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middleageddude6 karma

Why has the discovery of the Higgs Boson and its values has seemingly shortened the life of the universe. Are we no longer headed for the "Big Rip"?

middleageddude5 karma

As it seems that the industry is moving inexorably toward a digital only world, what will you do with your platter projectors? Have you started transitioning to digital projection. Will you make the jump to 4K?

middleageddude3 karma

Back in the 80s, I worked in a big pink hotel in Boca Raton. We had an old movie theater that was converted into meeting space. They left 2 gorgeous old Strong Magnarcs carbon arc 35mm projectors. They may still be there. A DP I work with has one in the lobby of his production facility, along with a museum's worth of cameras, editors and very cool film gak.

Saw "Lincoln" last weekend in a 4K house. It was breathtaking. I'm an old film guy (multi-image programmer and projectionist), but that was an an amazing visual experience.

How many screens do you run? I am in the Washington, DC area and we are exclusively a multi-plex market, except for the Uptown. It is an old balcony style theater with a 70' wide screen. It is a wonderful old school experience.

middleageddude3 karma

Sound advice, sound advice indeed.

middleageddude3 karma

My bad, sorry.