We starred on the cult-hit TV show Roswell where we played boyfriend and girlfriend. We also dated in real life. Then we broke up. Then got back together. Then broke up. Then we got cancelled. Both our relationship and our show. But we loved our show. No comment on whether we loved each other. But when Roswell got cancelled we felt that nothing on TV captured the unique magic of the show. And that sparked an obsession. We went to work with the idea of creating a brand new sci-fi show with the distinct chemistry between us. From there, our show B+T was born. Not a reboot. Not a prequel. But a spiritual successor to a show we all loved so much. A new, original sci-fi drama that will warm the hearts of our fans of yesteryear and capture the hearts of brand new ones.

You can learn more about the show at: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/baron-and-toluca/x/24911361#/

Ask us anything. Seriously, anything. #dans #candy #saladtossers #iykyk

PROOF: https://twitter.com/unrealfehr/status/1321114334492123137?s=21 https://twitter.com/majandrad/status/1321278425777229824?s=21

Thank you so much for showing up and showing love. Majandra and Brendan out. šŸ¤ŸāœŠšŸ¼šŸ‘‹šŸ½

Comments: 402 • Responses: 51  • Date: 

Quirky-Bottle-677780 karma

Can we also agree that the storyline with Brody, a 35-40 year old man, crushing and pursuing Maria in season 2 was one of the creepiest SL on the show?

UnrealFehr50 karma

Looking back... šŸ¤”

searingflesh5564 karma

For Baron + Toluca, how long do you see the show going if it gets picked up (PLEASE LET IT GET PICKED UP!!)? Do you have a certain vision for how the whole story plays out?

UnrealFehr29 karma

7 seasons worth.

MelanyKaye44 karma

What was your favorite element of Roswell? Why would you have changed? And is that reflected in B&T?

Also, because Iā€™m nosy, what was the hardest scene to film for either of you in Roswell?

Also, also, I love you guys. People always act like Iā€™m crazy for being friends with my exes, and yea, itā€™s hard but it can be so rewarding and you guys really exemplify that :)

UnrealFehr30 karma

The cast, the crew, the fun we had. Nickā€™s jokes. Katieā€™s laughter. Thereā€™s lots. All of us as this weird family for 3 years growing up together. I had moved to LA for it and was thrust in this big place by myself and that set was a sanctuary of sorts.

indigocherry23 karma

Fans played a huge part in saving Roswell via the Tabasco campaign. How do you think social media and fan participation will play a role in B+T beyond the Indiegogo campaign?

UnrealFehr22 karma

Thatā€™s a great question. Itā€™ll certainly continue, you canā€™t stop them. But Majandra and I have to produce such a kick ass show that people canā€™t help but talk about.

LankyOwl20 karma

Do you know why Michael and Maria's relationship was barely present in season 3 of Roswell? And is it canon that they ended up together or is the ending supposed to be somewhat open for interpretation? It was a bit underwhelming compared to the wedding we get for Max and Liz. PS so happy you guys are doing this (the AMA and B+T) !! #dans

UnrealFehr25 karma

You canā€™t have two relationships on a show parallel each other and I think they saw the writing on the wall as it being the last season so wanted to ā€˜tie upā€™ the Max and Liz relationship. Iā€™ve always get marrying a couple on a show is the beginning of the end for it in a lot of ways and so I always was grateful we didnā€™t get an ending. Itā€™s the journey thatā€™s the most fun and the longer we can make that (and still entertain) is what audiences really want.

CrashdownCom18 karma

Baron shares Brendan and Michaelā€™s love for Metallicaā€¦ Majandra do you have something for Toluca in mind that you will have in common with that character?

Majandrama25 karma

Yes! My love of food.

searingflesh5511 karma

If there isn't a tossed salad in the pilot, then I'm flipping tables.

UnrealFehr13 karma


bostonmahk13 karma

Will there be any Roswell set/prop callbacks?

UnrealFehr22 karma

As much as we can that make sense. Thereā€™s an irreverence to B+T that allows us a lot of leeway for a lot of shenanigans. Those will come naturally. The weird, eerie X-files, Twin Peak-ish vibe is one we really have to nail.

jaylynn8212 karma

If you had to pick one standout memory from Roswell, what would it be and why?

UnrealFehr22 karma

Itā€™d be shooting 285 South. As young and as inexperienced as I was I felt something special about that episode and that Michael and Maria were a ā€˜thingā€™ to be reckoned with

roswellchika1312 karma

How much do you think raising the $120+k will influence netflix & others to give you full control and a chance at a show? It's an amazing accomplishment ...you crushed it!!!

UnrealFehr23 karma

Itā€™s a bunch of money to be sure but Iā€™m not sure how they see it. Obviously they deal in millions of dollars per episodes so does it impress them? Not sure. Donā€™t care that much. If it does, great but what our focus is making sure we make that $120K look like $1.2M and impress them with the final product.

Sandra_Oranje11 karma

Can you spill the beans on who will appear in B+T?

UnrealFehr31 karma

Well, we got Majandra and me for sure. Other than that, it depends how far or how many we can make.

CrashdownCom10 karma

How many takes did you need for the ā€œnot if you were the last ā€¦ on earth.ā€ moment from the first promo? That easter egg was brilliant!

UnrealFehr14 karma

We did 4 takes on each of us. In my head, I wanted the ā€˜....ā€™ blocked out by a horn or engine but we didnā€™t have the resources to orchestrate that. That road was live. We could in post but still thought we may miss the car in the BG so wasnā€™t loving that. So while we were filming her side, if Iā€™d see a car coming, Iā€™d reset her for that line to coincide with the car, trying to time it up and we nailed it on take 4.

Eusoueueviceversa10 karma

How was working with Thania St. John and David Nutter? I think they both were missed a lot after Season 1.

UnrealFehr18 karma

Thania is one of our wishes to showrun B+T. David Nutter is well aware of it and weā€™re always circling him. They were very much missed.

the_roswell_michelle10 karma

What type of music to you plan to have in the show? Any songs you know you HAVE to have there?

UnrealFehr19 karma

Beyond the money issue of it all, Iā€™m still torn. I have some that pop up off my phone in the car and Iā€™m like THIS NEEDS TO BE IN but then I watch a show like DARK on Netflix and the music on that show, the choices of songs Iā€™ve never heard is a really exciting prospect to take on. Bringing new songs, like a new show, to an audience is I think where we land ideally.

mireyeah10 karma

Who do you want to guest star on B+T the most? They would be your number one get

UnrealFehr32 karma

OG Roswell cast aside... wouldnā€™t Sarah Michelle Gellar just be the ultimate throwback?

owls2see10 karma

This show holds such a special place in my heart as do both of you. I watch it all the time and call it ā€œmy happy placeā€. Wat is your happy place?

UnrealFehr15 karma

The golf course... when Iā€™m winning. Or even more recently, directing. Directing is much more ā€˜funā€™ than acting. I love acting and have a ton of fun at it but itā€™s harder to enjoy in some aspects until after. The process and characters can be consuming in a much different way than directing.

dissociation8449 karma

This is my first time hearing about this and I'm super excited! I absolutely loved Roswell and y'all in it.

Have y'all thought about doing any convention circuits? We would love to see you at DragonCon in Atlanta one year.

UnrealFehr13 karma

Welcome! Love to hear about people discovering B+T for the first time. Itā€™s gonna be epic.

Oh, weā€™d love to come,... after the pandemic. Weā€™ll wait for our invites.

sarahh_emily9 karma

How were you able to stay friends and be so close through break ups and hardships?

UnrealFehr30 karma

We werenā€™t actually at times. There were years we werenā€™t speaking and then you grow up, get perspective and sometimes it offers you up an old friend and a brand new show.

channelovbeyET9 karma

AHH!! Maria and Michael are one of my favorite couples of all time! Maria is one of my favorite characters of all time! Thank you guy so much for giving us these characters PLUS two new ones! I've signed up for early indigogo updates, but what can a fan who doesn't have money to contribute do to help?

UnrealFehr13 karma

Itā€™s about getting as many eyes on it as possible so getting friends and family to contribute and finding FB groups and subreddits of people who loved Roswell and making them aware really. Just talk about us all the time is really whatā€™d help. šŸ˜›

baconOspam8 karma

Will you end each episode with a collective pose as the camera zooms away?

UnrealFehr19 karma

Well not now cause you ruined it!

mireyeah8 karma

If there had been a dream episode of Roswell with body swaps, who would you have wanted your character to body swap with?

UnrealFehr15 karma

Someone with #geodesicboobs?

habooth7 karma

There is a scene from season 2 that many of us are trying to identify the song playing in the background. It is driving us crazy! Any idea what this is?? https://vimeo.com/298388385

UnrealFehr12 karma

Oh, man, no idea. But this is Reddit. Weā€™ll solve it.

bringroswellback7 karma

Whatā€™s been the highlight of making this film so memorable so far to both you and Majandra?

UnrealFehr15 karma

Creating something from scratch. With a partner that gets it. Sees the same thing. The collaboration. Being able to have a voice and have something from your brain somehow end up on the page and then on the screen (trailers). Itā€™s a pretty electric feeling once you see it up there in screen.

ariadne_grey6 karma

Did you guys write out the answers for the 285 South class worksheets that were originally posted on the silverhandprint.com Roswell tie-in site or were they created by the awesome props department? The sheets are all amazing but Maria and Michael's were the best.

All credit to http://www.roswelloracle.com/ for saving and reposting these: http://www.roswelloracle.com/SHP/shpallies2.html

Maria on Michael: http://www.roswelloracle.com/SHP/shpmichael.html

Michael on Maria: http://www.roswelloracle.com/SHP/shpmaria.html

Would you guys consider doing a rewatch of the Roswell pilot with as many of the cast and crew as possible? It would be wonderful to hear everyone's memories and thoughts on it.

Do you remember meeting everyone for the first time or what your first impressions were?

Thank you so much for doing this. Love you guys and can't wait for B+T.

UnrealFehr9 karma

Amazing art department. They never let us down.

scoyne156 karma

Fucking what?

UnrealFehr12 karma

This good or bad? Iā€™m selling myself on good so... ā€˜Fucking yeah!!!!ā€™

indiechix6 karma

How long do you think the Baron and Toluca pilot episode with be? Will there be a cliffhanger...? šŸ˜œ

UnrealFehr12 karma

Long enough to blow your mind. Just enough to leave you needed more.

Shell16736 karma

Hey Everyone!

Hi Brendan and Majandra :)

Was there a certain role from your career thus far that was really special to you or that you are really proud of?

What was the most fun role you've had?

UnrealFehr12 karma

Playing Michael Guerin is the highlight to be sure. I think Iā€™m still working on it though. Never being satisfied is an actorā€™s blessing and curse.

RoswellVirtualParty6 karma

Whatā€™s your favorite Michael and Maria scenes you filmed on Roswell? If itā€™s from 285 South, I would like to hear other ones. Thanks!

UnrealFehr17 karma

ā€˜The whole thing was screwed up from the beginning. This whole long stupid story.ā€™ I love that scene.

thewendist5 karma

Tabaco sauce in the show?šŸ™ƒ

UnrealFehr15 karma

Iā€™m gonna get death threats but Iā€™m a Tapatio guy.

roswellchika135 karma

Reactions from your spouses to the crazy fandom??!?

UnrealFehr19 karma

My wife was a publicist for Hayden Christiansen so she knows about fandoms.

bostonmahk5 karma

Who made the first move? Majandra or Brendan and Maria or Michael?

UnrealFehr18 karma

Oh Majandra with quite a little sophisticated yarn of needing to see if I was a good kisser since we had our first kissing scene in a few days.

Majandrama18 karma

Shouldnā€™t have brought me so many ketchup chips Brendan. Who dolled out the yarn first, hmm?

UnrealFehr16 karma

True love tastes like ketchup.

ashleymoshow4 karma

Do either of you have a fashion or hairstyle that you really regret from the series?

UnrealFehr13 karma

Season 2 hair was not good at all but was a necessary evil to my ultimate plan of the Season 3 flow. Again, anything good requires sacrifice or a bit of pain.

BlackMamba13874 karma

If you could re-Live one day in your entire life, what day would it be, and would you change anything about that day?

UnrealFehr8 karma

Thatā€™s a dangerous question cause doesnā€™t the rest of my life change then? I did miss a 3 footer for $50 a couple months ago so letā€™s go with that...

Karyn_candydan-BandT4 karma

If you built a themed hotel, what would the theme be and what would the rooms look like?

UnrealFehr7 karma

Warm, rich browns and greens like a study or cigar lounge.

bostonmahk4 karma

What would your dream role be? If you could time machine it, and snag any role.

UnrealFehr6 karma

Seven is a perfect movie to me so Det. David Mills.

sarahh_emily4 karma

If you could give m&m an actual ending, what would it look like? Do you both have similar ideas or completely different outcomes?

UnrealFehr16 karma

If you give it an ending, than isnā€™t that the end? Iā€™m not sure I want that.

Gagoga1233 karma

Are you able to confirm that if, for whatever god-forbidden reason, your show gets cancelled, YOU'LL TELL US THE ENDING? OR AT LEAST HAVE AN AUDIO ENDING?????

UnrealFehr6 karma

Donā€™t know what it is but if it doesnā€™t include Baron smoking a nice cigar, Iā€™m gonna be pissed.

hakoirimusume3 karma

What ability do you appreciate about one another the most?

UnrealFehr19 karma

Her loyalty... until sheā€™s super mad at me. šŸ™ƒ

Eusoueueviceversa3 karma

What do you two think about the episode Independence Day? It's actually my favorite, and I think it really captures what Roswell was always supposed to be, according to Jason Katims.

UnrealFehr8 karma

Iā€™m biased about Independence Day for sure but it was always about the connection and the characters for Jason and our show was at its best when that was the focus and the alien stuff was serving that.

Eusoueueviceversa3 karma

What is your favorite song used on Roswell?

I don't know about you guys but we fans were always obsessed with the score music, cortesy of Joseph Stanley Williams and the great WG Snuffy Walden (his score on Felicity is probably my favorite of his).

Two fans actually ripped the original music off from the dvds and made available to us. Here's the link if you want to check out: http://www.roswelloracle.com/musicorig.html

UnrealFehr10 karma

The music was a huge part of the show. Thatā€™s amazing.

vintagenyx3 karma

The most important question... how are you guys doing?

UnrealFehr12 karma

Better than I deserve.

LankyOwl3 karma

If everything goes according to plan with B+T, how excited are you about the prospect of working together for 7 years (or however long a season runs in real time)? :P

UnrealFehr13 karma

If you told me we get 7 years, Iā€™d ask where I sign. In blood? Sure.

habooth3 karma

Do you have a favorite prop that you kept from Roswell that you would never get rid of?

UnrealFehr16 karma

Sold them all for B+T. šŸ˜‚

PatchworkStar3 karma

Garon and deluca? I see see you there.

Love you guys. Just needed to tell you this. Glad to see you still exist.

UnrealFehr7 karma

Thanks for existing too!

Quirky-Bottle-67773 karma

How would Michael and Maria handle being in quarantine (obviously together)? And how would Baron and Toluca handle it?

UnrealFehr7 karma

One would survive, barely. The other? I think Covid may just choose to move past that kind of drama.

Newpsie3023 karma

William Sadler seems to be down for re-sequel-boots....any chance of Jim Valenti and the kit shickers???

Also, code names for every episode. Paging....Margarita Salt.

UnrealFehr7 karma

Having Bill would be a coup! Definitely.

Newpsie3025 karma

You'd have to get Amy too....Diane Farr was genius casting and when those 2 were together, perfection.

Also, Michael and Amy had one of the best relationships on Roswell. Change my mind. :sipscoffee:

UnrealFehr9 karma

Interesting take here. I like it.

anthonygerdes20033 karma

From the industry: how do you plan on ensuring safe covid practices for all of the crew? Will there be tests, or something else?

UnrealFehr14 karma

Yes. Iā€™ve done 3 films now that require Covid testing and safety practices. It adds cost and time but itā€™s definitely manageable as long as everyone follows the rules. And Majandra and I are the bosses so weā€™ll make sure.

searingflesh552 karma

Yay! So what breakfast food best depicts your personalities? #dans

UnrealFehr11 karma

Cereal. Fruit Loops followed by Captain Crunch. Iā€™ll take the pain of a scruffed up mouth for how good it is. Anything good requires a bit of yourself. šŸ˜‚

RoswellItsActors992 karma

Hello Majandra and Brendan, I'm too happy for you 2 and I can't wait to see B+T. Will actors from the original Roswell play in it ? Who's planned ? And will some actors from the original Roswell have a lead role with you 2 or just appearances ? I can't wait to see you play together again and I feel in advance that there will be moments of laughter. I can't wait. Love you guys ā¤ļø Roswell_and_its_actors

UnrealFehr5 karma

We have a bunch of ideas but its the execution of them that has to be done right so weā€™re always evaluating that. Itā€™s also a matter of how far we get into the story.

Little_Lisa241 karma

Do you guys play video games? If so what are some of your favourites? Please and thank you! Thank you so much for doing this AmA Brendan and Majandra. So excited for B+T _^

UnrealFehr4 karma

Iā€™m a binge and purge gamer but I havenā€™t gotten into the whole live experience. I like sitting up in the dark, alone, trying to solve the puzzle, beat the boss, etc. Call of Duties. Far Cry.