Although I'm a long-time reader, this is my first Reddit post and it's likely I've already fucked something up. Go easy on me.

I'll be around all afternoon (EST). Ask Away!

edit: Twitter for verification -

edit 2: wtf is PP - && omfg a movie?!

edit 3: 10pm EST and I'm signing off. If I missed your question and it wasn't answered elsewhere, tweet it at me and I'll get back to you. G'night Reddit!

edit 4: Came back in the morning and answered some more. I'm really done this time. Maybe I'll do another one in the future. Thanks for all the questions!

Comments: 1178 • Responses: 65  • Date: 

Vdra260 karma

What happened to Dave? Do you still keep in touch with him?

jarettdotcom310 karma

Dave moved back to China. We still Skype on a regular basis but we haven't seen each other in the flesh in over three years. I miss him a lot, he was a best friend to me and my girlfriend and practically lived on our couch (usually playing Tetris on my DS) during the day.

Nephanis244 karma

What has Doug been up to?

jarettdotcom192 karma

Doug moved back west, about 4000km away from me. He's also a dad now to an unbelievably cute little girl and works full-time. I don't get to see him enough, but at least I still do (looking at you, Dave...). You should check out his podcast -

ggCMonteCristo241 karma

This isn't a question, it's simply a "thank you."

I've been in the eSports scene for over eight years as a caster and writer, and Pure Pwnage was one of the shows that kept me invested in producing content. I worked initially in Warcraft 3 and I loved how you dropped names like Grubby and Moon, since it made me proud of the great lengths I took to make the scene more professional and widely known. I've moved on to casting League of Legends for MLG, but your show's celebration of the early days of eSports really inspired me to keep on trucking.

I also wanted to let you know that I teared up when I saw how fast you guys made the money for your movie. I remember being in college and rushing back to my dorm to watch the newest episode of Pure Pwnage with my roommates. We felt cool when we watched your show, like we were a part of something much bigger than ourselves. Thank you for helping to provide a culture for gamers.

I was so happy to see you hosting for IEM, and I hope we meet at an eSports even in the future.

I really appreciate all you've done for gamers and for eSports.

jarettdotcom167 karma

Thanks man! I'll be honest, I teared up too. Then I went and put on the season 1 soundtrack and completely lost it. Needed a time-out to pull myself together. LOL.

Spasticated207 karma

I'm coming at your base with two rockvees and an ambo - you've got a jarmen, two scorps and a quad. What do you do?

jarettdotcom265 karma

Snipe the ambo with Jarmen and target both Scorps on the first rockvee, their missiles will insta-gib it. Kite back with all units while Jarmen picks off the MDs and the Quad adds some DPS. As soon as the Scorp missiles are re-loaded, turn around, engage the second rockvee and clean up the remainder with an a-move. EZPZ.

primordialford175 karma


jarettdotcom188 karma


McNarNar109 karma

Why is Dave so pro at cooking?

jarettdotcom213 karma

Because he's the pickiest eater I've ever met. Not picky in the sense that he only eats a specific variety of foods, but in the sense that quality is everything and almost nothing meets his standards, forcing him to cook for himself.

Harrysooon102 karma

Will the game Vasectomy be in the movie? Ever since it was talked about in the last web series episode, I've been waiting to see what becomes of it.

jarettdotcom124 karma

I can neither confirm nor deny that Vasectomy will be in the Pure Pwnage movie. ;)

co792698 karma

Why didn't you just sell some more hair/ball hair to raise the movie money?

jarettdotcom98 karma

In a perfect world...

jamaicanjesus84 karma

Were you happy the way the TV series turned out?

jarettdotcom144 karma

Yes, I am happy with how it turned out, especially given the obstacles involved in making a real 'TV' show. Constant network revisions, writers/directors forced onto the project, 14 hour days with no downtime, etc. If you compare it to other TV comedies (and not our previous web series), I think it stands up. But then again, I think most modern TV comedies are pure crap, with rare exceptions like 'Louie' on FX or 'Limmy's Show' on BBC Scotland. I think a big problem for our existing fan base is that they had a strong expectation of what it would be, and when the structure and tone was changed... well, people don't like changes to the things they love. In a perfect world, they'd have given us full creative control and I think we would have knocked it out of the park for old fans and new.

krisk175979 karma

What was the primary motivation for bring back Pure Pwnage? Were you surprised by the fan support after all these years?

jarettdotcom161 karma

But seriously, I've never for a moment felt comfortable leaving the web series as we did. I didn't want to regret that for the rest of my life, which is the path I was on. The movie is an opportunity to once again do something new and different to keep our creative process fun and exciting, while leaving our characters and universe in a much nicer place should we decide this is the end.

Keldory77 karma

Which episodes of PP (web series) were the most fun or memorable to film?

jarettdotcom166 karma

Episode 2 was a blast to film because it involved drinking a few pitchers of beer and randomly interacting in-character with people on the street. Those were the days.

Episode 10 is my most memorable because I took the writing more seriously than the other episodes and felt that we really, really needed a solid episode (and return to our 'roots') after experimenting with 'micro balls' in episode 9. The opening scene is a personal favourite - sitting alone in my underwear and doing 57 takes until I felt I nailed it. That is actually me typing...

MajeekRorschach75 karma

Is it alright if I be you for halloween?

EDIT: I'm glad that you answered, I love you and had to make the question really quick at lunch today

jarettdotcom121 karma

More than alright, it's pure awesome.

SS5369 karma

Hey Jarett!

On a serious/somber note, how do you plan to overcome the challenges associated with the unfortunate passings of Troy, and Bill? Particularly Bill, who was such a huge part of the series since day 1. He had such a big, distinctive voice that was really the heart and soul of Teh Masterer.

Thanks for everything, sir. The series, the laughs, the merch, the triumphant return, and the love, care, and dedication that was so clearly put into Pure Pwnage over the years.

jarettdotcom107 karma

Placing the story a few years ahead in our timeline allows us to mostly avoid those challenges. We also have a lot of audio recordings of Bill that should be able to get us through. Although if the budget is big enough, maybe James Earl Jones could help us out...

Vaulker14 karma


jarettdotcom5 karma

Haha, gj man! Way better than I expected.

EmpireStijx58 karma

Would you rather fight one hundred duck-sized horses, or one horse-sized duck?

jarettdotcom106 karma

One horse-sized duck. That motherfucker would be scary. The little horses would be too cute and I wouldn't have the heart to hurt them.

oddj0b54 karma

What are you goals for the Movie with all the extra money you've received on FYI: I'm really psyched about the whole project.

jarettdotcom94 karma

I really just want to make the best movie we can. We don't plan on paying ourselves a penny from the money we raise; everything is going into more locations, more and better actors, more opportunities for promotion, etc.

Travisxe52 karma

How awesome was 2007?

I was ~14 at the time, me and my friends had my mom drop us off for the screening in Houston, TX.

jarettdotcom63 karma

Oh god, this is a good reminder that I need to lose a few pounds before we go to camera...

The_Mush_lol52 karma

Shit, I know this is gonna get buried, but what the hell.

Do you remember me at the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo? I was the one with a green Yoshi shirt and hat, and your son really loved it. I also had the license plate you loved.

There are the pics to prove it. Cheers.

jarettdotcom66 karma

I suck with names but I usually don't forget faces. I do remember you dude, and man, does my son ever love Yoshi... don't even think about losing him if you're playing SMB in front him, unless you want to see the saddest little two-year-old in the world.

jarettdotcom24 karma

Not showing to my son.... but upvote for you!

trehcurb52 karma

how often do people recognize you on the street nowadays? i've missed you

jarettdotcom83 karma

Not very often any more. Occasionally I'll get approached or notice someone noticing me (there's a certain look I can now spot a mile away...), but it mostly only happens at or around events with fellow nerds, like comic-cons.

Nayth0z46 karma

If I remember correctly... Did someone actually buy some of your hair?

jarettdotcom104 karma

Yeah, I think it ended up being over $3000. We spent the money on a trip to Holland to surprise some of our favourite fans. We even shot some of the show there. One of the best experiences of my life.

jaydark42 karma

Can we expect Dave (Dawei) in teh Pure Pwnage movie?

jarettdotcom96 karma

If he's not, I'll be more disappointed than anybody.

Zed0342 karma

Can you comment on the performance of the TV series and what benchmarks the network wanted / expected you to hit?

jarettdotcom80 karma

In terms of 'ratings', the TV show did well for the channel it was on. Much better than, say, the first seasons of Trailer Park Boys (same channel). I think the network might've had higher than usual expectations because of our huge web traffic, when in truth, most people watching TV shows on the web don't watch TV shows on television. I know I hadn't had cable for years prior to getting a TV show.

Isthisdog38 karma

Do you have dog?

Who is Dog?

Please respond.

jarettdotcom53 karma

Growing up I had a dog named Maxwell. When I moved in with my girlfriend 15 years ago we had a dog named Kemo. Both have since passed away and I'm not sure my heart can take losing another family member, so I'm dogless atm and make do by visiting the local park and being the creepy dog guy.

krisk175925 karma

Correct me if I am wrong, but Kemo was the dog you used in one episode, right?

jarettdotcom63 karma

Yes, we immortalized him as 'Dick'. Man I miss that little guy :(

Uncle_Creepy12337 karma

What are your favourite pizza toppings?

jarettdotcom87 karma

I have simple tastes in pizza - Pepperoni and Jalapenos!

DDSombre37 karma

Back when you were primarily a grass roots couple of guys making the original season of Pure Pwnage, what was the real motivation or inspiration as such to make the show as you did it? More of a passion project, or did you anticipate making a deeper meaning and story across the "series"? Would be really interesting to hear a little more of a personal side of the tale. Thanks, I love your work!

jarettdotcom86 karma

Originally we hadn't intended to make Pure Pwnage at all! We wanted to make a sort of talk show about Command & Conquer: Generals because we were both totally obsessed with that game at the time. We borrowed a camera from the library and shot some test footage where I improvised being one of the many douche bags from (a replay sharing site for competitive CnC players). The test footage ended up being pretty funny so we asked the forum to host the file for us (there was no streaming on the Internet yet) and it just took off. After a few episodes of exponential audience growth, we decided we'd better make a story. It really just grew organically. Edit: found it on YouTube -

Lance_lake36 karma

Why did you decide not to go with Kickstarter for your movie? It is more well known and better in the sense that the charge doesn't happen right away, so I can donate and be able to handle it when the charge goes through.

jarettdotcom125 karma

Kickstarter requires a US social security number, bank account and resident address, AKA it's only for Americans. As Canadians we didn't have much choice. Indiegogo also takes less fees than Kickstarter, which is a plus.

grandmasterethel34 karma

Met you guys in London a few years back. Are you planning on doing any more European visits any time soon?

Edit: I decided to add a couple more photos from this particular encounter 1 2 (I'm the one who hugged you :))

jarettdotcom42 karma

I love Europe and really, really hope we can screen the film there. I'm also strongly considering moving there... like, permanently.

Droooops33 karma

Oh man am I pumped you're doing this. -What was your favorite experience from PP?

-Did you expect the Internet show to become as big as it did?

-How do you type with boxing gloves on your hands?????

jarettdotcom78 karma

The very first theatrical premiere we held at the Bloor Cinema in Toronto. We were eating at a restaurant down the street, discussing our expectations. I thought somewhere between 12 and 25 people would show up and it would be pretty awkward. Geoff left first to go to the theatre because no one would recognize him and I'll never forget the frantic phone call we received a few minutes later. The line-up was down and around the block. Nearly 800 people showed up. It's one thing to see numbers on a website and another entirely to see all those people in real life. We ended up having to run through the crowd with hoodies pulled down, panicking as we heard shouts of "There they are!!". Afterwards I tried to escape via the back door but it didn't work. We started getting swarmed from all around and my flight instinct kicked in and I just started running. I got stopped and swarmed in the middle of the street and luckily one of the larger fans recognized I was terrified and screamed at everyone to give me room. I spent three hours signing every last autograph and, for one moment in my life, felt like Brad Pitt. Afterwards we went to eat at an all-night diner and everything was back to normal; no one knew who the fuck I was. I didn't slept for two days. (also, man I wish I knew how to carriage-return on Reddit...)

Turious15 karma

Two carriage returns turn into a single carriage return on Reddit. Who knew.

jarettdotcom23 karma

I love you.

whykayes33 karma

Huge fan since the web series. Jeremy VS Jarett in a BO9 in sc2 who takes it?

jarettdotcom84 karma

5-0 Jeremy. Jarett then smashes his keyboard and complains about balance and/or design, while suppressing his regret at choosing Protoss in the first place.

djt15631 karma

What was your favorite episode of the oringal web series?

jarettdotcom57 karma

If I have to pick one - Episode 10.

Shuzak2129 karma

Whats your opinion on what Call of Duty has done to the games industry?

jarettdotcom124 karma

I think the 'annualization' of franchises was a tragic turn for any non-sports franchise. I think we're in the middle of a transition, I expect most games to move to a F2P or subscription model over the next decade. I haven't played Call of Duty since the fourth instalment and am generally not a fan of the franchise. Also, Bobby Kotick sucks balls.

GonnUhReah27 karma

Who's idea was it to have those horrible clips of teh masterer and the ninja powers?

also how good is your micro?

jarettdotcom69 karma

It was a mutual decision. We were watching a lot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer at the time (great series, check it out) and decided to have some action-combat fun in our own sandbox. A lot of Pure Pwnage was made that way - us simply wanting to experiment as writers/directors to keep the creative process fun. In hindsight, we know now why TV shows don't suddenly change their formula mid-series... ;)

GDIBass27 karma

How do you feel about the feed me song "headshot"? Did he have to license the FPS Doug sound clips from you and did you know about the song pre-release?

jarettdotcom55 karma

They didn't have a license and we had no idea. We found out after the fact through Twitter thanks to fans. It was an honest error on their part, they had no idea about the show and thought the FPS Doug clip was a stand-alone one-time thing whose producer they couldn't find. I've since talked to them and they are super cool dudes and it's all good. I'm happy that people enjoy the tune, although I'm not into dubstep myself. Assuming that's what it is, I know people can get a little crazy sub-dividing techno music genres...

Flubatron24 karma

Massive fan! Can't wait for the movie! :D :D Some questions though if you would be so kind as to answer them:

  1. What is your favorite game of all time?

  2. How often do you get recognized in the street as Jeremy?

  3. You recently hosted IEM (which was amazing!), any plans to get more involved with SC2 and which race do you play?

  4. Have you ever used "You remind me of ghey." in a real argument?

Thanks so much!

jarettdotcom50 karma

  1. Too hard to answer, but I'll give a list, in no particular order, of some of my favourites of all time: F-Zero (SNES, N64 and GC), Zelda: Ocarina of Time (best single-player game of all time IMO, I actually feel sorry when I meet people who haven't played it), SC: Brood War and C&C: Generals (best RTSs ever), Tetris, Ultima Online (I could do a whole AMA talking about this masterpiece of a 'game'), Dragon Warrior (NES), Super Mario World (SNES), B.R.E. (BBS Door Game)... and seeing as you didn't specify video game: Tennis and Chess. I know I've probably forgotten another dozen and will regret later...

jarettdotcom36 karma

Oh, forgot 2-4... #2 I answered already, #3: I really hope I have more opportunities to work in eSports in the future. It's been a childhood dream of mine. I play Protoss and regret every second of it :) #4: No, although I'm prepared to bust it out in case all else fails.

Brenderous20 karma

Pure Pwnage (web series) will forever be one of the closest pieces of gaming culture to my heart, and I'm really excited for the movie.

I had trouble getting into the TV series, partly because of the changes and that I don't have cable or anything:P But I still would like to finish it.

How do you feel about the way people compare the web series and the TV series?

jarettdotcom31 karma

It bums me out a bit, but I totally expected it. It's impossible to approach the TV show objectively if you've been a big fan of the web series beforehand. Also, I share many of the criticisms myself, so it's easy reading them. I do think that the TV show is better than most people give it credit for, though. C'est la vie.

VikingMop20 karma

Hi! Long-time fan!

  • How many famous people do you know of that liked Pure Pwnage a lot, and how did you find out? (Like Artosis from the SC-scene)

  • PP Teh Movie has been an idea you and Geoff have thrown around for many years now, but when was it decided "Fuck it, let's crowdfund it!"? Was it a spontaneous decision just recently after you started being more public, or have it been in the works for quite some time already?

  • How's the family life?

  • Will you ever feel too old to play Jeremy?

  • What is the best way to contact you if we had fanart or other things to share, and not risk getting overlooked in a big Twitter-feed?

  • How do you balance internet stardom and private life?

  • How was your IEM-hosting received? Is it something you will continue to in the future?

jarettdotcom40 karma

  1. Not sure how many in total, but I've been surprised how many big figures in eSports have reached out to me, especially after the IEM event and/or the movie announcement. A lot of casters (Tasteless, Artosis, Day9 and more) and players (Sheth, Destiny, HuK and more), of which I will certainly forget some if I try to list them. I've known dApollo since the days when EA would fly us out to balance-test the Alpha versions of new C&C games. The actor Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom in the Harry Potter films) is a fan and in fact one of the first people to buy an 'i pwn n00bs' shirt from us back in the day. Apparently he used to wear it to set. I met him in Calgary and we mutually freaked out (I'm a big Harry Potter fan).

  2. I love my family life. In all honesty, I was terrified I might be a bad dad, given my predisposition to obsess about work or games, but as it turns out I was born to be one. It's funny how our instincts work. I am completely obsessed with my son and it kills me to spend any time away (the IEM Germany trip was my first time away from him and quite an emotional trial, so sorry to those sharing beer with me on that last night, lol...) Of everything I've done in my life, I'm most proud of my family. We're all very healthy and happy. As cliche as it may be and incomprehensible to many - it's all that really matters in this short life.

  3. Nah. If I start getting too too old, we could always cast a 'padawan' and make jeremy the Yoda ;)

  4. Tweeting me is really a good way to reach me, I read them all. Also, noobschoolbus will go to both Geoff and myself.

  5. I do both at the same time... from home ;) Although I don't consider myself a star of any kind these days. Just a dude who once did some stuff people dug and hopefully does some more stuff people dig in the future.

  6. The IEM really liked it. It was a great experience for me personally. I'd never done any real hosting before, so it was very experimental. On the first day I went with a dry, sarcastic tone and learned a couple things: the lack of energy is not a good hosting technique, and people under a certain age have no idea what dry comedy is and mistake it for 'awkward'. By day 3 I found a groove and was having so much fun. I really hope I get more opportunities in the future, I can only get better.

-Exstasy18 karma

What's one interesting thing you think that we don't know about Pure Pwnage?

edit: also, What league are you currently in for SC2?

jarettdotcom31 karma

The Pure Pwnage logo was made by my good friend Kevin. We never paid him for the work, or had any sort of contract, so technically he still owns it. He likes to remind me of this about once a year.

I haven't actively played SC2 in over a year, I'm mostly just a spectator. I was a Diamond Protoss when I quit. If I had to guess, I'd probably get my fucking ass handed to me now...

edit: I'll be playing HotS beta soon, and plan to stream some of my getting-my-ass-kicked sessions. Hopefully I can regain my form.

qvDeman17 karma

Will I be seeing you presenting at future eSports events?

Good luck with the movie!

jarettdotcom15 karma

I sure hope so, man! Either way, I hope we have a chance to grab some more beers together at the LoL World Finals in L.A.

iaman00b16 karma

One thing I loved about the webshow is your chemistry with Miranda Plant. Did any of that transfer off-screen?

jarettdotcom33 karma

Miranda is amazing and such a pleasure to work with that we made her name a verb during production. We now say an actor is "Miranda'ing" if they: always show up early, are always smiling and pleasant, and always give it their all. We're good friends off-screen.

SchofieldSilver15 karma

Did you ever actually get addicted to WoW?

jarettdotcom30 karma

I was never actually 'addicted' to WoW, although I did play a lot starting on launch day. I was an Everquest addict for a year and a half during university (quad-boxing 10+ hours a day and almost failing out of school as a result), so I was familiar with the genre and its pitfalls. Honestly, after EQ, WoW just felt like a children's game and I was immune to the addictive elements. My power guild had moved from EQ to WoW, we were the first ones in Molten Core, I was one of the first priests to 50, blah blah blah, and after I got all the knowledge I needed to write the WoW content in Pure Pwnage I quit and never looked back. (well, except for an ill-fated attempt at a 'Pure Pwnage Guild')

I think MMOs are evil, frankly. I have what can be described as an 'addictive personality type' and it's just not safe for me to play them. I haven't played any more since WoW and the only game that even tempts me to go back is the upcoming Dragon Quest X, and only because I was a huge Dragon Quest fan growing up and it also looks childish enough that I couldn't possibly get addicted. Always a risk, though...

punkeranthon14 karma

AWSOME! Your show was the shiz back in the day....Do you hate when people say "Powned" ITS FUCKING PRONOUNCED OWNED but spelled with a P.FFS....HEADSHOT!

jarettdotcom19 karma

It used to bother the hell out of me, but now I've given up. We lost the pronunciation war. Fortunately I don't hear either very much these days.

dale8714 karma

If you HAD to go gay for some dude, who would it be?

jarettdotcom38 karma

Roger Federer.

infm513 karma

Huge fan, is there any way i can help on set if you get the movie off the ground (or even have a very small part in it)? (I live in Toronto)

jarettdotcom23 karma

We're accepting resumes for everything from interns to actors. Email your info to:

TripleDavid13 karma

If you play any non-competitive games at all, what's your favorite?

jarettdotcom26 karma

I play a fair bit of Mario Kart 7 on my 3DS, though online and always with the intention of winning... it's just in my nature :)

Piercey1713 karma

Hey Jarrett! I was wondering if you would ever continue the web series? My friends and I have been waiting to see what would happen with Chris for years now.

jarettdotcom28 karma

I would definitely consider doing something more on the web. This is something we'll discuss after the movie is complete. It's a different landscape now though, so a return to the original formula of one piece of ~25 min content every 3-4 months probably won't cut it.

bank260012 karma

Do you still hump your monitor?

jarettdotcom57 karma

LCD monitors just aren't the same. Baby needs some CRT-back, nomsayin'?

Velonaris12 karma

Have you rubbed any shirts on your balls lately?

jarettdotcom43 karma

Just the old soft ones I use to mop up after I.... nm.

Lucidz12 karma

do you really prefer cc to bw? if so why?

jarettdotcom31 karma

My two favorite RTS games of all time, including those on the shelf today, are StarCraft: Brood War and Command & Conquer: Generals. Between those two, I probably had more fun playing Generals, but I wouldn't necessarily say it's a better game.

Gold-Cat11 karma

If the film does well commercially (I'm sure it will), is there a chance of a continuation of the series from there? Be it another feature or a return to episodic web content?

jarettdotcom24 karma


blendermf10 karma

I did not know about the movie project until now. That's awesome. Ever since the show ended I've been waiting for some more pwnage. You guys are awesome.

You've now went from a web series, to a tv series, to now a movie. How does your approach differ for these different mediums? Obviously technologically it's a little different, but how much does it affect the way you approach the storytelling?

jarettdotcom11 karma

Well, the mail man just delivered a few new books to my house. I'm anxious to read what William Goldman and Syd Field have to say on the topic :)

I have a scientific approach to most everything in life. So step one for me is research. I've never written a movie before and it's a little intimidating. Once I'm more educated on movie-writing and confident in structure, I need to just trust my comedic instincts and see what the result is. Then reiterate.

bydd8 karma

Long time fan of both the web, and TV Series! One of my favourite scenes was when Doug annihilated that keyboard in his garage after a death in CS:S. How many keyboards have suffered the same fate at the hands(feet) of Doug?

What/who was the influence behind Jeremy's mannerisms and how he spoke?

Thanks for doing this, Can't wait for the movie!

jarettdotcom16 karma

Joel (Doug) has busted a number of keyboards (and headsets and speakers...) in his time, but I'd be lying if I said many keyboards haven't met a similar fate at my hands. I used to keep around 3-4 extra in my closet, just in case of a losing streak in Clan Wars. Of course, having those extras around just gave me even more excuses to Hulk Smash that shit...

I haven't broken a keyboard in years now. It could be age, or it could be that I have an expensive mechanical keyboard I can't afford to replace :)

I don't know where Jeremy's accent came from, it was an improvised stream of consciousness thing. It's a big exaggeration of how I thought others perceived the Canadian accent. The mannerisms are mostly just improvised, but the spanking was directly influenced by my good friend John during the days of our Big Buck Hunter addiction.

Brenner148 karma

Which do you feel is your preferred medium: stand up or scripted comedy? Which did you prefer shooting: the web series or the television show?

jarettdotcom18 karma

I have an insane amount of respect for stand-up comedy and hope to one day get back on stage myself. It's such a pure art-form, just you and a microphone and no second chances. By comparison, scripted comedy is much, much easier, and consequently not quite as rewarding personally (although far more rewarding financially unless you're in the top 0.01% of comics). I preferred the web series because we had the time and atmosphere to just let me go and do my thing, improvising a large portion of the show's dialogue. In TV, you're counting the minutes and have limited takes of each scene, and often times you know you could do better with another take, but you're moving on. It can be a bummer.

zabuma7 karma

Where do you find your inspiration?

If you could meet anyone from history (famous or not) who would it be?

jarettdotcom17 karma

I look up at the sky and then think about how we're all just a bunch of silly apes, barely out of the trees, hanging out on this one planet in this one solar system in this one galaxy and there's so little time to enjoy it all. All the unimportant shit just fades away and I'm left with this overwhelming desire to LIVE my dreams. Then I try to.

This answer probably depends on my mood, but right now I'll say Bill Hicks. I think he'd make really good company.

xeronak7 karma

Hey Jarett, got two questions for you.

  1. What do you do for a living in your day to day life? I'm really curious about this.

  2. What games are you playing regularly these days?

LOVE the show, and I also loved the TV series to death. You guys are part of what makes the internet so great.

jarettdotcom10 karma

  1. That answer has changed constantly over the past 8+ years. In the last two, I've mostly spent as much time with my son as possible. Teaching him how to walk, talk and pwn. On the side, I've written a couple of TV show pitch packages and started a small mobile gaming company with a friend. Starting last month, though, I'm studying script-writing and managing the fund-raising campaign. Teh movie will be nearly my entire focus from now until it's complete.

  2. League of Legends, Mario Kart 7, Tiny Tower, and I've just recently started playing Starcraft 2 again thanks to the Heart of the Swarm expansion. Also trying to get into DotA 2. One of those was a joke, I'll leave that up you to figure out.

Rottenblade7 karma

Hey Jarett! Long time fan, started watching PP back in the days when you guys started out, freaking love it man.

  • Did you expect the series to be such a big hit when you started?
  • And in that regard, did you ever expect to be doing a movie about it?
  • What inspired the character of Jeremy?
  • Is Kyle still a noob?

And lastly

  • Will you be rubbing your balls on the scripts you'll be sending to the donators?

Hope you have a good day!

jarettdotcom12 karma

No, we had no idea what we were getting into. If you told us then what was to become of Pure Pwnage, I would've thought you were legitimately crazy.


Being a competitive C&C player, I was forced to interact with an uncountable number of douchebags. They were amazing at playing the game, but completely failed at being decent human beings. I just wanted their replays. The original Pure Pwnage was a way for me to vent by taking the piss out of them. Little did I know...

Kyle? Totally.

I will by special request only. It's not the default option.

PauseUnpause6 karma

First off I just want to thank you and the rest of the pure pwnage crew for all of the amazing work that you all put through out the years. And you have no idea how excited I am to see you guys make a comeback after all of these years.

My question for you is, as you said in the indiegogo video that you want to base the movie off of the web series world, can we expect to see other familiar faces such as Miranda Plant and Da Wei? Regardless, I will still watch and most likely enjoy the movie. Best of luck to you guys during the filming. And happy to have you guys.

jarettdotcom3 karma

Ultimately it'll be up to the actors whether or not they want to be a part of the movie. I can say, though, that it's a huge priority for us to get the core cast of the web series into the movie in some capacity.

EnterStageRight5 karma

Since the Indiegogo announcement, I've been listening to a lot of the old music from the webseries - it's been great. Pure Pwnage composed a lot of my identity in high school and legitimised my gaming habits. Thank you for that.

How do you plan on promoting the movie? Will you rely on old fans or try to find a new audience as well?

I had the privilege of meeting you and Geoff when you came to Australia for Episode 15, so maybe some local screenings?

jarettdotcom7 karma

So far our plan is similar to that of the web series - rely on making a quality product that people want to talk about. We won't have a budget to do traditional promotion. We need word of mouth. Once we have a finished movie, we'll submit it to festivals and hopefully the energetic throngs of fans that (hopefully) show up will speak loud and clear for us. After that we can host our own tours, write the local and web 'presses' and hope it snowballs from there. At the end of the day, we're banking on the merit of the film, not the merit of a marketing campaign.

wheresthegoatat5 karma

How did you feel when mel's closed down

jarettdotcom7 karma

Angry that the management couldn't make such a sweet location work. The restaurant business is tough. Fortunately there's a great new smoked meat shop about a 10 min bike ride away called Caplansky's -'s+toronto&hl=en&sll=43.657299,-79.404197&sspn=0.019017,0.046756&gl=ca&hq=caplansky's&hnear=Toronto,+Toronto+Division,+Ontario&t=m&z=16

DrowSwordsman5 karma

Are you at all excited about the new Command and Conquer free to play game that's supposedly coming out in 2013 or will you be sticking with SC2/Heart Of the Swarm for all of your RTS needs?

jarettdotcom7 karma

It's free, so I'll give it shot. That's the beauty of free-to-play. If the game sucks, I'm gone... so they have to make it good. When EA has your money up front, you can almost bet you'll be feeling stolen from.

I do expect though that HotS will be my RTS until LotV is released. My confidence in EA is immeasurably small.

cma16814 karma

I remember reading somewhere that you would be going to South Korea to work for Gom and the GSL in some capacity. Is this still happening?

jarettdotcom6 karma

That was a bad joke that got a little out-of-hand. Not that I wouldn't take that job...

Flukie3 karma

What happened to the clip that you and Joel filmed, are you going to release it ahead of the movie or is it going to be included?

Absolutely love your work btw, best of luck making this film.

jarettdotcom26 karma

If you're referring to some of the unreleased Episode 19 content, we're saving it for a special moment. It will be seen. In fact, I have a scene open in Premiere right now...