Hello everybody, back to take more of your questions. Victoria's assisting me in getting started.

My latest film, Hector and the Search for Happiness, is now in theatres now, soon to go wider. AMA.



Update: I'm going to say: Thank you so much for swinging by my AMA. I'm deeply sorry if I didn't get to answer your question (unless it was particularly stupid, in which case, I'm glad I avoided it). I'm going downstairs now, to a restaurant, here in Casablanca, to have a lamb tagine. Until next time, my friends! Much love from me.

Comments: 3176 • Responses: 78  • Date: 

IBoughtYouFor30p2495 karma

Mr Pegg- Like many fans of your work, I love your writing and your acting. It's easy to quote with friends, fun to imitate your delivery. But something else happened when I saw THE WORLD'S END. I sat in the theater with my friends, and when Gary King argued with Andy over that last pint, something clicked and I felt awful. I felt embarrassed. I wanted to slink out of the cinema.

There have been tons of movies about substance abuse, either with that subject being the main plot point, or a very important B-plot. I don't know why none of them triggered it, (or why a real-life event didn't trigger it.) For some reason, it took your film with aliens that spurt blue stuff to make me go "Oh my god, I might have a problem." It seems so damn obvious in retrospect - that time in college I wound up in the ER, that time in my 20's when I crashed my car, etc - but I never connected the events in my head. You would think with the rampant narcissism of the social media age, I would have twigged that all these bad things happen when I drink, but I simply didn't. Instead, I thought they were all separate one-offs. I thought I totally had my shit together.

WORLD'S END was not some after school special, and I'm not trying to pile that status onto your work. It was a fantastically-written kinetic comedy. For me, it also had the unexpected effect of making me finally realize I'm a 30-something year old woman with a husband and responsibilities, and I can't keep fucking going on like this.

I apologize for the length of that (man, speaking of narcissism), but if I ever got the chance to meet you, Mr Pegg, it was the thing I always wanted to say - Thank you, from the bottom of my awkwardly sincere heart, for WORLD'S END. You and those glowy-light aliens triggered perhaps the most important change I've made in my life.

And because Reddit dictates that we must have a question: Is there anything you can tell us about your new movie you're writing with Edgar Wright?

IAmSimonPegg2074 karma

Well, firstly, thank you very much. That means a lot. There is a very serious story at the heart of the World's End, and I'm glad you saw it so clearly. And well-done, you. Keep on keeping on.

With regards to my new movie with Edgar, we haven't started writing it yet, so there's nothing we can tell you, other than it will happen.

AlderaanRefugee2404 karma

No luck catching them swans then?

IAmSimonPegg2321 karma

No, although I've noticed several real swans have escaped recently and are being pursued by British Police. So it wasn't that far-fetched.

Lenny_the_Lemming2359 karma

Would you ever do a pirate movie and would it be called Pegg Leg's Pay Day?

IAmSimonPegg2352 karma

YES and YES!

richardwrinkle1363 karma

Who is the funniest human being you have ever hung out with?

IAmSimonPegg2586 karma

Nick Frost. No question.

shivan211280 karma

Hi Simon, whose idea was it for you to become next Star Trek Scotty?

IAmSimonPegg2087 karma

JJ Abrams. He called me and asked if I wanted to do it, and I said "yes."

GodsComic1154 karma

If you bit a zombie, could you turn him into you?

IAmSimonPegg2109 karma

If I bit a zombie? Could I turn him into me?

I have no answer for that question, but it's strange and beautiful, so thank you.

samuraijenn1065 karma

Is Nick as cuddly and wonderful as he looks?

IAmSimonPegg1348 karma


TizzaaH1026 karma

Do you want anything from the shop?

IAmSimonPegg1942 karma


DayOldTurkeySandwich994 karma

What should I do with the 'Batman' soundtrack?

IAmSimonPegg1554 karma

Throw it!

IamRule34962 karma

What's your favorite part about working with Tom Cruise in the Mission Impossible Films?

IAmSimonPegg1925 karma

Tom is a great person to work with because he works so hard, and he just sort of inspires you to give as good as you possibly can get. He's also a lot more normal than I think everybody realizes, and the closer you get to him, the more normal you realize he is, which I think is a genius secret of movie-stardom.

EyebrowScar948 karma

What is you favourite video game of all time, and which game of recent history has impressed you?

Thank you very much!

IAmSimonPegg2577 karma

My favourite game of all time is probably Half Life 2. And I love love LOVE the look of the new Alien game, which is called Alien: Isolation.

hundredorso861 karma

Who tickles your funny bone?

IAmSimonPegg2228 karma

Nick, always. Whenever I see Nick, we text each other every day and he always makes me laugh, to the point where if I look at my phone and burst out laughing, my wife will say "How's Nick?"

DJ-2000815 karma

My mum says you're shorter in real life.

How do you respond to that?

IAmSimonPegg2115 karma

Shorter than what?

jonemillard748 karma

What is the best film you've recently seen?

IAmSimonPegg2330 karma

The Grand Budapest Hotel, Wes Anderson's most recent film. I just loved it.

mrtiddles705 karma

Mr Pegg

On a scale of 1-10, how awesome does it feel for you to wake up in the morning as Simon Pegg?

IAmSimonPegg1605 karma

Sometimes it's very awkward.

Coltrane411667 karma

Can dogs look up? My friend doesn't think so.

IAmSimonPegg1335 karma

Yes they can. There's no question about this. It's a rumor that Nick Frost started and delights in perpetuatin'.

MoonshineExpress603 karma

What does Timothy Dalton smell like?

IAmSimonPegg1197 karma

Like quality leather. He smells rugged and aromatic.

operation_hennessey601 karma

Have you ever worked with any animals that you fell in love with and wanted to abduct them? ie Colin

IAmSimonPegg1087 karma

Yes, I worked with a dog this year called "Mojo" in Absolutely Anything (whom Robin Williams did the voice of) and he was a lovely dog. And now that Robin is gone, I want to kidnap him even more.

South_Paw_561 karma

What's your favorite thing to do in your spare time?

IAmSimonPegg1950 karma

Just hang out with my family, and try and have as normal a life as possible. I love being at home, just hanging out with my daughter and playing My Little Pony and stuff. Although I'm not a Brony.

operation_hennessey548 karma

Can you tell us something about yourself that we may find surprising?

IAmSimonPegg1285 karma

I've never been to Italy. It's my great shame.

firstbaseproblems532 karma

I feel like if I were ever to meet you I would pull a Troy from community when he meets LeVar Burton.

Is there anyone left in the world you could meet that would leave you speechless?

IAmSimonPegg916 karma

I met Bill Murray recently, and I was nearly speechless on that occasion. But I played it very cool, and he was very nice. There are always cool and interesting people to meet. I hope I am rendered speechless on many occasions during the remaining time i have left on earth.

BrodyApproved479 karma

Yo bud, what does your favorite breakfast consist of?

IAmSimonPegg1662 karma

I do love an omelette. But I'm also very slutty about granola. Yeah. I'm a granola slut.

ExMayo416 karma

Greetings Simon, I am a huge fan of your work. The Cornetto Trilogy are some of my favorite films of all time.

I am very curious about your upcoming film Absolutely Anything, and have a few questions regarding it.

  1. How was the experience of working with so many Monty Python alums?

  2. Did you have the opportunity to work directly with Robin Williams on this project or was his time spent entirely in the sound booth? If yes, do you have any interesting stories regarding your work with him?

  3. How was it acting alongside a dog? Were there any challenges unique to working closely with an animal?

Thanks for taking this time to talk with the fans. It means the world to us. Keep up the great work.

IAmSimonPegg633 karma

1) Amazing. It was a bit of a dream come true, and they were lovely.

2) I didn't get to meet him, and that will always be a sad thing for me, because he was always a hero of mine.

3) You can do a really good take, but if the animal doesn't get it right, it's no good. But you can do a sort of okay take, and if the animal gets it right, then that's the one they use. It's not always easy.

AJ_1374 karma

Hi Simon, thanks for doing the AMA

Other than what you do currently what would be your dream job?

IAmSimonPegg687 karma

I think I'd like to work in special FX, because that's always something I've loved.

dayofthedead204356 karma

Hi Simon!

I’m a big fan, thanks for doing another AMA!

My question is if you’re a fan of the HBO series “Game of Thrones” and if so who’s your favorite character?

IAmSimonPegg949 karma

I LOVE Game of Thrones. And I am Team Tyrion all the way!

IAmSimonPegg893 karma

Although I'm also in love with Daenarys Stormborn.

Xraystreeter346 karma

Hello Simon. I am in the shittiest period of my life, so i come to you for advice. How do you keep going when times get tough?

IAmSimonPegg1053 karma

You have to be certain that those tough times are only temporary. And you need the tough times to really enjoy the good times. Because if everything's easy, life's very bland. So just be as tough as you can be, and get through it, know that things will get better, and good stuff is waiting on the other side.

GetFreeCash328 karma

Hi Simon! Huge, huge fan of your work, I'm so glad that you're back on Reddit!

So my questions for you are:

  • What is the cheapest thing you know of that gives you the most pleasure?

  • What toppings do you like on your pizza?

That's all! Thanks again for being here, and hopefully I'll see you over at the model village! :)

Edit: I don't always make Simon Pegg laugh, but when I do I show everyone in my chemistry lecture hall his reply.

IAmSimonPegg661 karma

Hahaha! Well, I mean, kindness is free. That sounds kind of... a bit hippy-dippy but you know it's nice to be nice, and that gives me pleasure, when you meet people you don't know who are lovely. I meet lots of people who have seen the movies or whatever, I mean that last redditor who said they took something special from The World's End, that's free and it doesn't get any better than that.

Personally, i LOVE pizza, I think it's my favourite food. And my favourite pizza is, I think a number 14 from John's Pizzeria on Bleecker Street in New York. And it is:

  • Cheese and tomato
  • Olives
  • Anchovies

and that's it.

Robert-1701308 karma

if you had to choose one, would you choose the mighty duo of Bill & Ted or Wayne's World?

IAmSimonPegg585 karma

Bill & Ted.

The_Maddest_Man306 karma

Hi Simon!

Hot Fuzz is one of my all-time favorite movies--do you have any fun or interesting stories from filming that one?

IAmSimonPegg578 karma

Yes, hundreds, but we don't have that much time! You had to be there.

Str33mr273 karma

What is it like working on movies with your best friend?

IAmSimonPegg525 karma

It's great, because we get to hang out more than we would in real life.

SuperDuperDealer242 karma

Who is your favorite Star Wars character and why?

IAmSimonPegg586 karma

Chewbacca. Because he's so cuddly.

unicorn10-10235 karma

What's your favorite animal?

IAmSimonPegg566 karma

DOGS. I love dogs. I have two. And I love them dearly.

shivan21230 karma

How is J.J. Abrams as a director? How dooes he work with actors?

IAmSimonPegg396 karma

JJ is an amazing actor's director because he really knows how to communicate what he wants, he has a tremendous energy on-set, and he's a lovely, lovely human being. So you want to work hard for him.

jonemillard224 karma

How amazing was it like to take a picture with Tom Cruise's leg?

IAmSimonPegg507 karma


Uh - me and Tom sat in the car today, and I said "I'm going to take a picture of your knee and tweet it." And we laughed a lot. And I did it. It was fun.

wangulator217 karma

Simon Pegg! What's your favorite drink (alcoholic or non-alcoholic) and what's your favorite thing to say as a toast?

IAmSimonPegg523 karma

Probably "Cheers," it's an old one but it works.

And I don't drink so my favourite drink is probably sparkling water.

jonemillard192 karma

Hey Simon!

This is is an interesting question-at least to me-What has been your strangest fan encounter?

Thanks for doing this!

IAmSimonPegg403 karma

The fans that I meet are generally lovely people. I've never had a particularly weird fan encounter. Everybody I meet seems to be cool, and "with it," I feel lucky that I attract a particularly cool type of person. So I can't say I've had a particularly weird one.

licopter178 karma

Hey Simon, huge fan of the Cornetto trilogy and all of your other films! Just wondering did you and Mr Wright decide on Cornettos to be the constant factor in the three films?

IAmSimonPegg571 karma

No, that was an accident. We put one in Shaun of the Dead, we got free ice cream at the premiere, so we thought we'd put on in Hot Fuzz so we could be more free ice cream, and it became the linking factor, the thing that people focused on as the linking factor in the movies, when really the linking factors were more complex, but ice cream is easier to explain.

BountyHuntaXXX167 karma

Since J.J. is also doing Star Wars, any chance you could show up as a Bounty Hunter or Jedi?

Big dan, can't wait for yours and Edgar's next movie!

IAmSimonPegg559 karma

Yes, I play the part of Dan Solo, Han Solo's younger bother.

ronald_reindeer164 karma

Hey Simon, huge fan. I just wanted to know, boxers or briefs?

IAmSimonPegg674 karma


Skakiddru152 karma

What should I whisper into my girlfriends ear?

IAmSimonPegg291 karma

Ehm - haha! "You're beautiful."

-Plissken-152 karma

What film would you recommend people may not know about?

And you met George Romero , Ever meet Sam Raimi or Bruce Campbell?

IAmSimonPegg400 karma

There's a great british film which you should know about called Withnail and I. And every human being should see that film. I've met Sam, and I'm friends with Bruce on Twitter. They're great people.

paulisnofun128 karma

How many push-ups can you do?

IAmSimonPegg437 karma


JetSpeedman127 karma

What film has your favorite soundtrack or score?

IAmSimonPegg398 karma

The Empire Strikes Back. It was, I think, one of the greatest film scores of all time.

oscarveli126 karma

What is it like to be part of the Star Trek franchise? Beam me up, Scotty!

IAmSimonPegg243 karma

Hahaha! It's amazing! and I feel very lucky to be a part of it. And I can't wait to do Star Trek 3.

sharingtime124 karma

What do you/will you tell your kid about fame?

IAmSimonPegg357 karma

It shouldn't be the goal. It should just be a result of the goal. If at all.

IAmSimonPegg386 karma

Don't make fame the goal.

kiaha121 karma

If you were to be casted in a comic movie, who would you want to be?

IAmSimonPegg261 karma

Ehm... I've always had a soft spot for The Hulk.

pirogovak118 karma

Hi Simon, how's it going? What is your favorite Harry Potter character? Thanks for doing this AMA!

IAmSimonPegg406 karma

I was always a huge fan of Professor Remus Lupin, the erstwhile defense agains the Dark Arts teacher and werewolf.

GetMeAColdPop118 karma

Simon, do you like to do draawrings?

IAmSimonPegg151 karma

Yes, but I'm nowhere near as good as the artists that I've played in the past.

Sakura_7111 karma

Who's your favorite superhero?

IAmSimonPegg328 karma

Eh -- my favourite superhero is probably Marshal Law.

thisguystaint110 karma

in the past you've hinted that there might not be a Spaced Series 3. if Season 3 never happens, in what form will the story be continued / concluded?

(say 'comic books').

IAmSimonPegg380 karma

It never will, because it has to be something that's generated by myself, Jessica, and Edgar, and Edgar's too busy doing films now, and it should just be left alone. Let it go, as Elsa said in Frozen, let it go.

hoochiscrazy123103 karma

On the subject of your new film, what makes you truly happy?

IAmSimonPegg300 karma

That's a really hard question. Because it's not a simple answer. Happiness is something you experience along the way, it's not a destination that you get to. But I feel happiness is being okay with yourself and the world. Or at least that's a good place to start, anyway.

toronto34100 karma

Well, hello again. Just one question, if the Muppets ever did another show like The Muppet Show again, would you be a guest star?

IAmSimonPegg204 karma

Most certainly, it would be an honour.

hoffsFTHC95 karma

What's your favourite flavour of crisps?

IAmSimonPegg284 karma

My favourite crisps? Smoky bacon.

pdogs86 karma


IAmSimonPegg370 karma

I don't eat fast food, I look after myself. BUT - at a push - In n Out burger.

richardwrinkle83 karma

I am somewhat of a zombie aficionado. Should I watch Shaun of the Dead or the Walking Dead?

IAmSimonPegg336 karma

Watch George Romero's Dawn of the Dead before you watch any other zombie film! Watch Night of the Living Dead first, and Dawn of the Dead (1978), and then Day of the Dead (1985). Every other zombie film is a footnote.

namna73 karma

Hello Simon! What do you like the most about Morocco? I'm a huge fan from Agadir who unfortunately cannot meet you :/

IAmSimonPegg191 karma

Lamb tagine!

BeatleFloyd72 karma

Who is your favorite Star Trek character besides Scotty?

IAmSimonPegg176 karma

I've always loved Spock. I love his demeanor and his kind of, you know, his puzzlement of the human condition. I think he's a fantastic character, and I love Leonard Nimoy's portrayal of him. And Zack Quinto's.

Amojondro66 karma

What should I have for dinner today?

IAmSimonPegg220 karma

A lamb tagine.

AFoolsGlory65 karma

Do you ever miss doing stand up? Are you ever tempted to just drop into a club on a random night and do 5 minutes?

IAmSimonPegg121 karma

I do miss it, yeah. I miss it most when I go and see it. But you have to be so fit to do standup. You can't just pick up where you left off. You need to do lots of shows, and then you get sharp and really good. If I did it now, I'd be rusty.

Raggedyeleven53 karma

What's your favourite book ?

IAmSimonPegg188 karma

My favourite book is probably The Big Tagine Cookbook.

hermitjohn966350 karma

Do you like sherlock the tv series? Xx

IAmSimonPegg97 karma

I do, I love it! It stars some of my very good friends, and I think it's amazing.

Bloedvlek49 karma

Huge fan of your work!

I feel like your horror tropes work on so many levels because they take themselves seriously enough to never devolve into something akin to "Scary Movie" or nonsense like that. What do you do to try and find that comedic line between silly and scary?

Also, you've done zombies and aliens. Any interest in a Lovecraft style movie? It feels like a treasure trove of source material that would go well with your style.

IAmSimonPegg67 karma

Yes, if something came along that tickled my fancy, absolutely!

SquidgyGoat49 karma

Who's your favourite Muppet?

IAmSimonPegg145 karma

My favourite muppet is probably... Beaker. Yeah, him. Beaker!

M3talhead48 karma

Any chance we'll see more of Burke and Hare in the not-so-nearly-but-potentially-tomorrow-future?

IAmSimonPegg144 karma

No, because they're both dead! Did you not watch the end of the film?

Bananastrudle43 karma

Mr. Pegg, sir, I am a huge fan. One of my many favorites is A Fantastic Fear of Everything. It was quite humorous. How do you feel about a turtle named Ichabod? Any suggestions for a better name? I'm looking into buying one.

IAmSimonPegg98 karma

I think Ichabod is a great name for a turtle.

I think you should also consider "Wesley."

blue-adept40 karma

What did you eat for dinner last night?

IAmSimonPegg130 karma

I had a lamb tagine!

aphidman38 karma

Read any good comics lately?

IAmSimonPegg84 karma

Ehm, I haven't recently. I find it difficult to juggle parenting with any kind of other stuff time.

Ess-Money28 karma

What's your favourite type of Cornetto?

IAmSimonPegg68 karma

My favourite Cornetto is the mint. It's a very refreshing, chocolate-y delight.

xNAILBUNNYx28 karma

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? And what would your costume consist of?

IAmSimonPegg74 karma

I would like to have the power to clone myself because it would make promoting movies so much easier. And then I could stay home. My costume would be... MC hammer trousers, and a very tight t-shirt.

Solomon_Grungy26 karma

Hey Simon,

You're now forced to do your own stunt for a movie scene.

Do you choose to be lit on fire and fall out a five story window?

Or do you choose to crash a speeding car into water and swim out the window?

IAmSimonPegg68 karma

I would do... I would jump out of a window on-fire, and then land in a speeding car, and then end up in some water. I'd do them all at the same time.

unicorn92818 karma

What's your favorite color?

IAmSimonPegg43 karma

That's an interesting question.

I think I like the rainbow, really. I wouldn't like to specify. It changes, depending on my mood.

AwesomeGodzilla1216 karma

How would you defeat zombies from the upcoming zombie apocalypse when it finally happens?

IAmSimonPegg44 karma

Ehm - just by being careful, and always having a blunt object, not relying too heavily on guns, because they run out of bullets. I'm also trying to keep a grip on reality, and know that it's never going to happen.

Mikkito12 karma

If you could do anything other than acting, what would it be and why?

I picture you as...an accountant or tech support. :P

IAmSimonPegg24 karma

I answered that, didn't I, with that special FX thing? I always wanted to do special makeup FX.

SnakeEater148 karma

I always wanted to know: at the end of Shaun of the Dead, where Shaun is underneath the pub, he is wearing a (red) bandanna, smoking a cigarette, and looks generally awesome. Is this a reference to Metal Gear Solid/Solid Snake?

IAmSimonPegg16 karma

Absolutely not!

wabysaby8 karma

Gigantic fan. My only question is what are ways kids used to make fun of you or your name in school?

IAmSimonPegg15 karma

Ehm - yeah, sometimes.

InfiniteJoe3 karma

Favourite Beer? Favourite Pokemon?

IAmSimonPegg3 karma

I don't drink beer. And I don't watch Pokemon.