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suupaahiiroo16 karma

What's the most interesting hapax legomenon in Hebrew bible texts that you know of?

suupaahiiroo6 karma

I was wondering if you have some thoughts to share about non-Western animation cinema. In Japan, for instance, I think it's striking that those films aren't all "adventures", there's room for family stories or even war stories too. What are your views on this?

suupaahiiroo4 karma

I don't know where you're from, but I nevertheless highly the Chester Beatty Library, a Dublin based museum. They've got amazing manuscripts. I myself was just speechless at some Greek New Testament papyri from the 2nd century AD. The fact that those texts were written so close to Jesus Christ's own lifetime is just mindblowing.

suupaahiiroo1 karma

Where are you from yourself and what place in that country (or vicinity) would you recommend? What was the most interesting archeological site you've encountered? What piece of nature (mountain range, national park, ...) did you enjoy especially? What did you enjoy in the Netherlands and Belgium?

suupaahiiroo1 karma

For me it doesn't matter if an animation is made by hand of using computer programs. What sometimes bothers me, however, are films that are seemingly handcrafted but actually computer-made. Sometimes it creates a rather striking contrast between organic lines and digital colouring, for instance. Do you have any thoughts on this?