Hi Everyone, Tara Strong here! You might know me as Twilight Sparkle on MLP, or possibly Harley Quinn, or from the Powerpuff Girls - well. You might know me from a lot of things. My IMDb page is HERE, take a peek!

Some have called me the voice of their childhood, which is a VERY sweet thought.  Some have called me the absolute worst of whiny cutesy little girl voice actors. Not so sweet. C’mon. I mean... C'mon.

But we can chat about all of that!

And, it’s not saving human lives, but if you wanna see me & @Riz_Manji force badly behaved puppets into submission, then Save a Needy Puppet! Give it a job in Edutainment. Our Kickstarter is LIVE!.

I am ready and waiting to answer all your fabulous questions about, well - let’s see what pops up!

Comments: 2949 • Responses: 94  • Date: 

The_Best_Dong1945 karma

How do you think boys feel when they grow up and realize that Timmy Turner was actually a really hot woman the whole time?

TheRealTaraStrong2265 karma

I think they're happy they fantasized on the right cartoon character... ;)

Robby55661945 karma

How rigorous was the training to go from Tara Weak to Tara Strong?

TheRealTaraStrong2351 karma

It was called getting married.

MechaMew21707 karma

Years ago, you called my friend's sister in the hospital as Bubbles and even mailed her some PPG merch. I don't have a question. Just wanted to say that you're awesome. It meant a lot to them and still does!

TheRealTaraStrong1391 karma

Awww, thank you! I love doing stuff like that.

BabSoul845 karma

Hello Tara! Huge fan here. You've made up about 78% of my childhood. Finding out you voiced all these different characters for the first time, I couldn't believe it. I thought you did an amazing job on Harley Quinn, it took me awhile to realize it wasn't Arleen Sorkin!

Anyway, I have sort of a dumb question, but it's always intrigued me. On an episode of Fatman On Batman with Kevin Smith, you said you've kind of "forgotten" your original voice since you do so many voices, and in interviews you seem to sound like a different character each time. So my question is, have you ever talked to your family as one of your characters, and how did they react? I guess a follow up question could be, have you had to go to a voice coach to "find" your original voice, sort of like Gary Oldman after Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy?

P.S. I'm male by the way, and I swear this is a rare occasion of me fangirling.

TheRealTaraStrong964 karma

First of all... holy hell, that was long. I always do funny voices to my family and kids. I have no control over how and when they come out. I kid around a lot, but my original voice is a lot like the Batgirl voice, only a lot spunkier My real voice seems to be a good fusion drink... fine, normal, and then there'll be a spike of tabasco in it... ;)

osama-bin-chillin806 karma

You might've been told before. ' Tara' is the Hindi word for ' star'.

TheRealTaraStrong923 karma

I did NOT know that... I love it! Thanks!

rdm_box703 karma

What was your reaction when you first heard about bronies?

TheRealTaraStrong1223 karma

I was definitely surprised. But I wasn't, like, taken aback by a negative reaction. It was a pleasant surprise! And I was excited because I know how much it means to people who are bullied, or loners, or feel like they can't go out, to have friends all over the world... and these fans created these great communities that reach out to their fellow members who are lonely, and it made these great networks of people across the world. It reminded me of Powerpuff girls, which also crossed over genders and ages... but yeah, I was surprised, but totally happy about it!

NoWhammies10703 karma

Past or present, what character would you like to voice that you haven't?

TheRealTaraStrong1422 karma

I would have liked to have been on the Simpsons. Would have been a nice paycheck :) When I was a little girl, I really wanted to be the Mermaid (Ariel)... but then I got to be her daughter in the sequel, so that was amazing. I had so many of my dreams come true. I'm so lucky.

halobrawl677 karma

On a scale of batman to joker how awesome is Mark Hamill? Also I totally had a crush on Raven when I was younger. Just thought you should know that. Big fan!

TheRealTaraStrong832 karma

He's off the awesome scale, he's so awesome. There's no word for the level of awesome Mark is the awesome of awesomeness awesome. Awesome.

TwilightShadow1575 karma

Have you ever taken on a VA roll that you later realized you weren't really prepared for?

TheRealTaraStrong822 karma

Hmm. I don't think so? I'm pretty unbreakable.

FightinRndTheWorld497 karma

How does one go about getting into voice acting?

TheRealTaraStrong861 karma

I get asked this a lot... and it's actually very challenging. I'm lucky that i started when I was 13... it's not an open arms business. Take as many acting classes as you can. I highly suggest improv classes, singing classes, voice classes. The greatest misconception is that it's all about reading, but it's not. It's so much more than that. Practice in live studios every chance you have. Take as many acting/improv classes as possible. And then when you're ready, make a professional demo and send it around to agents. Good luck! :)

SugarOnMyTits452 karma

Does your husband ever get jealous of your flirtatious behavior towards others?

TheRealTaraStrong853 karma

Nah, my husband's a good sport about this stuff. Although I wish he'd get a LITTLE jealous...

GiraffeVortex421 karma

What kind of events lead up to getting in a Hayao Miyazaki film like Princess Mononoke and spirited away, and what were those experiences like?

TheRealTaraStrong516 karma

I think a director had recommended me for those films. I consider it a huge honor to be part of them. There's so few of these films, and they're so unique and weird and beautiful and culturally so different form anything we would ever know. So, yeah, I think it was just a director recommendation, and I was super proud to be part of something that incredible.

RavenHaunt400 karma

Are you planing on doing any more Harley Quinn in the future?

TheRealTaraStrong507 karma

I sure hope so!

csolisr385 karma

How does it feel to be a voice so flexible, that here in Latin America your roles have been dubbed by fifty (yes, not fifteen, fifty) different voice actors and actresses from several countries?

TheRealTaraStrong340 karma

Wow! That's cool! I like it! :)

Malsententia384 karma

What's your favorite alcoholic beverage?

TheRealTaraStrong626 karma

I like fruity sweet things... like blueberry mojitos, or vodka cranberry... You know, sweet stuff! OH! But I also like those fusion drinks with tabasco and funky stuff in it that will kick you in the BUTT!

benbequer359 karma

Hi! I'm 9 years old and I am using my dad's reddit account. I am your BIGGEST FAN! Not to brag but I have seen all your shows! even some Scooby Doo you were in. Since you played Twilight Sparkle the unicorn, Do you really believe in magic?

TheRealTaraStrong443 karma

Awwww. Absolutely I do.

pegasaur355 karma

Two questions from me:

  • Which of your characters is easiest to voice, and which is the hardest? And do you prefer the simplicity of the easy ones, or the challenge of the hard ones?
  • Do you think you'll have voiced more characters than Mel Blanc by the end of your career?

Okay, maybe that was three questions.

Thanks for all your awesome brony charity work and community engagement! So Twilightlicious.

TheRealTaraStrong502 karma

The hardest is Terrence, from Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. And the easiest is Batgirl. If I have to sustain a voice for a long period of time I'd rather do an easy voice that doesn't hurt my vocal chords...

As for Mel Blanc? I think so!

TheRealTaraStrong338 karma

Must run! Friend with a new baby is here!! Thank you for being a fan, I love you guys SO much. Thank you SO much for coming and asking and playing! My friends at Funporium put this together so PLEASE DONATE A DOLLAR SO WE CAN MAKE MORE!!!! I have so much fun with puppets and Riz it's seriously crazy hilarious guys!

RotaryLector305 karma

What's your favorite story about your fans? What convention has been your favorite to go to?

You should come to Anime Central up in Chicago! We'd love to see you! My boyfriend has worked cons that you've been to and he says the same thing I suspected; you seem like a fun, generous person to be around.

TheRealTaraStrong645 karma

Hmm. Let's see. I have a fan named "Dragon" who was very upset because I couldn't go to a convention and he was super looking forward to seeing me there... And his mom was very upset on Facebook, so I called him. And told him that Twilight Sparkle loved him... and that if he was ever bullied, he should tell his bullies that you're friends with Tara Strong!

Re: Anime Central <cute voice> NO!

Master-Thief280 karma

Hi Tara! Big fan of all your work.

1) I know that one of the biggest worries of voice actors is a "blowout," losing your voice for a few days because of screaming/yelling. (Your MLP co-star, Andrea Libman, had one when she was channelling the Incredible Hulk for an episode.) Have you ever had a blowout? How long does it take to recover? Any tips for avoiding one?

2) If you could have one voice actor role that someone else had - movies, TV, videogames - which would it be, and why?

3) I know you've said that you want to do more live action work. Is that why you're doing Funporium? Also, would you ever do a PG-13 puppet show (like Avenue Q)?

4) Waffles: do they really keep evil away from you?

Thanks, and stay awesome.

TheRealTaraStrong224 karma

1) Yes, I've definitely done it. If you're sick, there's nothing you can do. Video games are really dangerous for that. Tea with honey helps. Take lots of breaks. 2) Already answered that above... somewhere. 3) Doing Funporium 'cause it's FUN! And it's a PORIUM! Uh... yeah! Seriously, it was a fun project to pickup, and hilarious, and so I was happy to come out to play! 4) Duh.

Sharpam268 karma

Hi Tara, thanks for being awesome.

Have you ever been completely weirded out by a brony? You've handled the whole situation very well and have made it obvious you support the fandom, so I'm curious as to your worst experience with a fan.

TheRealTaraStrong653 karma

I would say... I've been weirded out a few times at conventions when there were huge lines and someone's just stands there STARING, and STARING... I had one guy standing there with a plushy just staring at me for a good 45 minutes. Creepy.

PeBeFri260 karma

  1. When creating a voice for a new character, do you ensure it's distinct enough from your previous voices? If so, is there a limit to how many characters can be played by a voice actor? One would think that if a voice actor's career is illustrious enough, there are bound to be characters of theirs that are indistinguishable from one another. (As an example of this, I remember the first time I heard Mel Blanc as the Dodecahedron in the Phantom Tollbooth movie: 'That's Bugs Bunny! It's obviously Bugs Bunny! He's not even trying to hide it!') How do you ensure each new character of yours has a unique voice?

  2. Have you ever run afoul of legal departments or other top brass for posting stuff like this?

  3. Why doesn't Timmy ever wish for a panacea for all diseases, or a steady food supply for the Third World? Why would those populations be so impoverished in the first place, as their children would presumably be miserable enough to be issued godparents of their own? Huh? Huh? Huh?

  4. How are bronies different from the other fandoms related to your work? Are we really all that fanatical by comparison?

TheRealTaraStrong370 karma

1) I'm very conscientious about stuff like that. And I really try to give each character something unique to them, so I do take a lot of responsibility with that. Once I create a character, they live in my head... and whenever I need to bring them down to play, I do.

2) Nope.

3) Uh...

4) Bronies are a lot more verbal about their fandom than other fans. They're also some of the most creative out there. The biggest difference is that they've created a great community for each other. They're also an amazing group who like to help others: they've raised 100K for a little girl with brain cancer last year, and a little boy who tried to commit suicide over being bullied for liking MLP this year, too.

TownIdiot25245 karma

There have been tons of famous people who guest starred on Fairly Odd Parents (Jay Leno, Ben Stein, Norm MacDonald), who were you most excited to meet?

TheRealTaraStrong394 karma

We didn't get to work with any of them... they recorded their stuff separately. I presume that it'd be because they would be all intimidated by all the genius voice actors in the booth ;) I was most excited about Leno, 'cause he really had taken a step away from his comfort zone to do this. I think all these guys are a little afraid of us, really.

MajorTom404211 karma

If you weren't a voice actor, which profession would you have ventured in to?

TheRealTaraStrong318 karma

Something with animals. I'm pretty animal crazy.

gerryhanes202 karma

Hi Tara. Is Funporium more targeted to adults, or will kids be able to enjoy it too? Say, under-10s? Also, will there be music/songs?

TheRealTaraStrong302 karma

Hi! This is DEFINITELY not a kid's show. Funny, but naughty! Many, many songs.

Wolf_Father200 karma

Hey Tara, Whats your favorite episode of My Little Pony??

Favorite Teen Titans episode?

Thanks !!! Dont stop being awesome

TheRealTaraStrong339 karma

I love Lessons Zero, and for Teen Titans... hmm. That's a tough one. In the original series, I liked the Trigon stuff and the Many Colors of Raven... I can't choose!

Rachel_Quinn89153 karma

Hey Tara! I really hope you see this. I really want to thank you for all the amazing work you do. Whenever I feel depressed or just need to smile, I turn on one of the shows that feature your talent. It calms me down and makes me laugh of smile when I need it most. Its gotten me through hard times. You are one of my inspirations So thank you. So who do you look up to or your inspirations? (Sorry for the long message) -Rachel

TheRealTaraStrong255 karma

Aw, that's a very cute question Rachel. Hmm. Who do I look up to... My mom. She passed away, but we still talk. She's totally my hero.

DanDan623141 karma

What are your thoughts of being a guest at conventions? I.e. Are they better or worse than how you would've expected? What are the highlights of your experiences with them?

TheRealTaraStrong341 karma

I do love meeting the fans. It's a lot more work than people realize because I like to give people some real time and attention, and it can be exhausting.

Favorite experience: a MASSIVE, intimidating Brony came up to me once, told me I made his childhood and then PASSED OUT! Right there! Hilarious....

TheDuskDragon139 karma

Do you ever find yourself having conversations in your head with the characters that you voice?

TheRealTaraStrong314 karma

I definitely talk to myself quite a bit. Do you know how hard it is to go clothing shopping when they all want something different?

Pokevenger133 karma

What has been your most complicated role/voice to portray been?

TheRealTaraStrong282 karma

Final fantasy was an insane amount of work. Soooo much work. Very long things are really hard to do, especially in games, where you have to provide answers for all sorts of various outcomes... Oof!

TheDuskDragon133 karma

All of your characters have to fight in an arena until one is left standing. Who would win?

TheRealTaraStrong387 karma

Bubbles. 'Cause she's hardcore.

trident042133 karma


TheRealTaraStrong295 karma

Evil beware, we have waffles.

MaxNV132 karma


Obviously the majority of your work is in voice acting. And if I'm understanding Funporium correctly you'll be doing live action acting. I know you've done some live acting before, but are there any major differences in the way you have to act when your whole body has to be into the role rather than just your voice? Do you find one to be easier than the other?

TheRealTaraStrong187 karma

Well, there's obviously lots of differences... if you're doing voice over, there's less waiting around (like for hair and makeup and lights). When I first saw the Funporium script, I laughed my ass off... and then I realized how many lines I had to memorize and man, I realized I'd gotten a little rusty. It's two different art forms -- kind of like tapdancing and ballet -- voice acting and live action are two different beasts, and some people like to do both!

Lecterman121 karma

My son Bodhi, 6, and daughter Desmina, 9, love MLP, Fairly Oddparents, and Powerpuff Girls. Bodhi wants to know if you have a doggie? Desmina wants to know what your favorite animal is.

TheRealTaraStrong183 karma

I have two doggies: a little white mutt named Latka, and a Bernese Mountain Dog named Baci. We also have a mustache bunny named Stasha, which Funporium Riz Manji named! As for my favorite animal, I really love dogs. They're so affectionate. I am really intrigued by sea lions, and dolphins, and whales... they're really beautiful, but you can't hug them.

Rararaisbestpony113 karma

Are you still friends with Lauren Faust? Do you talk to her about how pony turned out after she left?

TheRealTaraStrong220 karma

Yes we're still friends, and yes, we talk quite a bit. We don't talk much about MLP, 'cause it makes her sad. It was hard for her to leave.

bigponymac111 karma

Hey Tara! Do you remember Tom, the brony you and Meghan "bronynapped" a couple years ago at Bronycon? I'm his friend that met him up there.

We both just want to say hi and that we're so lucky to get the chance to meet such an awesome person like you there and again at EQLA later that year.

Don't ever stop being amazing, Tara!

TheRealTaraStrong158 karma

Yeah... that was hilarious. I like kidnapping Bronies....

SirManguydude105 karma

Ok, here is the big question here.

Why didn't you voice Presea Combatir in Tales of Symphonia 2? Was it just a scheduling conflict or what?

TheRealTaraStrong102 karma

I don't know, to be honest.

iLucky1296 karma

What was the most memorable moment from recording Arkham City?

TheRealTaraStrong190 karma

Hmm. When I first booked the role, I thought I was going to have to do an impression of Arleen, who I loved 'cause I worked alongside her. I really worked on that impression, and when I got there, they said they didn't want an impression. They wanted it to sound like her, but with my own spin. Scared me a ton, 'cause everyone knows Harley's voice! So I played with it, wanting to honor Arleen, and after the fourth recording session, I was still listening to my little recording of Arleen on my phone, for inspiration. And the creator told me to stop worrying about it, that I WAS Harley, and that they loved me as Harley. It was the greatest thing ever!

PrairieKid96 karma

HUGE FAN! My question is why haven't you done much live acting? You're a beautiful woman and (as far as I can tell) a great actress. I would love to see you in a non-cartoon form. (That is creepy!)

Thank you VERY much for doing this AMA! Like I said, big fan! You practically raised me, since I spent more time listening to you than my mom! :)

TheRealTaraStrong161 karma

... As you should.

When I was in Toronto, I did a lot of on-camera, and I got to do both. And when I was in LA, the voice over took off so fast that I wasn't able to do a lot of on camera. I just don't have enough time to do it all. In a perfect world, I'd do broadway, voice over AND live acting. So I pick and choose projects that get me excited. Funporium was one of those that got my attention because it was super funny... and worth taking off the time to do it. I have so much voice over work lined up, I work long weeks, so when I do on screen stuff, it has to be something I love and really believe in! Hope to do more!

RiNgO7090 karma

thank you for giving me an awesome childhood! now onto my question... Would you fight 1 horse sized twilight sparkle or 100 duck sized twilight sparkles?

TheRealTaraStrong177 karma


EstherHarshom74 karma

Hey Tara,

You've done a lot of work with comics-related characters in TV shows and video games. How well do you think that side of the industry represents the idea of strong female role-models for young kids of both genders? Also, are there any comic book/superhero-style characters that you'd really love the opportunity to voice?

I'm a big fan of your work, and thanks for the AMA!

TheRealTaraStrong99 karma

I think there's a lot of great strong role models characters for girls and boys out there... Batgirl, Powerpuff Girls, Twilight Sparkle, and Raven, Kylie... there are so many cool chicks out there for little girls to look up to.

I always thought it'd be fun to do one of the Wonder Twins! Then I got a chance to do it on Teen Titans. Otherwise, I dunno!

Sophira72 karma

Do you have a nice badonkadonk?

[For those who are wondering...]

TheRealTaraStrong118 karma

I CLEARLY have a nice badonkadonk, and it inspires music. Win.

Utsubushi68 karma

I hope you haven't been a victim of inappropriate emails or social media messages based on characters that you've voiced, but my curiosity urges me to ask if you have been, and if so, what your general reaction to these are.

TheRealTaraStrong89 karma

Yes. Definitely lots of those. And I do despise bullies. I've even received death threats. Not a fun time.

rj2087663 karma

Are you going to do another episode of Fatman on Batman with Kevin Smith? I loved you on there.

TheRealTaraStrong83 karma

If he asks, I will be there!

morac61 karma

Is there anyone you've worked with that you were really excited/nervous to work with?

TheRealTaraStrong99 karma

Yes... when I worked with Dustin Hoffman. Also, Lea Salonga! I was obsessed with her in Miss Saigon, and we got to work with her in Johnny Bravo.

Skiddoosh58 karma

What's your opinion on the new Power Puff Girls?

TheRealTaraStrong102 karma

I got to create that role and all that... So I still love doing the new version -- because for me, it's all the voice, not the animation. I hope that the fans love it with the animation changes... it's always scary to try something new!

uwpg201254 karma

I am old enough to remember you voicing characters on Care Bears, Babar and The Raccoons (my favourite is the latter). What were some of your best memories working on those shows and why does Canada produce so many great voice actors?

Also, who are you cheering for in the Olympics: Canada or USA?

TheRealTaraStrong113 karma

My fondest earlier memory was working on Hello Kitty. I was 13 and played Hello Kitty Cree Summer was playing the bad cat... I don't know why Canada produces so many great actors and voice actors.

<bubbles' voice> I cheer for both the US and Canada, since I'm a dual citizen! Yay!

owis45 karma

you're a legend in Ethiopia btw

TheRealTaraStrong61 karma

Wow... who knew?

shellbullet1740 karma

Whats your favorite show that you aren't involved in?

TheRealTaraStrong103 karma

It would have been cool to have been in Breaking Bad. I'm totally obsessed with it.

stowss39 karma

Whats the weirdest thing a fan has ever done to you?

TheRealTaraStrong68 karma

Made me sign their tushie. And I did. Nice tushie, too.

boondocktaints37 karma

What's the weirdest thing you've ever heard coming out of your mouth while being a VA?

TheRealTaraStrong77 karma

"Um, about the party in your pants? I can't come. I'm sorry!"

metriko34 karma

Hi Tara!

You really were the voice of my childhood, which is sort of crazy.

With having worked in the industry for so long, what do you think is lacking (in terms of programming for children)?

Thanks for your work!

TheRealTaraStrong38 karma

More FUNPORIUM! (which is so totally not for children.) Seriously, I'm having too much fun with it. We want to do more!

OnyxFiend32 karma

Honestly, I am just curious... Do you like crunchy peanut butter or smooth?

TheRealTaraStrong41 karma


CZbwoi27 karma

What was it like working on the new Powerpuff Girls special with all your old friends and featuring Ringo Starr as well?

I heard the original creator wasn't a part of it, any backstory as to why? Perhaps because of the art direction?

Any info on this new special would be bangin'. Thanks.

TheRealTaraStrong44 karma

He's not involved because he's at Disney now - it's just that simple!

djembenation9 karma

I lovelovelove your work in Afro Samurai as Otsuru. Honestly I can't think of a voice performance i like better! What was it like working with Samuel L. Jackson? Did you enjoy doing the voice of Otsuru?

Thanks so much for the AMA! Keep doin your thing

TheRealTaraStrong13 karma

I didn't get to work with him directly. In VA, we often work on our own in the booth, so we don't often get to interact with the others on the same show or film.

RectumCalamari9 karma

What's your opinion of Ghost, from True Capitalist Radio?

TheRealTaraStrong15 karma

I don't know who that is?

CleganeBowl229 karma

It's my Birthday and I would love it if my favourite pony wished me a Happy Birthday :)

TheRealTaraStrong17 karma

Happy Birthday!

Skytonic8 karma

Hello Tara, Have you ever considered physical acting?

TheRealTaraStrong8 karma

Have a look at my current project, Funporium maybe! I get to sing and act and enjoy the company of puppets!

red138 karma

What makes you happy?

TheRealTaraStrong18 karma

My kids make me really happy. It's actually one of the reasons I don't do more conventions... They're at that age where they really need me and they're SO CUTE...

nicolaas248 karma

Hello Tara Strong. i have 5 little questions and i really hope you could answer them:

1: how does it feel to know you also have huge brony fan's in holland? 2: are you ever planning to go to a brony meet in holland? that would be awesome. 3: have you ever being or planning to go to holland? 4: for how long are you planning to do the voice of twilight sparkle? 5: how do your daily live usually looks like?

and btw, I Love Your Twilight Sparkle Voice.

Greetings: Nico.

TheRealTaraStrong12 karma

I would love to go to Holland, but currently have no plans to. I love hearing about international brony communities! I'll keep on being twilight sparkle as long as they'll have me! As for my day... 6 am, get the kids ready for school, do a workout, go do a job, have lunch with hubby, do another job... pick up kids from school... do their extra curriculars... then try to get as much mommy time in as I can! I also do a lot of audition work in the evening.

timetravelociraptor8 karma

What's your favorite hat?

TheRealTaraStrong15 karma

I look good in a baseball cap and cowboy hats.

MaltMix7 karma

If you could combine two of the characters you've voiced, which ones would they be?

TheRealTaraStrong14 karma


_I_Pay_to_Win_7 karma

What's your cup size?

TheRealTaraStrong14 karma


joey_vasquez_lives7 karma

do you read any of the teen Titan comics?

TheRealTaraStrong14 karma

MMM.... I have, but I don't on a super-regular basis

electricperson7 karma

Hey, there! What are your favorite books you've ever read? Or more specifically, what books made the most impact on you?

TheRealTaraStrong11 karma

I really loved Like Water for Chocolate... Def a favorite. I just read Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - that was a fun one... I read a lot of e-Books.

Impulsosaurus7 karma

What's the scariest thing that's happened to you?

TheRealTaraStrong15 karma

Probably some Twitter death threats...

gerryhanes7 karma

When and where will we see the first Funporium preview clip?

TheRealTaraStrong11 karma

Check out what's up on the kickstarter page! You'll see some clips, and you'll see some production stills too. We really want to get this show going (the pilot's been shot already!) and we need fan help! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/455453518/funporium-a-web-driven-comedy-pilot-for-the-deeply

ratguy1017 karma

how do you feel about not playing timmy turner in the live action fairly oddparents movie?

TheRealTaraStrong10 karma

I think it's ridiculous! I'd make a perfect Timmy Turner! Live action, yeah, TOTALLY! (I have a pink hat!)

MillennialDan6 karma

Anything at all you can spill about Equestria Girls 2, ostensibly subtitled as "Rainbow Rocks"?

TheRealTaraStrong9 karma

It'll be adorable!

Pipealot6 karma

Hello Tara! :) My girlfriend has already gone to sleep so I will ask some questions for her and myself

¤ How did u become The Voice of Twillight?

¤ What is your favorite pony besides Twillight?

¤ Do you know anything about the pony "derpy"? I heard he kinda got banned because his/her name was offensive for ill people! :( I don't see anything offensive at all.

¤ What are your activities besides My little Pony? Voice acting for something else maybe?

A good morning for you and a happy start into the day ;)

  • from germany

TheRealTaraStrong11 karma

Wake her up!

SalemWolf6 karma

Tara, big fan! My only question is: what is your go-to depressed food? What will you pig out on when having a crappy day? Everyone else asked the important questions, so I'll ask the unimportant one. :)

TheRealTaraStrong6 karma

I'm really not a depressed eater. I tend to not eat when I'm not feeling great. I do love kids' mac and cheese, and some pizza... but I'm a really really healthy eater, so my treat these days is a really nice cup of coffee.

darren0486 karma

I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed you in Jakers! Do you remember that show?

TheRealTaraStrong12 karma

Of course I do! That was my only Emmy-nominated role!

iCeCoCaCoLa645 karma

What is something you'd like to say to people who think Derpy is "offensive"?

TheRealTaraStrong9 karma

Hasbro was in a tough spot... some people approved of that kind of character in the mainstream, some found it offensive. Interestingly, she was initially an animation mistake, one eye was up! And they decided to keep her like that!

Liljohnny90015 karma

Has there been anything that has made working with the MLP cast and crew different from any others?

TheRealTaraStrong7 karma

Well, the difference is that they all work together, and I'm in LA. The rest of the cast is in Vancouver. So that makes things kind of different for me.

Ryo-995 karma

How does it feel to be a goddess among fans ?

TheRealTaraStrong10 karma

Feels pretty darn good. I love you all.

GaryCXJk5 karma

Okay, this might be a pretty cheeky question, but, how in god's name did you manage to stay this, well, hot? I mean, okay, you're still "only" 40, but around that age most women with busy jobs really show their, well, age.

TheRealTaraStrong12 karma

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful, and also insanely talented. ;)

Elementium5 karma

Who wins in a fight, you or EG Daily?

TheRealTaraStrong11 karma

i mean, duh. Really. Me. ;)

hcm4ds3n5 karma

What do you think about bronies that see you as the queen?

TheRealTaraStrong7 karma

The whole thing came about via Twitter. It was because I helped them, embraced them, defended them... Really engaged with them. Because I actually really like them... I relish the role

go_step_on_legos5 karma

Hi, Tara, just wondering, what is your favorite dessert?

TheRealTaraStrong6 karma

I do like me some Red Velvet cake... or oooh. Chocolate Hazelnut cake...

ScathachRises5 karma

Loved you as Gwen in the Sabrina movies :) Do you have any fun memories from those sets?

TheRealTaraStrong7 karma

Oh my god. Italy was a really really fun time!

JosephAustin5 karma

So how about something Funporium related? How did you get started in this webseries, and did you bring any creative input to it? It seems quite 'Tara-esque'.

TheRealTaraStrong8 karma

The writer and I share somewhat a portion of our brains. Maybe we're like long-lost sisters... Ellie (typing for me) sent the script to my agent, and that was that!

oreography5 karma



TheRealTaraStrong13 karma

Well of course Twilight. Buuuuut.... if I have to have a back-up.... Derpy! Well, of course Derpy.

GokuSS45 karma

Hi Tara! Very nice of you to do this AMA. Can you say if you will be at bronycon this year?

TheRealTaraStrong7 karma

I don't know yet, sorry!

GiraffeVortex5 karma

Who's voice is the most prominent of the characters in your head?

TheRealTaraStrong5 karma

You mean the loudest? Harley can get pretty loud...

Surveyorman4 karma

You probably can't talk about this, but are you coming back as Paz' voice actor in the upcoming Metal Gear Solid game?

TheRealTaraStrong5 karma

I think so, yes. :)

Hydrangeas08134 karma

I don't really have a question. I told my 5 year old (almost 6, holy crap) that "Twilight Sparkle" was doing a AMA and she freaked out. You're her favorite pony. Thanks for making it cool to read for her. She said to ask Twilight how did you made Spike's egg hatch?

TheRealTaraStrong6 karma

When in doubt, go with "Magic".

strobro14 karma

Hey Tara,

Would it be possible for you to eventually get a more adult role like you did with Drawn Together? I watched a couple interviews where you said your favorite role was Toot, because after voicing all these children show cartoons, being able to let loose with Toot was so much fun.

And also, why was Toot so fat?

TheRealTaraStrong6 karma

You still want her...

slain224 karma

How exactly did you get involved in Strange Frame? What was it like working on the film? It's...definitely an interesting viewing experience, and I'd love to hear about it!

TheRealTaraStrong7 karma

A director working on it at the time brought me in. I loved doing the singing stuff on it. It's definitely fun for me, because it's so very different from other things I do, 'cause she is an animated lesbian!

lotsofjam4 karma

Tara, what is that bunny's name you have on some of those Vine videos? That bunny is so cute!

TheRealTaraStrong5 karma

Stasha! A little challenging to potty-train, BUT SO CUTE.

hewasaquietboy4 karma

If it ever came about, would you be willing to sign on for National Lampoon Senior Trip 2?

TheRealTaraStrong6 karma

HAH! That would never happen but... yes.