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GaryCXJk9 karma

Did you know that with a cylinder with a diameter of 0.5 meters and a height of 2 meters, you'd need approximately 70 000 ejaculates to drown an average sized woman?

GaryCXJk5 karma

Okay, as a starting and ambitious author, there is one thing that really is on my mind, and might help me get better as an author, perhaps.

So, my question is more of a hypothetical kind, as in, it may or may not apply to you, but I'd really like your opinion on this. It might give me some insight in various things.

So my question is this. What is it exactly that would bring a person with a decent degree of fame to actually go online and answer a bunch of questions?

Naw, just kidding, my actual question is, if you had the choice to date either a vampire or werewolf, which one would you pick?

GaryCXJk5 karma

Okay, this might be a pretty cheeky question, but, how in god's name did you manage to stay this, well, hot? I mean, okay, you're still "only" 40, but around that age most women with busy jobs really show their, well, age.

GaryCXJk3 karma

That's basically what I've heard myself, although mostly through the comments section of videos, repeated several times.

GaryCXJk1 karma

Maybe a kind of odd request, but could you guys answer this question in rhyme? I mean, obviouslly only if you have the time.

What is, to you, what makes life worth it? What in life makes you give a shit?