Hi, I'm Shane, founder of VICE. Maybe you've been following us and watching our documentaries for years, or maybe you heard about us last year when we went back to North Korea for our HBO show. Either way, I'm glad you're with us now. For Season 2 of our HBO show we went to places like Afghanistan, Rio, Pakistan, and Greenland to cover what I think are our best stories ever. The season started last week, and you can catch a new episode tonight and every Friday at 11PM EST.

And you can also watch the first episode of Season 2 for free here.

NOTE: And for those of you complaining that the HBO show should be longer than half an hour: We've got way more online between our new channel VICE News and docs like 'Snake Island': a remote island with the highest concentration of venomous snakes in the world.

Thanks for all the great questions. I've gotta run, but please tune in to VICE on HBO tonight at 11 EST

Comments: 3135 • Responses: 48  • Date: 

Magsays1751 karma

Will Murdoch owning part of the company effect the content? Why or why not?

ShaneVICE1123 karma

well well well I just noticed all of this happened after I signed off. SO here is my answer "Why would it?" because a) 5% of ownership buys you say in... nothing. Biz matters, editorial, anything. This should be self-evident but apparently it isn't. B) he is running the largest media company in the world if you think that he has any time for VICE even if he wanted to you have no idea how things work in the real world. c) I vote 95% of the board why? so as to keep control of all matters editorial and commercial. We did this deal to stay independent it is unheard of to do non-majority deals why? Because they do not have a say in any of the management of the company. and D) Vice is successful because of what we do and say to change that would hurt the business, no one would want to change that. We change the content of the company on one criteria - that we like it - period

ShaneVICE35 karma

well well well I just noticed all of this happened after I signed off. SO here is my answer "Why would it?" because a) 5% of ownership buys you say in... nothing. Biz matters, editorial, anything. This should be self-evident but apparently it isn't. B) he is running the largest media company in the world if you think that he has any time for VICE even if he wanted to you have no idea how things work in the real world. c) I vote 95% of the board why? so as to keep control of all matters editorial and commercial. We did this deal to stay independent it is unheard of to do non-majority deals why? Because they do not have a say in any of the management of the company. and D) Vice is successful because of what we do and say to change that would hurt the business, no one would want to change that. We change the content of the company on one criteria - that we like it - period

ShaneVICE-27 karma

No and why would it?

imemines751 karma

Came to say i love what Simon Ostrovsky's coverage in Crimea has been some of the best reporting I've seen.

ShaneVICE570 karma

He is a special, special man. Utterly fearless. Oh and thanks very much.

tenshady533 karma


ShaneVICE772 karma

I have a story coming out about Deepwater Horizon that is very heavy indeed.

billismanillis515 karma

Is there one place you've visited that you will absolutely not go back to ever again? If so, why?

ShaneVICE918 karma

North Korea because I can't and Dafur for the same reason.

Karpacheta508 karma

Can I have a job at VICE?

EDIT: May I have a job at VICE?

ShaneVICE619 karma


Ranchland385 karma

Hey Shane, would you ever consider doing an online nightly news broadcast show to give viewers and citizens another point of view than the mainstream media? Its something we all badly need.

ShaneVICE426 karma

Sure. Are you offering me a job?

moose098308 karma

What's the most intense situation you've been in while filming?

ShaneVICE584 karma

Being led to a killing field by a Shia militia in Iraq. Not fun.

_BITCHES_LOVE_ME_249 karma

Hi Shane, thanks for a great show. Two questions, first off was there ever a show that you wanted to do but backed out off because it was too dangerous, and secondly if you could do a show about anything today without practical limitations, what would you like to do?

ShaneVICE444 karma

Yes twice in Somalia our fixers got caught in a gun battle before we arrived so we called off the shoot. I would do what we are doing on the HBO show. IF you mean story I guess I would love to interview Putin right now.

Lundus_Maximus205 karma

Do you like to do drugs? I like doing drugs.

ShaneVICE411 karma

I used to very much. Now I am old and tired. I like to lie in the water and drink Ouzo.

guiltyofbeingdwight203 karma

Shane: Loving the coverage of the Ukraine. Saw the piece yesterday about the crew getting attacked. Any comment on that and are there plans to go back into Ukraine in the somewhat near future to see the after effects of Russian control in Crimea? Thanks!

ShaneVICE251 karma

yes we are still there still shooting. Its a story that has huge geo-political ramifications

hesmerelyaboi202 karma

Hey Shane, I enjoy the show a bunch and thanks for doing an AMA. One of my favorite things about VICE's stories is that they give you a real picture and idea of how things the mainstream media reports on actually play out. For instance, everyone hears about the corruption and fraud in Afghanistan, but to actually see a guy who had been sabotaging equipment so he could fill out new invoices was pretty eye-opening.

However, there are times, especially in the written pieces on the websites, that feels a bit, well, wrong. Many seem written by aspiring young writers and journalists attempting to touch on a larger theme. But they come off as aloof and patronizing towards their subjects, often sacrificing content to come across as "edgy." Again, big fan of most of the content, but I would really love to hear your response. I have a lot of optimism for VICE and similar organizations because I think you provide a service that most other media outlets don't, despite that shortcoming.

ShaneVICE174 karma

I think if you look at VICE as a whole maybe you will understand a bit better. We post 100 - 150 articles a day in each of our countries. That is thousands upon thousands of posts. The people who like NEWS hate the funny stuff. The people who like fashion hate the sports stuff. Some LOVE the writers some HATE the writers. Vice is an omnibus so it has a bit of everything. But we are launching verticals so you can stay in NEWS or Music or Travel or what-have-you and not have your senses abused by things that you don't want to see or aren't interested in.

jonjefferson9478192 karma

What was it like visiting the India/Pakistan border?

Thanks for answering man!

ShaneVICE310 karma

very very spooky, they absolutely hate each other and have masses of weapons trained to hit targets at the slightest provocation. There is a constant flow of insurgents from Pakistan and so the Indians are continually on high alert.

IdRatherBeLurking187 karma

Currently listening to you and Joe Rogan. How did you two become friends? What has been your favorite/craziest time with him?

Thank you for founding Vice, been following for years. The quality in content has always continued to improve.

ShaneVICE280 karma

We became friends by doing the podcasts. I have a lot of respect for him and what he does. He fucking schooled me at pool last night. Bit of a shark.

theclassicneil184 karma


ShaneVICE307 karma

They didn't see it til I got back. Yes they looked through our things when we left but we had many decoy camera cards.

Frajer176 karma

Why do you think Dennis Rodman is so crazy about Kim Jong Un?

ShaneVICE428 karma

It was love at first sight.

armando_rod148 karma

What happened to the team that was reporting in Caracas, Venezuela? You have plans to air an episode about our country on HBO?

ShaneVICE166 karma

they are still there reporting. Either on HBO or VICE NEWS but yes we will.

chogoling131 karma

What other places would you like to cover next?

ShaneVICE218 karma

Cuba, Saudi, Iran, Crimea, there are plenty.

idntknowwhatiamsayin129 karma

What was the thing that surprised you most about General Butt Naked? And while you were there how often did you fear for your life? O and your awesome dude!

ShaneVICE191 karma

Thanks and the most surprising thing was how cavalier he was about talking about cannibalism. I was really scared when we got trapped in Westpoint and couldn't find our way out of the warren of brothels and heroin dens.

rtorrance109 karma

How do you choose who hosts HBO episodes? (I write for you, freelance)

-Thor Benson

ShaneVICE94 karma

WE choose them if they are great and have good stories. Do a test for us and we take a look.

SeftelJosh103 karma

What did you think of the New Yorker article on Vice?

ShaneVICE118 karma

It was OK, those type of articles are never what you think they are going to be. Its a weird part of the business for sure. Media log rolling. I wish someone would follow us and get the real story someday.

tapndie72 karma

ShaneSmith, how does it all end?

ShaneVICE196 karma

in tears probably.

Madgranpa69 karma


ShaneVICE135 karma

Whiskey no wait… wine…. no whiskey…. well….

ShaneVICE65 karma

OK just logged on.

kamborghini65 karma

I discovered VICE a few years ago when you got a CNN plug about the first North Korea visit. Can you talk about the early years of the company -- how you got started? what'd you do to get street cred? who helped you along the way?

Love everything you're doing at VICE, Motherboard, Noisey, Creators Project, and others... I don't know how I'd wind down my evenings without you guys!

ShaneVICE110 karma

we started as a mag then around 2006 got into online video. That's when everything changed for us. We were lucky that we stumbled into the space early and made our mistakes when no one was watching. Now we are using those lessons to expand our content offerings around the world.

mrwatkins8364 karma

I love, love the new Vice News channel on YouTube. Every other news outlet on the planet could learn a thing or two from you guys about how to run a media outlet.

My question, though, is about profitability in the age of web ads. Does Vice make enough money from YouTube ads to pay for the docs or does funding from the HBO show in addition to the magazine go to cover Vice News' budget?

Edit: Follow-up! How much does it cost (in total, talent, equipment, travel, food, etc) to put together a series like the dispatch from Ukraine?

ShaneVICE54 karma

we make money from many different avenues. Now a lot of content licensing deals. this allows us the freedom to create content we love.

ActionPr0nson54 karma

Any way we can watch this in the UK?

ShaneVICE111 karma

soon my dog of war soon.

rozyhammer43 karma

What can be done about the concentration camps in North Korea? Love the show, I watch all Vice material, I think it's the best news source available.

ShaneVICE80 karma

pressure has to be put on Russia which condones them. Although I don't think we will be putting any type of real pressure on Russia any time soon.

jibasaur43 karma

I love Epicly Later'd...Do you think you'll ever focus on snowboarders?

ShaneVICE58 karma

Have you checked out Powder and Rails? Its all about snowboading

BustaBoof39 karma

Why do you think entities such as The New York Times (Or more specifically David Carr), have such an issue with Vice? Sure you've mastered the attention of the interwebs, but isn't a news vehicle supposed to produce current and interesting news? Why do they hate about your success?

ShaneVICE56 karma

I don't think Carr hates us at all. Quite frankly we are friends. That said we are the new kid on the block and are taking up traffic and revenue that all mainstream outlets want to keep. He is a dog for NYT and I am a dog for VICE.

dbatchison38 karma

I respect the hell out of you and your team, you're some of the last real journalists in the US

ShaneVICE73 karma

I like you more than a friend.

HouseGold31 karma

Do you think there's any hope for fixing, or at least stalling climate change? And if so, what do you see as the solution?

ShaneVICE36 karma

technology has to step in and consumer advocacy we have to create change using our purchasing power.

Rx_Love25 karma

Is it possible to work for VICE without the use of glasses and/or tattoos? How would you feel about being branded or written off as being too linked with the 'hipster' culture that so many revile and so many embrace?

ShaneVICE48 karma

No you have to have EITHER glasses or tattoos. I don;t really care what people label us as. I just want to make good shit.

HanZolo9511 karma

Hi Shane, me and my friends are planning on travelling this summer. Any country you suggest travelling too? We were thinking of either south america or europe.

ShaneVICE13 karma

South America for sure.

pauloh11011 karma

Can I also work for VICE in like 3 years after I graduate?

ShaneVICE17 karma


dongsy-normus8 karma

Was there a moment from this show where you most feared for your safety? Did protocol ever break down leaving you guys up shit Creek?

ShaneVICE12 karma

Kandahar. A suicide bomber blew himself up outside a compound just as we were pulling up to interview a general of the ANA.

DynixX5 karma

How was your day today?

ShaneVICE7 karma

it just started

nyarfnyarf4 karma

I always feel vice is surface scratching conflict porn. Hey, our reporter put themselves in a dumb situation, it must be super relevant.

ShaneVICE6 karma

then you are silly.