Hi Reddit, I am Dan Cleland, founder of Pulse Adventure Tours and I live to create awareness and opportunities for people to experience life-changing events with Ayahuasca.

This thread was done in April 2013 to open a conversation about Ayahuasca, good or bad, and to this day remains the largest thread regarding Ayahuasca on Reddit. Since April 2013, we've led many journeys into the jungles and into the Andes of Peru and Colombia to facilitate a healing and adventurous experience for our clients. We have made this our full time mission and are having the time of our lives, traveling with so many great people and sharing our experience and passion with them.

Another Reddit user, Methodx, has created a third party review website called AyaAdvisor.org, where you can see many up to date, unbiased reviews from people who have joined our adventures into South America to experience Ayahuasca and other Shamanic Medicines.

[Sources: http://www.pulsetours.com/ - http://www.facebook.com/PulseAdventureTours - http://ayaadvisor.org/listings/pulse-adventure-tours/ - Twitter: @pulsetours]

Comments: 519 • Responses: 53  • Date: 

theotherduke99 karma

In my research, I have found many testimonials of certain Ayahuasca retreat centers being staffed by shamans of questionable lineage, and practicing some pretty questionable customer service - like the shaman at Shimbre who intentionally hid the death of a young man at his center.

My question is this: Who administers and oversees your Ayahuasca sessions? What is their background? What can you tell me to convince me that they are legitimate, knowledgeable practitioners of such a powerful and transformative medicine?

dan-pulsetours34 karma

Great questions. I knew the shaman at Shimbre. I spent a month there. The (American) owner offered me a volunteer spot to go and work with the medicine to write about it into a blog. There was a lot of propaganda that was put into play by the owner and associates painting this shaman, Jose Vargas as the last of the Chavin civilization, with origins from other parts of the universe. Consequently, a lot of people bought into it. This is a tragic example of shamanism gone wrong. However, this is an isolated incident and should not be weighted heavily against the thousands of others who achieve life-changing benefits from ayahuasca shamans in Peru every year.

theotherduke42 karma

I wasn't trying to say the Shimbre incident was common, and you didn't really answer my question: who administers YOUR company's ceremonies, and how do you ensure that your clients are in good hands during the ceremonies?

edit: also, thank you for sharing this medicine and cultural experience with people. assuming you're on the up and up, you're doing an amazing thing for humanity.

dan-pulsetours7 karma

Please see reply below. We work with Nihue Rao [www.nihuerao.com] and the working master shaman there is Ricardo Amaringo. He frequently has other shamans sing with him in ceremony. The last time were were there, he had two other Shipibo shamans sing with him. It was a beautiful synergy.

dan-pulsetours30 karma

The center we work with now, Nihue Rao, is owned my a Colombian/American M.D., a Canadian Artist, and a Peruvian Master Shaman, Ricardo Amaringo. His father and brother are also well known and highly reputed in the world of Shamanism. Ricardo was recommended to me by Kenneth Tupper, an academic who was involved with documentaries such as Vine of the Soul, Jungle Prescription, and others. He's a PhD at UBC, a university in the city I live, Vanocouver. Ricardo was also recommended to me by Chris Kilham, a well known author who's written about his experience with Ricardo.

But, for me, the proof is in the pudding. I was there a couple of months ago and had one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. And the people I brought with me all got what they came looking for. The medicine is made freshly everyday, right on site. You can see the ingredients that go into it, watch it boil, and then drink it the next day. And the effect is even more proof in term of the quality of the medicine. Not to mention Ricardo's elite talent in singing icaros. It is very, very impacting. Amazing. The shamans sing all night and give each patient a personalized icaro.

ruizscar10 karma

Do you know of any places that cut out all of the mystic, chanting, praying?

I'm pretty sure I'd much prefer a beautiful, natural setting with grounded people that just want to see where the drug takes you on its own.

dan-pulsetours7 karma

That was what Shimbre's process was. The shaman would perform a short ceremony before sending the patient off into the jungle alone with their ayahuasca, There were screened enclosures with matresses to sit during the journey, but no music or chanting. For me, and nearly all others who went there, this setting was okay. However it was dangerous because there was nobody watching over the patients during their journey, and eventually there was an incident. See: Kyle Nolan.

dan-pulsetours7 karma

There are other locations that do this without chanting, as well.

burntoast5550 karma

op doesnt answer question about hiding dead bodies deep in the amazon...suspicious

dan-pulsetours22 karma

That was a shocking tragedy that put a massive stain on this whole industry.

emergentproperty4 karma

What's the annual turnover of Pulse Tours?

dan-pulsetours6 karma

I try to do one trip at each of the two solstices and two equinoxes. This is not a money maker or full time job for me, just something I do for fun and passion. I also work full time somewhere else.

Arkadialove42 karma


dan-pulsetours24 karma

One thing I've noticed with nearly every ceremony I've participated in is that participants form deeper bonds after having shared an ayahuasca experience. People rarely talk at all during the ceremony, it's actually discouraged. It's often very dark and calm, with everyone undergoing their own silent journey on their own comfy little mattress.

open_ur_mind15 karma

Hey, here's a video. This is a podcast from Joe Rogan and his friend Duncan who is regularly on the show, talking about Joe's friend Chris' first trip to Peru taking Ayahuasca. He goes into detail about the ceremony and the feelings that he had, along with other answers to questions you posted as well. It's a long podcast, but it's entertaining the whole way through, if this is something you really want to learn more about.

If you don't want to watch, I can tell you that it's not all rainbows and butterflies. It's a dark drug that can cause you to lose control of your bodily functions, but nothing to severe. You might shit on yourself, throw up, or see someone else do it. However it's a powerful drug that helps a lot of people, if taken in the right setting and with the right people.

dan-pulsetours3 karma

100%. I've had some crazy intense sessions. Check out this description of a few ceremonies I did at Shimbre, the controversial place where Kyle Nolan passed away www.daniel-cleland.blogspot.com. Again, dosage control plays an important role. I've since discovered my "ideal dose" which allows me to enjoy the experience more and gain more from it. I totally recommend a couple of heavy experiences though. It shakes you up and loosens up all the junk.

drpotatoe2 karma

Do you think the Shimbre brew may have been laced with the datura-esc relative, i forget the name?

dan-pulsetours2 karma

For sure it was. I could tell the difference in experience. It was a lot cloudier and more inebriating, while not so nature/universe oriented. A little bit scarier.

slutpuppies3 karma

My brother's done Peruvian Ayahuasca and said he said he will never do it again, its quite easy to have a bad trip. The way he described it sounded a lot like acid to me, but he hasn't done acid. Went straight to the top of hallucinogens

dan-pulsetours18 karma

The term bad trip is too subjective. Ayahuasca journeys can often be unpleasant, uncomfortable, and even scary. But the approach needs to be with a desire to be open and learn from the experience.

Sneetho24 karma

So many people on here are discussing the "bad" trips they had, stating they depersonalized themselves, or went into depression because they could not comprehend the idea that reality is not what we have grown to think it is.

People must take this into account: Ayahuasca is NOT for everyone. There are some people out there, believe it or not, who desire to depersonalize themselves, or in other words, strip what culture and society have made them out to be. Therefore they find happiness in the outcome of taking Aya. These are the people that believe that having all types of personal attachments are what keep us from knowing our inner being as well as achieving true happiness. Ayahuasca is meant for the beings who are willing to accept that life is not what we have made it out to be, and who find a positive outcome in the fact that they wont be the same person. There are people out there that WANT this.

To sum it up, Ayahuasca should be taken by the one's who desire to become nothing, rather then something.

If you truly desire this, to let go of material and mental attachments, then in the end, you will find happiness in this trip. But if you do not want to let go of who you think you are right now, Ayahuasca will INDEED send you into a depression. With that being said, consider what you really want and decide if Ayahuasca is truly for you, because it is intended to make you into "nothing."

dan-pulsetours6 karma

I agree, to an extent. But that's a pretty dismal viewpoint. Without a doubt, a strong ayahuasca experience can shatter the cultural paradigm that one has adopted through years of socialization, and cause one to question the very nature of one's own existence. I've personally become a lot more mindful of the experience of death, maybe even more afraid of it. One thing I know, is that I feel like I've already experienced it, and I am in no rush to experience it again. Which has caused me to be hyper-vigilant and much more careful with the risks I impose on my body. That is an improvement from the reckless and self-endangering behaviour that characterized my life before ayahuasca.

If anything, my relationships have gotten better, especially with those close to me.

thissiteisalright21 karma

I have always been interested in this ever since I watched DMT: The Spirit Molecule. A few questions: 1. How many people usually go on these at a time? 2. How much does it generally cost overall? 3. How long does a group stay there? 4. What did you experience from ayahuasca that made you want to do this for living?

dan-pulsetours32 karma

Thanks for your inquiry! I'll do my best to answer your questions thoroughly.

  1. We usually bring between 3 to 10 people on these tours. We find that bringing people together from different walks of life who share a common interest and desire adds to the synergy of the group and creates connections that last for years. Especially in the context of sharing ayahuasca experiences, people really connect at the heart level during these journeys.

  2. This particular 10 day itinerary includes all accommodations, all domestic transportation, 2 domestic flights, 2 Amazon boat cruises, activities, some food, 3 ayahuasca ceremonies and tour leader/translator. The price is $1,995.

  3. The 10 day itinerary (next one: June 15-24) includes 4 days and nights at Nihue Rao Spiritual Center, before and after which involves grassroots travel to and from the center. During those 4 days at the center, people can choose to participate in up to 3 ayahuasca ceremonies, including consultations with the master shaman the following days to discuss the significance of their experiences and visions.

  4. Ayahuasca has shown me a new depth to what I experience as life itself. The profundity that this medicine works on is remarkable. My relationships with myself and my family have improved dramatically; my connection to source has deepened; the direction of my life has veered down a more interesting and fulfilling path; I have shed some viewpoints and paradigmatic limitations which has allowed me to grow as a person and allow more love and success into my life; and through the course of my extensive work with ayahuasca in a number of different contexts I have encountered numerous others who have experienced profound and positive life changes as a result of their working with the medicine. And lastly, it is just the most intense, beautiful, amazing experience that I've ever had.

I believe every human should have the opportunity to explore it, and that the world would be a better place having done so. The critical tipping point between self-destruction and self-preservation of the human race will be when our consciousness changes and we begin to change our operational paradigm. I believe ayahuasca is the critical catalyst that is beginning to effect this change in the world, one person at a time.

zebla6 karma

3 trips in 4 days? I am not yet familiar with aya but I've smoked my fair share..

Isn't 3 days in a row: a. tolarance buildup? b. overkill for your mind?

dan-pulsetours11 karma

It's done frequently. Tolerance really doesn't build up. And you could take more or less as you feel. Sometimes it's not about the intensity of the trip, but rather just sitting in the maloca as the shamans sing.

mikedamike5 karma

What you are doing is awesome and helps the world. Any spots left for the next trip in June? How do I sign up?

dan-pulsetours3 karma

Thank you for your interest. You can send me an email at info@pulsetours.com, and we can have a chat. We do require an application to be filled out before joining. Look forward to hearing from you.

dan-pulsetours1 karma

There are still a few spots left, but filling up quickly. This Reddit post has generated quite a significant discourse! Please email me at info@pulsetours.com and I'll send you an application form.

ShrimpuhFriedRice15 karma

Do you believe it is always beneficial for everyone or that some people, depending on their personality among other things, could leave scarred?

dan-pulsetours14 karma

I believe that everyone should have the opportunity to have the experience, but I also believe that some people can jump into it without being mentally prepared. Education and preparation for the experience encourages a positive outcome. Moreover, especially with the first experience, it is very important to be done in the proper situation, under the proper care, and with incremental dosages. Taking too much during the first time can actually result in unwanted trauma and negative experiences.

In our case, we require prospective passengers to complete an application which will indicate to us whether the applicant is prepared for work with the medicine and responsible enough to bring along with our other valued passengers.

Ayahuasca is not the answer for everyone. But people who feel a calling or an interest are generally in the right space to be open and achieve a positive experience from the medicine.

dan-pulsetours8 karma

I've also personally vetted the facilities that we work with so that I feel confident with the shaman, the safety of the facility, and the quality of the medicine.

rekgreen12 karma

What are the risks/dangers of travelling through the Amazon?

dan-pulsetours18 karma

The Amazon can be risky in some areas. Those risks range from snakes to thieves. However, we've chosen a very safe and predictable route. All destinations that we travel in are safe for tourists and well protected by military/police. However, taking care and having common sense are always advised.

radiocure209 karma

What's the worst reaction you've seen to the drug? What's the best?

dan-pulsetours18 karma

The worst reaction I've seen was with my sister. She took a large dose of ayahuasca without having taken psychedelics in the past and thus wasn't mentally prepared for the intense journey she experienced. As what happens on occasion with ayahuasca, she felt like she was going through the experience of death, and that terrified her. In contrast, her friend who was not 10 meters away from her was enjoying the most beautiful journey, cocooned in white light and laying beside a hologram of the love of her life.

I've had several journeys that have included both a dark portion and a light portion in the same trip. It's often a dynamic and kaleidoscopic process.

Saracantstop7 karma

Just wanted to say you are doing a wonderful thing for the world. You certainly have a mission that is not only admirable but a dream job.

My first question is, do you consider using the ayahuasca vine as opposed to mimosa the more pure ingredient/experience? I've heard there is some debate over what is the best one to use.

Also, is there any particular ingredient that makes the elixir less nauseating? I've read various methods that supposedly make the drink more tolerable to the stomach, and was wondering if there was anything you'd recommend.

dan-pulsetours2 karma

I haven't tried the mimosa/Syrian rue combo, but I know people who have and they have described tremendous appreciation for it. I'm not aware of any ingredient that makes the brew less nauseating, however, by not putting tobacco in the brew, as some shamans do, the brew is less nauseating.

firelinker7 karma

Do previous experiences with other drugs mean anything to how we react to this?

dan-pulsetours5 karma

I think it depends on the extent of drug use and which drugs were used. It's not a good idea to use ayahuasca while taking other anti-dperessants or SSRIs.

Some previous experiences with other psychedelics such as psilocybe mushrooms, mescaline or LSD can help the user to understand the psychedelic experience and therefore be more confident during the ayahuasca experience.

Other things like alcohol, coca or opium don't seem to impact the experience so long as they haven't been consumed for a minimum of days or weeks before the ayahuasca event.

OnTheBorderOfReality2 karma

How would those drugs effect a trip if they'd been consumed too soon beforehand?

dan-pulsetours10 karma

To give you an example ... the first time I tried ayahuasca I partied my face off the night before, and drank three beers within a few hours of the ayahuasca. I had an amazing experience, but aya kicked my ass, and I vomited like I'd never vomited before! When you mix any drugs together, you get adverse reactions.

HeartyBeast6 karma

When I worked in Peru as a naturalist in Madre de Dios about 20 years ago, the shamans were pretty unimpressed by people who wanted to take ayahuasca outside of their formal rituals.

To what extent is this about a "passion for helping people grow spiritually" and to what extent is it about a passion for making money by taking some tourists out to get high?

dan-pulsetours8 karma

First of all, I don't profit from this. This is not my full time job. Last year I actually showed losses from this company. I am happy just to break even for my expenses and time on these journeys. I do it it because I believe in this medicine and because it's an important part of my life.

And it's fun to travel. If you are digging for an ulterior motive, that's it.

dh1021x6 karma

Do you think that some people can gain the same wisdom without ayahuasca?

dan-pulsetours7 karma

Yes and no. The ayahuasca experience is unique and opens doors that you may not be able to access through other outlets such as meditation. However, some of the deeper self-recognition, life revelations and the sensing of universal consciousness can be experienced similarly by well honed meditative practices, not to mention other psychedlics such as Psilocybin, Ibogaine, etc.

chelac4 karma

Hi. Two questions: How did you get involved with this? Do you feel think kind of drug tourism is changing the culture of the areas of the Amazon you go to?

dan-pulsetours2 karma

It was a calling that I felt develop over time. I, as many others, was stuck in a bad place in my life. So I decided to make the pilgrimage to Peru. Along the way I met a guy who I became friends with. Although I didn't end up doing ayahuasca that time in Peru, my new friend invited me to a ceremony in New Mexico a few months later. I had a major experience that instantly convinced me that this was something I needed to promote and focus my energy on to spread awareness for the benefit of others. Since then, I've worked with several different shamans in Peru, and both Brazilian ayahuasca religions (UDV and Santo Daime) in Brazil as well as Canada. My background in tourism is just a good fit. Now I can combine these two areas of expertise to offer a safe and knowledgeable service.

The influx of westerners and more notably the influx of tourist dollars into these regions certainly has an impact on the culture. As with anywhere in the capitalistic world, people develop businesses to satisfy demand. In most cases these businesses are run with integrity, but others are not. That's why it's important to do the due diligence, research and trust who you're going to be working with.

KeyLimePieHole3 karma

I have been reading as much as I can on Ayahuasca and watching every video I come across for the past two years. I am very interested in the therapy of the plant. I just lost my mother last year and have some personal trauma around it - I feel like I really let her down by not being there when she left this world. I know Ayahuasca is believed to be connected with those who have passed, but I am terrified, and always have been, of evil entities or lost souls. I dont want to go down to Peru (although I feel a strong calling) to be scared shitless. Literally. Any advice?

dan-pulsetours3 karma

I'm sorry to hear about your mother. I can somehow relate to a lesser degree as my boyhood dog of 17 years was euthanized as I watched over Skype from a hospital bed that I couldn't leave. It was heartbreaking that I couldn't be there in her last moments. Coincidentally, this happened just two weeks before my first ayahuasca ceremony.

I don't know if it's possible to connect with spirits and entities. Maybe it's possible, maybe not. I've heard people say it is. But at least I felt I was able to come to terms with her death. I discharged some pent up grief and it really helped.

One thing I've discovered is that it's okay to be scared of ayahuasca. It's intense. But once you finish the trip, you always understand WHY you did it.

the-morrigan3 karma

I'm going to Peru in may and have been planning to do ayahuasca. I have depression and am currently on anti depressants, but am weighing how I feel about discontinuing their use to experience ayahuasca. Do you think it is worth it to do this, and that I may come out of the ayahuasca experience with more insight about my illness?

dan-pulsetours6 karma

Keeping in mind that I'm not a medical doctor, I do understand that some antidepressants contain SSRIs which are also present in ayhuasca. A longitudinal study on members of the UDV in Manaus, Brazil, showed that regular use of ayahuasca actually increased dopamine levels in the body. I've heard anecdotal evidence of people dropping the pills after a few sessions with ayahuasca. Like I said, I'm not a doctor, but if you want my personal intuitive opinion, I'd say go for it. Do at least three ceremonies over the course of a week and stick to the diet. Even if you have to go back on the pills, you will feel better than you did before.

CaptainFluffels3 karma

Do you believe that Ayahausca has any physical risk? I found this story about a kid who died from it, I am not sure if this is true or not. http://forums.watchuseek.com/f73/my-18-year-old-sons-death-cautionary-tale-810413.html

dan-pulsetours8 karma

Yes, I am aware of this. I actually spent a month at the same facility where Kyle Nolan died. The shaman had an unorthodox practice of handing patients a brimming cup of ayahuasca and sending them to alone into the jungle where they would drink the medicine and endure the experience by themselves. This was okay for me, because I was already quite experienced with altered states and have always been open to pretty hardcore challenges. But it was inevitable that someone would eventually experience some significant challenges in that scenario. Unfortunately, it was Kyle Nolan. He walked off into the jungle by himself and never came back.

This is another reason why I emphasize the importance of a patient-focused shaman who conducts the ceremony in a group setting. And dosage control is also very important.

mudman131 karma

His so-called ayahuasca contained datura a dangerous and poisonous deliriant, maybe extremely toxic taken with maoi but he may not have died of the brew itself its not clear in the article the exact cause of death. Wandering off into the jungle alone at night even sobre is a massive risk of death in itself.

dan-pulsetours1 karma

True. As I said, this was an irresponsible method of administering ayahuasca. Safety first!

ScotianPrime2 karma

Do you feel the experience is being cheapened by people looking to buy spirituality?

dan-pulsetours3 karma

As with anything, money tends to change things. But spirituality it ultimately a personal journey. People don't buy spirituality, they buy the facility, the medicine and the process. The rest is up to each individual.

WhiskeyFist2 karma

I want to do this so badly. By the way, how did you get started in the tourism business and how did you come to be the organizer of tours? What would you suggest a tourism graduate who wants to run his own tours do first?

dan-pulsetours2 karma

I began with executing tours for myself based on a desire to travel. Then after learning some foreign language through travel, I got a job working as a tour leader for a major tour company. That gave me the expertise in leading and organizing tours, as well as first hand geographical knowledge of Latin America and Brazil. The key is experience. Learn the skills and get some credentials before you venture out on your own. And start small!! Do a few tours for free if you need to and do a really good job. Get some testimonials and go from there! Maybe try going on a guided trip such as this first, to see how it's done. Make it a learning experience and take notes!?

Potatoe2922 karma

What do you do to help the patients through the experience? What is taking ayahuasca like?

dan-pulsetours6 karma

First of all, I am not a shaman. I bring people to work with skilled shamans that I know and trust, and those shamans take excellent and focused care of the patients. Moreover, the shamans generally have apprentices and "sitters" who help them to conduct the ceremony and ensure that the patients are all accounted for and receiving the proper care. I do offer assistance when I can, but I generally allow the professionals to do what they do best :)

The ayahuasca experience is not easy to explain. It's different for every person and it's different every time you take it. Moreover, it's different between brews. It's very difficult to understand until you experience it yourself. I spent a month at a shamanic center in Peru and I tried to capture the experience in words via blog. Please feel free to have a read and that may give you a better idea :) [http://www.daniel-cleland.blogspot.ca/] . Please keep in mind that this project was my initiatory experience with the medicine, and I've since worked with ayahuasca in several other contexts, having met shamans who I feel are safer, more trustworthy and more patient-oriented.

SippantheSwede2 karma

How big of a problem is there really with fishy organizers and fake shamans over there? I've heard about people getting robbed, raped, "ayahuasca" laced with datura but a lot of it sounds like exaggerated stories based on rare incidents.

I'm planning to go once I can afford it, so I'm wondering how I'll know what places to trust.

(Which of your competitors can you recommend? ;)

dan-pulsetours3 karma

You've got a great point. As I mentioned above, money tends to attract opportunists. While most of the true shamans operate with true integrity, there are opportunists or "folkloric" shamans who put on robe, buy ayahuasca at the local market and will happily take your money for an ayahuasca trip. There have also been some isolated incidences of alleged sexual misconduct, but I don't know those details.
Some ayahuasqueros mix other constituents in with the brew, such as toe, garlic sage, tobacco, etc. These can intensify visions and purging. Toe has also been known to have toxic side effects.

This is another reason to be sure about who you're working with. The shamans we work with use only the two traditional plants. The purity of the medicine is very noticeable to me as I've drunk ayahuasca that contained the other constituents, as well. The effect is also much cleaner less frightening.

theotherduke2 karma

Do you believe that the powerful medicine of Ayahuasca should be available to people free of charge?

dan-pulsetours13 karma

The actual medicine is quite inexpensive to make. It certainly can be done and consumed in the comfort of one's own living room. I purchased some Chacruna and B. Caapi last time I was in Peru for less than $10. That would give me 8 doses.
What gets expensive are the well-built ayahuasca facilities in the middle of the jungle that have beautifully built malocas, cabins, washrooms, running water, kitchens and hard working shamans who spend their evenings singing positive energy into spiritually starving westerners who come in droves to visit them. In some cases, the spiritual centers in Peru can be quite luxurious.

cosmicjesus33 karma

Would you recommend taking the dive into Ayahuasca at home, if you're a responsible, experienced psychedelic user?

dan-pulsetours3 karma

I've never done it. I could, I have the stuff. But I don't really want to. Some people do it, and they like it. Other people do it, and they go apeshit.

intellektualspew2 karma


dan-pulsetours2 karma

Not yet!

onthejourney2 karma

When is the next tour after the one in June? I can't make that one, and I love your focus on the client's care and experience.

dan-pulsetours2 karma

Either September Equinox or December Solstice. Email me at info@pulsetours.com and I can keep you posted!

0MagicPhil02 karma

Have you ever eaten one of those larva living inside dead trees?

dan-pulsetours2 karma

No thanks!

safe62 karma

Based on your personal trips, experiences and the trips and experiences of others, what do you think the true nature of reality is?

dan-pulsetours10 karma

We are connected to everything that exists and everything is of the same one. There is an all encompassing universal consciousness which exists at the deepest of levels and animates all things in existence. This consciousness can be sensed while under the influence of ayahuasca. The limitations of orthodox definitions of reality are imaginary.

[deleted]2 karma

What do you think happens at death of the physical body?

dan-pulsetours2 karma

I have no idea. What do you think?

TheMyLegGuy1 karma

What age do you suggest would be suitable?

dan-pulsetours3 karma

In the UDV and Santo Daime, the two Brazilian Ayahuasca religions, the ceremonies are family events. I've seen teens as young as 14 drink ayahuasca with their parents sitting right beside them. It's not necessarily about the age, it's about the physical and mental maturity level, as well as the proper attitude, knowledge and objectives. It should not be used recreationally, and youngsters may have difficulty understanding the purpose behind its use.

Igottabefresh1 karma

I've been considering doing a future Ayahuasca trip for a little while now, so I have a couple questions.

1: How does one go about finding a reputable shaman? 2: Are there translators present, or are there English speaking shaman? 3: How does one get spiritually prepared for something like this? Are there any meditative practices or similar things that could help prepare you for such a deep self-introspective journey such as this?

Thank you for the AMA!

dan-pulsetours5 karma

  1. Do the research, check out websites, locate references, check out forums .... or just come with us! 2. There are generally translators present. There are also some English speaking shamans. 3. Abstain from mind-clouding substances, follow the ayahuasca dieta, meditate, etc. But nothing can really prepare you for a strong ayahuasca trip. No other experience compares to it.

Chewbacca271 karma

What's the weirdest group of people you've taken?

dan-pulsetours3 karma

8 people including 7 ladies, all different ages and an Australian guy who was completely rude and chauvinistic. From Caracas to Rio de Janeiro, 42 days. They HATED each other!

A_JAR_OF_ASS1 karma

At what point in a persons career with drugs do you think they're ready to take the plunge?

dan-pulsetours3 karma

I did LSD at least 100 times and psilocybe mushrooms almost as much before I had the first cereony. I thought I knew everything there was to know about psychedelics. Nope. Blew me apart. But I did take two shots.