Hey everyone!

I am a full-time podcaster I have been doing it since 2009. I started in Radio which is where most of my audio production experience comes from then I moved to a podcast which I started with a telephone and a LIVE show that I would do once a week. Then decided that I wanted to upgrade my quilty and equipment. Now I make a good living off it and would love to share my journey with all of you. Please ask away!

You can verify my podcasts at http://dynamicreverb.com/

Verification: https://twitter.com/dynamicreverb/status/1402736421111320579

Let chat!

I am here to answer all your questions and help you get off the ground with podcasting!

Comments: 509 • Responses: 78  • Date: 

Hot-Diggity-Daffodil191 karma

Do you make a GOOD living off podcasting, or just a living?

DynamicReverb135 karma

I make a really good living off of it. Keep in mind it's Ebbs and flows but it's all about evolving and understanding how this works. It's an ever changing thing.

NotVerySmarts35 karma

Are you, in fact living, or are we speaking to the host of a zombie podcast?

DynamicReverb36 karma

I just checked my blood pressure and I'm 120/80 my pulse is strong, So yes I am in fact a living being.

okaysurewhateveryeet144 karma

I just started a podcast and I've been getting wonderful feedback and buzz from my audience, but I'm nervous. It's completely homegrown and original content. I write my own music, record and release myself, and upload to YouTube.

My question is : How to I protect myself? I'm worried that someone will find my stuff on YouTube and say "This is cool! I'll take it thanks" because I don't have a lawyer.

Additionally : How do I start getting it to pay even a little? Should I get off YouTube?

Thank you!

DynamicReverb158 karma

This is really good. The fact that your nervous is awesome because that means there is passion there. The sad reality is that unless you get your stuff copyrighted and LLC'd there is no way for you to stop someone from "Stealing" your stuff. The good news is that you have proof this was your original creation. The music you write and record is copy-written by you and can not be used without your consent. You should reach out to other podcasters and help them with music for them.

Getting paid is hard. YouTube is a good source but you want to get on Apple Podcasts and all the other sources. Get your show out there for everyone to listen to. Don't limit yourself to one source. Then reach out to sponsors with a media kit. Keep trying until something sticks.

okaysurewhateveryeet44 karma

This is wonderful and helps me breathe a bit better, thank you! I will look up "Media Kit" right now and get on all the other platforms.

Truly, thank you.

DynamicReverb71 karma

Canva.com is a free resource for making a FREE media kit

CanUCountToTenBilly15 karma

What's a media kit?

okaysurewhateveryeet19 karma

From my research, it's like a media based business card - "Here's who I am, here's some examples of my work, and here's my audience."

I need to look more into it but I think that's a decent overview.

DynamicReverb8 karma

Correct! Go to Canva.com and you can create one for free!

dfreinc116 karma

what'd you end up making last year and where about do you live?

it's important context to "making a good living".

DynamicReverb233 karma

I made close to $63,000 last year. I live In South Carolina I don't need a day job to do this. I own my home and live with my husband.

rsplatpc94 karma

I made close to $63,000 last year

EDIT this is a very legit question for people that might be thinking of doing podcasting full time

before or after taxes? do you have to pay for healthcare or does your partner provide it?

DynamicReverb157 karma

Thats after and again you can not use my success to determine if this is gonna be for you or not. I have been doing this since 2009 its ALOT of trial and error that does not happen overnight.

OvulatingScrotum63 karma

This is the most important comment. People seem to think they can somehow become a full time YouTube or podcaster overnight, but it takes time to get there.

DynamicReverb23 karma

100% you can not focus on this when you first start out or you will FAIL. Its grows with the business.

A_Cyd6 karma

I wish this message is stressed especially in poor populations. We grew up believing a person simply has a skill (like singing or building) and not knowing that each one of you out there spent years of hard work and dedication.

DynamicReverb10 karma

That's a society issue. We see these stars and what they do and how much they make but we never bother to ask. What did they do to get there? There is NO instant success.

fizzyoak2 karma

How long would you say it took you to reach the point where you were able to rely on the podcast as your main source of income? I understand that will vary a lot from person-to-person, but it is interesting to hear how it went for others - thank you for doing this!

DynamicReverb2 karma

Took me a couple of years to get off the ground. But I didn't start making a living till about 3 years ago.

peon220 karma

Healthcare is a good question, but unless the OP is the one person in the entire country that reports their income as net instead of gross, it should be safe to assume it's $63,000 pre-tax.

Edit: Well, looks like OP is the one person lol

DynamicReverb38 karma

Wrong. Its after Tax.

rsplatpc5 karma


DynamicReverb22 karma

Nope, I cover both of us with my income.

BanMornings64 karma

How much do you make, and what sources provide you income?

DynamicReverb44 karma

Well, I make a good living off this. Enough that I do not have to work for anyone. Most of my sources are sponsor and affiliate marketing. Oddly enough a lot of the sponsors I have are in my local area.

Trips_9344 karma

How many hours a week do you work?

DynamicReverb78 karma

Ohhh good one. So I take the first part of my week (Mon - Tues - Wed) JUST for interviews. I line up about 3 a day. So I am always ahead of the content game. When I get those interviews done I THEN promote that they will be on the show scheduling my social media posts. Then Thursday - Friday I work on the production of those episodes. I usually take Saturday off then Sunday I make the promo videos then back at it again on Monday. So I would say anywhere from 45 to 60 hours depends on what I have going on. This is also for 2 podcasts that I currently have running now.

im_Harsh_Malik25 karma

45 to 60 hours a week?

DynamicReverb20 karma


BrittneyBashful35 karma

How tall is Joe Rogan? I've heard he's 5'2".

DynamicReverb26 karma

Haha! I wish I knew. I know I'm 5'11"

BladeRunnerXVX35 karma

How did you market your podcast to gain a following?

DynamicReverb97 karma

Networking is KEY! Social media helps. BUT NETWORKING. Man, I can not stress that enough. Get on other podcasts get them on your show. The biggest support you will have is your fellow podcasters. Promoting your shows on each other, growing together.

probably_llamas25 karma

What is a good mic and set up to have for 2 people podcasting in their living room? Asking for a me.

DynamicReverb22 karma

Well, it depends on the budget. I like this one when I am doing In-person interviews, You don't need 2 of them as it's 360. Audio-Technica AT2020USB+ Cardioid Condenser.

BrainNSFW21 karma

How do you come up with topics to cover? I'd guess general news is an easy pick, but outside of that, are there specific resources you keep tabs on?

Bonus question: how do you deal with vacations? Do you try and keep the podcast going, or do you basically say "next 2 weeks no podcast due to vacation"?

DynamicReverb20 karma

Topics to me depending on the guest. What are they promoting what is hot? Also it's about just the conversation most of the time they are not promoting anything it's a story of their journey how we can help others.

Vacations are not happening your first couple of years, But right now I have shows scheduled until November. So then at that point, it just becomes a well-oiled machine. Just promotion and things like that. But you want to make sure you are on top of it.

browneyesks14 karma

How did u have the motivation to keep going in the beginning? How did u push through feeling like your speaking to nobody in ur start?

DynamicReverb22 karma

It's really hard to be honest. It's a total labor of love. You are a one-man show, the best advice is, in the beginning, to focus on content and quality. Don't invest too much into your numbers it will only deflate you. Work on how you can improve. Where are you listeners coming from? Cater to them. Allow yourself to keep growing and evolving. Then you will keep going. The big misconception is podcasting is numbers its a brutal game. All it does is bring you down. Hope that helps.

Victorishere111 karma

Is it stressful? Do you ever have issues coming up with things to say and are awkward pauses a frequent issue?

DynamicReverb23 karma

Yes and no. So I have a set of 6 questions I have as an OUTLINE for my guests. The reason being is you never want to go in just winging it because sometimes you'll have guests who are awesome and very energetic then you'll have others who are just blah. So when that happens it's a good idea to use that outline to help drive the conversation. Remember you are the host and you are driving the show where you want it to go. They are your guest.

UptownSinclair10 karma


DynamicReverb10 karma

All of it really. There is inspiration all around us. We just have to know how to turn that into something that people want to hear.

lars_rosenberg9 karma

What are the sources of income for a podcast?

DynamicReverb11 karma

Sponsors and affiliate marketing

chynkeyez9 karma

About how many episodes did you do before you began to see success/Monetization opportunities?

My own humble pod just released its 68th episode. We get a decent amount of listens/views but haven't been able to bridge the gap to getting ad revenue or sponsorship or anything. Just curious about any insight you may have. Thanks

DynamicReverb11 karma

There is no magic number to "WHEN" you will start getting paid that the number 1 question. It wasn't episode count for me it was how many failed shows have I had in the past till one stuck. I had 7 podcasts before I started making money. It's all about content niche and quality of your podcast.

wybird8 karma

Roughly how many downloads per ep do you need to be able to make a living?

DynamicReverb28 karma

Honestly, It starts about at 5,000 which may seem like a lot but it's really not. Here's a PRO tip. Go to your podcast in Apple Podcasts. Then look below where it says "More like this" check out the shows in your niche look at their sponsors, chances are they already have a podcast advertising budget. Send them a media kit and wait for the magic to happen. Also FOLLOW UP is super important as well. Follow up every 3 or 4 days.

Jeffre337 karma

My podcast is getting 6000 to 8000 down loads an episode but we don’t know how to make money, DM or reply here if you have any advice please

DynamicReverb7 karma

How is your content? Remember is it not about the numbers Who are you reaching out to sponsor your show? Does it fit your niche?

theCourtofJames8 karma

I have a podcast myself which has around 1,500 listeners. What number would you say is the audience threshold to start earning money?

I currently working full-time as a podcast producer for someone else's podcast but in the future I want my own to be my earner.

DynamicReverb6 karma

I have a podcast myself which has around 1,500 listeners. What number would you say is the audience threshold to start earning money? This is the issue, get out of the mindset of there is a magic number, there isn't. It's all about content and marketing. Find the podcast that already has sponsors and learn from there.

Onixx27 karma

Whats your beat advice to people who want to start a podcast on their own?

DynamicReverb14 karma

Just do it, you will never know till you try. Don't pay any mind to your starting out numbers. Those will improve as you do. Don't invest too much into equipment until you know for sure this is what you want to do.

improvtheatre6 karma

My spouse is on season 2 of her podcast. What are ways I can continue to support her? What are the things I am probably not aware of that she needs, or doesn’t know would help/ask for?

DynamicReverb4 karma

The best thing you can do is help her with what she needs. Promotion is always a very HARD part of podcasting making sure people know where they can find you. Just ask What can I help you with?

Game-rotator6 karma

How does your voice not get tired and start sounding raspy after a while?

DynamicReverb8 karma

Green tea and honey. Stay hydrated.

apnorton5 karma

You mention you started in 2009 --- how long would you say it was before you were able to monetize (in any way) your podcast? How long did it take to get to the point where you were making enough to live off?

DynamicReverb7 karma

how long would you say it was before you were able to monetize (in any way) your podcast? Took me at least 2 2 1/2 years to start seeing any money. Then I just evolved and grew with the audience.

How long did it take to get to the point where you were making enough to live off? About 5 total years.

mgdmw5 karma

What tips can you offer to make sure you have a good voice for radio / podcasting?

DynamicReverb4 karma

YouTube Vocal exercises and do that.

ReauxChambeaux4 karma

How much are advertisers paying for spots? And don’t they know that we all just skip the ads? This is a serious question that’s I’ve always wondered about

DynamicReverb5 karma

The price depends on many different factors there is no one "Set" price. You can skip ads but that 5 seconds counts as a view or listen and we still get paid for it.

pirate_in_the_puddin4 karma

I JUST purchased my equipment and am starting to write my first show bullet points. What are the top 5 pieces of advice you can give to me?

DynamicReverb15 karma

So specific.

  1. Be yourself
  2. Dont pay any mind to your numbers as starting out. They will only deflate you.
  3. KNOW your niche
  4. Whos listening to you? Cater to them.
  5. JUST DO IT. You will grow over time.

BuzzLightbeard4 karma

How did you get your start in radio and do you think it's still a viable career path for where you are now or other related jobs? (For example voice over work)

DynamicReverb5 karma

I started in Radio in 2005 in a very small market station and I am so grateful for that experience because that's where I learned about "Production" I don't want to say its a dying market, however, do you still listen to the radio? Podcasting is so freeing because there are no format restrictions and you can freely express what you want and how you want. I do Voice work along with audio editing and other podcast-related things. I love voice work that's a thriving market right now.

duskylantern4 karma

was your revenue stable ?

DynamicReverb3 karma

Not at first. Its Ebbs and flows.

puigthepug3 karma

what's up with stamps.com ads? every time i hear an ad for them across different podcasts i listen to, always has me thinking who is this person with the serious need for stamps.

DynamicReverb2 karma

Someone is. There is a market for everything.

ZombieSlapper233 karma

Is solely using Logic Pro for editing audio sufficient or would I need other software?

DynamicReverb4 karma

I use Adobe Audition for my software Logic works too. It's all about what you are comfortable with.

Klockworth3 karma

What are some strategies to broaden your reach/discoverability? I produce a business podcast for my workplace and getting it in front of people has proven to be a bit of a challenge. However, feedback on our content has been very positive so far

DynamicReverb5 karma

Marketing is a tough one. Some podcasts use Facebook and other social media platforms others use grass-root efforts. Being as a business podcast. SEO is very important in your show description titles and other areas. Do you have a website? Run an SEO check on that and see where your opportunities are. Promote to your customer base if you are a storefront get business cards. Put it at the bottom of the receipt. Things like that.

The_Firmament3 karma

  • As the market gets more and more saturated with podcasts, how much harder does that make it to actually get anywhere with it? And how would you suggest doing that? I'm grappling with whether it's worth throwing my hat in the ring when everyone else seems to be doing so. Especially when up against people who already have an established audience.
  • Is it important to have a "hook" to your podcast that wildly sets it apart if you're worried the genre or niche it's in is a very broad and popular one? Or should one just keep their focus on making the best content they can?
  • What's your advice for people going solo? When I look at all the podcasts I enjoy they all have at least 2 people at the helm, but I'd be doing it completely myself (at least at the start). There are both pros and cons to this, I realize, but am curious from your experience how do you keep that dynamic and compelling?

I know that's a lot, feel free to answer any or none of those! This is a project I'm just beginning to take a crack at so seeing this AMA was very timely. Thank you!

DynamicReverb5 karma

As the market gets more and more saturated with podcasts, how much harder does that make it to actually get anywhere with it? It's really not what people don't understand is that ALL podcasts are different even if they are the same. Meaning that what you have to say is different from the one like you.

And how would you suggest doing that? Know your niche cater to the listeners you have already. Learn from your mistakes and evolve.

I'm grappling with whether it's worth throwing my hat in the ring when everyone else seems to be doing so. Especially when up against people who already have an established audience. different Just do it! There is no real way to know for sure.

Is it important to have a "hook" to your podcast that wildly sets it apart if you're worried the genre or niche it's in is a very broad and popular one? Or should one just keep their focus on making the best content they can? <-------- This right there

What's your advice for people going solo? When I look at all the podcasts I enjoy they all have at least 2 people at the helm, but I'd be doing it completely myself (at least at the start). There are both pros and cons to this, I realize, but am curious from your experience how do you keep that dynamic and compelling? I do a podcast by myself. It will evolve the questions you are asking me should be asking yourself. I can not answer these for you simply because I can not see your vision for this project. Only you can see that.

DrummerBoy2173 karma

Would you ever want to be a part of my podcast to talk about nerd stuff? Video games, music, movies. We’re very small but we are trying to branch out and grow.

DynamicReverb4 karma

I mean I am down to be a guest. Just email me [David@DynamicReverb.com](mailto:David@DynamicReverb.com)

skunker2 karma

I'm interested in potentially editing podcasts as I have a background in audio production as well. Where would be a good place to find paying gigs for podcast editors? I'm looking to ease out of broadcast commercial work and move into podcasting for freelance work.

DynamicReverb2 karma

There is definitely a market for that really the only places you’re gonna find them is here Facebook joining podcast in groups and advertising yourself and such with a showcase of your work as well

SkeadLegend2 karma

How did you start your career in radio? I've always wanted to be a host or something along those lines. I have applied for several positions but it would be nice to get some insight as to how you got your first start!

DynamicReverb3 karma

How did you start your career in radio? It just really fell in my lap I went and filled out an app and I have ZERO experience then. Started as a board OP learned how to do production got on the air and its history from there.

TheAgeGapGuys2 karma

What would you recommend for those starting a podcast now? It's now a super cluttered landscape and it feels like unless you're a celeb with business backed advertising, it's almost impossible to start the audience. Podcast app algorithms don't show new shows, even that have got a few good reviews. How do you break the algorithm nowadays and get on the ladder to growth. Question particularly for podcasts where you can't/it's not easy to feature on others. E.g. a kids stories podcast (plus unless you have a following, most pods don't seem to want to have you as a guest as they get nothing/little from it).

DynamicReverb3 karma

What would you recommend for those starting a podcast now? Just do it! It's now a super cluttered landscape and it feels like unless you're a celeb with business backed advertising, it's almost impossible to start the audience. Podcast app algorithms don't show new shows, even that have got a few good reviews. How do you break the algorithm nowadays and get on the ladder to growth. Question particularly for podcasts where you can't/it's not easy to feature on others. E.g. a kids stories podcast (plus unless you have a following, most pods don't seem to want to have you as a guest as they get nothing/little from it).

The funny thing about the celebs we heard what they had to say before. So now the listeners are turning to US the non-celebs for different advice and real-world views.

TheLeemurrrrr2 karma

Have you heard of the livestreamer u/jordie-jordan? He also lives in SC maybe yall can do a collab with each other?

DynamicReverb2 karma

I have not but maybe who knows.

Askdrillsarge2 karma

Who do you interview and how do you make contact with them?

DynamicReverb3 karma

I have interviewed many different people from all walks of life and it starts with a simple email this is what I use...

My name is David Alan and I am a producer/host of a popular podcast called Confession Radio & Podcast Whisperer.
Confession Radio is real stories from real people who need real answers. 
We feel _____ would be a perfect fit for the show. 
This show is about real people with real problems asking for real solutions. 
The Conversation will only be about 20 - 30 minutes talking about today's topics, anything the artist would like to promote, and talk about a "Confession" sent by a listener getting the artist's point of view.
This would be a Zoom call. (We do not use the video for the final conversation.)
If this is something we can set up please reply with dates and times that would work for you. 
I am located in the EST zone. 
Should you have any questions please let me know.
Thank you for your time. 
You can hear the shows here...www.dynamicreverb.com

Askdrillsarge2 karma

Just listened to your interview with Kenny Joe, great Episode, very entertaining.

DynamicReverb3 karma

Thank you he's an amazing resource and a great mentor!

Misplacedmypenis2 karma

What does your content scheduling look like? Do you plan out weeks/months/year?

How do you focus your content? Do you just go with what you think will be interesting or do you try to drill down into certain themes?

DynamicReverb2 karma

What does your content scheduling look like? Weekly

Do you plan out weeks/months/year? Months Keeps the content fresh

How do you focus your content? Variety of topics

Do you just go with what you think will be interesting or do you try to drill down into certain themes? Both really. Just depends on the guest.

A_NightBetweenLives2 karma

How do you go about reaching out to potential sponsors? What are the initial conversations and what advice would you have for navigating those first steps?

DynamicReverb3 karma

Sell yourself along with the show. MEDIA KIT MEDIA KIT MEDIA KIT and Please be honest. Its not fair to lie to them and makeup numbers when they are willing to spend money with you.

artificial_doctor3 karma

Thanks for doing this AMA, it’s super interesting.

As a followup to this question above, would you then pick a sponsor you think matches your brand and then send them the media kit? Or do you send them to anyone and everyone?

DynamicReverb2 karma

would you then pick a sponsor you think matches your brand and then send them the media kit? Yes

Or do you send them to anyone and everyone? No Remember this is about YOUR Niche so you wouldn't have a spinor that will not benefit from your content.

nielzz2 karma

As someone that has been podcasting since 2009, have you ever been a victim of Mike David from Redbar? And if so what is your opinion of that show? Personally I think no one should take themselves to seriously and be able to take a joke, but I do understand if that show is going a bit to far for everyone's liking.

DynamicReverb2 karma


Nope Never heard of him!

CluelessMochi2 karma

How long into your journey did you start making a stable amount of income (not necessarily full-time, just somewhat regular avg side hustle income)? I’ve been doing my own podcast for 3 years (but struggled the first 2) and would love to at least make enough for the expenses to pay itself.

DynamicReverb2 karma

It takes a while. It took me like 2 years after I started then I was working a full-time job and doing this it wasn't until about 3 years ago when I started really getting the best liveable income.

meldiwin2 karma

I am hosting a robotics podcast since two years because I wanted to heal after my traumatic experience at academia, and still in and doing podcast aside, but I feel it that great, few liked not many, and to be honest I wish I can get the basic income out of podcast just to have the freedom and do the things that matters me, I dont know if you can give me advices? Is that normal that some people hate your podcast

DynamicReverb3 karma

First off stop looking at making money from it. When you are successful THEN and only THEN will you make money. Secondly yes it's fine if people don't like your podcast. Listen to what they are saying. Ask yourself what can you do to improve and grow. It's all about evolving.

soletsgettothepoint2 karma

I have a niche podcast for fans of a very specific thing. Other than sharing it on the subject’s fansites and its subreddit, what can I do to make the audience grow? The show is damn good and already over, but I know people who never found out about it would love it. I’d just love for them to hear it.

DynamicReverb2 karma


Dylan-L_20842 karma

What is the process like for planning out and running a podcast? Is it more free and easy like a guided but natural conversation or scripted in the sense that you allocate time for each topic in a given episode?

DynamicReverb3 karma

What is the process like for planning out and running a podcast? I have a set of 6 questions sometimes I ask all of them sometimes I just a couple just depends on how the conversation with the guest goes.

Is it more free and easy like a guided but natural conversation or scripted in the sense that you allocate time for each topic in a given episode? Yes, match the energy of the guest. Find out MORE when you are talking with them.

wellidontreally2 karma

Do you do interviews? If so how do you go about:

  1. Finding your guests

  2. making sure their voice sounds good in a recording (do you send them a mic?)

DynamicReverb2 karma

Finding your guests - Various sources. Usually their website or the booking agent.

making sure their voice sounds good in a recording (do you send them a mic?) No I dont send them a mic. They are promoting a brand or something it's their responsibility to sound good. I use ZOOM to record my conversations.

wellidontreally3 karma

I see, so you only choose guests who are promoting or selling something?

DynamicReverb2 karma

Nope, not necessarily you want to pick a guest that will add value to your show and help your audience.

BillyBoy3572 karma

How do you choose the people you wanna talk to?

DynamicReverb2 karma

Depending on the topic I want to talk about I usually find a Subject Matter Expert.

BillyBoy3572 karma

Is it ever hard to invite a person onto the podcast?

DynamicReverb2 karma

Nah just send them an email and FOLLOW UP.

BigCakeBoss2 karma

What were some of your initial talking points? Did you go into this thinking your podcast would be targeted towards a certain thing, media, etc? Or did you just start talking with some buddies into a Mic? Thanks for doing this!

DynamicReverb2 karma

What were some of your initial talking points? That depends on the guest and the topic that we are covering.

Did you go into this thinking your podcast would be targeted towards a certain thing, media, etc? Or did you just start talking with some buddies into a Mic? No, I always try and make the topic directed into something. See where the conversation goes. conversation

Thanks for doing this!

Um_Okay_Dude171 karma

What do you like most about podcasting? How would you start podcasting as a beginner

DynamicReverb1 karma

Just do it, you will never know till you try. Don't pay any mind to your starting out numbers. Those will improve as you do. Don't invest too much into equipment until you know for sure this is what you want to do.

I love it and see the advice above.