I am sorry for the misunderstanding. We created a movement system in VR that does not cause any motion sickness. Our game is currently out in Steam and tomorrow it will be released on the Oculus.

~~ ~~

Our Short Bio: I am a student and my friend is a UX Designer and we decided to quit what we were doing to make our own virtual reality games. Although we had members come in and out, it is mainly both of us. Me in development and my friend in design and business. We created an Overwatch like Multiplayer VR FPS game that solves motion sickness and took it to Steam. Tomorrow we are excited to release this game on the Oculus Platform. While developing this game we went through a rollercoaster and we have learnt a lot about ourselves, the game industry and the VR industry.

A few milestones that we both achieved were presenting in PAX West, releasing scholarly articles about our motion sickness solution and creating our own network system for crossplatform play between Steam and Oculus users. Our next milestones might be releasing this game on PSVR and porting to mixed reality headsets.

Feel free to ask us about anything relating to us, the game or its development. Any questions are welcomed. Both of us will try to answer as many questions as we can in a timely manner. We will be on standby starting today till 9PM PST on April 1st 2018.

Our Proof:

This is our game APEX Tournament. We have a full game demo if you want to check it out.

This is some more proof to show its really us.

Our Oculus release [3/29/2018].


Here are the links to our scholarly articles and additional publications. It is not peer reviewed and by no means high authority. We constructed this white paper because we were eager to share our findings with the VR community in hopes that more VR games/applications could be more motion sickness aware. When we discovered the Hyperdash solution we were super excited and decided to share it with the community. We exhibited and attended at multiple conventions including: PAX West, Dream Hack and Nerdbot con. We were able to test our locomotion system on a wide range of attendees and players who were particularly prone to motion sickness. Our findings were that none of the attendees got sick from our locomotion system and that they were finally able to experience a fast paced VR game. These encouragement and findings gave us the drive to complete Apex Tournament for everyone to try.

Our white paper article.

Publication 1.

Publication 2.

Publication 3.

edit: I am really happy with the amount of questions that people have posted. Still going strong!

edit1: There are so many questions! I will try to go through as many of them as I can.

edit2: I am out for a bit trying to put the website back up for the scholarly article. Sorry for the inconvenience.

edit4: I am back. My friend is setting the website with the article back up. I hope this helps in any way shape or form. If they do not put it up I also have something ready.

edit5: Changed This is our game to This is our game APEX Tournament

edit6: Added something on top to clear misunderstanding

edit7: Seems like the questions have calmed down. I need to prepare for our oculus release tomorrow. I apologize for all the problems I have caused and all the frustration I have caused to professionals. We will be back Thursday March 29th at 7:00AM PST to answer more questions.

edit8: Well, we have had a good time answering questions. We will be closing this IAMA at 900pm April 1st, 2018. We are thankful for the amount of professionals and the amount of people interested in our findings for VR motion sickness. Thanks for giving us a good time!

Comments: 647 • Responses: 66  • Date: 

xxxsirkillalot514 karma

What made you choose the Oculus over the Vive?

Could you ELI5 what causes most people to get motion sickness while playing VR and what your system does differently?

FantomDev682 karma

Thank you for questions!

What made you choose the Oculus over the Vive?

We actually released for both headsets. However, personally I find the Oculus so much easier to put on.

Could you ELI5 what causes most people to get motion sickness while playing VR and what your system does differently?

Hmm... for some people when they see movement and they do not feel movement their brain finds it weird so they get dizzy, it has some correlation with the balancing mechanism in your ear. For example, being in a boat or in a car. Our motion sickness solution makes it so you only feel movement when you move. The interesting thing is that our brain cannot tell if we are moving really fast or really slow so as long as you are moving a bit while you move in game your brain cannot tell. Our game uses this concept and does things differently by letting people move by using their natural body movement and multiplying it. We find that it is intuitive for the user and unlike any other system our game does not require any other input from the controller freeing a joystick for us developers to play around with. For example, when you are playing racing games and you lean left or right.

foofdawg387 karma

To add to your answer, it's my understanding that the reason we get sea sick/motion sickness is because the brain believes the body has been poisoned, and induces you to vomit to expel the poison it believes you may have ingested. This is because many poisons will cause you to experience motion when there is none ("the room is spinning" feeling for instance).

Moeparker431 karma

I've heard this poison theory before.

Since I do get motion sickness that just means I'm more prone to survival from poisoning, where as my friends would just eat the poison and never know, until they died.

I rest easy knowing I can never be poisoned by my enemies.

FantomDev135 karma

Yes, its not a weakness its a strength!

topgirlaurora438 karma

What do you mean by "solves" motion sickness?

FantomDev429 karma

Yes! Let me address that.

What do you mean by "solves" motion sickness?

There is a really big problem in the VR industry at the moment where users get motion sickness while moving in VR applications. Our game solves motion sickness by creating a new method of movement that does not cause any motion sickness to the user.

Gus_Fu298 karma

This is intriguing. From my perspective VR is a total non-starter because I suffer from such strong motion sickness so quickly. I'd be impressed if this really works.

FantomDev234 karma

We would appreciate your feedback to improve our motion system.

We currently have a free demo that contains the full game if you want to try it out!

Gus_Fu137 karma

I'll need to find someone that has a VR rig. This is something I probably can do...

FantomDev140 karma

We would appreciate it if its not too much trouble!

MusteredCourage2 karma

Is it available on ps vr?

FantomDev5 karma

Is it available on ps vr?

No but it is one of our milestones.

topgirlaurora45 karma

Interesting! Can you tell me more about how movement works in your game?

FantomDev64 karma

I will be happy to do so! In this game we use the players natural movement and multiply it to move the player to their desired position. This solves the problem of movement and VR motion sickness by pairing slight real movement to in game movement.

slowbroking64 karma

I gave your demo a try a little ago and I'm a little impressed by it. It didn't give any immediate VR sickness like if I was using the analog stick. However, I feel there are a few kinks to work out. I felt very imprecise with my movements and often ended up traveling too far or too short and couldn't really get a good in-between. The other part is if I wanted to travel quickly forward, I would end up actually going back and forth (i.e.: Move head quickly forward to move, then try to reset to move forward again only to move myself backwards because I moved my head back too fast.). Perhaps putting a brief cooldown period after dashing would help?

FantomDev41 karma

I am happy to hear that you were impressed by it! Yes, we are thinking of implementing different sensitivity settings based on direction. As far as stopping at a specific place it can be done to an approximated range however the direction traveled will always be correct. We were thinking to solve this problem to add key places to stop on or even adding a cooldown.

Thanks for the feedback!

Caliwroth4 karma

Sounds like it's based on the translational gain used in many redirected walking techniques, coupled with Shift which was tested by RE'FLEKT. It's a very interesting concept and I'd be interested to see some new or previous research into wether the user lands in their intended position and the lack of sim sickness

Do you guys scale the movement based on the provided tracking space? In other words, if the user has a smaller tracking space, does the translational gain increase so they don't bump into walls or leave the tracking space?

FantomDev5 karma

Do you guys scale the movement based on the provided tracking space? In other words, if the user has a smaller tracking space, does the translational gain increase so they don't bump into walls or leave the tracking space?

This seems really similar to the initial concept of our dashing system. Thanks for the information. This will be really handy for me when developing my next VR applications. Appreciate it. It appears that we use something similar to simple gain. However we found that even simple gain caused motion sickness so we decided to go for short displacement bursts with motion.

evilkalla34 karma

It is a super big problem. The first time I tried an FPS on my Vive with "movement" I went from totally ok to sick/vomiting in about 60 seconds. I was very disappointed, had to refund the game.

FantomDev23 karma

Yeah, the struggle is real. /u/evilkalla would you mind giving our game a shot? I would appreciate your feedback on it.

We currently have a free demo that contains the full game if you want to try it out!

edit: whoops I did not mean to call your subreddit evilkalla.

Teh1TryHard6 karma

I... don't think you'll see this, but small r is for subreddits (I.E. r/all is the homepage of reddit). u/insertusernamehere will summon insertusernamehere .

LiberContrarion57 karma

...small r is for subreddits...

...and baby pirates.

_Enclose_19 karma

Aww, that's just adorable

FantomDev5 karma

Yes. Yes.

FantomDev1 karma

Thank you! My finger slipped.

Phenom4084 karma

I believe it's called Simulation Sickness.

FantomDev6 karma


e_dan_k19 karma

Do you mean that the game itself doesn't cause motion sickness to a person while playing, or that a person who suffers from motion sickness doing real world activities can cure themselves of that?

FantomDev25 karma

I see where you and op are coming from.

Do you mean that the game itself doesn't cause motion sickness to a person while playing, or that a person who suffers from motion sickness doing real world activities can cure themselves of that?

What it meant was that the player who plays the game will not experience motion sickness while traversing the world in VR space. For your second statement however, really nice people in reddit have informed me that our locomotion algorithm could be used inversely to alleviate problems like vertigo. I am no professional in the medical field however we can look into it.

leftofzen6 karma

So basically, you're telling us nothing here. You gave no details about the techniques you used to try to minimise motion sickness, you just made a clickbait-buzzword claim as a publicity stunt to hype your game. It's not even the advertising that's the problem, it's the lying and misdirection. You just had to post in /r/gaming or /r/gamedev that you made a VR game with a novel movement mechanic that helps reduce motion sickness for some people in some scenarios, not some bullshit fame-seeking post in /r/IAmA.

Also just wondering, are you a native English speaker? You throw random technical terms and buzz words around like a PR person would, not a dev. Most of them don't make sense, but if you're not a native speaker that would explain it.

FantomDev5 karma

We didn't really mean for people to take it like that. I actually asked the moderators if it was ok for me to xpost to their subreddit and those who denied my request I did not post into. We really are looking for people with interest with what we do and that is our intention.

I also answer this question in other questions and likewise you can try the full game demo for free for yourself. I apologize for the scholarly articles. I am told they are being put up.

Also just wondering, are you a native English speaker?

I am sorry, I am not a native English speaker.



FantomDev20 karma

No offenses taken! We take feedback critically to improve ourselves and the locomotion system!

Ok cool, I copied half of that code from VRTK (too), but does it achieve 90fps (I hope you've done you research about this)?

I have heard of VRTK however I never used it in this project. Like never. I wish I had however, I have heard it has a lot of premade scripts that handle user interaction.

Our game runs above 60fps on headset as a standard Oculus application however the performance varies based on the hardware of the computer. Likewise, we have tried to make sure to have garbage collection and optimized textures. We will try to release an fps counter for the next release.

If you have problems with motion sickness would you try our game. We would appreciate your feedback! We have a free full game demo for you to try it out if you have time.

sentient_petunias58 karma

AutoModerator is forcing me to write this in the form of a question, so.. Did you know that in the first video on Steam, it says 'Zero VR Sicknes' at 0:27?

FantomDev16 karma

AutoModerator is forcing me to write this in the form of a question, so.. Did you know that in the first video on Steam, it says 'Zero VR Sicknes' at 0:27?

Thank you for this! I will inform my friend about this and we will fix it!

A_Feathered_Raptor40 karma

What are your thoughts on Ready Player One?

FantomDev62 karma

Haha! Yes!

What are your thoughts on Ready Player One?

When I saw the trailer I was like, we have the technology. I am actually pretty hyped to watch it and see how much of it could be created using current technology.

jiggsandrhett40 karma

I heard if you add a fake nose to the screen this could solve the motion sickness problem. Is this true?

FantomDev44 karma

We tried multiple solutions and this was one of them.

I heard if you add a fake nose to the screen this could solve the motion sickness problem. Is this true?

At a certain extent we believe its possible. With a pretty high bass you might be able to fake the feeling of motion. However when we tried testing this me and my friend still got motion sick. We did not try any further because we wanted to keep standing for the rest of the day.

edit: We tried with a nose. It was really funny for a really funny game concept. Its just werid. Its true sort of.

cosmikbear28 karma

I'm not sure if OP meant 'noise' or 'nose.' I'm also not sure if u/fantomdev replied with 'noise' or 'nose' in mind...:/

FantomDev21 karma

Thank you, I thought it was a typo.

Ceramic_llama37 karma

Have you given any thought about bringing this across to the PSVR?

FantomDev37 karma

Thanks for the question!

Have you given any thought about bringing this across to the PSVR?

Yes, it is part of our milestones to release our game in PSVR but currently we are still communicating with PlayStation. We have not had the opportunity yet to develop on it.

SettleDownButtercup33 karma

Game produces 0 motion sickness?

That video demo gave me motion sickness cancer.

FantomDev14 karma

We will address the video, we have been getting a lot of useful feedback for it. Thanks for your feedback!

Game produces 0 motion sickness?

Yes, from our tests and fellow players the motion system that we implemented in the game should let you move around the environment without motion sickness. The video might cause motion sickness however, we will be addressing that. Both of us are really prone to motion sickness too!

We would appreciate your feedback, if you had time could you play the game?

rottinguy21 karma

So for me there is a SUPER friggin simple solution to motion sickness that I am surprised none of the game studios are using.

I get motion sick in any first person game as soon as I take a couple steps.

But driving games, space combat games, rush of blood etc? I can play those perfectly well (I love Valkyrie).

The only difference that I can think of is the stationary frame of reference created by the cockpits (or roller coaster cart as the case may be).

I think that if you just added a couple of vertical blue bars to the screen about 1/3 of the way from the left and right and kept them in that same screen position, no motion sickness.

So my question is, why is it not that easy?

FantomDev14 karma

Interesting! You have the right mind keep at it!

So my question is, why is it not that easy?

The cockpit is actually one of the solutions for motion sickness however how different is it playing like that than playing it in 2d from your desktop. We found that that solution removes a lot of the immersion of being there. Likewise, from my experience in VR even the cockpit solution cause motion sickness to me. From what I have found is that you have to move everything around the player while the player feels that is stationary. If that is done by putting two vertical lines on the screen or making the background never move while objects around you do maybe that could be a solution for motion sickness. Let me test it and I will give you my feedback on it ;)

edit: being there and perceiving depth perception makes it immersive.

LettuceAyyy3 karma

Likewise, from my experience in VR even the cockpit solution cause motion sickness to me.

I want to play Elite Dangerous on my Rift so freaking bad. If I try to chase someone in a dog fight, doing a barrel roll or loop absolutely destroys me. But I don't get motion sickness from roller coasters that do the same motions IRL. It's almost like my body is expecting gravity or something.

I'll be giving this a go when I get home.

FantomDev2 karma

Yeah, turning also gets me most of the time. We have a free demo if you want to try it out!

2bitPixel2 karma

There was a game that came around a few years back.. damn if I can remember what it was called where you were a bird chasing down other players, it was like a multiplayer VS tag kind of game, and I think they tackled the motion sickness by putting a black border around the viewing field to give that same stationary point of reference, I don't know how effective it was though.

FantomDev5 karma

Eagle Flight!

supermariowert16 karma

Thoughts on imposter syndrome and survivor bias?

FantomDev31 karma

Wow you took me by surprise.

Thoughts on imposter syndrome and survivor bias?

To be honest I am actually quite fearful that this might not be the solution for everyone and maybe that I am in some sort of denial however you never know if you never really try and innovate. Advances in technology are done by through testing and user feedback and we take user feedback really seriously, especially when it comes to our target audience.

skellyton229 karma

As a VR dev I look forward to trying you game, not because I think you actually solved motion sickness but because you did something different enough it's worth checking out.

Sadly I have a Vive, so can't do the Demo?

FantomDev3 karma

We have a free demo on steam with the full game. Check it out!

Nine0000112 karma

What are some of the differences between VR Game Dev and non-VR game dev, if any? (I.e. Workflow, marketing, etc.)

Also, do you have any words of advice for any normal developers that want to make the jump to game dev?

FantomDev11 karma


What are some of the differences between VR Game Dev and non-VR game dev, if any? (I.e. Workflow, marketing, etc.)

One of the bigger differences between VR and non-VR experiences is user interaction. For example, in a non-VR game you do not really have to assume that the player will be looking behind the main menu or if the position of the menu is in an awkward angle. In terms of workflow VR development requires more attention to detail.

Also in VR development experiences have to be mostly portrayed in a first person perspective while in non-VR you can have different fixed views.

In terms of marketing another big thing is portraying the immersion the user will have with the experience in VR. In non-VR games it is easier to show immersion from the soundtrack or the gameplay however in VR you have to show how it feels to play the game. There are things that can only be expressed in 3d.

edit: You also have to handle input and interaction with both hands and the head if you have motion controllers which is another can of worms.

Also, do you have any words of advice for any normal developers that want to make the jump to game dev?

I would say that most of the things normal developers have been doing apply. If you have been learning different APIs it is no different in game development unless you are writing it from scratch. You will be doing a lot more logic than you normally would because you have to make sure that your world feels like its alive. A lot of times features like puzzles for example are more like an over complicated front end application. Almost like if you, the developer, were to be playing with the user.

peeled_grass-35 karma

Hello OP's alt account.

FantomDev4 karma

Sorry, currently this is the only account that we have for this AMA.

dinnerbasket11 karma

Did you go to college? Where?

How did you get your previous job?

What school, career, and hobbyist experiences were most critical to your ability to successfully develop this game?

FantomDev16 karma

Thanks for the questions!

Did you go to college? Where?

I did go to college as a Computer Engineer and I stopped before starting junior year. I went to Cal Poly Pomona in California, United States.

How did you get your previous job?

Before doing this project I did student part time jobs. My previous job was as a programming intern for a winter session.

What school, career, and hobbyist experiences were most critical to your ability to successfully develop this game?

I would say that my passion for creating things was the most critical experience to create this game. I often enjoyed attending hackathons by myself and crunched away for the weekends to create new things with new friends. That is how I met my friend who used to be an app designer. If you are looking to find people, attend several hackathons, make friends and keep in contact and you will eventually grow a team of awesome teammates. Likewise being both gamers, me and my friend wanted to make something fun and revolutionary. I would also attribute my ability to develop this game to my community college professors who tried their best to answer most of my questions when I asked them about the industry.

However to anyone that is working in a personal project, persevere through it and finish it through in any current means possible!

ArgonGryphon10 karma

I know Mythbusters isn't a show any more, but have you thought about sending it to Adam Savage? He does a lot of cool testing stuff, and he's notorious for getting sea or motion sick on the show, I wouldn't be surprised if he has problems with VR and if so maybe it would help him.

FantomDev6 karma

I wish we could get somebody that cool playing our game. However, I will be happy enough getting anyone to try out our game.

boezou5 karma

Does the game have a conventional (non-vr) interface that does anything to help people who get motion sickness from playing a regular first person shooter?

FantomDev4 karma

Oh shoot. I have friends that have a similar problem like that.

Does the game have a conventional (non-vr) interface that does anything to help people who get motion sickness from playing a regular first person shooter?

No, unfortunately. We were talking of releasing a (cross dimensional?) non-VR version of the game however it would play out like a normal FPS. We will take your account in consideration for creating an interface for people who get motion sickness over desktop.

NileDelta4 karma

Hey guys, the game looks interesting but I'm yet to try it. Currently sitting in class where I'm writing an architectural thesis based on VR and representation in architecture. Something that I'm exploring is user perception and our ability to place our conscious presence within virtual environments. I'm curious to know if you have any peer reviewed articles written that delve into user interaction and the reasons for motion sickness and your potential solution explored in your game. To claim you provide a motion-sickness free experience is a pretty interesting claim and I'd love to read more about your design research. Care to share your findings?

FantomDev3 karma

Hey Nile, I will get back to you on this. I will forward this to my friend and maybe you can use our findings for your research.

meteoritemcgyver4 karma

Any links to the scholarly articles?

FantomDev3 karma

We will be putting them up shortly. I have them just in case they are not put up. I am not going anywhere.

YorockPaperScissors3 karma

To be clear, your game only solves motion sickness in the game itself, correct? Someone who gets seasick would not be able to get on a boat with no ill effects after playing your game, would they?

FantomDev5 karma

I apologize for the misunderstanding.

To be clear, your game only solves motion sickness in the game itself, correct? Someone who gets seasick would not be able to get on a boat with no ill effects after playing your game, would they?

Unfortunately not. However fellow redditors have brought it to our attention that this technology could be used inversely to alleviate things like vertigo and maybe seasickness through AR. We look forward to researching about this. I am in no way a medical professional.

em_effin_short3 karma

How many users did you test this on? What types of people did you recruit?

FantomDev5 karma

I do not want to disappoint you but we did our best!

How many users did you test this on? What types of people did you recruit?

Most of the people that tried our game were from conventions, friends, family and ourselves. We got more than 300 signatures from PAX and conventions and we received really good feedback. We paid special attention for people with motion sickness. Unfortunately we do not really have the budget to recruit test players if not multiple gaming rigs and headsets for people to play on it.

burdalane2 karma

By solve motion sickness, do you mean solving VR motion sickness instead of motion sickness in general? It would be great if all i had to do before getting on a boat was play a game. I get seasick, but I usually don’t have an issue with VR motion.

FantomDev2 karma

Unfortunately our dashing system does not solve this problem however redditors have pointed out that we can inversely use our motion system to alleviate motion sickness. However, we do not have such a thing. I apologize for the miscommunication.

stonedune2 karma

Do you think this would help people suffering from Meniere's disease?

FantomDev2 karma

This is really deep. It actually made me think about ways we could solve this with this motion system. Thank you.

Do you think this would help people suffering from Meniere's disease?

Unfortunately we have not tested specifically on medical disorders. However, if there were to be a solution using our motion system I feel it would only counter or alleviate the vertigo. I am no professional in this and I am open to sharing my findings.

Dathiks2 karma

How's the p2w aspect?

FantomDev3 karma


How's the p2w aspect?

Our paid game is purely aesthetic and we are not thinking of going to the dark side any time soon. I feel like some models are ok with p2w (game morals, grinding, etc.) however this game is not that.

Danat_shepard2 karma

I am curious, what if the reason behind motion sickness is actually low FOV number? Just like in usual pc games, I mean, that's what is causing it for me every time.

But I don't even know if VR games actually have FOV settings at all.

FantomDev3 karma

This is actually a really peculiar question to me. I find it funny how VR games get to slack with video settings while desktops require you to have colorblind or distance texture settings.

I am curious, what if the reason behind motion sickness is actually low FOV number?

The field of view of the game is partly related to how much the headset can display. Most of the times games try to match the real FOV. I have never tried changing the FOV per eye however I would find that interesting. Let me put that on my testing bench and I can get back to you about it. I have no certification in the technicalities of the hardware, I only have an idea of how it works.

Count___Duckula2 karma

Hey guys.

Great to see developers focusing on sickness, it's literally the only thing standing between VR and applications beyond porn.

What are your next steps in tackling sickness?

Unrelated: I wrote a sickness inducing plugin awhile ago. It's a lot easier to teach people how it will feel vs how it should feel.

FantomDev2 karma

I am actually quite interested on your sickness inducing plugin. Mind sharing it with me?

What are your next steps in tackling sickness?

As of now, this is only one way from the multiple ways that we envisioned for addressing motion sickness. We are planning on polishing it more until it becomes viable and easy to understand for other AR and VR consumer products to adapt it. Maybe one day combine or create a solution that will make it viable for people with motion sickness to play VR. The current approach is a more action based approach it demonstrates the possibilities that can only be done only in VR technology. We might decide to look for a more passive approach of movement in the future.

ScoobyDew792 karma

Any thoughts/ideas/fixes on FPS motion sickness? I get motion sickness from first person shooters. Doesn’t matter if it’s PC or console, screen size, etc. I’ve played little VR, and that didn’t give me motion sickness.

FantomDev3 karma

I am sorry to hear that.

Any thoughts/ideas/fixes on FPS motion sickness?

We do not have any solutions to desktop FPS unfortunately but we will make sure to address this problem for our desktop implementation of this game. Have you tried lowering your screen brightness? Or maybe having a transparent ish a texture in your monitor would help out.

nuclearcajun2 karma

What engine did you guys use or did you make your own? Also what are some tips that you have for someone who is looking yo get into the game dev field?

FantomDev2 karma

Haha! The first fellow developer post!

What engine did you guys use or did you make your own?

We used Unity, specifically 5.6.1. We decided not to upgrade as our game became unstable after the 2017 release as some of the apis that we used were not compatible with it. For some things we made it on our own like our match service and our VR Harmony application that lets us retrieve information from the headset that is not found on other apis.

Also what are some tips that you have for someone who is looking yo get into the game dev field?

If you do not know any sort of programming start with this. After you understand above lists (although I would recommend you to keep going till data structures) move into getting sample unity games and read their code. Copy them. Then Frankenstein your own solution with copy pasted pieces of code. Eventually you will be able to tell what each line does.

As an overall tip, I would recommend you to persevere through your projects even if the code is not good and then look back on how you could improve. Use this as portafolio pieces and move on. Eventually polish them if you see them useful in the future.

A good way to get more experience is also by going to hackathons. There is a really nice and supportive community. You will be forced to learn a lot of things on the spot. You will also meet a lot of friends and work in a legit project.

Good Luck in your endeavors!

edit: google edit1: Look at the market and what you will be getting into.

idleactivist2 karma

Would you consider releasing an April 1st update - one where the gameplay exacerbates motion sickness?

FantomDev2 karma

Would you consider releasing an April 1st update - one where the gameplay exacerbates motion sickness?

Haha, that would be a good idea. However after the response from people I feel that that would not be the most sensitive thing to do.

VanessaClarkLove2 karma

As a game developer and motion sickness... getter, I'm really intrigued by this. So, in all your user testing, no one has ever said they got even a little bit sick playing?

FantomDev2 karma

So, in all your user testing, no one has ever said they got even a little bit sick playing?

Surprisingly no. Some people in this post have tried it and they mentioned that it does not really cause them sickness. From our experience and people testing our game we get the same feedback. However, you should try it yourself if you have time.

QuackNate1 karma

I'm at work, what is your game called?

Never mind, based on the url I guess it's called APEX Tournament.

My actual question is, have you noticed if people who are prone to motion sickness are able to adapt to it and eventually play games using smooth motion without feeling sick?

FantomDev2 karma

Haha. Sorry I could not answer you in time. But I can answer your second question!

My actual question is, have you noticed if people who are prone to motion sickness are able to adapt to it and eventually play games using smooth motion without feeling sick?

Yes, I have noticed that people can adapt. I am a testimony of it. However, I still feel nauseous from playing too long. My tolerance has been increasing where I can play longer than 15 minutes in VR with thumbstick smooth motion. I can go up slopes but going down and turning still gets me. I still prefer using teleportation.

I mean, VR is not like working in a spaceship, I just want to have fun.

darwinn_691 karma

It's funny because I didn't even realize this was a problem until a couple of weeks ago when I tried VR for the first time. I loved the immersive experience, and had no problem with a racing game. But for the FPS I thought it was a more enjoyable application of VR, but had to stop short when I got motion sickness. Overall it left me with the impression of 'very close but not quite ready'.

My question for you, is this motion sickness technology something that you are open sourcing and making available to other developers? It seems like your might be incredibly important to the main stream adoption of VR.

FantomDev2 karma

It is not quite there but I hope our solution will let you give VRFPSes another shot. We have a free demo with the full game on it. We would appreciate your feedback on it!

My question for you, is this motion sickness technology something that you are open sourcing and making available to other developers? It seems like your might be incredibly important to the main stream adoption of VR.

I am a big believer in open source. I did talk about open sourcing the project once. Maybe I can talk about it and give it another consideration with my friend. We have been distributing this locomotion system privately. If anything changes we could have another conversation in reddit about it when the time comes.

mystere5901 karma

Would this be possible to port to Samsung Gear VR?

FantomDev2 karma

There is a similar question that addressed port to mobile devices. Thanks for your question!

Would this be possible to port to Samsung Gear VR?

In theory yes however in practice it might be hard. We will try our best however! We might consider it after releasing a (cross dimension?) version of the game in desktop.

Polishhellman1 karma

Have you tried it on anyone with a medical disorder known to cause false feelings of movement that trigger the sickness? If not, might there plans to study its effects in this way in the future?


FantomDev1 karma

We had a comment later than you that asked if it would help people with Meniere's disease.

Have you tried it on anyone with a medical disorder known to cause false feelings of movement that trigger the sickness? If not, might there plans to study its effects in this way in the future?

We will be looking into researching solutions for this problem using our motion system. Thank you for your interesting question. We will get back to everyone if we have any findings.

Polishhellman1 karma

Thanks for your response. I asked because I know a close friend who has a condition like this, let me know if you're looking for test subjects. Best of luck in your work.

FantomDev2 karma

I am sorry to hear that. Thank you. I will make sure to get back to you as soon as we start looking into this.

GallusAA1 karma

Where is the stimuli required to "simulate movement" to avoid motion sickness? When you move, you can feel the change in direction in your core body, your limbs and in your brain. I know we also have inner ear fluids that shift and alert your brain to your balance.

Would wearing a suit that presses on your body using mechanized straps be enough to simulate movement, or is this more of something that requires your head/brain to feel the shifting of movement to avoid the motion sickness?

FantomDev1 karma

Where is the stimuli required to "simulate movement" to avoid motion sickness?

As far as our motion sickness solution goes. Slightly moving the head is enough stimulation to avoid motion sickness entirely.

Would wearing a suit that presses on your body using mechanized straps be enough to simulate movement, or is this more of something that requires your head/brain to feel the shifting of movement to avoid the motion sickness?

As far as the topic of this our motion sickness solution. Just having slight motion in the head could help you avoid motion sickness. Without the straps or anything else. I believe this problem is more of a brain and deceiving your senses. In this case your ear fluid motion. We did have an idea on simulating motion with a strong bass.

You have a pretty good idea however. Using compressing straps can simulate the motion maybe through different moving weights attached on the straps. Keep at it!

RedTalonTPF1 karma

Did you do wireframes for VR? If so how? I've seen approaches trying to spilt up the area into planes of interaction. But it just seems no matter how you do it translating a VR interaction into 2d "paper" is awkward.

FantomDev1 karma

I understand where you are coming from.

Did you do wireframes for VR? If so how?

This is not a question for me but for my friend. However I can tell you how we agreed upon creating the wireframe. What we did is that we created an actual scene in unity or say maya and we would have tags on each one of the objects for what the objects would do on paper. If it was a simple instruction then in paper it would be really clear. If it was a more difficult interface we broke the interface by patterns of similar interactions and we would quickly sketch a 3d drawing of that pattern and its place on the interface. We made sure to have constant feedback loops about it.

A lot of the interfaces of our game are boards so for those we used standard wireframes.

Portlandguycuck1 karma

Is there a free movement option for those of us who dislike teleport?

FantomDev1 karma


Is there a free movement option for those of us who dislike teleport?

Our game does not use teleport. It uses a different locomotion system based on head movement. We are thinking of providing different ways of traversing for users to transition from other motion systems.

kcg51 karma

Thoughts on “magic leap”? I’ve heard one way VR designers are working on the motion sickness aspect issue is putting in a type of “fake nose” that would somehow... trick the brain into not becoming sick? Is this a real thing?

FantomDev1 karma

Thanks for your questions!

Thoughts on “magic leap”?

I am actually quite happy on the way AR is growing. I would love to develop on a AR headset one day.

trick the brain into not becoming sick? Is this a real thing?

Yeah, its a real thing. We tried it. It kinda works if the nose is big enough. Its also really funny.

kcg51 karma

So you’d say it kind of works? Any way to improve upon it? What does your machine do to get past the motion sickness?

And by “big” do you mean a big nose that is seen thru the screen?

FantomDev1 karma

So you’d say it kind of works? Any way to improve upon it? What does your machine do to get past the motion sickness? And by “big” do you mean a big nose that is seen thru the screen?

Yeah, big enough to create a cockpit effect. However, even that I still get motion sickness from going downwards. Maybe because I become disoriented. One way that we found out to improve upon it was to put a whole background in a fixed position while things move around the player. A pretty similar concept. I addressed this in one of the questions. Feel free to ask for clarifications!