed to be a new take on things and a break from Momodora, I'm curious do you plan on revisiting Momodora at some point in the future and are there any concrete plans for it or is just on the backburner for now?

Dangen_Ent3 karma

Thank you for the support!

Makes me very happy that you enjoyed the Momo series so much. I think I'd like to revisit Momodora in the future, but I'd have to think really hard on which direction I should take the series, which story and characters to explore, etc.


trentbat3 karma

What's your guilty pleasure?

Dangen_Ent4 karma

Kyary pamyu pamyu


Dangen_Ent3 karma

Milk bread. I eat that a lot


Dangen_Ent3 karma

Vanitas no Carte merch...


Dangen_Ent3 karma

The pizza I order when I've mentally committed to not leaving the house that day..


Shadowflash03 karma

What do you think you've learned the most from making RutM that helped in making Minoria?

Dangen_Ent3 karma

After RUtM was released, I took a look at the general feedback we got and figured out what could be improved in Minoria. Overall, the lessons I took from RUtM were to provide a better player experience, a better story, and a better gameplay experience.

Off the top of my head, a lot of new features were added in Minoria as quality of life changes. For example, more framerate settings, more customizable controls settings, HUD options, vibration/brightness sliders, the ability to skip all cutscenes, new combat mechanics... There's a lot of things like this that were added to the game to improve the player experience.
On the story department, this game has a more direct story and more exposition on the lore backstories than Momodora. I could talk about this to minute detail but it'd probably be boring so I'm stopping here!


Dangen_Ent3 karma

It sounds cheesy but I learned that I could do this? When I offered to write the soundtrack I'd never done anything like that for a "real" game before. It didn't feel like it was really happening until after it launched.

Hopefully that confidence boost has helped me progress musically this time around.


Micaiah_of_Daein3 karma

What part of the development process do you guys find the most challenging? Is there consensus, or do each of you find joy and sorrow in different aspects of your work?

Big fan. Hope the launch next week goes well!

Dangen_Ent4 karma

To me the hardest part is probably at the very beginning of the project, when I have to make the biggest decisions: who are the characters in this game, what are they doing, where are they, etc. I think it's true for every project I've worked on that the very beginning of development is where most of the scrapped content ends up. For example, Momodora III and RUtM each had several early story versions/settings/characters that I scrapped before I settled on the final ones.
Once that part is out of the way, it is more about execution and adjustment, which is also challenging, but it feels like you are working in a controlled environment.

The gameplay and character design part for me is where it usually comes out very naturally. I just have my taste and preferences and stick to them.


Dangen_Ent4 karma

Thank you!

I agree with rdein, the hardest part is getting him to be happy with what he is writing and start developing it! Hahah.
Usually we throw ideas at each other until one small concept resonates with him and begins expanding into what could be a full game.
This also happens whenever I have to draw something new; the sketching process is the toughest. Once he gives an sketch the OK, though, it all proceeds smoothly.


Dangen_Ent3 karma

From the music point of view, it's hardest at the start when we're kinda exploring in all directions and don't really know what is going to fit the game, or even how to technically achieve every sound we might want to. It can be pretty demotivating to have to reject lots of soundtrack demos in a row on the road to finding the right approach. But once that happens, things start to fall into place in a super satisfying way. It's great when the art and music start to sync up and work together.


Temtempie3 karma

How long did development last for Minoria?

Dangen_Ent3 karma

Around 2 years


Nerem3 karma

All the good questions got taken, so here's my terrible ones:

- Who is the cutest character?

- What's your favorite couple?

Dangen_Ent3 karma

Best couple is Shinji and Kaworu.

Wait did I misinterpret the question?


Dangen_Ent2 karma

I think the cutest are Momo (from Momodora) and Fran (from Minoria).

The favorite couple has to be Kaho x Cath!


Dangen_Ent2 karma

DORA!!!! and Momo & Dora.


Dangen_Ent2 karma

All of them (to both questions).


Dangen_Ent2 karma

Momo 2 dora is cutest

- Elektrobear

idiosynthetik3 karma

One of my favourite things about RUtM was that I felt it had a very strong and rather melancholic atmosphere, with the art, music and sound really drawing me into its world and the different locations within it.

This may be a nonsense question, as you would obviously want to have strong sound/art for your game, but was there a specific emphasis placed on creating this kind of atmosphere and is this something important to you when creating games which carries over to Minoria?

Dangen_Ent3 karma

Yeah, that was an intended goal. I'm a fan of that sort of mood/atmosphere and I worked hard with the musicians to blend both the art of the game and the music to fit together.
I wouldn't say a somber, melancholic atmosphere is important when creating a game, but it was important for creating both RUtM and Minoria, because those games demanded it in order to feel more natural.


Dangen_Ent3 karma

Honestly Minoria is probably going to make RutM seem cheerful by comparison. Sad pianos ALL THE WAY.


Dangen_Ent3 karma

The scores of dead nuns lining the walls really helps us composers get in the mood for writing.

- Elektrobear

RyoDavis3 karma

rdein, you mentioned in one of your answers that you'd like to build an intricate 3d world akin to Dark Souls 1, and one of my favorite things that DS1 and Momodora RUTM shared was a tightly packed map during the first sections (DS prior to Lordvessel; Momo while collecting the crest fragments) where individual sections link together in interesting ways to form a satisfying explorative experience.

So my question is (for rdein, specifically, but open to any Bombservice member who wants to answer): What's the process for making a tight map with many shortcuts, interlinked zones, and epiphanies where the player gets to realize they've stumbled back to a familiar area from a confusing wilderness, only this time from a direction they've never seen?

And as a bonus question: I notice that both of these games lost a lot of that tightness in their later sections. What can be done to extend the tight map layout to the whole game, rather than only having it as a feature of the first half or so?

Dangen_Ent2 karma

I find it very difficult to build/implement a world in that style. As you mentioned for RUtM, parts of it follow that formula but other parts don't, and it is that way simply because I couldn't find a way to connect things in a more labyrinthine way while also keeping their physical locations logical. This is a thing some metroidvania worlds have it easier than others, for example how in Metroid the world is basically just a bunch of caves mashed together. To make connections in that sort of setting, all you have to do is dig tunnels.

Well, to answer your question... the process is just try to plan it the best I can. You need to be able to come up with reasons on why this area is "above" or "under" another area in the map representation, how does it make sense, and why it is so. It is a bit of an abstract concept as well, and quite strange when you see the map of some games laid out as squares.


oreosted3 karma

do we have to unlock difficulty modes, or will they all be available from the get go? i'd love to start a blind run on the hardest difficulty!

also, is there going to be a difficulty mode tailored for video game "journalists"? XD

Dangen_Ent3 karma

There are no difficulty mode options, so you already are set to start on the hardest!


Bleikopf3 karma

How does it feel? How proud are you?
I've not been a long time fan (2 years maybe?), but I played from Momo 1 through 4. I'm thrilled for more.

Dangen_Ent3 karma

Exhausted but just happy to have finished another game. Hope you will enjoy this one too!


Dangen_Ent3 karma

I'm so proud of everyone, and rdein in particular!


Dangen_Ent2 karma

Very excited for people to finally get their hands on the game, it's always difficult sitting on good music for months/years waiting for release day.


FlatBartender3 karma

What kind of game do you play, and what's the last game you really liked ?

Also, have you played VA-11 Hall-A ?

Dangen_Ent3 karma

Games with heavy world building and storytelling have always been among my favourites (night in the woods, oneshot, and deltarune to name a few). and yes.


Dangen_Ent2 karma

I play all sorts of games, really, although I tend to prefer more action games and avoid puzzle games. The games I've played this year that I really liked were the remake of Resident Evil 2, Sekiro and Hollow Knight!

I have a copy of VA-11 Hall-A but still haven't played it... I really should at some point!


Dangen_Ent2 karma

I love jrpgs and any kind of mystery game the most.
I've been playing Fire Emblem: 3 Houses lately and I'm really enjoying it!
Unfortunately, I have yet to play Va-11 Hall-A, but it's definitely on my to-play list.


Dangen_Ent2 karma

It's time to mix drinks and change lives!


Dangen_Ent2 karma

Recently I've mainly been playing Rocket League and Dark souls 3 although I have a real soft spot for strategic games and specifically Grand Strategy

.I played VA-11 Hall-A because my bartender friend absolutely adores it.


Vannoni3 karma

I got every achievement in RUtM, can i get a discount for Minoria? /s

What is your favorite game?

Dangen_Ent2 karma

Good job on the achievements! :P
My favorite game is Chrono Cross! Wild, I know!


Dangen_Ent2 karma

It's hard to pick but probably Final Fantasy 10. When I first saw that game I just felt this intense obsession to play it. Never in my life have I been so deeply seduced by the mere sight of a video game.

- Elektrobear

SeanWisdoms3 karma

One thing I've noticed is that throughout the Momodora series, the games bounced back and forth between more linear level based games (1 and 3) and Metroidvania style ones (2 and RutM, though I assume Minoria also falls under here). What lead you to go those directions for those particular games?

Dangen_Ent4 karma

Honestly it's just what worked at the time. Both Momodora 1 and 3 started as Metroidvania games but they were failed attempts, which were turned into linear games because those are easier to make, and I wanted those games to be done.


TheMightyNyco3 karma

Ever thought about going for a more political/philosophical story or character development? The others can write their opinion aswell, would love to know :)

Dangen_Ent1 karma

I think it would be cool but I'm not that good of a writer for that!


GreyEsclair3 karma

Are we going to see small little Easter eggs in Minoria like in RutM? Such the the little demon girl with the cake and the laughing skull?

Dangen_Ent1 karma



harlequinix3 karma

Biscoito or bolacha?

Dangen_Ent1 karma



Dangen_Ent1 karma



Dangen_Ent1 karma



OOvle3 karma

3 questions from me, really:

  • Do you like anime/manga? If so, favorite series?

  • What got you all interested in developing games?

  • If a wödchuck could chuck wöd, how much wöd would wödchuck chuck?

Dangen_Ent2 karma

Do you like anime/manga? If so, favorite series?

I do! It's been a while since I read some chapters of it, but my favorite is One Piece. Although I like a bunch of stuff from all sorts of genres.

What got you all interested in developing games?

I've always played a lot of games since I was a kid, so naturally that passion for games led me to make my own.

If a wödchuck could chuck wöd, how much wöd would wödchuck chuck?



Dangen_Ent1 karma

For Manga I keep up with regular updates on The Promised Neverland, Dr. Stone, Haikyuu and My Hero Academia. Out of them right now Dr. Stone is probably my favourite although Haikyuu is absolutely amazing as well, one of the best ever sports manga.


Dangen_Ent1 karma

Yeah!! I prefer manga, I read a lot! My favorite are Mochizuki Jun's.
I've always loved games and I remember being 15, installing RPGMaker and realizing that I could actually make them! Soon after I realized that I'm more interested in drawing them, though, hahahah.

Yeah how much wood?? We shall never know.


Dangen_Ent1 karma

On anime, I'm a sucker for everything Evangelion. Ghost In The Shell is great, and Psycho Pass. Also Mushi-shi is super chill, and so, so far from basically every anime trope and I love it.


OneArmedWampa942 karma

Hey there!

So I was wondering if you ever get any negative reception/ backlash to the amount of "fan-service" in the design of certain "well-endowed" characters/bosses? I know it isn't a big deal to many fans of the series, but I also know that I have friends that are fans but get kind of bothered by the designs, (not enough to complain to you all or start a riot, but still bothered).
If so, how do you handle such reactions?

Thanks! Keep up the great work!!

Dangen_Ent1 karma

Not really, at least nothing told directly to me! On the contrary, those types of characters tend to be the most popular ones by far.


TheMightyNyco2 karma

If you could change one thing from momodora Rutm, what would it be? (again to everbody of the crew :D)

Dangen_Ent1 karma

One thing?! If I could I'd probably change dozens...
Well, I wish I had chosen to continue developing the game post-release with new content updates! I think people would have liked that and it'd be fun to do too!


Dangen_Ent1 karma

The first thing that comes to mind is I'd have liked for Choir to have had her own boss music.


Dangen_Ent1 karma

having a developer quote.


bestminipc2 karma

what is something happy and specific that you want to tell us that you havent already?

Dangen_Ent1 karma

This AMA was very fun to do!


Dangen_Ent1 karma

I love y'all.


Elmuth2 karma

Hi, i am a great fan of momodora RUtM.

What were your inspirations for the characters in Momodora and Minoria?

What inspired you to give a leaf as a weapon for the main character in momodora?

What country are you from?

Dangen_Ent2 karma

What were your inspirations for the characters in Momodora and Minoria?

The inspirations come from all over the place. Sometimes I'll just wake up and think "well this would be a good idea for a character", or get ideas during conversations or watching a movie. I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse but my mind is always busy thinking of games!

What inspired you to give a leaf as a weapon for the main character in momodora?

I don't remember why I chose the leaf as a weapon, I guess I just wanted something that could "cut" but was not a sword at the time?

What country are you from?

I'm from Brazil!


Dangen_Ent2 karma

I'm from Iceland.


Dangen_Ent2 karma

I'm from Spain!


Dangen_Ent2 karma



Dangen_Ent1 karma

Sunny UK


DoubleYouP2 karma

First off from a fellow dev congratulations it is a miracle any game is release. Momodora:RUtM was amazing and I only bought it twice.

What are some of the ideas that just didn't end up working out with the change to 2.5D?

What ideas ended up working out better with the change to 2.5D?

Dangen_Ent2 karma

Thank you for the support!

Honestly, the change to 2.5D didn't really prevent us from doing any ideas. It got in the way when it came to finishing a character, as it took many more steps than just a 2D drawing.

I think the ability to zoom in the camera allowed for the cutscenes to be more dynamic. It of course can be done in a 2D game, but in pixel art it'd cause the pixels to be deformed and be displayed in a strange way which I'm not a big fan of.


whianbester2752 karma

I didn't know about this game!!! I'm so excited. I loved momodora so much. I'm really thankful that you added easy mode in that game. It made it accessible to me, I usually suck at these games. Buying it ASAP. Are you done with the momodora series? Also, what happened to the 3D game we saw with the momodora title?

Dangen_Ent2 karma

I'm not sure what's going to happen to the Momodora series. I'll probably return to it eventually when I have a great idea for it!


TheMightyNyco2 karma

What convinced you to go into gamedev (or art/game music for the others)?

Dangen_Ent2 karma

It's something I've wanted to do ever since I made pixel art my main focus as an artist (ironically, I wasn't hired as a pixel artist for Minoria).


Dangen_Ent2 karma

One fateful summer I was faced with the tragedy of spending 3 months without internet access so I picked up a copy of FL Studio out of curiosity to keep myself entertained. After the summer I just sort of kept going on writing music casually because it was fun. Fast forward a few years and a friend pushes me to apply to make music for a game, which happened to be Momodora 2. I didn't really know what I was doing but I tried hard to figure it out and write stuff I could be proud of. I also came to find that the process of writing for someone else can be very rewarding, so in the end it was a natural fit.


Dangen_Ent1 karma

I've always liked games since I was a kid and wanted to make my own!


Dangen_Ent1 karma

I pretty much grew up playing video games and had always been interested in modding/tinkering/making them, so I took up programming in school and joined a game dev forum and the rest is history.


Dangen_Ent1 karma

I'd been making videogame things since I was a teenager in obscure corners of the internet. I guess I bought into the whole solo developer idea and thought I'd learn everything and make Golden Sun sequels in my bedroom for the rest of my life. Whilst that plan didn't exactly work out, and I'm really bad at self-motivated learning anyway, I've managed to find a bunch of different ways to help make games that'd be too big for me alone and can push me to git gud. With a day job, music is by far the most enjoyable one to relax with at the end of the day!


T0hveli1 karma

You can clip to the right in your previous game, now can you clip to the left in Minoria?

Dangen_Ent1 karma

Only if it's a frame-perfect trick that only speedrunners can perform, and not casual players softlocking themselves inside walls!
