I was a building designer in North Korea, but mostly worked as a construction site worker. My father was thrown out of the Worker's Party and everyone in my home was forced to the countryside.

Because of hunger, I escaped in 1999 and lived in China for 2.5 years, but could not stay there due to the Chinese policemen. I jumped over the German Embassy's wall in Beijing and then made my way to South Korea.

I then studied abroad in the UK majoring in globalization and developmental studies at the University of Sheffield.

When I returned to South Korea, I worked at the Citizen's Alliance for North Korean Human Rights. Then I started my job here at the Daily NK beginning of July 2013.

Here is an image of me outside the Daily NK office

Hi guys, I'm one of the interns helping u/newkorea with his AMA. We posted here last time, but didn't send enough evidence to show he was from the North. We sent the mods this article featuring his escape, along with his passport that contains his name and photo.

Right now, we're raising money to get an upgrade to our site. Our goal isn't just to get a better web design, but to also protect ourselves from more cyber attacks. Earlier around March, our site was hacked which was traced back to Pyongyang.

Everyone here at the Daily NK is excited for this AMA, and we all look forward to your questions!

Edit: Hi guys, it's the intern here. We're thrilled that everyone has such an interest in North Korea! Right now, it's closing time here in Seoul so everyone's heading home. But we promise to eventually come to your questions.

I just want to make one more pitch about our Indiegogo campaign. We have 8 days left and our goal is to raise another $3,000 to get not only a better site, but to protect ourselves from North Korean hackers. It would be extremely helpful if any of you could make a donation so we can continue to report on a country in which little is known.

Edit2: Wanted to make a shout out to r/NorthKoreaNews for advertising our AMA and also just having a subreddit dedicated to stories on North Korea!

Comments: 794 • Responses: 73  • Date: 

DootchBarg181 karma

Was there any historical events/knowledge did you not know happen or existed untill you escaped? For instance, moon landing etc, ancient Egypt, the Romans..

Edit: moar historical examples

newkorea263 karma

No I never knew about the moon landing. I did learn a bit about the Egyptians and the Romans. I had a basic world history course, and learned about the opium war involving Britain and China.

butt-plug173 karma

When you had escaped, did you know of North Korea's international reputation? Or had you been censored into believing it was a good place?

newkorea375 karma

Yes, I thought North Korea is the strongest country under the leader of Kim Jung Il and a good place to live because I had n't known much about outside of the country. And I believed the famine and economic recession was because of US empire and its allies repression to overthrow North Korea.

AtlasWes121 karma

In your opinion, what percentage of people in North Korea actually believe that the Kim family are God like figures?

newkorea214 karma

I don't have a percentage because I didn't live in every region, and there are big differences. The mass starvation of the 1990s undermined the cult of personality. Many of those who worshipped the regime died because they thought they would be cared for. Those who survived knew how to operate without the Kims, and the grassroots market began to thrive. People began to make money and enjoyed it.

splishsplashsploosh110 karma

Do people in North Korea have any sort of understanding of the how the rest of the world views them? Even if it's a small group of people who know about this?

newkorea209 karma

Cadre members, high-ranking party officials, and wealthy North Koreans who have access to the internet know about the outside world. The majority of North Koreans do not. However, some South Korean soap operas making their way to North Korea because of the black market. North Koreans are now more aware of the wealth in South Korea.

Suofficer107 karma

Hi thanks for doing this. Does religion as the rest of us might know it, ie Christianity, Islam , Buddhism , Judaism feature in North Korean life in any way?

newkorea256 karma

The state is religion. Pyongyang has a few church/temples but they're just for show. Freedom of religion is not allowed, and many missionaries are persecuted. If North Koreans meet Christians in China, they're seriously punished upon return. Smuggling Bibles risks imprisonment and torture.

Ioneadii97 karma

In NK do the citizens genuinely believe that their government is great, or do the citizens have doubts but don't voice them in fear of the consequences.

Did you tell your family you were planning to escape? And if so, how did they react?

newkorea173 karma

I did not let my family know, and I haven't spoken to them since.

tokyoguyjean94 karma

Have you ever seen a public execution(s)? How many? In your opinion have the police increased or decreased public executions in the past five years or so? Thank you.

newkorea141 karma

Yes, I saw two public executions. One when I was 9 (western age). A policeman shot thieves/rapists without any due process. They were taken outside and shot. They were then tied on a pole and the policeman shot them nine times-- head, chest, stomach, and legs. I saw a similar execution when was 19 (western age). The policemen told us to be careful.

systemstheorist86 karma

Hey thanks for doing this!

What are Weddings like in North Korea?

newkorea139 karma

All weddings in North Korea take place at home (not in a church or city hall). There are no wedding vows or exchanging of rings. Photos are taken, people gather, and there's food shared by visitors. It's more like a party and celebration than a formal ritual. The wife brings many household items (dishes, blankets, kitchen stuff and sometimes TV, appliances like a sewing machine) in order to display status to attendees.

jaywalker198282 karma

I have a few questions.

  1. Are the reports of widespread meth-amphetamine addiction true?
  2. Do you think that aid should be cut off completely to the country until the regime abandons Nuclear Weapons development and fixes human rights abuses?
  3. I've always understood that it was near impossible to go to, even just to sight-see Pyongyang because of not having freedom of movement. How do people think a regime is so great when they aren't even allowed to just travel in their own country? I guess what I'm asking is what reasons are given for why its best for people to stay in their hometown?

Sorry if that was too much, but thank you in advance for answering. Good luck to you.

newkorea114 karma

  1. I heard about drug use from recent defectors, but I never saw it.
  2. It's a very difficult question. It depends on if we can monitor such aid and make sure it gets to the people who need it most.
  3. Freedom of mobility is important, but understand the North Koreans have been living under repressive laws and restictions for a long period of time (generations in fact) so they're not able to compare their situations to others across the world. Many used to believe the rest of the world was like (or even worse than) North Korea, but opinions are changing as more defectors send informaiton into the country.

AKADriver34 karma

Did you know anyone before you left who remembered the era before the war? I imagine the Japanese occupation was just as oppressive for most people.

newkorea81 karma

I heard about the era before the war from grandmother, who was born in Seoul and worked as a babysitter for a baby born to a Japanese mother and Korean father. The Japanese mom went back to her home country and my grandmother had to take the baby to the father in North Korea. The father was rich and owned factories in North Korea. The level of oppression depends on your position. and she was lucky.

gen_reynolds80 karma

What do you personally think are the biggest hurdles facing reunification?

newkorea124 karma

I think building trust between North and South, and we need time to better understand each other. It cannot be solved in a short time with just a meeting or summit. Citizens from both countries need to meet each other, and the North Korean goverment has to help normal people live better, raise the standard of living. The Kim regime must understand this is not a threat to stability.

predictablystochasti79 karma

How did your educational experience in the UK compare with your educational experience in NK?

newkorea284 karma

In one word: free. In the UK, I was freer to express myself and think my own thoughts. In North Korea, I did not study at university but I went to college for 1.5 years and everyday I had to form in a line with other students (military-style) and march from the gate to the classroom. I felt like I was doing military service in North Korea. In the UK, I felt like I was finding myself.

bencordoza74 karma

What one thing amazed you the most in the "free world"?

newkorea131 karma

hhh many things, too many to talk about it, But I would say I didn't need worry somebody watch me

SdKfz51 karma

북한에서 살면서 하루에 음식을 얼마나 받았어요? 저는 북한 사람들이 항상 배가 고프다고 들었어요. 또 북한 육군에 입대 하지 않았어요?

newkorea72 karma

전혀 못 받았아요. 배급을 받았으면 굶지도 않았죠. 일은 다녔지만 배급은 못 받았고 그렇지만 여전히 일은 다녀야 했죠. 군에는 가지 않았어요. 못간다고 하더군요. 아버지가 성분이 않좋아서.

jakielim45 karma

Where was your father from?

newkorea263 karma

I shouldn't talk about that.


What is the best thing you discovered after leaving North Korea? For example: food, culture, technology, freedoms?

newkorea235 karma


ackxhpaez58 karma

What was the hardest part about adjusting to life outside of North Korea?

newkorea171 karma

Defectors face some forms of social discrimination in South Korea. It's a complex situation. I faced difficulties because I really had no skills and South Korea is very competetive society. I'm learning to become a reporter now so I can contribute.

arthen7856 karma

Are you aware of any other sleeper agents of North Korea posing as fellow defectors in Seoul?

newkorea78 karma

No, I don't know but I've heard it's a problem.

Jimbobbfc55 karma

What are the things you miss most since leaving North Korea

newkorea204 karma

I miss my family, my younger sister most.

most_wuud54 karma

Do you think that the North Korean government will fall in the near future (10-20 years)? What do you see for the future of North Korea?

EDIT: forgot "the"

newkorea122 karma

I don't know when the North Korean goverment will collapse. However, I do hope their military first policy ends soon so normal citizens no longer starve.

christ0ph54 karma

There is a very good German film "The Lives of Others" that I think is the best film Ive seen on totalitarianism. If you have a chance, check it out. I don't know if there is a Korean subtitled version but there should be.

Ive enjoyed lots of Korean films. Film is a great way of communicating things that are hard to say verbally.

newkorea39 karma

Thank you.

foodbucketfanpage52 karma

Kimchee: Better in the North or South?

Thank you for doing this AMA! I am very interested in Inter-Korean affairs after having served in the ROK for a year (US army, '96-'97).

newkorea84 karma

I prefer North. Not so spicy.

christ0ph46 karma

Hello, I have been interested in the situation in North Korea for a long time and would like to help in some way. I used to blog about North Korea but I now think that I could do more working with other people. Another big interest of mine is radio. Around a year ago I discovered the $10-20 "/r/rtlsdr" RTL2832 DVB-T dongles and using one I and many others have made what seem to be the smallest and cheapest - but at the same time very powerful shortwave radios around. (You can see them working on youtube here) I think the size and low cost of these radios (extremely small and extremely inexpensive for capabilities which would cost hundreds of dollars before!) makes them a natural to use in North Korea - but they require computers to work. Because the radio is mostly implemented in the software. Would you know of any North Korean defectors who are also interested in radio and electronics who might want to learn a bit about this? The radios can be so very - small - they are basically the size of your thumb. The shortwave capability would be in "direct sampling mode".

newkorea53 karma

Certainly. There are a few organizations in South Korea, for example Open Radio to North Korea that work with defectors and try to transmit into the country. They may be very interested in this information so please contact them.

icyrains45 karma

How do you sort out the legal stuffs, like being able to study without the proper documents in uk?

newkorea98 karma

Oh I recieved scholarship from UK foreign ministry.

abrahamdsl31 karma

wah! I like that kind of scholarship too! But I'm aiming at studying in South Korea. Looking forward to meet defectors like you.

Greetings from here at the International Rice Research Institute, Philippines.


newkorea25 karma


messy_messiah44 karma

What is the Kim Jong Un regime's biggest weakness?

newkorea161 karma

Ignoring ordinary people.

christ0ph42 karma

Could you tell us a bit about NK's songbun system. How much does it still rule people's lives?

newkorea106 karma

When I was in North Korea, universities in Pyongyang (such as Kim Il Sung and Teachers University) do not admit certain students based on their family backgrounds. Having South Korean relatives, or people who are associated with the South Korean army, or relatives in Japan, or ancestors who owned land in North Korea during Japanese colonialism makes for bad blood. If records are not confirmed, they're also considered a bad family. People are victimized by a past they have no control over and North Korea's unforgiving bureaucracy. For many, this is worse than being dead.

christ0ph38 karma

By "If records are not confirmed" do you mean somebody has to have a stamp of approval "This person has a good family" and if not then the "default" is that they don't?

Its always really horrible for people to be blamed for things that they were not responsible for.

newkorea55 karma

Well, here are example I can say, in my elder sister's class, there is a student in good grade, but she could not go to a university. she said " because of my family background"

Pezking34337 karma

Hello! How did daily life work? Similar to the rest of the world? What did people do for recreation in their free time?

newkorea76 karma

My daily life included going to work in an office at 8:30am where we often also had to go pave the military roads. We worked at the office until 6pm, got off and came back home to have dinner (if i had food, but if I didn't have food I just skipped). My office had about fifteen workers, but some men didn't go to work, instead going to the market. they had to pay money not to go to work. Generally I would have chats with friends play poker if i had free time. If I lost, I had to buy food (rice cakes, etc.)

WayneRooneysHairPlug34 karma

Are you worried about what the DPRK has done to the family you left behind?

newkorea87 karma

Of course.

derpepper32 karma

So what's your favorite kpop group?

newkorea86 karma

Sistar (all girls group) and Hyorin

Solidsnakeskin32 karma

What's something from "The North" that would surprise the people on the outside?

newkorea90 karma

Positive: North Koreans work very hard (but they don't get rewarded enough). Negative: If Reddit users saw ordinary peoples' lives outside North Korea's decorated farm villages (shown to foreign visitors) they'd be shocked. Even in Pyongyang's suburbs, there are places with severe poverty.

Lady_S32 karma

Can you tell us more about your escape? Why did you need to climb the embassy's wall in Beijing? Are all embassies protected by Chinese guards which makes it difficult for any North Koreans to seek asylum?

newkorea89 karma

Yes, the do. The the height of the embassy wall was low (about 2meter). All embassies are guarded by Chinese guards. I waited for the guards to change, and jumped over the far right corner.

christ0ph29 karma

How can Americans reduce the chance of war between our countries while at the same time, helping bring about a change/opening up in North Korea?

Years ago I thought sending food and radios into North Korea by balloon would help. But most Americans live in a world so different from North Korea things that we thought might help might not. I am very interested in how they manage to keep North Koreans so isolated. Its really incredible that they still manage to do that, to me.

newkorea70 karma

First of all, North Korean government personnel, governors negotiating economic/trade issues with China, Western countries, and South Korea, begin having positive feelings about foreign powers. If they meet often over a long period of time, trade partners become human, they're friends. That's a good place to begin. So the North Korean goverment often replaces North Korean negotiators/trade people to make sure connections don't get deeper. Foreign traders complain about this.

When North Koreans meet with South Koreans, they'll often change the language to a foreign language (French, English) because they don't want to use Korean because if they use the same language they can feel a closer relationship.

About isolation, it's a systematic form of repression designed to prevent the free flow of information.

TheAwkwardest28 karma

Did you or your friends ever talk ill of the NK regime in private?

How much of the propaganda did you believe?

Do you ever miss any aspect of North korea?

Did you ever have good times in North Korea? I can't imagine how anybody could be happy, being watched all the time

newkorea58 karma

No, I never talked about problems of the regime serioucly. I believed everything, to be honest. even never attempted to think differently about it. I miss my sister. she is a family only alive in North Korea

KatSam127 karma

Do you think, even now, that you're fully aware of the high level of manipulation of the NK government? Or are some things so ingrained you find it difficult to believe differently about?

newkorea45 karma

No, I wasn't fully aware and I don't feel like I'm totally aware now.

spiderspawnx26 karma

What would happen to you if you returned to North Korea. .. what do you think the government would do with you.

newkorea74 karma

I am not going back to North Korea because I'm sure it would put my personal safety at risk. I have taken many interviews and spoken about the regime's brutality.

ElSebaZ26 karma

Do you consider NK leaders are really communist or socialist?

newkorea72 karma

No there are detators, no ideaology and it is not worth to be called an idea with theoritical foundation.

30 years ago, two communists from France and Peru went to North Korea volunteerly, but they were sent to prison camp due to their decretive talks on the bed "North Korea is not really socialist country, but it is more like a country under the control of Kim Il Sung" and the Frenchman is dead after comming out the camp 15 years later. Their story was published in the report of Amnesty International.

christ0ph54 karma

Do you mean Ali Lameda? He was a Venezuelan communist, a poet, and he was imprisoned by the Kim Il Sung regime. Eventually, he was freed by (of all people) Nicolai Ceausescu of Romania, who wrote Kim Il Sung a personal letter asking for his release. After he got out he wrote his book, which is the only account of a Westerner imprisoned in the NK gulag.

newkorea40 karma

Yes, I think he is right

christ0ph12 karma

They were sent to a prison camp because of their conversations with EACH OTHER?

The Peruvian guy (whose name I usually remember but I am forgetting it right now) wrote a book. I have tried to find his book online, but its not available online. Considering that its now 30+ years old, they should put it online.

What do you think about Google Earth? have you seen how you can view anyplace on Earth from space? I have the locations of the known North Korean prison camps saved in Google Earth. The fact that we all can go there and see them makes us all witnesses with an obligation to speak out. (Adrian Hong of Link said that and its true.)

newkorea26 karma

I think Google Earth is good. I have seen the images, and they provide valuable information. It is what it is.

JustLearnedThis25 karma

Hey, thanks for the AMA! I've always been interested in what people go through after getting into China from North Korea. How did the German embassy react to you seeking their help? Did it seem like they had a lot of prior experience with NK defectors?

newkorea69 karma

They gave me food while I was there for three days in the embassy and asked me a few questions to confirm I was from North Korea. They then negotiated with Chinese chief policeman, and Embassy staff took me to the Phillipines in order to hand me over to South Korean Embassy staff. I felt like the German Embassy was totally surprised.

radical0124 karma

What's the food like in NK?

newkorea54 karma

Not many types of dishes or restaurants like in South Korea. The food hygiene is very poor.

ArchangellePussyrape24 karma

How safe is North Korea?

newkorea56 karma

North Koreans do not have guns, so I never worried about being shot. Food safety is not guaranteed, and famine represents a grave threat.

theworldgotme23 karma

What's an average day like for someone living in rural North Korea?

newkorea42 karma

My family lives in the countryside. In Pyongyang, there are entertainment facilities, like bowling or indoor sports or theatres. Even an ice rink. Outside of Pyongyang, people hardly have accerss to public sauna, amusement parks.

christ0ph6 karma

Did you live in an area that is closed to foreigners?

newkorea18 karma

my area was closed to foreigners.

rudeboyskunk22 karma

Thanks for doing this!

I'd like to be an intern at Daily NK. How can I do that?

newkorea32 karma

E-mail development@dailynk.com. I enjoy working with the interns and they're helping me connect with the international community.


What was your biggest fear living in N. Korea?
Do you think most people want to speak out against the regime but are too afraid? Or do you think most people have internalized and believe all the propaganda that is spread by the government?

newkorea36 karma

I think they're too afraid. The problem is the people do not think critically about corruption and the government's fundamental problems.

GramTheDon20 karma


How different do find the language in the South? Is it true there are some phrases with completely opposite meanings?


newkorea30 karma

Yes, in South Korea many common expressions use English. Also legal terminology and slang are very different from in North Korea

Zaozin18 karma

If you were to personally rate Kim Jong Un or his father, would you rate them as good intentioned people who have no idea what they are doing, or generally selfish people who don't care about others. I've always wondered if perhaps they think they are "saving" their people through this resistance to change.

newkorea67 karma

No, I don't rate them as good intentioned people. They don't care about the welfare of non-elites beyond preserving their own power.

what_did_you_eat16 karma

What did you have to eat today?

newkorea49 karma

I had a dumpling rice-cake soup and sandwich in the morning.

ferhal14 karma

Do you think that the leaders in North Korea will ever come around focus on their people instead of their military? Or do you think that they will continue to allow their people to starve and die while they make futile attempts at being a world military power?

newkorea33 karma

I can't say much about it. But one clear thing Kim regime will try to keey power in military. Becuse they learned that it is a way to prevent recently occured collapes of coutries in Middle east comming to the country.

tecal200213 karma

If there was a war in north korea. How do you feel the influx of refugees would be accepted in south korea? Is there already a plan in place?

newkorea23 karma

South Koreans wouldn't welcome a mass of refugees because the South Korean goverment already provides them food aid and economic support. It represents a burden on the system.

jakielim13 karma

Something different: What are some of the misconceptions about North Korea?

How did you adjust to life in South Korea?

And are there any ways for me to support Daily NK?

newkorea26 karma

  1. Still many North Koreans behave in a robotic fashion because its a way to keep themsleves safe, and survive and get better opportuntiies. Kim Jong Un has not changes things despite being young.

  2. I did my best, I think, and follow what I want to do.

  3. We are doing a fundraising campaign here for site upgrades: http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/project-daily-nk-power-up-north-korea-info-flow/x/2680815

foodbucketfanpage10 karma

Do you feel hatred for Kim Jong Un, his father, or his grandfather?

newkorea32 karma

No. I didn't know anything about Kim Jong Un. A lot of people didn't like Kim Jong Il. In contrast, Kim Il Sung was admired by older North Koreans.

FOTBWN10 karma

Are there any things that you miss about NK? What are perhaps some good things, like people or natural landmarks or buildings?

newkorea28 karma

I miss the big fountain on the daedong river. height was maybe about 100 meters.

hzaybek9 karma

What are some of the prejudices you face in South Korea? I always assumed the people there would be empathetic towards northern defectors.

newkorea29 karma

South Korea is changing a lot because more companies hire North Korean defectors. When I first applied for a job years ago, because of my history from North Korea, I was rejected. Unless the people knew me well, I couldn't find job, even part-time at a restaraunt.

TameTortoise9 karma

Would you hope for a "united Korea" or divided as the two countries are right now?

newkorea35 karma

I hope for a unified Korea.

CrawfordShepard9 karma

I've been curious to visit North Korea with a tour group like Koryo but I'm an American. Do you think I'd be safe enough if I went with a tour group?

newkorea36 karma

I think so but it will cost you a lot of money and do not do anything your minders don't want you to do. Misionaries like Kenneth Bae are detained, and don't try to take photos that aren't allowed. And don't ask the instructors if you visit the world museum or history museum questions that assume North Korea invaded the South.

muricanidiot7 karma

From your unique perspective, what do you think the average american idiot should know about the North Korean peoples?

newkorea30 karma

North Koreas do not America very well, But they have been taught that America attacked NK in 1950 so US became the most hatred enemy for them.

jimopl9 karma

Do you still hate the US after learning that what you previously learned was false?

newkorea20 karma

No. I don't hate the US at all.

WhyAlwaysMex4 karma

Hello thanks for doing this AMA!

I have 2 questions for you. I have been interested in the real North Korea for quite sometime now. My first question for you is can you take me through a day in the life of a North Korean, like what they do during their day. My second question is I currently go to college for journalism and just a wild gander but how would I get a internship at your work?


newkorea15 karma

Please see above regarding my daily life. If you'd like to intern, contact development@dailynk.com. also read Nothing to Envy by Barbara Demick.

christ0ph3 karma

Where can I find out about something I really am curious about? How they modify all those radios and televisions to only receive North Korean stations!? In the past, it might have been easy but now it seems that every radio or electronic device is digital and this must be an absolutely impossible thing for them. Which is great. I would really like to know more about the ways they keep North Koreans from having access to information about the outside. That is what I think they are most afraid of, is people simply getting to know what the outside is really like. That is the key to a peaceful change. Eventually, then the regime will just collapse and nobody will miss it.

But, anyway, for the time being, I would be ecstatic to see pictures of North Korean radios and how they modify them. Do they block sales of all electronics from outside that have tunable radio dials?

Do they still track and inspect radios? Because its impossible to make a radio impossible to modify. Most radios are really, really easy to modify.

newkorea8 karma

TV and radio players imported to North Korea were generally dated. When I left, some TV channels were actually tuned by hand but it's been reported that some factories are producing high-tech a/v devices now, like smartphones and flatscreen tvs. I don't know how much is reality and how much is propaganda, but I'm pretty sure the tech comes from China and not inside North Korea.

christ0ph1 karma

By dated did you mean old, used TVs and radios? Or something else? (I know that North Korea imports, by the thousands, old used bicycles from around the world.)

newkorea1 karma

Dated meaning old.

xsDaniel2 karma

How do you think your family is doing?

newkorea2 karma

I don't know.

TurnerJ52 karma

How do you envision an invasion by America/"The Free World" going? What sort of reception from North Koreans?

newkorea11 karma

I don't think America is interested in invasion.

christ0ph2 karma

Where can I get a map of the current "closed counties" and what is the difference between the closed counties and those which NGOs and tourists are allowed to see?

Its interesting now that we have Google Earth. North Koreans should annotate - add content to Google Earth. That would be a way which people could use to inform the rest of the world about North Koreans everyday life in all sorts of ways. The defector community could create KML files of things of note in North Korea - both things which the government wont talk about and the things they do talk about. All sorts of interesting things could be done using tools like Google Earth. And online forums.

newkorea6 karma

North Korean government wouldn't still allow you to go where they don't want to show foreign tourists. For example, Haeju City, Sariwon City.

goldstarstickergiver1 karma

Before you left NK, what was your perception of the wider world? I don't mean just of America, but what about of places like Germany, or India, or Chile?

Were you aware of the differences in living standards between your life and that of other places?

newkorea7 karma

I had no idea about the wider world. Growing up, I didn't even know I could cross the river to go to China. I just knew I could go to China 6 months before I crossed. But there are people who worked in Russia or Kuwait or Libya. To go abroad, you apply to the government and pay bribes to governors.

[deleted]1 karma


newkorea1 karma

It's very successful to people still inside North Korea. Now people are changing more information than before goes into North Korea through radios, tv, cell phone, etc.

armo_man1 karma

Did you have a hard time adjusting to your new life in Soul or was it an easy transition?

newkorea1 karma

Not easy.

dark_matter991 karma

Are there people from the DPRK that given the opportunity, would kill the Dear Leader?

newkorea2 karma

The Dear Leader, Kim Jong il, is already dead.

DailyActiveThrowaway1 karma

Are you banned from r/Pyongyang? If not, do you visit?

newkorea1 karma

yes, i cannot go back.

OP_never_delivers-4 karma

What the fuck do you think NK's leaders have going through there minds?

newkorea4 karma

whay they most scared of is they will be like Libya, Egypt. angried people comming to street, protest againt the government.