My short bio: I worked in IT for many years and obtained many standard IT certifications. One day, I quit and headed over to the local college to pursue a long time interest. I am currently in my final semester and gearing up for grad school. The purpose of my AMA is for anyone, especially older students, who wonder about the college process, archaeology, academics, and anything relative. I believe that there are many brilliant people who don't pursue dreams because they think their age is a barrier and/or have no idea of where to start. I'll be happy to answer any questions on my experiences (good/bad), archaeology, evolution, and tips I learned to actually make it in the field/grad school

My Proof:

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carnizzle57 karma

you sir are my hero. 38 year old IT worker, dying to get out and do something more. Hoping to get published one day. Was the 1st step out as hard as it feels?

NaturaTek34 karma

Thx. I believe we are all our own hero, but it can be difficult to bring it out. The first step was a bit hard..the DECISION and commitment to get up and just do it. I found that many close people thought I was nuts and living some pipe dream. The 2nd step drove me nuts: applying at the local college. They thought I was transferring in from another college but alerted them of no college experience. College is a boat load of paper work for new comers (at least it was for me). The biggest thing was taking a computerized test to see where I'm at (Accuplacer Test). This will test your math, english, and essay writing and will determine if you will need 'remedial' courses before actual college courses. I passed all but the math. They wanted to give me somewhere around 4 remedial courses that would take 4 semesters (2 yrs) before doing actual college math courses and other courses that require basic math as prereq. I almost didn't go back. Like stated, I literally walked in and applied with no idea of the process. So I purchased Accuplacer study material, brushed up on basic math on my own, went back to take the math placement side and passed. Once you're in the college system, things start to get smoother.

thanksotherolddude30 karma

I created an account just to thank you for posting this. I'm 34, no college, in IT, and I'm just sick of it. I make great money, but I'm finally at a point in my life where I don't care about the money and I just want to truly enjoy what I do for a living.

Thank you for the inspiration.

NaturaTek4 karma

Warmest thoughts on your journeys :)

readysteadywhoa7 karma

Wow that's truly awesome. As a kid I always wanted to get into something along the lines of Anthropology or Paleontology and by circumstance ended up going into IT and never made it to college or university. I'm approaching mid 30s now and after a (relatively) successful 15 years of self employment I'm really looking to switch gears.

Lately I've been seriously debating going back to school for something completely different. Your AMA is starting to make me feel like this is still a viable possibility. I imagine an chunk of remedial classes would be required to get me up to speed given my (lack of) scholastic record, and while I can see it being a shitload of work, it would certainly be an awesome experience worth trying.

Thanks for doing this, cheers!

NaturaTek3 karma

Buy some remedial books (or use online sites) and brush up on basic math. This will avoid the no-credit remedial courses :)

chuckberry31433 karma

are there any IT people who don't want out?

carnizzle21 karma

Not that I know of.
its something you fall into, you get good at and it eats your soul.
I love helping people and sorting things out and Its my olny choice of job after the job i really want so its not all bad but its not what I really want.
The day I get that, well, lets just say that I dont think I will look back on the IT years with fondness.

NaturaTek32 karma

Trust me, I know that feeling. If you have a unique interest you like to pursue, DO IT! Trust me when I tell you, your IT skills will also be a plus in the field. In archaeology, I see students who scan artifacts with xbox connect, create unique archaeological databases, use drones/robotics, etc. That feeling you have inside boils down to intellectual dissatisfaction. You've played the same video game for a while, mastered all the levels, and now just grudgingly try to replay with the only reward being money. Your brain wants a new game to grow. Feed it.

midnightschild9 karma

I got out. 5 years in IT. Became a book publisher.

akachela3 karma

I just quit my IT job and am hoping to get into something like this (I have a film/media degree and like to write). This makes me feel better about my future job prospects...

NaturaTek5 karma

Merge your IT skills and film/media/writing and create something awesome :)

pm_me_bum_pics16 karma

What made you quit your IT job and go back to college? Lost interest? How was going back to college when you are 40? Did students/prof treat you any different then the younger students?

NaturaTek24 karma

Technically, I started college at 36 and now a few months away from a Bachelors of Science. Never had the opportunity to go to college so this is a first experience; I started from scratch. I still love IT, but reached a point where a constant feeling of being "intellectually unsatisfied" kept poking at me. After spending years of watching National Geographic, science documentaries, and reading, I decided to do something about it. I found that many students didn't care about age. But there has been a few students who questioned what I was doing, including 2 professors who wondered if I was in college because of unemployment/disability/welfare/etc.

Cali_oh8 karma

Hi - you are living my dream! I wanted to be an archeologist when I was undergrand (graduated in 1990) but ended up with a BA in journalism and a MBA. Do you think I would need to get undergrad and a Masters?? I am also not sure about career options as my passion is Ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt.

NaturaTek3 karma

You would simply apply to grad schools. Rome/Greece are rich in field schools and I believe you can attend as a volunteer. This may help you decide further. Check out and see who takes volunteers.

chuckberry31411 karma

I'd like to do a similar thing but have been hampered by money limitations. Did you save up to do this? how are you supporting yourself?

NaturaTek7 karma

Good question. I think this is one of the biggest factor that hold people back from pursuing their dreams. Initially, I had a few bucks saved up to cover rent for sometime. If you're willing to put in the effort, a financial adviser can help to see if you are qualified for some grants. I managed to keep grades up and this led me to receive free money. I also borrowed student loans down the road. Be easy on those, because it seems student loans are very easy to get and may drive you in debt. Truth is, I somewhat live poorly and freelance on the side to get by. I know that if I was to get a fulltime job it will cause me to not follow through with school fulltime. Living on the edge makes you hungry...hungry and the drive that you will accomplish your initial college degree. I'm successfully completing a BS within 4 years but I have seen MANY students that have been in college for 7 years parttime and those that seem to be in a perpetual cycle of quitting/coming back. I value time and cannot afford to spend extra years for a Bachelors; that time may come when doing a Masters/PhD (but at least they'll pay you then). Sometimes, it does suck when living with low money, but this is a sacrifice that I am willing to make.

RegalWombat8 karma

Got a favorite prosimian?

Also I heard that funding for a lot of US programs/projects involving archaeology have taken a major hit over the years due to colleges, institutes, and other places not being so quick to hand over artifacts when they were supposed to in compliance to the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act. Basically law suits happened and money taking from funds were used to pay them off. Any bit of truth or info on this?

NaturaTek4 karma

Aye-aye is my favorite, due to the villagers tales. In North America, NAGPRA is a big thing. I'm in favor of that act. Quite honestly, there are people in the field who dislike that law and are ready to trample over Native Americans rights. It is quite sad to see an individual argue with Native Americans because they have a degree and act like they know more than that culture -- a LIVING culture. I'm for NAGPRA, in fact, I made a 9 min video that's on YouTube called "What is NAGPRA? A concise introduction." There are Native American tribes who want to preserve their own past, and seek out archaeologists they trust. But what is also happening, is that some of the new generation Native Americans are pursuing archaeology degrees themselves and establishing their own museums. For all the horrific things the U.S. government inflicted upon Native Americans, they have every right to oversee/control material culture that belonged to their ancestors.

suburbanhippy8 karma


NaturaTek8 karma

I'd say keep an open mind and don't be afraid to ask questions. There were some rare students who became rebellious in their first anthro classes by believing their religion is the only one and were somewhat offended by the material. If you are asking about long term tips pursuing anthropology, I say to keep forming hypotheses to yourself on everything anthro that you read. The professors I want to work for keep giving me this advice but worded in different ways. This will help you with research ideas and when the day arrives for applying to grad school. We study anthro/archaeology, but the professors state that those who bring something into the field are those that make the strongest gradschool candidates.

suburbanhippy9 karma


NaturaTek7 karma

I believe that a good solid course in anthropology is useful to any major. You'll see things in a different perspective and much of the world problems are senseless. Forbes and I think CNN/Kaplan stated that anthropology is the worst major but found that the students who chose that major are the 'happiest' people.

Stoooooooo5 karma

How has the college community accepted you? Do you feel out of touch with the "youngsters" around you? Parties still awesome?

NaturaTek12 karma

Personally, I'm not a party animal. That said, I do gather with a few good people and hit the local pubs. I'm generally a funny guy, and although I'm somewhat initially shy, I had no prob with college community. I simply go to classes, library, occasional hangout with students, and some anthro/geology club meets. I haven't done any fraternity stuff if that is what you're asking (I turned down offers). EDIT: I won't lie, there have been just a few students who are 18-20 that talk about Twilight, make opinions on others, and other strange stuff that makes me feel 'out touch.'

brokenrubikscube5 karma

How are you?

NaturaTek5 karma

I'm well and hope you are rocking!

Orfabreght4 karma

what did your learn that surprised you the most?

NaturaTek7 karma

In what area? The college journey? Archaeology? Etc? In general, I fully understand the old adage "the more I know, the more I learn how little I know." In evolutionary genetics, "race" is a concept and was surprised to read the original writings of early scientists that classified men due to skin color and other morphological features. Because of those men, "races" are still used today but in modern science we don't use that concept - we are all one species. In archaeology, that human evolutionary origins go far back around 6 million years.

Orfabreght3 karma

at Archaeology or Anthropology. The firts time i heard about homo florensiensis I was shocked. Yes, " the more you know..." excelent way to learn more

NaturaTek10 karma

My interest in archaeology is human origins. I find that the majority of arch students I've come across want to do stuff like pyramids or somewhere in Aztecs with the idea of digging up some gold statue. To me, searching for human origins is the true treasure. It is hard work; people often excavate for years only to find a skull or a bone - sometimes nothing. There aren't too many people (that I've met) who want to go out and do such tasks. H. floresiensis is one of many new discoveries. Another interesting thought is that climate change drove human evolution and large brain sizes. Checkout PBS 3 part series "Becoming Human." It's free to view online.

standardprocdure4 karma

This ama really hits home for me. I am currently in IT and while I like the field work, I have wanted to go into the sciences all my life(cosmology was my first passion but earth science in general fascinates me). My fiancé is moving here in January and I desperately need to make good money to help support this new fangled family thing I'm trying to do. What advice could you give a guy like me on how to pursue my dream of becoming a scientist while trying to be fiscally responsible at the same time?

NaturaTek3 karma

I have answered some financial questions in-depth below. I would tell you to quit and live your dreams, but you seem to have a family. If you cannot leave the wife, I would apply to the university of your choice and apply for student loans :) This would be the most optimal route. Also, find the tuition rates of the university you'd like to attend. I do know that tuition rates are cheaper for in-state students. If you live in Florida or somewhere in the west, in-state tuition is about 150$ per credit and you might just be able to go part-time, paying from pocket. Sitting down with a college financial adviser will help explore your options, but whatever you do, start with at least one course. You'll find that once you're in, it's like another life of its own starts taking over. Pursue your dream, speak to your loved one and see how they'll respond.

snorlz4 karma

Have you actually been accepted to grad school yet? Its the beginning of your senior year and you only mention applying so I would assume not. What makes you qualified to give advice on how to get in to grad school/the field if you arent even in it yet?

Also, how are you so sure that you will make it in the field? Tons of kids major in anthro because its interesting and end up not getting into grad school and working in something totally different. Even people who go to grad school often cant find jobs in the field afterwards. What make you so different from other anthro majors? Do you have papers that you have contributed to?

NaturaTek2 karma

No I have not been accepted in to grad school yet. However, I have formed many contacts that will aide me then. It is the ending of my senior year and what qualifies me of giving advice is the painstaking adventure of asking many professors, many people who work in grad school admissions, many existing grad students, and reading other material on the topic. The collective conclusion seems to be the same, which is posted on another question. While I have no guarantee of my own grad school admission, I hope that my informed research from a multitude of sources can help those who request it.

secondsbest4 karma

Huh, I find your actions interesting. I'm 38, and I quit a career as a machinist to pursue a degree and a job in IT. What am I really getting myself into?

NaturaTek4 karma

You're getting into a new chapter in your life :) Write a good one :) If money is what you seek, IT will always satisfy that area.

MustardManWillGetYou4 karma

I'm in IT, my so is in anthropology, I am fairly young and thrilled at the prospects of employment I have compared to her. I recently got hired at a TV station, everything is so cool and I would not be in a such a comfy position without my trade. My peers are mid 20s and I see them putting down their major (biology) to pursue IT simply because there are no job propsects and they are sick of $10 an hour. What I guess I'm asking, all these old guys running away from IT, could part of it be from complacency? are you just tired of writing the same code day in and day out? is it a matter of perspective?

I guess I'm just trying to figure out if the grass just seems greener on the other side, I haven't really gotten more than a handful of jobs in my career so far. In my relatively short experience, If the office sucks for IT personnel chances are the office sucks for everyone. I do realize IT can be put under a lot of pressure - but the accountants aren't having a good time at a crap office either. The IT world seems to be an endless source of job duties and skill sets. My experience is that one IT job is never like the other, and that if I can't stand back end dev, I can go to front end dev, if I'm getting tired of computers in general I can perhaps tackle websites from a marketing perspective with analytics and other traffic data. Where you just locked into the same function with no hopes of branching out to new tasks?

NaturaTek2 karma

I have no interest in money anymore. I let it be a by-product of what I love doing. I think that people who bash a former field offer a biased opinion based on their subjective experience. I've come across many people who say this and that and whine about whatever field, but they rarely put in any leg work, and most importantly, they didn't have a passion for that field - simply looking at it with a monetary view. I suggest you go straight to professors, straight to the students who have made it, and ask them how's the field. To be quite honest, standard anthropology rarely sees any high salaries; you would have to get a Masters and above in anthro to see bigger figures. If you pursue a field just for money, it will never be greener. That's how I see it.

NaturaTek3 karma

Thanks for all the awesome questions. I may come back later and answer any further additional ones. Live your life.

muzzledcrayon3 karma

Thank you so much for your inspiring post! I studied Physical/Forensic Anthropology while in school and considered a degree in that or Genetics/Heredity before I had to withdraw :(

Going to school while also working and supporting myself seems overwhelming, since I would need to be going at least half time to get any assistance to pay for it. Do you have any recommendations for balancing the two, or how this impacted you financially?

NaturaTek4 karma

Thank You. It is overwhelming to manage a job and school. I simply quit and lived off savings for a bit, complimented by a bit of computer freelancing. I answered the financial question in-depth in a prior answer, but in short, I kept grades up that allowed me to receive free money and borrowed student loans. This can only take you so far. I see this as a life sacrifice. Yes, there has been a few times surviving off protein bars only. Recommendations for balancing the two? I want to say quit your job and go full time studies. This isn't for everyone I guess. I live on the east coast, so I can freelance a bit and do odd jobs here and there. You can try part time work and part time studies, but you may end up withdrawing. Also, I believe that most universities offer something called 'federal work study,' where they give you a job for basic pay. If you truly know in your heart that you want to pursue a certain field, do it, and prepare to make sacrifices. You only have one life.

ceestep3 karma

Can you explain what type of IT environment you were in that burned you out? I'm kind of in the same boat, been in IT for 19+ years across 5 jobs and the environments that burned me out the fastest were the middle-management heavy corporate bureaucracies whose insistence on "change management" was more about job security for the bureaucracy rather than effective IT management.

NaturaTek3 karma

I love IT and I wouldn't say it "burned" me out. It's that you simply reach a point where you crave something more. For all I know, I may want to pursue something different at 70 years old, like a winery or gardening :) Like an IT environment, change is inevitable, even in within yourself.

rhizocarpon3 karma

Where in North America were you working? Where are you thinking of going to grad school?

I have a BS in anthropology with a emphasis on archaeology (and a vested interest in zooarchaeology) and currently doing paid survey work for the BLM. It's seriously my dream job. Grad school will happen eventually.

Good on you for switching! I'm excited for you as you head into graduate school!

EDIT: I just read a bit of your blog. SO. FUCKING. COOL.

NaturaTek2 karma

Salmon river canyon, Idaho. That was the last dig I participated in this summer. Nearly 8 weeks living in the field. The BLM from Cottonwood ID visited our site often. Thank you for the kind words!

imaj882 karma

I just want to say thank you for posting this. I am 34 and am embarking on my journey to my BS in January. I am excited but sad that it took me this long to find out I wanted to be a science communicator. Thanks for giving me hope. I don't think I will feel to old ( I look young and have a wide age range of friends 21-45) but I am sure there will be some culture shock. Any anthropology book recommendations?

NaturaTek2 karma

Thank you. Science communicator is awesome. I'm also slowly working on a separate digital filmmaking certificate to merge the beauty of science with video. Check to see if your school offers digital filmmaking, you might just like it and fuse the two together. Heck, it was science communicator Carl Sagan that inspired me to go forth with my dream. Forget about that age stuff; it is senseless. Heck, being a bit older is a power asset to me. Some people will look at you as a leader and I find forging relationships with professors to be simple. If you want a decent book that is composed of published articles, check out "Faces of Anthropology." Anthropology has subfields that include physical/biological anthropology, archaeology, linguistics, and cultural anthropology. I believe that is in the best interest of the anthro student to know a bit about each.

amandapanda27842 karma

Hi! I'm an undergrad (about to be a sophomore) studying biological anthropology. I know it's early for me, but do you have any advice on how to prepare for grad school in this field? For example, I've been told to take a lot of statistics classes in my junior and senior year. Is there anything you've done regarding course load or general preparation that you would recommend? I don't know of a single other person with an interest in human origins so this is exciting :)

NaturaTek4 karma

I have exhausted many professors with that same question: how do get into grad school? The answer along with my other research is the same: do as much research as you can during undergrad, do something to 'wow' a professor, ask professors if you can help them with any of their research, do your best to contribute something to the field. This will result in professors giving you letters of recommendation (this is a big factor, according to grad school admissions), and a stronger application. Statistics does help, however I'm unsure of how many you need. My major requires only one course. However, I've been planning on taking a 'statistics for research' course. I would focus on one basic statistic course and then take a higher statistic course for research/scientists.

8thunder82 karma

So what did Windows to to push you over the edge?

NaturaTek3 karma

Windoze is ok. Maybe some of the Windoze end-users pushed me over the edge with funny complaints like "My computer has a virus, it doesn't turn on," only to visit their station and discover they have a disconnected power cable :)

A_FitGeek2 karma

Are you married? Do you have a SO? how did he/she feel about the decision?

NaturaTek6 karma

No, I do not have a wife or special someone. I simply date for the moment. But I did see someone right before starting this journey that I considered special, but she wanted a person with stability and solid financial resources. We departed since. I don't blame her.

sjcd12532 karma


NaturaTek3 karma

My biggest influence that led me to pursue this new venture? Carl Sagan. His 'Cosmos' series, the movie 'Contact' based on his book, along with other books of his, like 'Shadows of our Ancestors.' Anthropologist Wade Davis is another person of influence. I'm interested in human origins and the evolution of humans. I no longer listen to people who offer advice based on nothing. Experienced people who have real world advice are those that my ears will pay attention to.

Serae2 karma

I am resubmitting since Auto-Mod cock/post blocked me.

I worked on an archaeology site with a 72 year old guy who, upon retiring, went back to school for archaeology because it's what he always wanted to do. Cool guy.

I wish you the best of luck! I am struggling in archaeology and had played by all the rules. I would normally tell people who go into it to "Turn back now!" I totally get the lure of archaeology. I wanted to do it since I was a child.

So as someone in the field who is failing miserably right now...what tips would you give? In short, perfect grades, experience in the US and UK, papers galore, presentations and conventions galore. But I am just not getting working. On top of it, I didn't even get into grad school (at least none in the US, but every single one over seas) despite being told I was in perfect shape to get accepted. My own advisors and the professors I was in contact with at the schools I applied to were...shocked that I didn't get in. So I'm pretty much at a loss.

NaturaTek2 karma

I answered this somewhat in-depth below. But in summary, this seems to be a problem, each year produces tons of students with anthro degrees and many don't go into the field or grad school. From what all the questions I've asked professors and admissions, the general conclusion is that admissions don't care about grades. They look at what the student has done in their undergrad days, what research they did, what experiences you've exposed yourself to, and the letters of recommendation that speak for you. In a nutshell, academia is TOUGH and competitive. You really have to carve out a niche for yourself and bring something into the field where they would say, "hey, this guy is the shiznit..we want him."


How much money did you have saved before switching?

NaturaTek3 karma

I had enough to sustain me/rent for a little over a year. But I wouldn't let this limit anyone. See my other answer. You can borrow. Keep grades up helps. I freelance in IT work, but for the most part, studies are PRIORITY. I can careless if there is little money for ramen noodles. Being 'hungry' a little bit seems to keep you on the edge and you'll find a way to make ends meet.

kareemabdul2 karma

How are you during actual digs? What would someone with no archaeological background think if they dug with you?

I ask because I had an archaeology class for an elective and the professor was so passionate about it. Even though we were digging in an area where we would only find brick from homes in the 19th century, he made sure we didn't cut any corners. I really have a new appreciation for past cultures because of him.

NaturaTek1 karma

From all the input, my past dig went well :)

deezthrowaway2 karma

How's the paycheck now? No offense intended- but when I usually see this type of thing happen, the people either have no family obligations, have rich parents, or are willing to live life on a different economic level.

NOT SAYING that it's impossible for you to make a decent paycheck. Just wondering.

NaturaTek1 karma

I have responded to financial questions below, please look over those. In short, I lived off savings for a bit, got free money for keep grades up, freelanced on computers on the side, and borrowed student loans. You can borrow and the government all gives low income students about 5,000$ a year free, called a Pell Grant. If you are committed, you will find a way :)

JStray631 karma

What is your favorite find, or findings, so far? Also, have you found any ancient art?

NaturaTek3 karma

I have only participated in 2 excavations that only included stone tools. So far, holding a stone tool from the first peoples in America dated to 11,000 years ago is my biggest find.

bozobozo1 karma

What is your favorite dinosaur! ?

NaturaTek2 karma

Hah. A bozosaurus.

neptuneagent1 karma

Did you have any difficulties in terms of funding and money, especially when you quit your job and starting to learn new field from college? How do you fund your education, and also your family? How's your family reaction to that? Did they support you? Do they now? Did you ever feel afraid of giving up?

NaturaTek3 karma

This is a good question. I think that when we are young, we face a lot of peer pressure from family and friends. Most families attempt to pressure their kids into grand positions, for example "be a doctor or a lawyer!" Although most parents mean well, I think that many of them (without them knowing themselves) attempt to live their failed dreams through their child. This may be a simmering pot of disaster that will later blow up, making their kids feel like a failure internally and worst, never pursuing what they truly want. As an adult, all those preprogrammed pressures/beliefs start to shed and you truly start to create who you want to be. In my massive family, I think there are only 1-2 people who actually have degrees, so I think this lessened any pressure. BUT, when some of my family discovered I was pursuing evolution based studies, they somewhat felt betrayed because they see evolution as something evil. Some learned that I no longer believed in creationism and other religious beliefs. After that, many saw me as being corrupted by the "devil" and simply ceased contact with me. This took a slight emotional toll on me but I still love them and keep moving forward. At that stage, the thought of giving up did cross my mind, because it seemed that no one around me could tolerate the concept of evolution. Difficulties with money? It happens on occasion but I'm only a few months away from graduating.

tkrynsky1 karma

Can I ask how you dealt with the financial blow of stopping your paycheck and not earning (or earning much less) while you went back to school? I think that's a huge barrier to a lot of folks thinking about this.

NaturaTek1 karma

I have responded to financial questions in-depth below.

mcjagga1 karma

Have neanderthals or other types of previous humans ever been found in North or South America?

NaturaTek1 karma

No. So far only in Western Europe to Central and Northern Asia.

Chairmenmeow1 karma


NaturaTek2 karma

Some are museum studies, CRM, fieldwork, teaching, and research. But as in any field, it's how you market yourself. You can be a travel guide, and lecture to your clients about the area. A communicator who makes documentaries or write books on the subject. The key is your passion and knowing what you want to do.

ocyries1 karma

are you married or in a relationship? After i graduated I could have gotten a job at a CRM but it would mean a lot of time away from my wife and decided against it. If you have a wife/girlfriend how do they handle you leaving?

NaturaTek2 karma

Answered this below. Summary: I dated someone right before career change who was special to me but she wanted someone stable and ample financial resources - she departed since.

Ingrathis-1 karma

I know this isn't about what you're doing now with your life, but I'm going to school for IT and I was wondering, is it super important to get a bunch of certifications or is it more important to get something like an internship as far as getting an IT job goes? Also, where do you go to start looking for IT jobs?

NaturaTek1 karma

Get the standard ones: A+, Network +. From there, take a few Microsoft exams and aim for MCSA. Cisco certs pay well, but it may not be your interest. and are good places for IT jobs. Craigslist is another popular site for IT jobs (at least on the east coast it is).

lunaprey-7 karma

You can't teach an old dog new tricks. You're half way through your life, and you think you're going back to college?

NaturaTek3 karma

"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young." -Henry Ford

"Once you stop learning, you start dying." -Einstein