Highest Rated Comments

hzaybek9 karma

What are some of the prejudices you face in South Korea? I always assumed the people there would be empathetic towards northern defectors.

hzaybek9 karma

I love the work you guys do! Whats the most surprising thing you found out about a country that disputed a preconceived notion you had about it before going there? I'm really curious about the real world vs. what the media ingrains us with.

hzaybek3 karma

How do you guys stay afloat money wise?

hzaybek2 karma

Maybe the internet is bad over there and he can't answer. Anyway what are your thoughts on the secular overtones of this whole mess? Any opinion on Saudi Arabia funding rebels in Syria while simultaneously making it illegal to dissent in their own country?

hzaybek2 karma

I get exactly what you're talking about, like it's counter intuitive, but both sides are sometimes right in a conflict. Thanks so much for replying!