Some of the movie lovers of r/stanleykubrick asked us to do an AMA. So here we are. I (Joe) will be doing the typing. We're here for an hour or so now, then we'll be back later this evening.


Edit1: We're going out for dinner and we'll be back after to answer more of your questions. Having lots of fun doing this! See you all in an hour or so.

Edit2: Okay we're back, and that's a lot of questions. Mum's just making a coffee and walking the dog then we'll get to it. 22:07

Edit3: There are so many questions, some are repeated that we have answered. If we don't answer it's either because we don't know or we've answered the question elsewhere. We can't answer everything today as it's now 00:17 and we have things to do tomorrow. A big thank you to everyone who asked questions. Feel free to keep asking questions, we will be back again to answer as many as we are able to.

Edit4: Mum stayed a bit longer and we answered some more questions, but she has now gone to get some sleep. I will continue to read through and answer anything I can until I have to do the same. We'll both come back to this tomorrow and answer what we can.

Edit5: 4pm on the 14th. Okay day number two. I have answered what I can from what was posted throughout the night. Mum and I are going to sit down again this evening around 10pm GMT to answer more, so feel free to keep asking questions and we'll answer what we can. I will keep checking the inbox to see if there's anything I can give a quick answer to until then.

Comments: 1137 • Responses: 76  • Date: 

IKidIKidIKid184 karma

Did Stanley ever share his opinion on Alfred Hitchcock's work?

JLH_SK240 karma

Katharina: I believe he liked his movies.

mttwldngr172 karma

Do you have any interpretation of the ending 2001: A Space Odyssey?

JLH_SK341 karma

Katharina: One of the reasons Stanley famously didn't explain the film was that everyone who saw it would then think there was only one way to experience it. My personal opinion is that who you are is how you perceive it, so religious people will see it completely differently from atheists.

JLH_SK54 karma

On a side note, if anyone ever gets the chance to see 2001 screened with a live orchestra you should go. The opening had me in near tears, it was very very powerful.

Bamack151 karma

What were Stanley's favorite movies? (Aside from his own)

JLH_SK288 karma

He loved films. He admired the work of Bergman, Tarkovsky, Bunuel, Spike Lee, Speilberg, the list is long and varied.

ooakey197 karma

I love the idea of Stanley Kubrick watching Do the Right Thing or She's Gotta Have It.

JLH_SK598 karma

He liked White Men Can't Jump. It was on TV and I asked him if I should watch it, and he said, 'yeah that's a good movie, you'll enjoy it'.

JLH_SK8 karma

Katharina: He really liked Spike Lee's work.

TheBoredMan140 karma

Katharina, I don't know how old you are, so I'm not sure if this is relevant or not. But what was your father like during filming as opposed in between films? Did he seem more stressed, or did he ever complain about so and so not being able to nail a take? Or was he pretty much always the same at home?

Also, any cool stories of you being on set with him or anything like that?

JLH_SK227 karma

Katharina: I'm nearly 59. Between films he did a lot of reading, caught up with viewing the videos of American football games that his sister used to send him. He was always working on improving print qualities, hiring directors to shoot the voice overs for films that had to be dubbed and checking on how his films were doing in other parts of the world. He never stopped tending his babies even once they were out in the world.

FranklinRULES58 karma

He watched football???? Did he enjoy the sport? Did he have a favorite team?

JLH_SK145 karma

He was from the Bronx. He loved American football, but also liked Soccer.

See3D38 karma

Thank you for doing this AMA. As a followup to the previous question, I'm curious as well if you have any stories about going to the sets? I read online, he had the sets of 2001: A Space Odyssey destroyed after filming because he didn't want them to be re-used in other movies, but was that something he normally did?

JLH_SK72 karma

Katharina: All sets of movies are destroyed after the making of a film...because they need the stage space! Sometimes, if there's a really good set on the back lot like a street that can be used over and over, then they don't knock them down.

Rather_Confused124 karma

What was your father like as a person? How was his world view reflected in his work, and with A.I, how did Spielberg's end product deviate from his original vision? Also, which one of his features resonated most personally with him?

JLH_SK221 karma

Katharina: He was a over protective Daddy who didn't let me go out with boys till I was 16. I think his world view was reflected in his work. I think Stanley's A.I. would have been a darker vision and one of the reasons he wanted Speilberg to direct it is that he was aware of that. He always wanted to have more bums on seats.

GodGiven42113 karma


JLH_SK261 karma

Joe: I have an early memory of sitting in the living room as a family around Christmas time. 2001 was on the TV and I remember being exceedingly bored. At a guess I'd say I was around 7 or 8. I didn't really start to appreciate the films until I was in my late teens.

Chickabeeinthewind108 karma

Beyond the well known unmade films (Napoleon, Aryan Papers, ect.) were there any unfinished projects that you would've liked to see realized by your grandfather? Thanks for doing this!

JLH_SK213 karma

Joe: My father is currently trying to get 'Lunatic at Large' into production, one of Stanley's scripts, and also 'God Fearing Man'.

ThatsMisterDickToYou99 karma

Thanks very much for doing this.

Have you heard of the conspiracy theory that your father / grandfather was involved in faking the Moon Landings?

Undoubtedly complete bullshit. But would love to know what you think?

JLH_SK179 karma

Katharina: An audacious and outrageous piece of BS as you say. They took my mothers and uncle's answers to other questions out of context.

[deleted]94 karma

What are your thoughts on A Clockwork Orange, regarding the controversy surrounding it?

JLH_SK166 karma

Katharina: Clockwork Orange was a very powerful, disturbing and stylish movie. It caused a lot of controversy because the British press were responding to Mary Whitehouse's and Lord Longford's blanket condemnation of the film, and the press blaming every bit of violence on the film.

boredlike90 karma

What is your favourite film of your Grandfather's?

JLH_SK177 karma

Joe: Spartacus and 2001.

FakeCurtisLeMay33 karma

I thought I read somewhere that Kubrick had a lot of issues with Kirk Douglas and the screenwriter for Spartacus and distanced himself from the film.

Asshole_Salad59 karma

According to what I've read, Kirk Douglas had previously worked with him on Paths of Glory (fantastic movie btw) and hired him for Spartacus because he was young and he thought he'd be easy to control. I think he may have been wrong on that point.

JLH_SK88 karma

Katharina: Agreed.

JayEssArr86 karma

What are your favorite memories of Stanley? What was he like around the house?

JLH_SK216 karma

Katharina: He was just a Dad who liked making tuna sandwiches and watching sport on TV. He was always working, and we learned a lot being around him.

KB31085 karma

Your father was known as a perfectionist in how he made his films. I was wondering if he had the same attitude in his home life?

For instance I have this image of him needing the table set absolutely perfectly and all the paintings on the wall to be symmetrical and adhere to the same theme and quirky things like that.

JLH_SK166 karma

Katharina: Nothing could be further from the truth (lol). He was very relaxed at home and usually surrounded by all our dogs and cats.

VicYesterday73 karma

Did either of you ever feel any sort of pressure to live up to your [grand]father's legacy?

JLH_SK145 karma

Joe: No

Katharina: Stanley and Christiane are a hard act to follow. Following my own dream.

alwyashgih67 karma

What is your most favorite film of your father/grandfather?

I enjoyed Lolita and Full Metal Jacket. I have nothing more to say except that this man was a genius. Thanks for doing this AMA!

JLH_SK134 karma

Joe: Spartacus and 2001.

Katharina: Can't really say which is my favorite as each one represents a part of my life as I was growing up. My opinions of the films have changed as I have matured. I particularly like Eyes Wide Shut because I know how much in meant to him and how proud he was of it.

NorbitGorbit55 karma

Do you or any other Kubricks have interest in making movies? Any uncredited cameos by Kubricks (other than Vivian) in Kubrick movies that we don't know about?

JLH_SK114 karma

Katharina: I was one of the daughters in Barry Lyndon as was Vivian. I was an extra on Clockwork Orange. I was the mother of the son in Eyes Wide Shut (he was my son). Vivian was a guest at the ball at the end of the Shining.

TheSpanishPrisoner39 karma

Wasn't Vivian also the little girl in 2001 who talked to her Daddy (the astronaut in space) over the video chat telephone thing (basically, via the Skype of 2001)?

JLH_SK51 karma


gamefreak260034 karma

Clockwork Orange is my favorite picture by your father. Where in A Clockwork Orange did you appear? Were you one of the scientists in the theatre?

JLH_SK82 karma

Katharina: I was 16. I was an extra in the distance in the record store where he picks up the two girls. Don't blink.

JLH_SK26 karma

No it's when he's walking down the hall from the front of the shop.

gamefreak260016 karma

So are you the one who walks passed McDowell carrying a handbag? Or the one in the white dress? There are so many extras in that scene...

JLH_SK70 karma

If you insist, I'm the slightly pudgy girl with long brown hair wearing a hideous knitted trouser suit. For what it's worth, that scene was shot at the Chelsea drug store on the Kings Road, which is now Mc Donalds, if only they knew...

JLH_SK67 karma

Katharina: I worked in the film industry for ten years in the art department. I was an extra in Barry Lyndon, Clockwork Orange, and my son and I were in Eyes Wide Shut.

NorbitGorbit7 karma

Katharina: any art pieces we've probably seen in the movies but not known were produced by you?

All Kubricks: being extras, are there any interesting stories or bits of trivia that you are privy to that most people (even Stanley) may not have heard about?

JLH_SK12 karma

Katharina: My mother's paintings and my paintings decorated the Harford's apartment in EWS.

bringbacktubgirl49 karma

Did you guys receive any backlash from the "Singin' in the Rain" scene in Clockwork Orange?

JLH_SK135 karma

Katharina: It upset as many people as enjoyed it.

stoltesawa48 karma

Hi Katharina and Joe, thanks for doing this AMA!

We've all heard stories about Stanley's obsessive method. I've always wondered if his legendary intensity was merely a professional technique, or if it was part of his larger personality. Katharina, did you work much with Stanley apart from Barry Lyndon? What was it like?

Joe, how old are you? Did you spend much time with your grandfather? How has his spectre influenced your life?

JLH_SK87 karma

Joe: I'm 26. I saw him on the weekends we came to visit, and on family occasions. I do remember playing a game of chess with him, possibly more than once as I had taken an interest in the game. He has influenced my life to a certain degree, but I've tried to not let it influence how I am as a person or how I approach work. Being his grandson is never something I would bring up, but it's not something I would deny if asked about it either.

stoltesawa30 karma

Do you work/study in a creative field?

JLH_SK107 karma

Joe: Yes I just graduated as an environment artist for video games and am currently seeking employment at a studio.

MrBlahStrikesAgain17 karma

Any favorite video games?

JLH_SK82 karma

Joe: Lots. I play everything bar sports and racing games. Personal favorites are Final Fantasy 7, I love a good point and click like Broken Sword. Recently I've enjoyed Uncharted 3.

CoughingZombie45 karma

What type of still cameras did your father/ grandfather use ?

JLH_SK89 karma

Katharina: There wasn't a camera he didn't try. He was very fond of his Leica, and his Nikon's.

TheGreatStromboli40 karma

Did any parts of your father's films particularly offend or disgust you?

JLH_SK105 karma

Katharina: No, but the lady coming out the bath in the Shining I didn't actually see for first ten viewings...

JLH_SK117 karma

Joe: I'm not clicking that because I want to sleep some time this week.

[deleted]39 karma


JLH_SK72 karma

Katharina: Firstly, Stanley had a massive heart attack at home during the night and was found by my mother. We were told it was instantaneous. As to Vivian, we don't know whether she was or wasn't a scientologist during the making of EWS. Certainly TC had nothing to do with it. I don't think their relationship had anything to do with the underlying themes of EWS, which is a story that Stanley had been interested in doing for 30 years.

sonofashoe37 karma

Any relatives named Hal?

JLH_SK104 karma

No relatives, but we did have a dog named Hal :)

Thereminz101 karma

did you ever ask the dog to open the pod bay doors

and then it just looks at you like "i'm afraid i can't do that"

JLH_SK63 karma


mannyboy268035 karma

People say Kubrick was an extreme perfectionist when shooting movies, sometimes shooting the same scene more than a hundred times. Is this true? If so, was he as much a control freak when out of set?

JLH_SK98 karma

Katharina: Usually a scene was shot many times because either he was letting the actors improvise and improve their performances, or they didn't know their lines...

howlinpete34 karma

Stanley Kubrick was notorious for exploring a lot of different movie genres while giving them a personal touch of his own. Was there a specific genre that he wanted to have a go at, but never did?

JLH_SK95 karma

Katharina: I asked him if he would do a children's movie, and he said 'sure find me a good story'.

Silk_E_Smoove31 karma

Was Stanley ever upset about not winning an Academy Award for direction?

JLH_SK67 karma

Katharina: I think he was a bit miffed but who wouldn't be, but he won many other prestigious awards that he would send to his mum.

MrPrestige27 karma

To Katharina: From your personal experience did your father have a particular outlook on life?

Also, I read on your website you left the film industry in 1984. Did you ever think about going back into it or perhaps following in your father's footsteps?

To Joe: Did you ever see your grandfather talk about the films he had made?

JLH_SK51 karma

Katharina: I think he thought man was ultimately lead by his emotions which is why he was so fascinated by Napoleons story. I left the industry because I got married and had babies, and wanted to be a good mum. I had a few sessions working for Stanley on Eyes Wide Shut. I do miss working in the industry, but I am enjoying making Jewelry and Painting.

Joe: I was quite young so if he did, they are not the memories that stand out to me.

cuffofizz26 karma

What were some of his favorite books?

JLH_SK52 karma

Katharina: I think he read pretty much everything judging by the size of the library. Each new film would mean that he would read extensively doing research for the subject matter.

crabapplejunction26 karma

Did your sister ever get that bushbaby?

JLH_SK26 karma

She got two dogs.

lhunderboy24 karma

Thanks for doing the AMA! I just wanted to say that I went to see Stanley Kubrick: The Exhibition in Amsterdam a while ago and it was amazing! Your father/grandfather is a huge inspiration. Was the family involved in the making of the exhibition? Or was it just the museum guys?

JLH_SK49 karma

Katharina: The archivist from the Frankfurt film museum lived with us for 8 months going through all the boxes. So if our total cooperation means we were involved in the making of it, then yes. Each museums curator and the building that it's in lends it a new look each time it's exhibited.

diogenesl22 karma

Do you think he would have liked Spilberg's version of Artificial Intelligence? How much of that was his ideas/vision?

JLH_SK43 karma

Katharina: It was a lighter version than Stanley might have made.

dramallamadingdong19 karma

Katharina: For his movie Eyes Wide Shut, were there any odd or strange events or happenings in your daily life during the production?

Joe: What has your life been like, being the grandson of Mr. Kubrick? Do people recognize you? Do you have any interest in filmography? And what's your favorite beer? ;)

JLH_SK25 karma

Katharina: Like what?

Joe: Interesting. No people don't recognize me, would you? I worked for a year at a VFX company in London, not really for me. I prefer the video game industry. I'm a fan of Leffe and Corona.

finguck18 karma

Holy crap, I cannot believe this. How close were you to your grandfather? Did either of you ever visit the sets of any of his movies? Do you think that the unmade scripts of his have the potential to be made into good movies directed by other people?

JLH_SK34 karma

Joe: Well he passed away when was 13. He encouraged my learning of chess, and we did play a few games. I did visit a set of Eyes Wide Shut. Mum visited and worked on a lot. I think the unmade scripts have great potential and fingers crossed we will see them soon as my father is trying to get them made!

honkimon17 karma

Have you ever watched the final scene from 2001 ("Jupiter and Beyond the Infinite") synced up with Pink Floyd's Echoes? It's pretty uncanny how well they match up. Is there any truth to the rumor that your dad approached The Floyd to possibly do some of the sound scapes for this film and they declined due to schedule conflicts?

Thanks for doing this AMA!!!

JLH_SK29 karma

Katharina: I was aware that Stanley listened to anything and everything that might be useful in his movie. It is entirely within the realms of possibility that he considered Pink Floyd at some point.

seluropnek17 karma

Do you know if there is any truth behind R. Lee Ermey's claims that Kubrick told him it was a "piece of shit"?

It seems possibly slanderous to me for him to say that, but I'm not sure what his motivation would be for lying. For the record, I think the movie is a masterpiece and the most underrated of his career.

JLH_SK33 karma

Katharina: Don't believe that for a second.

doovidooves17 karma

Thank you both for doing this AMA. Your father/grandfather was a talented filmmaker and a great inspiration to myself. Given your family's heavy background in the arts (your father/grandfather being who he was and your mother/grandmother being an actress, singer, painter, dancer, etc), do you see yourself becoming involved in any field of the arts?

JLH_SK54 karma

Katharina: Yes I am a painter and a jeweler. You can see my paintings on

Joe: Yes I am an environment artist for video games.

doovidooves21 karma

Wow. I am ecstatic that you've answered my question!

Katharina: I love your style. The stark contrast of bright colors against the apples and pears in your still life gallery is particularly impressive, though my favorites would have to be "Crystal Ball" and "Maria's Vase".

Joe: That's awesome! Are you able to share which games that you've worked on? I'll also take the gamble and ask another question here. What do you think your father/grandfather would think of video games today, as they have matured as a medium for storytelling and art?

EDIT: My grammar fell apart at the end there.

JLH_SK37 karma

Joe: I just graduated so I'm currently seeking employment at a studio. My work is here: I've spoken to Grandmother about this a few times. She thinks he would be fascinated by it all and would be very encouraging. Every time I show her my work her reactions are always 'Stanley would have loved it'

Officer_Sexy16 karma

Hey Katharina, hey Joe! Huge fan of your fathers/grandfathers movies, here. So...uhm... how was he like, in person? I know that seems like a pretty dull question, but i´d love to get an answer, since i´ve been always asking myself, whether he was like in private, e.g. a bit of an eccentric or something like that.

Also, it´s great that you do this AMA!

JLH_SK66 karma

He was a very affectionate Dad, who could solve all your problems, and when he died our protective umbrella was gone.

gamefreak260016 karma

What was your father's relation to music? In many of his films he desired a traditional composer's work (2001: A Space Odyssey, the synthesized rewriting in A Clockwork Orange, and Barry Lyndon). He rejected the original score in 2001 and wanted traditional orchestration in The Shining. Why is this? Did he have any favorite composers?

JLH_SK27 karma

Katharina: I can't give you reasons why he did or didn't choose certain recordings of composers. But didn't he do well.

Marcanadian16 karma

Another question about The Shining:

If you know, what's with the photo of Jack at the end? Was it Stanley's intention to show that he had become a part of the hotel after his death, or was Jack reincarnated?

JLH_SK62 karma

Katharina: He was always there.

damM316 karma


JLH_SK53 karma

Katharina: I once gave him a book, can't remember the title, about all the weird and wonderful conspiracy theories out there. He was once convinced that a Chinese restaurant that we used to go to was a cover for some dastardly espionage activities! He thought the M'aitre D, was far too intelligent a man to be running a restaurant. We laughed and teased him as we chewed our egg rolls.

eddie291114 karma

Your father/grandfather was obviously a very talented man. What are some talents he passed on to you?

JLH_SK50 karma

Katharina: Not so much talents but a work ethic. Always try your best. Never assume anything. Try to enjoy what you do.

[deleted]13 karma


JLH_SK38 karma

He was very proud of it and thought it was his best film.

lostmyshapess13 karma

Do you know why Stanley harassed Shelley Duvall so much? Was that just how he was or was he really trying to improve her performance by making her so stressed out?

JLH_SK44 karma

Katharina: Stanley was very calm on set, and normally he would pull an actor away from the set and talk to them privately. In this instance it was late, they were running out of time, there was a miss-communication and tempers were frayed. Everyone has turned it into a 'Stanley beats up on his actors' story. I'm not saying it wasn't a hard shoot, but that's film making for you.

Major-----de_Coverly12 karma

Was Eyes Wide Shut complete when Stanley passed away? Did he take part in the censoring of the orgy scene, with the digital people?

JLH_SK18 karma

Katharina: Yes he was. The censoring was done after his death as he had an agreement with Warner Brothers to produce an R rated movie. I am sure that he would have re-edited the offending scene to remove the 'thrusting' etc that was so offensive.

ace_66612 karma

Was Stanley Kubrick ever openly critical of filmmakers he DIDN'T particularly like?

JLH_SK37 karma

Yes but I'm not going to tell you.

johnnymills12 karma

Do you have any memories of Peter Sellers? Or really any behind the scene memories from Dr. Strangelove you would like to share?

JLH_SK25 karma

Katharina: I remember Peter being a really funny guy when he came around to the house, and Stanley frequently just hopelessly laughing at Peters antics. I went to school with Peters son Michael who sadly passed away a few years ago. I was very little when Stanley was making Dr. Strangelove, but I did visit the set and remember having to wear felt overshoes to be allowed to walk into the War Room. Also Peter Bull who was the Russian ambassador gave the best tea parties for children I have ever been to.

TheRealMaxPower12 karma

How was he on set? Did he turn into a different person? I heard that he almost drove Shelley Duvall crazy, is this true?

EDIT: Structure of the question

JLH_SK26 karma

Katharina: He was very concentrated as you can imagine with so many people to organize and concentrate on his movie, he needed to be. Shelley had a very difficult role as she had to be hysterical and be crying nearly every day. There isn't a film that's ever been made where there aren't tensions and disagreements but on the whole Stanley was very calm on set.

sethamphetamine12 karma

Do you feel Stanley was close to a fine cut on Eyes Wide Shut?

JLH_SK27 karma

Katharina: It WAS finished, apart from the music, and editing a version for the American market. Obviously digital figures covering the naughty bits weren't on the agenda, and he would most probably have cut to reverse shots of Tom's reaction to get the rating for the American market.

ace_66611 karma

Did Stanley Kubrick subscribe to any magazines or periodicals?

JLH_SK42 karma

Oh everything. We were drowning in newspapers, magazines of every persuasion. He was a voracious reader and I will divulge that was a subscriber to 'Cat World'.

VNGS14 karma

The man was a god.

JLH_SK22 karma

Joe: I laughed so hard when mum told me that, realizing what I was about to tell Reddit.

wildernessoferror10 karma

1st Question: Have you read/viewed (he also made a documentary) Jon Ronson's pieces on your father in the Guardian? Most notably, the piece in his book "Lost at Sea". If so, how do you feel about him rummaging through your father's boxes? Where did "Kubrick's Boxes" end up?

2nd Question: Is Vivian Kubrick's separation from the family for Scientology overblown or reality?

JLH_SK12 karma

Katharina: I've seen Jon Ronson's documentary. I have not read Lost at Sea. Most of what was in the boxes is now either at the University of the Arts London Stanley Kubrick Archive, or part of the travelling exhibition which is currently at LACMA in LA. As to Vivian, she is pursuing her own life in America, although it is true she did belong to the church of scientology.

IntellegentIdiot10 karma

Your Grandfather lived in Hertfordshire, I understand. Do you both live near by?

JLH_SK17 karma

Yeah, in the same house.

jdjrokr9 karma

Has growing up around an icon ever hindered your own personal growth? What was Stanleys least and greatest film in his own eyes? If I had to guess, it would be Fear and Desire at the bottom and 2001 at the top.

JLH_SK38 karma

Katharina: Even an icon can be a pain in the arse when he won't let you stay out late. My own personal growth has been helped immeasurably during times of insecurity as to my career path with the stalwart support of my father. He didn't like being recognized and was lucky that he frequently could pass unnoticed to get on with his shopping. Many years ago after 2001 had been released on a Sunday morning, the doorbell rang and dad answered it. Two giggling girls asked if Stanley Kubrick was at home, and he said 'I'm terribly sorry, he's gone out'. I was standing at the top of the stairs laughing.

dabnisbrickett9 karma

It's known that Stanley enjoyed watching NFL games and certain American sitcoms that were recorded and sent to him in England but what about popular music? His use of music in film is masterful but what did he enjoy listening to on his own time?

Thanks for the AMA

JLH_SK17 karma

Katharina: There is an extensive LP collection and CD collection which covers practically every genre of music you can think of. I would say that the music coming from his room would generally be when he was looking for music for his movie.

IKidIKidIKid9 karma

Love the scene in Paths of Glory with your mother/grandmother Christiane. Do either of you have a favorite scene amongst Stanley's oeuvre of films?

JLH_SK19 karma

Katharina: Tricky question, there are so many! Obviously the scene with my mother in is wonderful to see, and I have many favorite scenes in Dr. Strangelove and Barry Lyndon and Full Metal Jacket, and I think the confession scene in EWS is extraordinarily powerful.

Joe: I'll get back to you I need to think about it.

jhoop78 karma

What was the relationship between Stanley Kubrick and Anthony Burgess over A Clockwork Orange if there was any?

JLH_SK13 karma

Katharina: I don't know, sorry.

littleroom7 karma

Wow! I firstly just want to say thank you so much for doing this, your father is my favourite film maker and a genuine idol of mine. I consider him to be one of the most successful (in the creative sense) artists in any medium.

What was it that attracted him to England so much?

How much did his work as a press photographer influence his film making and it what ways?

Do you recommend a book about your father as the one that gives the most insight, also are there any that you have in any way disliked? I can imagine people commenting on someone so close to you could be unwelcome!

What is your favourite move of his? Did he in fact, have one he seemed to be most proud of?

What music did he tend to listen to at home?

I think your mother has been a fantastic guardian of his legacy since his passing, she is thought of extremely fondly in the UK! Are you in any way involved in the decisions about what should, for lack of a better phrase have his 'name on'?

Is Jack Nicholson always that much of a flirt?

Did you ever manage to beat him in a game of chess?

Thank you so much for this! All my love to you and your family :)

JLH_SK13 karma

Katharina: He came to England to shoot Lolita. Really liked it here, and the freedom from Hollywood. We were all little and at school.

He was an observer of people, and an excellent photographer that could shoot pictures in an interesting way. There are millions of books but the LoBruto book is extensive and the Michel Ciment is excellent.

He was proud of most of his films, but he was very proud of Eyes Wide Shut.

People sent him music all the time, he heard most of it.

Not involved in the 'name on' stuff.

Wouldn't know about Jack Nicholson.

Joe: Chess, are you kidding?

megustcizer7 karma

Hey Joe! Did you ever call your grandpa "Grandpa badass" by any chance?

JLH_SK10 karma

Can't say I did. You made us laugh though.

IvyGold7 karma

Do you all consider yourselves British or American? Or maybe a hybrid?

Have either of you been to Los Angeles and used your name to get a better seat in a restaurant?

Any plans from either of you to get into the industry?

JLH_SK26 karma

Joe: I'm British.

Katharina: I'm German by birth, raised in America and England. What does that make me? Yes I've been to LA recently for the opening of the SK exhibition at LACMA. I would never use my name in that way, that's appalling behavior.

IvyGold7 karma

Joe: I love Britain, and was amazed at how your grandfather turned what I think was a decimated area of the East End into Hue for Full Metal Jacket. During the Olympics, I was wondering if the Stadium had been built on the site of the former set -- do you know?

Katharina: appalling indeed, but that's how LA rolls. I didn't know you were born in Deutschland. I need to read up on your family's history.

Both of you many thanks!

Another line of questions: I remember that in the 90's there was a string of Kubrick impostors running around. Your father/GF was notoriously secluded. Did you ever encounter an impostor and how did it work out?

Also was he really that secluded or was this a myth?

JLH_SK10 karma

Katharina: There was indeed an individual named Alan Conway who thought he was impersonating Stanley. Bryan Cook, Stanley's first assistant even made a film about it called 'Color me Kubrick', starring John Malkovich. Conway was a sleazy creep who didn't even know Stanley's films particularly well. Unfortunately because Stanley's face wasn't well known, this man was able to convince gullible individuals and get endless free meals. I think he was the only that we were aware of.

NorbitGorbit6 karma

are you familiar with or fans of the KUBRICK line of toys that are apparently named after Stanley Kubrick? Do the Kubrick company send you any gratis? If not, they should.

JLH_SK8 karma

The Japanese Kubrick toys have nothing to do with Stanley at all, and no we don't get any money.