Suburban Legends

are an American third wave ska band that formed in Huntington Beach, California, in 1998 and later based themselves in Santa Ana, California.

Hosted AMAs

Highest Rated Comments

SuburbanLegends23 karma

Underneath the terrace is a top secret lair of good coffee, cable tv, and old pizza. Also there's a lot of old signatures of a lot of the groups that have played there on the's pretty cool! I think that's about all we can say.

SuburbanLegends17 karma

We'll come up with most of the dance moves ourselves. Everything else is just our interpretation of Micheal Jackson Videos.

SuburbanLegends12 karma

Need a band for your wedding? ;)

SuburbanLegends10 karma

Not sure if answers are going through, but thanks for joining us on our AMA!!! This is RAD!!!

SuburbanLegends10 karma

10! ...and if Vince had proper facial hair and not the spotty patches he calls man hair, he'd do it for like a 20 spot.

SuburbanLegends8 karma

We love our chicken fingers!

SuburbanLegends7 karma

Thanks bvhj! Huddersfield was awesome!!! That's the show where the town mayor showed up, great guy! Trying our best right now to line up a tour early next year, we'll post details when we get them.

The split with FIF was by chance. A good friend of ours Matt Flood with Asbestos Records put us on the split. It was quite the honor! We're all big fans of FIF!!! We're playin with them next month Oct 12th. Have no idea if they're coming out to the UK. If you wish hard enough they just might!

SuburbanLegends7 karma

Thanks moses1234! We gotta get back to Chicago soon!

We're still working side jobs ;)

SuburbanLegends5 karma

Wrote that song in Aaron's kitchen

SuburbanLegends5 karma

Don't worry it should be soon. We're working out the details with the Canadian government as we speak. Once it's up, we'll let everybody know! :)