Hi, I'm Ryan Ferguson! I just got out of prison after 10 years for a crime I had nothing to do with. I've just recently released a book about surviving prison and how to create your best body. Check it out here http://www.amazon.com/Stronger-Faster-Smarter-Guide-Powerful/dp/0399173064 Feel free to AMA!

Proof: https://twitter.com/reddit_AMA/status/556182552999116804

Comments: 150 • Responses: 42  • Date: 

booseldorf68 karma

It is so exciting to see you on here, Ryan! I have been following your case for years, and I signed the petitions and donated to your defense fund, I joined the facebook group and tried to spread awareness and get others involved. I cried on the day you were released, I was so happy for you, and I felt really proud of my admittedly very small role in it. I love seeing all that you have done with your life in the short time since your release, and appreciate that you keep us all updated on social media. Since I think you and Myka are the most friggin adorable couple, could you give us the scoop on how exactly you met?

LifeAfter1037 karma

Thank you so much for all of your support. I would not be here if it weren't for amazing people such as yourself. How we met is a book in and of itself. I think I just answered this below though. Thanks again!!

Ableyoungthug40 karma

Do you think you can tell when someone is being truthful about being innocent?

LifeAfter1080 karma

Not at all. And neither can people like Nancy Grace. That stuff disgusts me. We have to remain objective and stick to the facts. It's the only way! Love this question by the way!!

pjhberry28 karma

Like you, I feel very strongly that prosecutors, judges and law enforcement should be subject to prosecution for the kind of misconduct exemplified in your case (and every US citizen should be aware that they can literally be plucked off the street and thrown in jail for 10 years as a result). My question is: how can we as citizens help in the fight to ensure that these individuals pay the price (be disbarred, receive jail time, fines, etc.) and are held accountable?

LifeAfter1028 karma

Best question ever! The answer however plagues me. Outside of spreading awareness and showing people that this happens every day, there is very little we can do at this point. Awareness is everything though and if we all see it and choose not to accept it, things WILL change. I promise I'll keep working on this answer. It keeps me up at night.

tculpepper23 karma

What's the first thing you ate after getting out of prison?

LifeAfter1022 karma

Steak of course, and Derry Queen!!

pandaham19 karma

Ryan, I just left Columbia after living there for 4 years so I've followed your case very closely. Congratulations on getting out. Hope things are well.

What kept you going after ten years to keep fighting? Especially in light of Serial in which Adnan seems sort of complacent in prison, you certainly never stopped fighting it.

Also, are you still following the Heitholt case or are you pretty far removed at this point?

LifeAfter1021 karma

I just don't know how to give up. This is true with the Heitholt case as well. The authorities do not want to arrest who actually committed this crime because it's like them admitting they were wrong and mad major mistakes. You see it all the time in cases of wrongful convictions. I will not stand for it though, we will keep pressure on them and justice WILL be served!

wearwitness15 karma

While you were in prison, what was you interpretation of the false testimony that Charles gave? Even at trial, how did you make sense of it?

LifeAfter1017 karma

You can make sense of it all by looking at the authorities actions and how whey have done this in countless cases. Our legal system needs to change because as you can see, it's too easy to take advantage of people like Erickson.

trg8413 karma

Do you still live in Columbia, MO, or do you try to avoid it after everything that has happened?

LifeAfter1020 karma

I love Columbia however I had to leave based on the legal climate there. The people are great, not so much our authorities, the people who are supposed to serve and protect us.

AintNoFortunateSon6 karma

Can you elaborate?

LifeAfter1018 karma

Quite simply, I could never feel comfortable there until those people are held accountable. It will happen though!

Frajer13 karma

why did they think you did the crime and how were you absolved?

LifeAfter1045 karma

I think they knew I was innocent once the evidence began to come in. At that point though I was already in jail for an extended period of time and I believe they were unwilling to acknowledge their mistakes.

gordie88812 karma

anyone ever try to attack/hit on ur sexually?

LifeAfter1019 karma

Yes, these things happen. No matter how prepared you think you are, it's always a shock.

whoknows12344332110 karma

Do you still talk to people in prison?

LifeAfter1027 karma

Great question. I do. There are some incredible people in there and after a decade I found about a hand full. Good guys who messed up in life who deserve a second chance. I'll be there to see that they succeed!

TheDelightfulMs9 karma

How on earth did you find the motivation to write a book about fitness when you're in such a depressing place? The rest of us have no excuses!

LifeAfter1011 karma

No excuses indeed! I found the motivation to write a book about fitness because that was such a huge component to my survival. It also ended up improving my quality of life in more ways than I can list. I just wanted the people who supported me and who helped me get out to have the same thing in their lives. That's why I cut out the junk and made it easy for them!It's all about giving back!!

antiqua_lumina8 karma

Have the police, detectives, or prosecutors responsible for your wrongful conviction reached out to apologize to you? I watched Central Park Five and Murder on a Sunday Morning recently and was shocked by how obstinate the prosecutors were about their mistakes.

LifeAfter1011 karma

That's a good example. Not surprisingly, I have heard nothing. It's disgusting.

kcfan928 karma

What did you think of the media coverage (especially smaller, local media outlets) of your appeal process and release from prison?

LifeAfter1015 karma

I thought it was great actually! i wish they had talked more about how innocent people got into prison in the first place but it was well done.

bisepost7 karma


LifeAfter1010 karma

You would, I assure you. Here's why. Because what people never saw is all the suffering I went through and how I slowly, painfully realized that levelheadedness was the only way to survive. Otherwise, your as good as dead.

lutheranguy7 karma

In the biographile article you say "By the time you understand that the truth, facts, and innocence or guilt don’t matter in this fight, it’s too late." Was it not the truth, the facts, and your innocence that set you free? While it may have been very very late, is there such thing as too late if you were released?

LifeAfter109 karma

It's too late for the arresting authorities and everyone connected to them. Fortunately after a decade, you're able to get far enough away from that good ol boy system that you might get a fair and unbiassed hearing. Great question.

imalwaysdreaming7 karma

Your positive attitude despite your wrongful conviction is inspiring and almost baffling. How do you cope with how unfair and wrong it was?

LifeAfter1027 karma

I choose to ask WHY. Not "why me". This shifts the focus off of self and onto the bigger picture which is always more important. The bigger picture here... We need accountability for police and prosecutors across our nation! Until then, this could happen to anyone. ANYONE!

Trying2BaWiseGuy7 karma

A more serious question than my other one: was there a point in prison at which other inmates realized you genuinely were wrongfully convicted, and at what point did it come?

LifeAfter108 karma

I believe that most people in there who knew me also knew I was 100 percent innocent. It took years but there is no turning point. It was definitely more towards the end once all the evidence became so overwhelming and it was widely reported. This was a good thing for my innocence coming out but also scary because to some I could be seen as a target.

Nathan_Thurm6 karma

It was such an eye opener for me to see how easily someone can get railroaded by the legal system. Do you still see any of your friends you had before all this happened? Did they ever question your innocence, or turn their back on you?

LifeAfter1013 karma

Sadly enough, when you get locked up, right, wrong, or indifferent, you lose almost everyone. I have three incredible friends who I mentioned in my book that have always been there. Most importantly, I have family! They are everything!!

Salty_Scrimshander6 karma

Are you angry about what happened to you? If you're not, how did you get over the anger and learn to let it go?

LifeAfter109 karma

I am incredibly angry. Always have been, always will be. Not only for myself but for my family, the community, other people who are wrongfully imprisoned and most importantly, the victims and their families. I deal with it by trying to get accountability for everyone just listed as well as myself! Take control!!

highschoolguyd6 karma

How was it like getting into prison the first day? What was on your mind?

LifeAfter1013 karma

Survival. You have to be prepared to get your butt whopped. If people see that in you, your chance of making it goes way up. It cannot be faked.

jessicaz12695 karma

What is the story behind how you and Myka met and how long have you been dating/together??

LifeAfter1014 karma

We were friends for a very long time but decided that we were meant for one another. She's been an amazing component to my life and has helped me in more ways than I ever thought possible. Brilliant woman!!

Johhnyfingers285 karma

Do you still live in Columbia? If so how has it been interacting with people around town after you have gotten out?

LifeAfter103 karma

I love the people of columbia, just not those who have chosen to pervert justice. They will be held accountable though and when that happens, I'll be going back. Great place!

thatguyuptheroad5 karma

How can you not have anything but hatred towards your so called friend who implicated you? I understand it was probably more the police forcing him but still.

LifeAfter1017 karma

Charles Erickson is a victim of our legal system. The responsibility is solely on the authorities who lied to, used, and manipulated him. That's where my anger is placed and I can assure you, there's plenty there. I have just found a positive way of dealing with it. Primarily through health and fitness as I laid out in my most recent book Stronger, Faster, Smarter!

IrishRed924 karma

Hi Ryan. How much did you feel the outside world changed in the ten years that you were incarcerated?

LifeAfter1010 karma

So much and so little. It's like the passage of time, how a day can feel so long yet so short. Things out here look the same to me but with these communicators, as my dad says, in our pockets, everything has changed. Business is so simple on an IPhone. I love it!

magdalenorosales3 karma


LifeAfter1010 karma

I think there is a close connection however, based on the facts, I do not like the Ferguson example. The case in NY of those cops killing that poor guy Eric Garner though, that is a prime example of what's wrong with our justice system. Those cops should be in prison forever! It's sad to me an uprising that need to happen was muddied by the Ferguson case.

MangoFalll3 karma

How was youre relation to the prison guards?

LifeAfter105 karma

As with life, there are some good ones and some bad ones. That said, it was rough for many years and even when it got better, they would still lock you up in the blink of an eye. Strange place.

alcb04203 karma

Hi Ryan! I followed your story for many years. I watched, cried, laughed, and dreamed your case in those last several months. You are so brave and inspiring! I just got your new book and I am devouring it. Will you be planning a book tour? And, if I may ask, is an engagement in the near future?

LifeAfter104 karma

I cannot answer either of these questions. HAHA! Only time will tell! Sorry and thank you so much for your support!

Trying2BaWiseGuy3 karma

Would you rather have to fight one horse-sized duck, fight 100 duck-sized horses, OR wrongfully go back to prison again for animal cruelty that you chose not to commit?

LifeAfter1013 karma

Ha, I would make a workout partner out of the horse-sized duck, pets out of the duck-sized horses (so awesome), and I have Kathleen Zellner so there's no chance I'll ever be wrongfully convicted again!

siddhartha6662 karma

What do you think of the movie "The Shaw shank Redemption," and does it have any special meaning to you?

LifeAfter103 karma

No special meaning but I love it. Well done move and a great story that easily could be true.

pdxmatty2 karma

What are your go to supplements in helping you stay fit?

LifeAfter103 karma

Mainly Whey and Casin protein eaten both before and after workouts. I also like Cellucor's C4 pre workout. Quest bars are a great snack as well!

jdarhanson2 karma

Ryan, i am wondering what research you do concerning a prisoner who claims his innocence before supporting that prisoner? I have noticed you sometimes provide links to other prisoners cases who claim their innocence. I would like to know how you as a person know which cases to support?

LifeAfter104 karma

I only talk about cases in which I have seen all the evidence and can say with certainty that these people are innocent. That's why there are such few links. When I get more info I will surely be sharing it!

jaclyndk5192 karma

Are you planning a book tour? Can we find tour info on your website?

LifeAfter102 karma

No book tour planned but feel free to check out RyanFergusonFitness.com!

confuego142 karma

How does being physically strong relate to being mentally strong?

LifeAfter106 karma

Beyond studies linking working out to literally making you stronger, when you achieve a physical goal and show yourself that you can accomplish anything, that will translate into everything you do. There are many answers to this question but this is the one I have seen change so many lives! Great question!!

lutheranguy2 karma

You float around the statistic of thousands of wrongful convictions. How do we change the criminal justice system realistically in the next 20 to 40 years to decrease that number ?

LifeAfter108 karma

Hold police and prosecutors accountable for hiding evidence, creating false evidence, and outright threatening witness to say what they want them to say. That would be a very basic and poorly written start. Oh, statistic, conservative estimates place between 40,000 and 100,000 wrongfully convicted people in American Prisons.

jrh3242 karma

Hey man! I've followed your case for a long time. Do you ever plan on visiting/speaking in Canada?

LifeAfter105 karma

I do! Not sure when yet but I'll surely be there in the future!

CindersRojas1 karma


Wow, it's amazing you wrote a book after such a life-altering thing. I wish you lots of success and plan on reading it.

Were you interested in health and making yourself have "the best body" before prison?

LifeAfter101 karma

Not really, I had worked out a few times but had no idea how great it could be for your mental state. I would have found it eventually but prison forced it upon me quickly I guess.

Blue_Turtle131 karma

How did you handle going to prison knowing you had nothing to do with the crime? Also what were your initial thoughts coming out, were you just ecstatic or were you angry and resentful?

LifeAfter101 karma

Still figuring out my thoughts. I feel a whole range feeling both good and difficult to deal with. Am working through them. So far as handling prison, there comes a point when you realize it is not a choice. This is your reality and you have to make the best of it even though it defies logic and makes no sense.

lutheranguy1 karma

What is the legacy of Ryan Ferguson's case?

LifeAfter103 karma

One that the legal system will ultimately regret as they have lit a fire under the wrong ass! I will bring change about a change to the corruption if it's the last thing I do!

laxboi33191 karma

If you had to pick one, What was the hardest thing about prison?

LifeAfter104 karma

Never knowing if you'd get out alive

reformed_PUA1 karma

How's the lawsuit coming along?

Seem that many wrongful convictions result in high payouts; deservedly so.

Also, congrats on being proactive and getting busy with putting out positive messages like your new book. Much success to you!

LifeAfter101 karma

Thank you! One of my most important messages in life is about to be written... We all project energy into the world around us. Whether you want to or not, it happens. Be aware of this and chose to project POSITIVE ENERGY. Why not? It'll change your life and the life of people you've never even met!! How beautiful is that!?!?!

shovelsnow1 karma


LifeAfter102 karma

Indeed. Marty is a good man who has done much for the innocence community! Very messed up case. I wish him all the best and am proud of all that he's accomplished in his life!