My short bio: Leader of the Australian Greens, doctor, public health specialist and co-convenor of the Parliamentary Group for Drug Policy and Law Reform. Worked in Aboriginal health in the Northern Territory, on HIV prevention in India and in the drug and alcohol sector.

I’ll be taking your questions for half an hour starting at about 6pm AEST. Ask me anything on medicinal cannabis reform in Australia.

The Regulator of Medicinal Cannabis Bill is about giving people access to medicine that provides relief from severe pain and suffering. The community wants this reform, the evidence supports it and a Senate committee has unanimously endorsed it. Now all we need is the will to get it done.

My Proof:

Edit: Answering questions now. Let's go!

Edit 2: Running to the chamber to vote on the biometrics bill, back to answer more in a moment!

Edit 3: Back now, will get to a few more questions!

Edit 4: Unfortunately I have to back to Senatoring. All the bad things Scott said about you guys on reddit were terrible, terrible lies. I'll try to get to one or two more later if I can!

Comments: 1089 • Responses: 44  • Date: 

InnerCityTrendy434 karma

Hi Richard,

The Australian Greens often claim to be champion evidence base policy and deride others who ignore the science of climate change or the war on drugs I have two questions.

  1. Given your background as a physician do you stand by the Greens policy that GMO’s “pose significant risks to … human health.”, given this has never been shown to be the case?

  2. Will you defund and retroactively delist all of CSIRO’s patents on gene technology as suggest in your “A ban on patenting all living organisms, including plants, animals and micro-organisms,”

RichardDiNatale162 karma

Regarding the health risks: I'm guided by the science. When there is a scientific consensus that there are zero health risks, then our policy should change to reflect that. Our policies are reviewed regularly. However, it's still early days and it is still premature to assert that there are no health risks at all.

The Greens aren't calling for a blanket prohibition to GMOs as is sometimes suggested. Genetic science has huge potential to help solve some looming crises such as in developing new vaccines. Our policy is simply to apply the precautionary principle. As long as they are proven safe for the environment and safe for people, then no problem. Perhaps of more concern is the fact that GMOs are unlike other plants and animals in that they have a corporate owner who is heavily invested in generating a return in their intellectual property. This means GMOs is not just a debate about science, it's also about agricultural freedom and choice.

m1sta92 karma

Things discouraging me from voting for the greens...

  1. Anti-nuclear, no matter the scientific or business case

  2. Anti-GMO, no matter the scientific or business case

  3. Anti-negative-gearing, ignoring CGT concessions and a long list of other related options and loopholes.

I'd rather they just have no blanket policy where there is no reason for one.

RichardDiNatale5 karma

Please see my answers about GMO and nuclear. I have a scientific background as a doctor as do many members, supporters and staff.

We recently released some costings we had the Parliamentary Budget Office do regarding the CGT discount. This, and lots of other options and "loopholes" are a key part of our policy development.

marktx2 karma

Good question, too bad you missed the window

RichardDiNatale20 karma

Still answering questions, will get to this one.

Sinkust246 karma

Will the Greens ever consider changing their stance on nuclear power?

mightbme44 karma

I hope not...what's wrong with renewable energy?

RichardDiNatale71 karma

This guy gets it. Senatorial upvote.

KaRathCSS173 karma

Hi Richard,

As a young Australian, we feel like our futures are being neglected. There is minimal funding to youth mental health, education is being cut back further, and even jobs these days aren't even a certainty with degrees. Even when we speak out, it feels like the government is ignoring us.

My question to you is, how are the Greens planning to fix these issues? What is your take on:

-Mental health and Medicine in particular


-Creating jobs for future youth in sectors such as scientific research

Finally, as another separate question from the above - how would someone enter politics and make their voice known, especially a young adult who's interested in forming policies for the future but not particularly subscribed to any political party in general?

RichardDiNatale225 karma

Early intervention and prevention are key but there are major funding blockages which are hammering community mental health programmes. We need to restructure how we fund care pathways more broadly and embrace education and scientific research. Our minds not our mines are going to be the solutions for the 21st century.

Tuqq115 karma

Will the Greens ever support complete legalisation of cannabis? On par with say alcohol. The war on drugs has failed miserably ...

RichardDiNatale325 karma

My focus is on getting medicinal cannabis over the line, and a debate on recreational cannabis muddies the waters and makes it easier for that reform to be defeated. But at some point in the future we need to debate it. The war on drugs has failed miserably and it's becoming more obvious every day.

herpderpherpderp93 karma

Do you feel that the green need to change their approach in any way (in economic, social or other non-environmental policy) in order to be viewed as a viable third party in the lower house rather than as a democrats-style senate based party/protest vote?

RichardDiNatale191 karma

The biggest obstacle to people voting Green is not our policy platform itself, its that people don't actually know what we stand for. We're working hard to change that.

The policies themselves are mainstream and popular - policies like support for public heath and education, equal marriage, and voluntary euthanasia are very popular. Our campaign successes show that when people have a conversation with us they are very open to being persuaded.

m1sta102 karma

Any chance of a "we're not the Labour Party" advertising campaign?

RichardDiNatale221 karma

I am confident our creative minds can do a little better than that when developing our materials...

kwoddle91 karma

I've encountered a lot of people who won't vote for the Greens because the name makes then assume you're still mostly a single-issue party focused on the environment. Has any consideration been given to renaming the party?

RichardDiNatale183 karma

This comes up from time to time. Does anyone think the Liberal party stands for liberal values anymore? The challenge is to have real conversations with people about issues that matter. The marketing isn't the main issue. After all, one in three young people are voting for us - it's what you're used to, they don't seem to mind the name.

zdlr83 karma

What are your thoughts on the NBN? Do you think we should be building FTTP nationally? Aren't we going to have to do this eventually anyway so why not do it now or at least get a start on it?

It's a nation building project after all. Where is the vision on this issue from the Coalition? Malcolm Turnbull's Multi-Technology Mix or Malcolm Turnbull's Mess NBN makes me furious. FTTN is a massive technological joke.

We could have been world leaders with the FTTP NBN with gigabit internet but now we are going to be a joke with 25 Mbps or less FTTN.

I know the Greens support the FTTP NBN and that's part of the reason I'm a Greens voter (Pirate Party in the Senate) but I'd just like to know the Greens leader's thoughts on the FTTP NBN and it's amazing potential for society.

RichardDiNatale249 karma

On my farm in the Otways region of Victoria I have to make do with slow 3G wireless internet, so I feel the pain of the everyone in this country who struggles to stream Netflix comfortably.

The Greens have always been big supporters of the NBN, and that means fibre to the home, no half-measures. We should be talking about the industries of the 21st century and what jobs in Australia will be like in 10 or 20 years. I can tell you they will all need world-class communications infrastructure.

And as for your senate vote - how about showing your support for the Pirate Party by putting them high up - say number 2?

Vespyro70 karma


Let me start by thanking you for being a face of reason within this current toxic political environment. Myself and many other young Australians are more engaged with politics than ever before and we're so glad to have you and The Greens to look to for reasonable policies that take into account human rights and the rapidly declining global climate.

Now to my query, I recently spent some time working in the remote community of Mutitjulu (NT) alongside The Jimmy Little Foundation, who provide an incredible educational health program to young Indigenous Australians.

As you may know, JLF have had their funding not just reduced, but completely cut off. They're currently trying to crowdfund for the resources that are desperately needed to keep this vital program from closing down. Is there anything that you can personally do within your party or the senate to help see that at least part of this funding is restored, or do you have any advice for the foundation in this time?

Thank you.

RichardDiNatale96 karma

As a doctor I worked in the Territory for an aboriginal community controlled health organisation. Aboriginal health is an important issue to me and one of the reasons I ended up going into politics in the first place. The system has to be changed.

What an indictment on this government that JLF have to resort to crowdfunding. And this from a self-style "Prime Minister for aboriginal affairs"!

Our policy is to reverse those cuts. I will follow up with my colleague Rachel Siewert and see if there's anything further we can do to help.

blueandgold1161 karma

Hi Richard,

How can we improve scientific and statistical literacy in the Australian public so that public policy can be based on evidence, not fact-free talking points and scare campaigns?

Keep fighting the good fight.

RichardDiNatale66 karma

Good question but it goes back to making sure people come out of school with a basic grounding and scientific literacy.

theSpeakersChair53 karma

I'd love to see the Greens become a legitimate third major party in Australia, but I fear there is a stigma that many people have that prohibits them from voting Green.

One such example is my home state of Tasmania. The 2010 state election delivered a hung parliament which saw Labor and the Greens form minority government. Many people blamed the failures of the government and the economy on the Greens, and both Labor and the Greens were voted out at the last election (however, I think it was inevitable that the Liberals would win in 2014, regardless of what Labor/the Greens could do/achieve).

My question relates to this. Obviously the increase in the Greens vote will be slow over time, to the determent to the other parties. How do you plan on avoiding situations like 2010-2014 in Tasmania and 2010-2013 Federally, where the general public view any deals with the Greens as a negative?

Is a Labor/Green coalition (similar to the LNP) a solution to this?

RichardDiNatale105 karma

Good question. Power-sharing government is always a challenge for a minor party. Ultimately it allows you the best opportunity to get outcomes. I'd be very reluctant to enter into a formal coalition with any party because the experience with the LNP is that the National Party have been subsumed by their partner. I wouldn't want to see the Greens become a hollow shell like the National Party is today.

smileedude48 karma

I heard Tony Abbotts reason for not supporting a free vote on marriage equality was that he must "respect the views of the people that voted for him". I find this a severe flaw with the way we do democracy in that the views of one side are ignored for 3 years at a time. This polar seperation of politics appears to have drifted further apart and moderate governance is the loser.

Can this see sawing of government back and forth be rectified and how can politics become less devisive?

RichardDiNatale63 karma

A Green coup would do the job.

In a peaceful and non-violent way of course.

zabriskiepoint45 karma


I've been a lifelong ALP supporter, but recently, I am dismayed by the lurch to the right that they have taken. I am in blue ribbon ALP territory in Victoria, and I am considering moving my allegiance to the Greens, as it is becoming obvious that there are deep fractures in the moral, economic, and political integrity of two-party politics.

As a doctoral candidate, a worker in the digital economy, a person who cares about the rights and protections of employees, the marginalised and vulnerable, and government that is authentically interested in plotting a course for Australia to be positioned as a major player in the emergent techno-markets of the future, what can you - as the leader of the Greens - offer me?

Besides the glorious - and gloriously admirable - antics of Scott Ludlum.

(Philosophically. Cash promises are not required. This isn't Q&A.)

RichardDiNatale50 karma

Surely Scott's enough?

ran_dom_user38 karma

NSW Greens Mp David Shoebridge last year renewed calls for a Parliamentary Inquiry into how multinational insurers deal with former NSW police. The injured police's Facebook page, The Forgotten 300 has 44,000 likes and counting.

These officers had insurance policies with First State Super. They had paid premiums their entire career. Now injured, the underwriter, Metlife insurance, a 62 billion dollar American corporation is refusing their claims. The NSW government is powerless to fix the situation which has lasted 5 years and is still ongoing.

How do you feel about American corporations standing over our politicians in this way?

RichardDiNatale77 karma

I'm not on top of the issue. It sounds like a real injustice. I'll follow up and look into what David has released on the subject.

purpleyhippo37 karma

Thanks for the AMA Richard!

My question is: What can you offer Australia that no other party leader can?

RichardDiNatale137 karma

Hi purpleyhippo,

1) Home made salami. (I'm eating some right now.) 2) A vision for a modern, prosperous 21st century economy, a more decent and compassionate and caring Australia. 3) No three word slogans.

Foxtrot_Charlie34 karma

Hi Richard, congrats on becoming the new greens leader. what would you do differently to Labor/Libs in terms of economics policy?

RichardDiNatale176 karma

We'd have one.

Fojaro34 karma

I so often hear the phrase "those crazy green's", "Lefty loonies" etc.

It's a clever trick which the mainstream politicians and voters alike all seem to perpetuate despite the party actually being quite centrist and focused on science over ideology.

I believe the best way to quash this myth is through results.. but is there anything else that either the Greens or us supporters can do?

RichardDiNatale67 karma

By far the best way to change somebody's mind is for them to hear it from somebody like them, somebody they know and trust. If you hear a relative or friend talk about crazy greens then out yourself as a Greens voter and tell them why. Tell them our values are your values. We know this works because we have 10 Senators and 1 lower house MP (who looks nothing like me) and we did it by having conversations, not through cheerleaders in the media or outspending the others on TV ads.

mckean1432 karma

Hi, what is your expectation for the process of any change in relation to same-sex marriage equality in Australia over the next year or so, considering the outcome of the Coalition party room meeting yesterday?

RichardDiNatale60 karma

Yesterday was a blow but I'm still confident that this reform will get over the line.

G1th31 karma

What is the Greens' position on space exploration/research in Australia?

RichardDiNatale108 karma

Well submarines ARE the spaceships of the ocean…

We strongly support increased investment in science and research, including international participation in space programs. Science and innovation is a key part of a strong economy and strong jobs growth.

higgo29 karma

Given that Jacqui Lambie has recently admitted her own son is an ice addict and has suggested extreme measures like forced detox, what policies would the Greens suggest in place of her radical ideas? And do you think that Lambie would work with you on suitable reform?

RichardDiNatale60 karma

We think drug use should be treated health issue. We need to direct resources towards treatment: no one should have to wait for detox or a rehab bed. Until we realise not working, we won’t make progress. We’re happy to work with anyone in the name of good policy.

ButterLettuceFantasy27 karma

What was your experience like working in Aboriginal health in the Northern Territory? Has this shaped the way you would approach Aboriginal affairs as a politician?

RichardDiNatale47 karma

Yes, of course. It was a life-changing experience. It made me realise that writing a script for diabetes is only tackling a tiny part of the problem, that is indigenous disadvantage. It's how my journey to politics began.

santaschesthairs24 karma

Hi Richard, thanks for answering questions today.

I'm a school student, only able to vote in a few months, with a keen interest in technology. For years Australia has relied on the mining sector to prop up economic growth, but as commodity prices fall and growth in that sector weakens, we should be looking to non mining sector to maintain sustainable growth. Considering the direction in which the world is heading, a strong technology industry seems a fairly appropriate way to balance this, but after the removal of the FTTP NBN and the impending TPP negotiations close to being signed, it seems that there is a basic disconnect between politicians and technology. Whilst the media continue to underreport such issues, I fear that in order to pursue a career I truly enjoy, I would have to look to a job where the technology sector was healthy, and ideally where the TPP was not choking entrepreneurship.

What would the Greens party under your leadership do to improve the technology industry, particularly in regards to the NBN, TPP and general economic assistance?

And what can we do as a whole to educate the masses more in regards to the TPP? It seems to me that it should be an election talking point.

Thanks again!

RichardDiNatale42 karma

Good luck with your first vote.

We’re strong supporters of a real NBN - not the half-backed approach of Tony Abbott.

With the TPP - it’s certainly an election talking point for us - we’ve introduced a Private Members Bill to stop some of the provisions, including those that could hand power to large corporations to sure governments.

As to what to do, iIt’s up to all of us - be it in Parliament or in the conversations we have with friends and family, to raise awareness of what is a secretive trade agreement with the potential to inflict permanent damage on the country.

CDKL523 karma

Can you please tell me why there is NO medical cannabis scheme for kids who are already on medical cannabis? These kids and parents have no choice but to break the law or alternatively watch their child die because all typical pharma meds have failed. We shouldn't be excluded from Normal activities because of a life saving medication, I am unable to get respite for my daughter because of her medical cannabis even though he neurologist and paediatrician know and support me giving her it!

RichardDiNatale40 karma

Totally agree. I'm doing what I can as a parliamentarian by introducing my bill and holding an inquiry so people like you could come to Canberra and tell their stories. The good news is we've built support across party lines for reform. I believe it's going to happen, it's just a matter of time.

If you'd like to get in touch with my office and share your story I would love to hear it, and we can keep you up to date on how we are going getting the law changed.

TheSneakyTruth21 karma

Hi Richard, as someone who is trained to be a GP, and understands the issues surrounding primary care, public health and epidemiology in Australia, why did you vote to pass the Medical Research Future Fund bill in the Senate today?

Arguably preventative medicine and public health will take a hit, along with the GP co-pay, making it tough for pensioners and low socio-economic groups to maintain good health. How do you foresee the public health care system dealing with this?

RichardDiNatale33 karma

Backing medical research and funding for preventative health and public health are not mutually exclusive and we have to deal with legislation as it comes before us. We remain the party that will campaign strongest for primary care and reform of our health system.

DixonCJ20 karma

Richard, do you hang your toilet paper rolls with the paper at the front or at the back?

RichardDiNatale69 karma


Maybe we need a plebiscite to decide?

EconomicDecline20 karma

Hi Richard,

I want to congratulate yourself, Larissa, Scott, Rachel, Sarah, Lee, Peter, Janet, Adam, Christine and Penny for the being the moral and considerate voice for the nation in Canberra. And on to the question:

Apart from the more well publicised issues (asylum seekers, marriage equality, entitlements, etc), are there any particular issues that frustrate or astound you when it comes to the opinions of your political peers?

RichardDiNatale58 karma

I'd say the general attitude towards science is really concerning - as an example the current attitude to wind energy and this bizarre idea that wind turbines are making people sick. That's one I have to say astounds me.

feenicks18 karma

Hi Richard.

My question:

Did Scott put you up to this?

My other question:

What are your opinions on electoral reform? Specifically abolishing the GVT, proportional representation, and votig thresholds? Thanks.

RichardDiNatale48 karma

1) Scott who?

2) Strong support for proportional representation and doing away with Group Voting Tickets. Put power back in the hands of voters and not backroom deals. We don't see the need for voting thresholds.

Sighcandy16 karma

I have smoked cannabis on and off for many years and feel legalising it is not only sensible but necessary to avoid Australia turning into a land of prisons like the USA. What will it take for it to happen and will the benefits the US has seen since legalisation help push this through? I'm talking of course of the reduction in criminal activity and massive increase in revenue.

RichardDiNatale50 karma

A national debate, a concerted campaign from pro-reform advocates, and a bit of political will.

If the evidence from the American experience continues to be positive, it can only help reform here and in other places.

combustibility16 karma

Would the greens next consider the medical use of psychedelics and mdma which have been proven to be of great therapeutic use? And would you moved towards evidence based legislation in regards to drugs I.E. legalising drugs with comparable or greater safety profiles than alcohol?

RichardDiNatale26 karma

The same principals apply - if they can work and can help people.

The_Cosmic_Architect15 karma

Hi Richard, Thank you for taking the time to do this AMA.

As a sufferer of a life-long chronic pain disorder (fibromyalgia), I have found that cannabis is the only medicine that alleviates the majority of my symptoms. Is the new bill designed to include patients suffering from chronic illnesses as well as terminally ill patients?

Thank you for all your hard work.

RichardDiNatale36 karma

Yes it is, but ultimately it’s not up to politicians. We’ve left that up to an independent regulator that will be made up of a whole range of experts in this area.

zrag12315 karma

Hey Richard i love watching your speeches in Parliament. For me the greens are the party for the people with rational policies, yet thanks to the major parties I feel the mainstream view the greens as too radical. How do you plan to address this image that the major parties are creating?

RichardDiNatale27 karma

We're the party for the new jobs of the 21st century. If people think that's radical then they need to take a look at what's happening out there. Honesty, authenticity and showing that what we're saying resonates with more and more people.

Cachexic14 karma

Thanks for doing the AMA today Richard!

Do you have any tips for anyone who wants to be a doctor in Australia? I am applying for the graduate medicine intake next year, and finishing off my bachelors in science this semester.

RichardDiNatale27 karma

Study hard, remember why you want to make a difference and lots of caffeine for late night cramming.

Comrade_Traffic13 karma

Do the greens support multiculturalism? I remember as a kid we would have a multicultural day where everyone would get a pin and try different tasty food. Seems to have died down now.

RichardDiNatale23 karma

We're strong supporters - every day is multicultural day at my house.

I remember being teased for the mortadella sandwiches and now they're regarded as gourmet.

Daniru3311 karma

Hi Dr/Senator Di Natale, I'm a Year 12 student from the NT currently writing a Legal Studies essay on reforming Australia's cannabis policy (particularly regarding its medicinal applications), so I'm really happy that you've decided to do this.

Firstly I understand that the Greens have pushed for this issue for some time now, and have now even achieved bipartisan support on the issue. However, do you believe the trials currently underway are simply delaying the supply of a medicine that has repeatedly been shown to be effective to many people currently suffering?

Secondly, I recently read that you are in support of a decriminalised approach (akin to the system in Portugal) to tackling drug-related issues in Australia. Coming from your experience in the medical field, could you expand on how such an approach could improve the way drug-related health issues are dealt with?

Thirdly, do you feel that legalisation and regulation of cannabis for recreational use could perhaps more effectively accomplish this, as it could also potentially reduce crime and increase tax revenue to then put into treatment? If not, could you elaborate on your position? BTW I'm not a user myself, so my stance on this isn't just some excuse to get high easier.

Thanks, I'm a huge supporter of the Greens and I'd be extremely appreciative if you could answer my questions.

RichardDiNatale14 karma

We're concerned that trials could lead to delay. My bill isn't about trials, it's about getting medicine into the hands of people who need it.

Re: Portugal, too long to go into here, but it means more money for treatment, diverting money away from areas that don't work. It also means increased social support for those who got in trouble with drugs. It's a health issue, not a criminal issue.

Right now the debate is about medicinal cannabis. Once we achieve that, there will certainly be a debate about next steps.

Ores10 karma

What if any material differences do you intend to make now that you're leader of the Australian Greens?


What do you think of the NZ greens having co-leaders?

RichardDiNatale21 karma

I joined the party because I believe in what we stand for and have no intention of taking the party away from that.

The idea of co-leaders is an interesting one and it works well for the NZ Greens. We have co-deputies, in Larissa Waters and Scott Ludlam - co-deputies is a new idea for an Australian political party, but when Scott and Larissa proposed it, we jumped at the chance. They’re doing great work and, along with my colleagues, are great support.

balls-in-space7 karma

How can the average Australian help support The Greens and also make their voices heard within the current government?

RichardDiNatale17 karma

Join, volunteer, donate, get active. Or all of the above. It's passionate volunteers who are the edge we have over the other parties.

makeoutwiththatmoose6 karma

Hi Richard - I'm curious as to what discussion there's been around the production and distribution of medicinal marijuana. Is this something that's going to sit purely with big pharmaceuticals, smaller dispensaries, or outsourcing from local growers? Will those allowed access to medicinal marijuana be permitted to produce small quantities strictly for their own use - particularly as it is therapeutic and not actually a cure?

Thanks for doing this AMA - really enjoying watching you as the leader these last few months, you're bringing a sense of level-headedness and compassion that is sorely missing from the government and most of the opposition.

RichardDiNatale13 karma

We don't envisage this would be the province of the pharmaceutical industry. The regulator my bill would set up will set down regulations for the large-scale cultivation and ensure some consistency and quality control. One reason we need a separate regulator is because cannabis doesn't have a corporate sponsor like the ordinary medicines the TGA regulates.

Ninjaofdoom5 karma

Hey Richard,

A few questions for you from a 15 y.o. living in Melbourne:

  1. What is your stance on nuclear energy in a clean energy future?

  2. Do you plan to remove negative gearing and other regulations helping the rich buy up properties? My friends and I cannot currently see ourselves owning our own homes and it is a big worry for us.

  3. Can you make promises about the TPP trade deal- specifically whether it receives your backing?

RichardDiNatale21 karma

  1. Cut and paste from above:

It's true the Greens have a long and proud background in the anti-nuclear movement and the peace movement. But my opposition to nuclear power in Australia is thoroughly pragmatic. For us to start a nuclear power industry from scratch would require billions of dollars, a decade's time, and the importation of massive amounts of skill and material from overseas. Given how Australia is situated in terms of opportunities for wind, solar and tidal power, we could power our country sooner and more cheaply with renewables and become a technology exporter to boot.

In any case, nuclear power is not renewable. Why would we want power that requires a hazerdous and environmentally damaging extractive process when right now we can build power stations that get their fuel for free?

This isn't an anti-science point of view. As my colleague Scott likes to say, science tells you that you can get energy from nuclear fission but doesn't tell you what you should or shouldn't do to power the country. That's a broader conversation involving industry and the economy as well as the environment.

  1. Yes, we released our policy to abolish negative gearing. Take a look. We have ongoing work on the other factors that contribute to housing speculation such as capital gains tax.

  2. We are strongly opposed to the TPP and have an active campaign running on that issue. See the work of my colleague Peter.

Timinane5 karma

What happens if medicinal cannabis trials don't return the results proponents want?

RichardDiNatale19 karma

We're not pushing for trials, we've introduced a bill to create a regulator and get medicinal cannabis happening. The regulator, and the doctors who prescribe the drug, will be guided by the evidence base that is out there.

Refrus4 karma

What is your stance on the 'death tax'?

RichardDiNatale14 karma

It's not part of our policy platform.

notanothercliche4 karma

Hi Richard, I'm aware this is a state issue and you are the federal leader of the Greens but how does your party explain issuing preference-free how to vote cards in the 2014 Victorian election? Especially when Liberals issued open tickets in marginal Labor/Green seats.

RichardDiNatale13 karma

We've often issued open tickets which is in fact our starting position going into elections. We always reserve the right to have some open tickets rather than preferencing Labor in every seat, depending on the Labor candidate and the party's performance.

mrinternet2 karma

Medical Cannabis - Regulator Cannabis Bill currently you have offered a view of supporting decriminalization vs legalization is that correct and why ?

RichardDiNatale3 karma

Yes on decriminalisation of all drugs. Have recently returned from Portugal, and their model works.