I'm still taking questions as of 3pm EST and don't anticipate having to stop for sometime, if there is anything else you would like to know. Thanks everyone!

Fremont Cinemas are here again. We gained A LOT of attention from you. So here's an update from last time, we made a kickstarter, we've rallied as a team and are back to talk to you, our buddies. Our Kick Starter URL Please Help Edit 5 Still here. Still hoping to break into a second wind and be noticed by the hive. What else do you want to know?
6Ok so I ended up not leaving home quite yet as I got sucked into my frontpage and then my life fell apart and i lost all track of time. Still answering. Still loving you.

proof is in the pudding Edit We also had this wonderful gentleman, Peter Flynn from Emerson College come and shoot a movie about 35mm projection thanks to you, reddit, pat yourselves on the back. Check out his work at http://dyingofthelightfilm.com Edit II I'm thinking of lying my head down, although the near obsessive action of constantly hitting f5 has made me all jittery. I'll probably kick it around here for a few more. Edit Three: The Morning After Hey, wanna stop working and talk to me, I highly encourage it, although other bosses may not. Visit our facebook to say "Hello" or check out our kickstarter to help us get Digital Projection Equipment and stay open! Let's ask of me...ANYTHING!!!! edit FFFFFFOOOOOOUUUUUUURRRR I'm also bored and at home right now if you want me to draw you pictures or make video responses let me know. my last moustache by PM request edit Off to work again. I'm going to do my best to keep this up and going once I arrive. Wish me luck.

Comments: 166 • Responses: 79  • Date: 

fremontcinemas47 karma

I'll get things going a little, how do you guys get your movies?

fremontcinemas44 karma

Great Q fremontcinemas, well first I send a tentative wishlist of movies coming out in the next 3 months or so to my booker. He then negotiates with the movie studios for a copy of the 35mm film. Then we usually have to pay either an advance or rent on previous films and then we get it shipped to us in boxes of reels.

time2chasecars13 karma

are you snoop dog lion?

fremontcinemas33 karma

Yes, yet much more accurately, no.

fremontcinemas3 karma

There's more involved in the business as well. I've yet to be asked about my mopping and vacuuming techniques. Which are impressive if I do say so myself.

Satadawg11 karma

As a redditor that learned of Fremont Cinema and Matt through a previous post, I can attest to this place and Matt. My wife and I don't see movies often but this is the only place we go now. It is comfortable, Matt is cool and the prices are great. The popcorn is da bomb. He hooked us up with a free popcorn on our first visit. He sent me a month of reddit gold recently. I went to see a movie with my wife and he was gone...in the hospital. Sorry Matt if you don't appreciate my sharing these personal moments. I just want others to understand the character of the man who runs this place. It's a really cool place, he even brought my wife and I up to see the film room. Just plain cool. Big thumbs up from us and anyone that can help, please do. I haven't had a paycheck in two years as I've been trying to get my own thing going but I will try to help too. By the way Matt, hope your hospital stay was short and that all is good...

fremontcinemas5 karma

It was short, thank you, I've missed you guys, and our chats. I'm back, everyday now, so odds are you'll catch me. I got a stomach flu on x-mas morning and was down for about 2 weeks. Now i'm back, albeit slimmer.
Thanks so much for the kind words. That's the EXACT reason I do this.

MSkog9 karma

fremontcinemas5 karma

Its true, I was through, I hope that that will not be my downfall.

MSkog3 karma

It's always good to see someone dedicated to the AMA. Just trying to help avoid at least a couple of repetitive questions!

fremontcinemas4 karma

I can appreciate that. I'm also looking for time eating. ;)

iamaredditer9 karma

What is currently playing?

fremontcinemas14 karma

Identity Thief and Escape from Plant Earth.
You near by? Cause you could've called.

iamaredditer9 karma

I don't know I am in Texas.

fremontcinemas19 karma

Fremont, Michigan. If'n you want to freeze, you should make the trip.

iamaredditer5 karma

I just checked out your url. I think you have some awesome incentives setup. If I had the money I would go for the rename of the combo. How cool would it be to have a customer come up and say two redditers please.

fremontcinemas5 karma

Right? I just thought, what's kinda cool, there.

iamaredditer5 karma

Good luck OP I hope sincerely you accomplish this and are able to compete with the big dogs. How much do you charge for a large popcorn? It's friggin expensive at the chain places.

fremontcinemas15 karma

$4.25, free refills. I make the popcorn myself.

iamaredditer5 karma

That's a hell of a deal.

fremontcinemas11 karma

also, call me Matt.

juanjing9 karma


fremontcinemas12 karma


Schultzz_-4 karma

That's about the same at all other movie theaters ...just saying..

nytheatreaddict4 karma

At my theater it's $8 for a large popcorn (170 oz) and $5.25. for a large drink (54 oz).

fremontcinemas5 karma

my refillable buckets are 170oz. Free if you buy a ticket. 75 cent refills otherwise.

twistedfork2 karma

I've been to your theater! My dad lived in Newaygo for awhile. We thought your refreshments were well priced.

fremontcinemas3 karma

Thank you, we actually had to recently raise our ticket prices, but we didn't raise, and will avoid raising as long as possible , the prices of our concessions. Come back soon and see the changes.

twistedfork3 karma

Unfortunately I live in Oklahoma now, but we actually really liked the theater. I only went to Newaygo a handful of times but we went to your theater every time I was there.

fremontcinemas6 karma

Then go to a small theater near you and think of us.

fremontcinemas8 karma

You can also ask me about moustache care. but that's just if this movie theater thing doesn't pan out.

_ChipSkylark2 karma

How do you get the ends so nice and curly?

Musaki7 karma

What is it you like so much about running a movie theatre? Best movie that played in your theatre?

fremontcinemas13 karma

I like serving and interacting with my community. I also love movies because they are a great way to escape. Avengers kicked the Box Office booty here.

fremontcinemas1 karma

The girls loved "Breaking Dawn Pt. 2" a lot as well.

lappy4826 karma

First of all, thank you for answering my question in your first AMA.

Secondly, how much competition from other cinemas in the area do you get?

fremontcinemas9 karma

some. Like people are always threatening to go to the "nearby" theatres but I don't know the exact percentage of loss we've encountered.

lappy4824 karma

That's a shame. I prefer smaller cinemas to the Odeon and Vue in my local area; tickets are cheaper, and you get a different experience than you would at a big-name cinema.

fremontcinemas4 karma

Well keep up your attendance. They need it. So do I.

mariox193 karma

"Threatening"? Why? (I missed the first AMA.)

fremontcinemas3 karma

a number of reasons, a lot of people think that that is a good bargaining tactic, like, oh well i'll just go to your competitor if you cannot give me exactly what I want, like, "Are you getting Warm Bodies" -them. Me, "I'd like to but I'm not sure if we'll be able to get it I'll have know more next Monday." Them, "N'ah I'll just go to Muskegon (a near by city that has a multiplex)." Or something to that extent.

fremontcinemas6 karma

Kevin, someones new Corgi, is totally kicking the shit out of my AMA. deflated

ThatCarGuy15 karma

How much do the movie films cost? The reel thingys

fremontcinemas3 karma

Their value is based upon agreements made between us and the studios, which is generally a percentage of each ticket sold, the amounts vary but the percentages are usually based on two factors. 1. Time of release of the film, 2. The movies marketability.

ThatCarGuy13 karma

What was the highest amount you've had to pay for One?

fremontcinemas3 karma

Over 10k for an entire showing.

kidkosher5 karma

Are there any large theaters near you? There i always competition, but there are also some people who like to stay loyal to the small businesses, as long as you are engaging

fremontcinemas4 karma

A few, there is an old "sister" theatre, which generally shows what we're showing, and a some multiplex's in some nearby (35-45 miles). But for a majority of my customers, we're it.

middleageddude5 karma

As it seems that the industry is moving inexorably toward a digital only world, what will you do with your platter projectors? Have you started transitioning to digital projection. Will you make the jump to 4K?

fremontcinemas3 karma

Unfortunately, and the same goes for a lot of these lovely machines, they get disassembled and trashed. Imagine, if you will, taking a cuckoo clock and smashing it to bits, to me it will be a bittersweet occurrence. On one hand I get to improve my chances of success and to continue to provide for my townspeople. On the other hand, I will be slaying a unicorn, (but without the benefits of its delicious unicorn blood or heart *for courage) and in doing so will be sacrificing some of my own personal feelings about the format for advancement. Christianity could take a lesson from me.

lift__6 karma

Dude, KEEP YOUR PROJECTORS. If everyone’s smashing their unicorns, by the time you’re old and grey, you’ll have a rare original beast. That may be very valuable some day…

Likewise, if you keep them, maybe 10 or 20 years from now, original film projections will have the same appeal vinyl does. And the ultra-hip indie filmmakers will be releasing experimental film on 35mm only. You’ll get to charge 800 Ameros for that.

fremontcinemas2 karma

Ameros. I'm actually in stitches. Yes to you and what you've just said.

middleageddude3 karma

Back in the 80s, I worked in a big pink hotel in Boca Raton. We had an old movie theater that was converted into meeting space. They left 2 gorgeous old Strong Magnarcs carbon arc 35mm projectors. They may still be there. A DP I work with has one in the lobby of his production facility, along with a museum's worth of cameras, editors and very cool film gak.

Saw "Lincoln" last weekend in a 4K house. It was breathtaking. I'm an old film guy (multi-image programmer and projectionist), but that was an an amazing visual experience.

How many screens do you run? I am in the Washington, DC area and we are exclusively a multi-plex market, except for the Uptown. It is an old balcony style theater with a 70' wide screen. It is a wonderful old school experience.

fremontcinemas2 karma

We are situated in the corner of a little strip mall called the West Village Plaza in Fremont, MI, where we have two small screens.

middleageddude3 karma

Don't get to Missouri often, but next time I do, I would appreciate a tour if it's not too much trouble.

fremontcinemas3 karma

Michigan, actually.

middleageddude3 karma

My bad, sorry.

fremontcinemas6 karma

No apologies needed here. Check with Missouri though just to cover your bases.

nytheatreaddict3 karma

I was devestated when we lost our last 5 35mm projectors. While wrapping and scratches were a pain in the ass, the 35mms just have so much character....
Are you going to 3D projectors or just 2D? And a warning about Sonys- if the power goes out they are a pain in the ass to get up and running.

fremontcinemas3 karma

I only want 2D. For our purposes, not having to deal with glasses is one major victory for 2D. But it is also a measure to ensure we don't charge you an arm and a leg just to see a movie. I took my daughter to see Finding Nemo in 3D and ended up dropping 50 bucks for terrible popcorn, almost zero personal interaction and more advertising than Time Square. Its a homogenized experience that lacks the very same character that is lost in the digital switch. Not only that, my daughter HATED wearing the glasses, wouldn't watch the movie and wouldn't eat the popcorn, and that is a hard thing to have happen cause this girl LOVES popcorn.

nytheatreaddict2 karma

Yeah, I understand. We had people hounding us for 3D but when we finally got it no one wants to pay for it... And it isn't that great, either.
I hate not having personal interaction. It's the only thing that keeps our theater open! Granted, we are part of a chain, but because the land owners are "building us a new building" (they've been saying this since 2006) corporate hasn't dropped a dime into really renovating. We have digital projectors that can be picked up and put in another theater and that's it. We have three larger, nicer theaters in the area, but we try to be as great to customers as possible to keep them coming back. That, and our popcorn is better than the other theaters in the area.

fremontcinemas1 karma

Minus the new tech, that is essentially our goal.

tkduhhh4 karma

So I just finished reading through your AMA and I have to say I love your enthusiasm and dedication to your theater. If I lived in Michigan or ever visit I will absolutely visit your theater. I just hope this AMA will get more traction and get more people to help support you.

fremontcinemas3 karma

Thanks so much. Still there is an open invitation .

tkduhhh4 karma

Already donated _^

fremontcinemas3 karma

I cannot express to you how much we appreciate that. We really really do.

tkduhhh2 karma

I'm just doing what I can being a college student only allows me to donate so much =(

fremontcinemas1 karma

Its more than I could ask for, thank you again!

lift__3 karma

I’ve heard a little bit about block booking from back in the day. Do you see any tactics from the major film producers or corporate cinema world that are clearly detrimental to what you do? Or do you believe it’s just a “They have so much fucking money it’s hard to compete” sort of thing?

fremontcinemas2 karma

Evolve or perish. I have almost no choice in this matter. It is a monopoly in that, most people only want to watch major blockbuster movies and in order for me to accommodate my audience, I must invest a serious amount of money. Thats is the most accurate answer I can give as I do not know the studios intention. Speculate I will not do.

fremontcinemas2 karma

As far as block booking being a analogy for this digital switch, I would actually say it isn't too far of a stretch. The only difference it is now almost the entire industry who gains at the expense of the very small theater. For, you see, there isn't much to lose when you can afford to show every movie that is coming out, then you need only wait for the money to come in. Here, because I am so independent and small, I have to rely on tactics like, making an AMA to futilely gain some small semblance of a voice in this sea of consumer demands. I take much longer to respond to giant industry moves, i.e. if in the future there is a tech jump again and I now have to change my audio, or get smell-o-vision, I'd be crippled. Dead in the water.

banky123453 karma

If you are able to make the digital conversion, are you going to miss splicing the reels?

fremontcinemas2 karma

yes and no. Yes I'll miss the tactile experience of a job that can be started and finished with steps and a certain amount of repetition, but I won't miss the time that I'll get freed as a result of not having to splice. Also I don't have to ever worry about image degradation again.

banky123453 karma

Or getting scratched up prints that the movie goers invariable blame you for, even though that's the way that they get delivered to you.

fremontcinemas2 karma

This is true, we have a rigorous training process for our employees so we try to make the prints leave here in as good a condition as we receive them!

blinden2 karma

In another life I was a projectionist at a 22 screen, and we would have a turnover of about 5-8 prints every week. My favorite part of that job was staying late thursday nights and breaking down prints. It was the only time when we (the projectionists) all got to work together, so we would have some races breaking down or lacing up movies. Then in the end, invite a few close friends over and crab some popcorn, nachos, and, of course, beer and hang out and watch a few films.

Was a simpler, less lucrative life, but I really enjoyed it.

fremontcinemas1 karma

Its just like that for us, except by us I mean me, and by just like that I mean, I stay late on Thursday Nights too, I don't then do anything else but drive home, which is 40 minutes away from work. And as you can probably tell that puts my days in about this order, 7, wake up with kids, 12 get to work, 10 or later start going home 12-1 try to get to sleep. 7, repeat.

About23Koalas3 karma

What is your favorite movie?

fremontcinemas3 karma

I have many many many. I love the incredibles, mp holy grail, Shaun of the dead, kill! I get myself into trouble answering these.ಠ_ಠ

About23Koalas3 karma

I have literally zero complaints with your choices.

fremontcinemas3 karma

Your turn, what do you watch?

About23Koalas3 karma

A couple along the same lines as you, Shaun of the Dead being the stand out. Other than that, oh gosh, Scott Pilgrim and Slumdog Millionaire. I also watch an inordinate amount of tv.

fremontcinemas3 karma

Yeah me too, lately I've been on an adventure time kick that rules pretty hard so far

About23Koalas3 karma

Yup! Oh how I love that show. /r/adventuretime has the craziest of theories.

fremontcinemas3 karma

I love the music and beemo the most followed very closely by Finn and jake, but beemo without a doubt is my very favorite part of the show. Jake singing to the flame princess is my favorite song, (all warmed up inside) and I play it on my guitar almost every day! Ta-Da Edit: real link

nph19963 karma

Are your screens normal sized like you would see at like an AMC? Only asking because you said two small screens.

fremontcinemas2 karma

They are normal sized, but not gigantic like an AMC. Think more, the old theater in the 90's. Modest.

guidokw3 karma

Since your previous AMA, I am a fan of your Facebook page. I don't even live in the USA but wanted to spread awareness. I backed your kickstarter with a small amount (because I am a poor student) because I think movie theaters are awesome, especially the smaller ones. I really hope your theater will survive for a long time and if I'm ever in the neighborhood, I will sure as hell give you a visit! Cheers!

fremontcinemas2 karma

Thank you for you support. I wish that there were more I could do to help you get here and watch a movie. But thank you again for you kind words. Movie theaters are awesome, with that statement I completely concur.

Smokelabear3 karma

Is there a communication network of independently owned theaters? Just wondering if you guys share ideas, experiences, and the like.

We have some great independently owned theaters in the San Francisco Bay Area. My favorites are the ones who have a great menu (including beer and wine), friendly people, comfortable love seats, and reasonably priced movies.

Thanks for your hard work in making your community a more enjoyable place!

fremontcinemas3 karma

Yes it's called NATO or North American Theater Owners. No joke NATO Website

AIpwns3 karma

Besides lower prices and awesome facial hair, what have you found to help with competing with the bigger theaters in the area?

Edit: Also, what positive effects did you see from the last AMA?

fremontcinemas4 karma

Just got the edit, I've noticed a lot more activity on our facebook page, [Like us or else only joking](www.facebook.com/fremontcinemas)

AIpwns3 karma

If I ever make it up to Michigan I will be sure to visit and give you a high five. Best of luck with everything!

fremontcinemas3 karma

cyber 5!

fremontcinemas3 karma

Personal touches. Knowing my customers is a great advantage. Freshly made popcorn which I drive an hour or more to get access to, (except when I have it delivered), its all the intimate personal things that get lost with conglomeration.

whistlingbill2 karma


fremontcinemas2 karma

It'd be a hard road for a resurgence in small theaters. Not only can they not really make an edge in any competitive markets without having a super impractical hook or gimmick, but it just is a difficult enterprise to thrive in. Mom and pop's aren't built for taco bell consumer mentality.

morningandamazing3 karma

This seems eerily similar to a theater that I book for. How many theaters do you have? Are you straight 35 or have you started the conversion to DCP/3D yet? I'm assuming you do films that are in-transit to home release? If so do you go through Swank or Criterion or NBC Universal? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just intrigued! Greetings from New Hampshire!

fremontcinemas3 karma

Straight 35, I try to be strictly first run, but septembers and January brings us down, so when we looked into conversion we were being seen by the studios as being a second or post.
Hi CT, NIce trees. Edit, by CT I meant Connecticut and by Connecticut I really meant New Hampshire.

amp223 karma

Craziest experience with an angry customer?

fremontcinemas2 karma

So a few weeks ago a man came into the theater with a gun in his front pocket. My employees freaked and emergency called me, turns out his car lock was broken and he didn't want to leave it out there. Just a misunderstanding but a recent incident. in hindsight, not my best story.

T1mac3 karma

How much does the conversion cost to go from 35mm to digital? Are the running costs less for digital since the movie distributors no longer have to ship the 35mm prints? Can you compare the viewing experience between digital and 35mm, i.e. are prints vastly superior?

Good luck, if I were anywhere close to MI I'd stop by, but I'm not going to Michigan anytime soon. TOO COLD!!!

fremontcinemas3 karma

It will probably be upwards of 50k per theater. But yes there would be cost benefits. I'd be able to devote more time in the lobby thus being able to lower the overhead of employees. In regards to shipping costs however, I'm not sure where the savings is being passed on to me. We've not had any discussions with digital equipment that have been too in depth solely because we are so uncertain about our ability to afford the aforementioned equipment.

Twice_Knightley3 karma

I hope this hasn't been asked yet; What are the logistics of doing oldschool movie nights? It has always shocked me that theaters can't pull in some of the cult classics (Fight Club, Ferris Bhuelers Day Off, Space Balls, The Room) I would spend twice as much time at the theater if these were a common occurance.

fremontcinemas3 karma

There is a lot of red tape and its probably a huge hassle for the studios. I mean, the digital switch is doing some of that, I think "Top Gun" was or is at an IMAX in Grand Rapids, MI, (which is the closest "big city" we have to our theater) so it could be a real possibility for us one day in the future.

Twice_Knightley3 karma

Go after it man, theaters that can do that a few nights a week generate a loyal crowd of true movie lovers. Make it a mandatory $X that includes popcorn and soda with the ticket price and do some sort of give away before the show. Get people to dress up for it. Make it a midnight show and keep the kids out. People will love you and try to lift you in the air, but then realize they're feeble and just pat you on the back.

fremontcinemas6 karma

I absolutely love your enthusiasm. And I try to do things like that, however, the last time I did, it went like this, Hobbit, Midnight Show, tickets cost 6.50, you got a dollar discount for dressing up. Only like 25 people came and noone dressed up. I heard of people paying triple that amount for Hobbit tix and we got less than 50. But that doesn't stop me, I'll always go after it, Thanks for the encouragement!

Twice_Knightley3 karma


fremontcinemas2 karma

I intend to.

MandMcounter2 karma

Just out of curiosity, what kind of red tape? I came here wondering the same as Twice_Knightly.

Great mustache, by the way!

fremontcinemas2 karma

Finding acceptable film, like ones that aren't too degraded, also then locating, shipping, filing out rights and permission requests, for an audience that is craving new new new. Also, they usually want more extended runs of shows and not just, hey we'll send you this movie for a day.

fremontcinemas2 karma

thanks btw.

PAL182 karma


fremontcinemas2 karma

also I read this incorrectly, I answered the last part and not the first. The pimply faced kid would have a decent chance of getting his movie played at my theater if he had the requisite conditions. yes.

PAL182 karma


fremontcinemas1 karma

I'm looking right now. Thank you.

fremontcinemas1 karma

There is and they do. Like I have in the text, Peter Flynn is doing a movie on 35mm projectionists. They work at theaters that are doing exactly what you are talking about. Dying of the Light

Hoppmjac0002 karma

I'm interested in somehow having a theater run some of the movies that we never hear about. How many major theater corporations are there throughout the country, and how much of the market do they control?

fremontcinemas1 karma

I don't know, but I do know that in large cities there are more chances that you can find an arthouse/independent scene. I know that going to college exposed me to the widest variety of all sources of people recording people with film. Stay in school buddy.

Zaeron2 karma

I've actually been to Fremont! My ex-gf grew up a couple miles over, in that little town by the river that I always forget the name of. Shit. IDK.

The only thing I remember about Fremont is that y'alls Walmart closes at night. I thought Vermont was the only place that did that - but nope.

Oh, also, you have a really awesome pizza place there. A+, would pizza again.

fremontcinemas1 karma

Spanky's. Grade A pizza.

ObsidianOverlord2 karma

I have some questions.

1) Do you rent out for private use? Like say someone wanted to have a party or have some kind of gameing thing done, would that be possible?

2) How much of the cost of a drink is profit? Shit seems cray-cray from this side.

3) What do you do if people are 'showing affection' in the back row, I had a friend who claimed to get the cops called in, but I think he's full of shit. Brian, that one, full of it.

fremontcinemas1 karma

1) Yes that is available. For us we can still only rent out to customers who want what is currently playing as we still only have 35mm projectors. (Which take up all the room so there isn't a way to just slip in a little digi one) 2)I do not know the exact figure but the prices are there because I have employees that need to be paid, and rent, and heating, insurance, rental fees, repair fees(35 mm projector repairs are mega expensive) 3) I'm all about respect. If you aren't bothering anyone than I'm not bothered. If you even think that you could be bothering anyone you should just stop, or go to your car, or find a closet, I mean you just paid money to make out, seems stupid, you may as well be watching the movie. I'd warn first and then take steps from there. Probably not ever call the cops for love though. Brain knows his lies.

ENX2 karma

There is a small local theater near me. Its my favorite theater so far. I didn't see any ads and no nonsense reels (I'm looking at you wherenburg).

How did you get started? A friend and I tried to purchase and renovate the old theater back home and the city said no. Its seriously run down and only used for town meetings.

fremontcinemas1 karma

We knew the previous owners and have had previous experience in the business. Not quite to this capacity but the learning curve seems to be smoothing out.

fremontcinemas2 karma

Do I really have to ask more question of myself? Okay.
Hey Moustache Guy, why should I give you money, and if I give it to you, what are you gonna do with it? in the background He's just gonna buy booze with it, WHY DON"T YOU GET A REAL JOB BUDDY?!?!

fremontcinemas2 karma

Although aggressively asked, it is a question that bears much weight and one that deserves a good answer. I only want from those who can afford and would like to help out a relic. We are looking for people who want to see their money in action, you can follow up with us on facebook, we plan on getting an actual working and functional website, you can always stop by, or call us, the number will be on our website once up. Think of it as small time philanthropy. Or think of it as benevolence, and you see me, just a small worm, eating through this rotten core of an apple that is my situation, and you take mercy on me. OK? This is your chance to play god.
What am I going to do with the money? We have three main goals. Priority List 1). Get Digital Projectors.
2). Update our sound equipment 3). Make repairs to/replace our ceiling tiles, carpets and seating.
4). Update our Lobby. This stuff is old, but not in that cool, retro way, more of a, how do I put this nicely, a these old cubby storage units are getting in my way every 2 seconds and I want to pull each and every moustache hair out of my head, kind of way.

na4ez2 karma

how small?

fremontcinemas1 karma

2 screens. I can usually staff it alone or with one other person. small.

Rawtoast242 karma

Have you ever not ordered a movie out of personal choice (bad actress, trailer etc.) despite knowing that it might be financially successful for you?

fremontcinemas2 karma

Yes, Dark Shadows. BUT, it ended up being junk anyway so I actually dodged a bullet with that one I think.
"I'm a werewolf mom, deal with it" (paraphrase) pretty much sums up the whole movie, as in, Where the glob did that come from, and i'm just supposed to shut up and accept it?

Flyingkittycat2 karma

Do you have a website that tells what's coming soon? I live about 150 miles south and I can't think of a good reason why I shouldn't take my bosses plane and come to your fine establishment.

fremontcinemas1 karma

right now our online presence is facebook.com/fremontcinemas but there isn't really a way for us to know exactly what we are getting until about a week or so before we actually get it. So, facebook. We're poor, its free.

dereistic2 karma

How do you get started opening a theater?

I have a great idea for a theater in either Washington or Colorado (or any other states that legalize weed) but have no idea on how to get started.

fremontcinemas1 karma

We knew the previous owners. Like lots of things its not what you know, its who. So we just took advantage of an opportunity. I think I know where your going with your idea though. They'll pay almost anything for popcorn. So my advice is either, start working at a movie theater and hope to work your way up, or gather a large sum of money and purchase a preexisting one.

fremontcinemas1 karma

Quick someone ask me a question about movies or something similar to that kind of question. Or another question that you would like to see answered by me.

furburn1 karma

Dude, I go to your theater all the time. Is it true that you guys have to give all the money you make in tickets back? Like you can ONLY make money if you seel people candy and pop and junk?

fremontcinemas1 karma

Kind of. We give a percentage of our ticket sale gross back to the movie studio. But we usually have a high percentage price that is required to go back so unfortunately the bulk of our income is dependent on our concessions.

Aserfweg1 karma

Snow caps or cookie dough bites in your fresh hot popcorn?

fremontcinemas1 karma

Actually, Reese's Pieces. Yum.

fremontcinemas0 karma

Ok, so that Fischler guy, whom by the way I loved in Idiocracy, which is another one of my favs, is kicking my butt and he hasn't answered a question in 13 hours. Show the love reddit. My future entirely depends on it. Also, an open letter to NASA, "Get your ass to Mars"

fremontcinemas1 karma

I took 6 hours off to sleep.