Highest Rated Comments

Salty_Scrimshander174 karma

Can you share an embarrassing story about Seth from his childhood?

Salty_Scrimshander6 karma

Are you angry about what happened to you? If you're not, how did you get over the anger and learn to let it go?

Salty_Scrimshander4 karma

Haha you're such a good sister!

PS: I can't wait to start watching the new episodes. Thanks for being apart of one my favorite TV shows!

Salty_Scrimshander1 karma

How much cake do I have to eat to make the sadness go away?

Salty_Scrimshander1 karma

Thanks for the response man. I by no means have been through what you've been through. However, I too have dealt with being falsely accused of something that I didn't do, and put through my own personal hell. Although it worked itself out in the end, I still feel a lot of anger towards those who put me through hell.

I wish you the best in everything you do.