I produced Disney's Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, the Disneynature films and recently, the Golden Globe nominated Frankenweenie.

Hey gang, it's 9:11EST and it's time for me to head out to the Waffle House for dinner. Thanks for the questions. Friend me on Facebook if you want. Hope you enjoy Frankenweenie at home...Until next time...Hakuna Matata!

7:07 PM: Taking questions now. Verification can be found at https://twitter.com/DisneyPictures

Pick up Frankenweenie here:


Watch the trailer here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVJ8-te8jAo&list=PL-muvh_380Ibr2aoiRvv8h6_i_FEpe9EU&index=1

Comments: 199 • Responses: 62  • Date: 

the1andonlyerick14 karma


DonHahn28 karma

The sterotype is that producers are the money guys and that we drive huge BMW's, smoke big cigars and hang out in Beverly Hills restaurants with our celebrity friends. The truth is that its a job not unlike being a general manager of a football team. You need to pull the team together and give them everything they need to have a winning season. And just for the record, i drive a mini cooper, don't smoke anything and hang out at the Waffle House in Burbank.

travman20116 karma


DonHahn15 karma

Waffle House is actually Don using his creative license...sadly there is none but i am seriously thinking about opening one up and you're all invited.


Do you want to go bass fishing with me?

DonHahn14 karma

Bring it on pal...

TheDuskDragon11 karma

First and foremost, I would like to thank you for making my childhood that much more enjoyable with movies like Beauty and the Beast, Lion King, and Emperor's New Groove. And thank you for doing an AMA!

What are some of your favorite classic Disney movies (those that you haven't produced yourself, of course)?

DonHahn16 karma

Thanks for the kudos! I work with some amazing people and they deserve the credit for sure! I grew up with Disney movies like 101 Dalmatians and Jungle Book. Such great movies and as a kid they seemed bigger than life. It's what made me fall in love with Disney!!

kerrek8511 karma

Do you find that having a name that rhymes is a gift or a curse?

DonHahn27 karma

It's actually not my real name...I changed it to Don Hahn...used to be Don Toadsucker.

evolvingon10 karma

What do you think makes the team as Disney's work consistently rise above that of it's competitors (Dreamworks, Fox, etc.)? Would you say it is it's sheer presence (parks, stores, merchandise) or is it something inherent in the environment and talent pool?

DonHahn13 karma

It's great talent in a culture that rewards innovation and risk. The culture at Disney doesn't allow an artist to settle for second best, or a story idea that sorta works. If it's not working, it changes. We're tough on each other and yet we respect each other enough to be honest. That culture gets the movie to the best level possible...it's not easy, but it works. Make it great...don't settle!

ohappydagger10 karma

Hey, Don! Since Disney has a long history and also has so many talented artists, do you consider it important to keep traditional animation techniques alive, whether in the form of a short (e.g. Paperman) or full-length feature (e.g. Frankenweenie)? I believe in story before everything, but the artistry of hand-drawn and stop-motion animation amaze me, and I'd be heartbroken to see them fade away.

DonHahn17 karma

I really think that the medium of animation is all about story and character and not about technique. I think, I know in fact that there is plenty of room for movies made with pixels, puppets or pencils as long as the story is great. Yes styles come and go, and for the past few years CG films have been in fashion...rightly so...but a good story told with 2D hand drawn animation, puppets or whatever is where it's at!

ohappydagger3 karma

I'm cool with computer animation being the dominant technique now and perhaps for decades to come, and it's not like I'm not arguing that one kind of animation is superior to another (that comes down to personal preference). It would just be unfortunate if traditional animation ever faded away and was no longer used for wide-release films. This is why it's awesome that Disney has used different techniques in recent years.

DonHahn12 karma

Okay, this debate is like saying 'I really love oil paintings and now there isn't room for watercolors.' They are all techniques and someday soon one of you will show up with an amazing hand drawn movie that will prove all the CG lovers wrong. There's room for everyone in this world (an obscure reference to a Helen Reddy song from Pete's Dragon for you Disney geeks).

cinemachick8 karma

Hi, Don! I'm a huge Disney fan- I'm hoping to become an animation director someday because of films like yours. :) I really love your book Brainstorm!
My question is a bit specific: I am interested in stereoscopy (3D that you use glasses to see) specifically for hand-drawn animation. I'm trying to learn more about the processes used to convert The Lion King and Beauty and the Beast to 3D, but I'm not having much luck. Can you describe the 3D conversion process? Are there any websites, books, or people you worked with that you can point me towards to learn from? And, any advice for an aspiring director in general?
Thank you, you are an awesome person!

DonHahn9 karma

Wow big question. Simply, the 2D characters in Lion King were projected (in the computer) onto a 3D geometry of the character. Imagine projecting a photo of a coffee mug onto a real coffee mug. Then in the computer we create a right eye and left eye version of that new image. There should be some good reference on line from our amazing stereographer Robert Newman...and i'm sure you are an awesome person too!

Wingedelfgirl8 karma

Hello Mr Hahn! it's great to maybe get to communicate with you again- I met you over lunch a couple years ago when you visited the Savannah College of Art and Design. I asked this question then and am curious if anything has changed: What's the status of the restoration of "The Thief and the Cobbler"? Is it still in "the vault", and have any more plans been made to restore it?

Thank you!! :)

DonHahn8 karma

"Thief" is an unfinished movie that was abandoned many years ago by the great animator Richard Williams. The film is still in the vault although the Academy is considering a screening of some sequences from the film to celebrate Richard's 80th Birthday this spring. It is an amazing piece of artistry!!!

mecha-machi8 karma

I would first like to thank you for producing many amazing films from my childhood. My question to you is: of the films you produced that got theatrical release, which was the most difficult for you and why? Thanks in advance.

*edited for spelling

DonHahn9 karma

Thanks for the kind words. They all have their challenges. Each film has a different personality and each a different culture. Frankenweenie was completely new to me since it was all stop motion puppets. The biggest challenge was the the puppets would break or become torn so we ran a full time puppet hospital to repair the characters and send them back out onto the set!

dihkpillz8 karma

Any advice for aspiring screenwriters?

DonHahn18 karma

Write all the time! Don't wait for the assignment from someone else...it ain't gonna come! Write every day and write about something that you know and that you are passionate about. When you write make yourself the hero of your stories and walk in his/her footsteps. And there's no right way to write! I have a friend who starts with the one scene that he wants to see in that movie...no outline, no treatment...he just says "i want to see these two characters have this discussion in this location and it's the most important thing about this story." Be passionate, write from the gut, don't wait for permission!!!!

ohjoso3 karma

awesooommme!!! i like that advice! so then, what happens after that, once you are done? :)

DonHahn8 karma

You write some more. Emily Dickenson wrote poems all her life and stuffed them into her desk drawer. After she died her poems became much beloved around the world. Just because you write something and no one reads it or buys it right now, doesnt mean that it has no value. It's the process that's important. When and if you want to, then try to share your writing and network around to find out what other writers do to sell their work. Stephen King wrote a terrific book about the writers journey. Check it out!

nomansland3337 karma

What year did you start producing for Disney?

DonHahn15 karma

My first producing gig was on Who Framed Roger Rabbit which was in 1988.

katherkelly7 karma

What do you think about the growing trend of newer movies (like Frankenweenie and The Artist) being shot in black and white? Do you think that this style will continue?

DonHahn9 karma

It was right for the style of those stories. Not sure it's a trend as opposed to just a couple of films which seemed really right in black and white.

JSDude7 karma

Have you ever heard of the Kingdom Hearts video game series? It's a franchise from Japanese video game developer Square Enix that features several Disney characters from some of the movies you've produced, like Beauty and the Beast, the Lion King, Hunchback, etc. If so, what do you think of it?

Also, have you ever seen the Disney animated series "Phineas and Ferb"? What do you think of that too? :P

DonHahn11 karma

Love Phineas and Ferb!! I'm a huge fan! And yes Kingdom of Hearts is pretty cool. I actually like the idea of a world where all these characters co-habitate together. It's what Disneyland is after dark...or at least that's what i always thought as a kid...

HawaiianShirtFriday6 karma

Which of your movies was the most challenging to work on?

DonHahn9 karma

Roger Rabbit. We didn't know what we were doing, but we did have a visionary director in Bob Zemeckis who had faith that we would figure it out.

doodlinalec6 karma

When making an animated film what is the most important quality your protagonist needs? Thanks, I want to someday direct some animated films!

DonHahn12 karma

Answer this question: Why do I care? Who is this character, what is his/her problem, and why do I care? We need to relate to your character and see something of ourselves in him/her...then we'll be interested in the problem and the outcome.

SarahxLiz6 karma

Hi Don! Thanks for doing this! What was it like transitioning from drawn animation to stop motion puppets? Do you find greater creativity in stop motion? Also, how did you evolve Tim's characters from the original live action short into a full length animation? Thanks again!

DonHahn8 karma

I really loved working in stop motion. It's such direct contact with the characters that you can really affect the performance in every way. Tim's vision for the film was to take the story that he developed in the early 80's and flesh out the kids in the classroom. If they saw Victor bring his pet back to life, why couldn't they. And of course being a Tim movie they all come back to life as the great monsters of Hollywood films: wolfman, the mummy, Joan Crawford...you get the idea. I have to give a shout out to our writer John August who was a great collaborator on this movie. If you're an aspiring writer, go to his blog...it's a great place to learn from a master!

Gakl8306 karma

Hello. I never realized how much of my childhood is because of you. My question is, since Frankenweenie is based of on older Burton work, how do you pick and choose which characters/moments from the original you want to put into the new one? (AKA: Why was there no Raymond the little wiener dog?)

DonHahn7 karma

I love Raymond, but sometimes characters have to be thrown overboard and there just wasnt a specific story space for Raymond. Who knows maybe he'll come back with a film of his own someday...101 Wiener Dogs?

leglesslogolegolas6 karma


DonHahn13 karma

It's really meant to be a timeless place that is a general version of Africa, but in truth we sent our artists to Kenya and the Masai Mara for research so it's no surprising that you would sense the film there. Amazing place, you must all go there immediately!

SourceError6 karma


DonHahn14 karma

Hmmm...well Disneynature films are inclusive which means they are for everyone, so no we won't be seeing an MVP reboot. We might however be seeing "Dial M For Mollusk" in the future.

SourceError6 karma


DonHahn8 karma

Not sure i do...maybe we can do a film about bass fishing...

SourceError5 karma


DonHahn12 karma

Something Fishy This Way Comes

SourceError4 karma


DonHahn8 karma

"A Fish Called Wanda"

suupaahiiroo6 karma

I was wondering if you have some thoughts to share about non-Western animation cinema. In Japan, for instance, I think it's striking that those films aren't all "adventures", there's room for family stories or even war stories too. What are your views on this?

DonHahn8 karma

I'm not an expert but it seems like the Japanese films are much more personal to the director and that they take much more creative risk with the subject matter. There are a million stories to tell. They all don't have to be buddy movies, or princess stories, as great as those genres are. I admire the Japanese film makers very much.

TripsB135 karma

Is it more difficult to produce an animated movie compared a "regular" movie in your opinion? Thanks for doing this Mr. Hahn!

DonHahn19 karma

In animation you have the luxury of time and the ability to revisit material again and again. With live action, you need to get the shots while the actor is there and the sun is shining. In animation the actor is always there and the sun is always shining.

Cruezer5 karma

I have nothing insightful to say nor any questions to ask, I just wanna say that Frankenweenie managed to become my favorite movie ever. Great work!

DonHahn6 karma

Thanks and the credit goes to Tim Burton and our amazing crew! I'll pass it on to Tim!

AdamBertocci-Writer4 karma

Nothing to ask, just wanted to say that I really enjoyed "Waking Sleeping Beauty". I thought it was a very fair and evenhanded look at the realities behind making these special movies, and the business of art. Thanks.

DonHahn3 karma

Thanks, it was a great story to tell.

Infidelio4 karma

What is Simba like is real life? Like behind the scenes is he a cool guy?

DonHahn13 karma

Ya, he's great. Yes the litter box is HUGE and there's the occasional hair ball, but he's a sweetie at heart.

aprilchelseaanne4 karma

What's the most common misconception about Disney movies that you've come across?

DonHahn11 karma

The most common thing people think is that they are for kids only. SO NOT TRUE! The best Disney films are for everyone. Yes they have scary parts just like Space Mountain has scary parts. Yes they have bits that will go over the heads of kids. But they are inclusive family entertainment for everybody. If we're just making movies for kids alone, we've done something wrong.

ohjoso4 karma

hello! i just heard that you were online, can we ask you any questions?

Wheres_the_mayo1 karma

It does say ask me anything.

ohjoso4 karma

sorry first time ever... just joined... :)

Wheres_the_mayo7 karma

Sorry I feel like a jerk now.

ohjoso3 karma

that's ok.... :)

ohjoso3 karma

does he answer every question?

Einsimov1 karma

Generally depends on how much time they have, and what they find interesting to answer. I'm just ashamed I have no good question to ask!

travman20113 karma


DonHahn11 karma

Ya, ask me about Rafiki!

JellyTornado4 karma

For the soundtrack of the lion king did you personally get to work with Elton John? And thanks for great movies and great childhood!

DonHahn9 karma

Yep, we all did. Elton is an amazing guy...incredibly smart about his songs and willing to collaborate with us and make them service the film in the best way possible. And putting his music talent along with Hans Zimmer's ability to capture Africa in his score and Tim Rice's lyrics...it was an amazing team!

cougar5723 karma

What exactly does a producer do and how does being one differ from animation and live action.

DonHahn8 karma

A producer is first on and last off of a movie. You often come up with the idea and then gather the best team of experts that you can...writers, directors, artists...to make that movie. It's all about team building and then about creating the environment for people to take creative risks, say stupid things, try and fail, and together make a great film. It's really collaborative and if it all works, it's magic.

Chemicalrush3 karma

Do you think a person is ever too old to start learning to draw and animate? Who do you know that was older when they started drawing, and does awesome work? How old we talkin here?

DonHahn6 karma

Frank Lloyd Wright did his best work in his 60's, so did Georgia O'Keiffe, and Cezanne, and artists really have no business thinking about age anyway. Draw, draw, draw, and be passionate about what you as an artist have to say. Don't wait til tomorrow, or until someday when the planets are all in alignment...that day doesn't come...draw now!! Do something epic NOW!

sterlingarcher00693 karma

Do you think 3D movies are a gimmick or do you see them replacing 2D live action movies?

DonHahn8 karma

Animation works great in 3D and i think you'll always see it. Live action films is a mixed bag. Truth is that the audience is really smart and they will be able to sniff out if a movie is good in 3D or if it's just as good as a flat film. I don't think anyone wants to see Lincoln in 3D, but i could be really wrong about that...

KaciOhio3 karma

What do you like to do in your off time? Hobbies?

DonHahn6 karma

I paint. Landscapes. And i paint a lot on my ipad. Go to my facebook page (yes you can really go there) and you can see some of my paintings. It's really relaxing, and meditative.

thatsmyaibo3 karma

I had the privilege of meeting Tim Burton a few years back and he seemed like a really quiet person. What is he like on the set?

My girlfriend and I are huge Disney fans. Thanks for your contributions!

DonHahn9 karma

Tim is quiet especially around people that he doesn't know. He's an introvert. Behind closed doors he's a pretty normal, brilliant, passionate guy who grew up in Burbank and has his dream job...making movies. I have to put a plug in here for the Frankenweenie Making Of book. It comes out in a few weeks and is just insanely great! A real insight into Tim's brain and the making of the movie!!

thatsmyaibo3 karma

Thank you so much for responding! It is a true honor.

I went to the Burton exhibit at the LACMA and it was amazing seeing some of his work outside of film making. When I met him he signed my copy of "the melancholy death of oyster boy".

DonHahn3 karma

That show was amazing!!

proudcanadian243 karma

Did you get to work with Howard Ashman? If you did, what was it like.

DonHahn9 karma

I got to work closely with Howard...he was the funniest most articulate guy i've ever met. He could have been a trial lawyer as well as a lyricist because his command of the language and his ability to defend his ideas was amazing! He was tough sometimes, but so were we and it's healthy to have challenges to creative ideas. Howard was a brilliant man and i still miss him today.

TheThief13 karma

Are you still in touch with animator Richard Williams? Did he ever talk to you about his film, "The Thief and the Cobbler"?

DonHahn6 karma

I do stay in touch with Dick. He's still working on his own films, living in the UK.

KaciOhio3 karma

My 9 year old daughter who is a huge fan of the movie would like to know how long it took to produce the movie? & she is a huge fan of Tim Burton, she asks if he had any quirks because he looks like a quirky kind of guy lol She's 9 =)

DonHahn6 karma

I pitched the film to the studio in 2003, then to Tim in 2005, the script was written in 2009 and the animation done in 2010, 11 and 12. So almost ten years! Tim is unique. Not sure how to describe him, except to say he's brilliant and gets really excited about great ideas, no matter where those ideas come from. He's a kick to work with!

Magical-Mike3 karma

Two questions. First of all, I love all of your work and loved Waking Sleeping Beauty and I have my signed poster for it. Looking back, how do you feel about some of your work that wasn't too well received (Haunted Mansion movie)? And second want to hang out at Disneyland some time?

DonHahn5 karma

First of all i'm shocked that you think that Haunted Mansion wasn't well received...kidding...you're right it wasn't. So here's the thing, you go up to the plate and go to bat every time you get a movie. No one tries to make a bad movie. But sometimes you swing and miss. Same is true of any artform. Picasso did bad paintings and Bach wrote some boring cantatas, but you keep stepping up the plate and taking swings because every once in awhile you hit it out of the park!

limegreentardis3 karma

Where is the best place to start out (geographically and as a job) if I want to become a producer like you one day?

Also, what is your favorite breakfast to eat?

DonHahn7 karma

Grow where you are planted, so find projects and films to produce where you live. Join a TV station or a film club. Produce shorts, commercials, or industrials. Get experience under your belt and then decide where you would like to live. Movie making is a gypsy business so you'll likely end up living wherever the work is. Work hard, show up early, leave late, build a great reputation, and try to produce at the highest quality level depending upon your budget. Stick to it and you'll be great.

ohjoso3 karma

if we have scripts that we are working on, but don't have an agent, and cannot submit any "unsolicited" material, what comes first? the chicken or the egg, i.e. the agent or the script? -- confused USC/UCLA grad in boston...

DonHahn6 karma

Here's the truth: no we can't see material without an agent submitting it, and no you can't get an agent without a produced script or published book. This system works because it keeps out the hobbyists and people who give up easily. Your job as a writer is to keep writing and keep networking with people all while you solve the above riddle. Eventually you'll break thru...the real key is persistence and good work.

splice1232 karma

What do you think of the lion king Broadway show? and in case anyone was wondering the Disney channel is gonna show the lion king tonight and i personally cant wait to see it again!

DonHahn7 karma

Love the Lion King stage show...i've seen it a thousand times and even seen it in German and Japanese! I highly recommend it! And for the Disney Channel check your local listings.

xcaitycat2 karma

Have you ever watched any Studio Ghibli movies? Thoughts on them?

DonHahn6 karma

Love love love the Studio Ghibli movies. They have a fearlessness about them in terms of character and storytelling that i'm not sure we would have as film makers in the west. Look at Princess Mononoke...seriously great.

nakedidea2 karma

What was the most difficult task in Frankenweenie? Easiest? (Great job on the movie, it's a masterpiece)

DonHahn3 karma

Most difficult task was getting the studio to agree to doing a black and white 3D film in Stop Motion. Tim certainly helped there. Also was tough finding the right talent. In the end we got a "united nations" of animators from around the world to come to London and contribute to the movie. We even held English language classes for some of our crew so they could communicate better. Easiest...um...i'd have to say working with Tim. He's got such a strong sense of what he wants and he directs with such enthusiasm that it was never a problem finding brilliant leadership on the film. Everyone looked up to Tim and wanted to be there to do their best work for him.

allisonhill12342 karma

Starting on a new exciting path but haven't quite figured the details. Recommended reads or philosophies? Creative etc. Including yours. Thank you! Sincerely, big fan.

DonHahn4 karma

A book called "The War Of Art" is terrific (not to be confused with "The Art of War"). Also "The Creative Habit" by Twyla Tharp is good. Mainly just jump in. We usually don't realize how much control we have over our lives. So often we wait for someone to tell us its okay or that the time is right. Well you know what...the time is right NOW and it is absolutely OKAY to follow your dream, so with that behind us...dream big, take chances, fail often, eat more chocolate!

allisonhill12341 karma

Thank you very much!

DonHahn3 karma

Also look at the lives of people that you admire and read their bios. I'm a huge fan of Jane Goodall and love the way she's lived her life! She's a role model for me!

thejarofdirt8822 karma

Hi Don. Was there ever a point where you thought that any of the films you worked would be a such a big hit? For example Beauty & the Beast being nominated for Best Picture or highly acclaimed Broadway musicals?

I would also like to say a big thank you for having a part in bringing joy & wonder (and the odd nightmare!) into my childhood & beyond. And thank you for the future - Am I right in thinking you're working on Maleficent?

DonHahn5 karma

No, it's an incredibly busy time working on a film and you don't have time to lift your head and think about it becoming a success. Never did. On Beauty we were always hoping to live up to the success of Little Mermaid...a really great film that came out right before we did. On Lion King we were pretty sure we would NOT be a success because who wants to see a movie about a lion cub who gets framed for murder with music by Elton John! And yes, Maleficent is up next and it is AMAZING!

TheCursedQuill2 karma

First off, I want to say I love your work! Thank you so much for helping to create such amazing movies and stories that will last a lifetime. What was it like working with Tim Burton? He's one of my favourite artists and I love all of his stop motion works. Also, I've always dreamed of working for Disney (who doesn't love Disney?), and as an aspiring writing I was wondering what advice you could give to me to help advance a career with such a widely known and prestigious corporation. Thanks so much! You're really awesome for taking the time and doing something like this with your fans!

DonHahn2 karma

This will seem counter to getting your job at Disney, but the first thing I'd do is tell you to "stop trying to get a 'job'." Jobs are great and we all need to pay the bills, but writers are writers because they are absolutely crazed about writing. They wake up in the morning and can't not write. It's an obsession. Yes Disney is great. No question. But write because you are passionate about it and writer because you have something to say that you alone can say. You have a unique voice and only you can show us what that voice is. No "job" at Disney will bring that out in you. So your one big task that will bring you closer to working with Disney or any studio is to be the best YOU that you can be. Then there will be no stopping you!!!

HawaiianShirtFriday2 karma

With your history in music, do you ever try to get in on the scores of the movies?

DonHahn5 karma

I was a music major in college and have played drums and percussion all my life. It's been invaluable to have a vocabulary to be able to speak with the composers and share ideas. I always go to scoring sessions mainly because it is an amazing awe inspiring experience. For Frankenweenie, Danny Elfman recorded in London and once you see 100 people sit down with their instruments and begin playing the themes and storylines of the film, it is life changing. For Chimpanzee we recorded the orchestra at Abbey Road Studios in London which meant I got to geek out on Beatles stories.

BrownKidIRL2 karma

Hi Don, Just as an extremely uncreative person, I would like to know how you get you ideas? Like many Producers get their Ideas from their life or expereince that they have had, and I was wondering about you. BTW The Lion King is the my all time Favorite Movie! Hakuna matata!

DonHahn3 karma

Well i don't have some magic line to the gods. Ideas come from the same place you get them. Lion King came from the idea of doing a "coming of age" story like Bambi. Maleficent came from a single drawing that Marc Davis did of her...my favorite Disney villain. Truth is you never know where inspiration strikes so keep your eyes open...it's all around us if we just can see it.

infected_goat2 karma

How did you get started?

DonHahn6 karma

I was a student and got a summer job interning at Disney back in 1976. I was just a runner. I delivered coffee and art to the artists but at the time the artists were people who all had worked with Walt Disney and were amazing in their own right. I worked hard, asked questions, and whenever there was an opportunity i took it. If they needed someone to stay late, i took it. If they needed someone to clean up after dinner, i did it. It got me into the culture and into a lot of rooms that i'd only dreamed of being in.

i_run_too_much2 karma

I honestly do not know what to say but I know I want to ask you something. Which character was your favorite in The Lion King? That's all I got :(

DonHahn7 karma

I love Rafiki. How can you beat a crazy baboon with a blue bottom. And yet he turns out the be the wisest character of all. Let that be a lesson to all of us, next time we come across someone with a blue bottom.

Einsimov2 karma

Asian babies are often born with blue bottoms. IDK where I'm going with that, but yeah. Rafiki is awesome.

DonHahn4 karma

I have no comment on this, but am happy to know the information.

Maro-Janesvan2 karma

First of all, i got to say, i really admire your work, i think you're a really good producer. Now, i would like to know why do you decided to work in Frankenweenie? The original shortfilm is good but I think this new version is awesome. More characters, more background story, etc.

DonHahn3 karma

I think Tim always felt that there was much more to the Frankenweenie story than he was able to tell in a short film done when he was in his 20's. Doing a long form story allowed him to put more "flesh on the bones" of the story and expand the climax to be an homage to all the great monster movies of the past. Tim grew up watching those movies and Frankenweenie was a great chance to celebrate cool genre movies of the past. Plus using stop motion to tell the story brought a new dimension to it.

Quick_Brown_Foxx1 karma

What will be the next big change in films? 48 FPS being used all the time, crowd sourcing movies?

DonHahn3 karma

Just the move from film to digital has been a huge leap for the artform. I suppose the next leap is 3D without glasses. You can do it on some televisions right now and when you can see 3D with no glasses in the theater, it'll be a breakthru for sure.

Einsimov1 karma

I have no questions. I just love you, keep being awesome. Thanks!

DonHahn9 karma

As you wish! Thanks!!

caterinaimbro1 karma

At what age did you determine that producing was your dream? How did it come about? I'd also like to ask, what do you enjoy most about producing?

DonHahn3 karma

I came to producing later in my career. I started off being a musician and then an artist, and eventually loved the idea of putting the pieces of a movie together as a producer. I never liked the title because it always seemed like i was the money guy with the big cigar. I'm not. I'm a creative producer. My heroes growing up were creative producers like Walt Disney and Jim Henson...I've modeled my life on their approach which was always about amazing characters, great stories done with the highest quality.

polvitos0 karma

Would you rather fight 100 duck sized horses or 1 horse sized duck?

DonHahn16 karma

I would rather duck when 100 horses fly by.