Edit: I have to run, but this was a blast! Will do my best to come back and answer some more later. In the meantime, please come see me perform! October 17-24 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds in San Diego. Visit mainlymozart.org/festival-orchestra for tickets!


Hey Reddit! Excited for my first AMA. This is David Kim, Concertmaster (first violin) of the Philadelphia Orchestra. I’m also a graduate of Juilliard and teach/hold master classes at numerous universities as well as the Khan Academy online. I also love golf!

Between October 17-24, I will be performing a series of five drive-in concerts with the Mainly Mozart All-Star Festival Orchestra in San Diego. On July 11, Mainly Mozart put on the first live classical concert in the U.S. in front of a live audience since quarantine began. It's one of the largest gatherings of concertmasters and principal players in the country.

Mainly Mozart's founder Nancy Laturno will also be on to answer any questions pertaining to logistics that may arise.

Concerts begin at just $45 per car. Check mainlymozart.org for details. Check mainlymozart.org/roster to view the full roster.

You can follow Mainly Mozart on:




Proof: https://imgur.com/a/iaf94NC

Comments: 386 • Responses: 78  • Date: 

Bad-Extreme171 karma

What’s the most memorable experience/favourite part throughout your career as a concertmaster and how have you/the orchestra been dealing with Covid?

Also, anything you’d like to say to beginner and amateur violinists/musicians? (Aka me and my friends lol)

MainlyMozartSD257 karma

With an orchestra that is one of the world's most prominent, each season brings many new and exciting experiences performing around the world. After 21 seasons, I can say that some of my most memorable experiences - to mention only a few - have happened at Carnegie Hall, on tour in Europe and Asia. Specific performances include one concert at the Academy of Music in Philly where it just felt like the stars and moon lined up for us all onstage to be in "the zone". Also a Prokofiev Piano Concerto at Carnegie with Martha Argerich which brought her 11 curtain calls.

For beginners and amateurs, try to spend a bit more alone time working on technique through scales and exercises. Playing pieces is fun but having a bit more speed, agility, and strength speeds up the learning process.

Big_Dollop142 karma

Hi David Kim!

How do you feel about the current balance between Terran, Zerg and Protoss?

MainlyMozartSD111 karma


lipiti137 karma

What’s your handicap? (In golf lol)

MainlyMozartSD121 karma

16.00 Handicap index

muffinlemma96 karma

Do you think many organizations will go out of business permanently due to covid and the resulting economic fallout? How is the Philly orch doing? The met's decision to continue their shutdown is really disheartening.

I'm a regional orchestra player who sometimes subs with bigger ICSOM groups and this has been absolutely devastating for me and my colleagues. We're working retail, we can't get unemployment, it feels like everything has collapsed and there is no end in sight. I've actually played with you before FWIW, you were a soloist for one of my regional orchestras, thank you for doing this AMA.

MainlyMozartSD115 karma

Disheartening for sure. It makes me so sad to read about your struggles. This period will go down in history as one of the most difficult and damaging to the classical music industry.

So what can we do? Exactly what you are doing. Adjusting, not allowing the negativity get to us, and waiting for the inevitable turn around. Covid too shall pass.... There are music lovers everywhere. In fact, they can't live without it. We will return. Perhaps not as quickly as we'd like but we will, grateful for the opportunities.

academc89 karma

Hey David! I lived in Philly for 6 years during grad school and I saw you and the Philadelphia Orchestra play dozens of times - it was so wonderful. However, I sometimes got annoyed at the audience, who would not infrequently cause a lot of noise during concerts, whether by unwrapping candy or whispering to each other.

Do you have any interesting or funny stories of crowd noise? Or any interesting stories of interacting with specifically Philly audiences?

MainlyMozartSD166 karma

I guess I am kind of known for interacting with audience members from the stage. For me, that means exchanging little smiles, waves, and glances. I always scan the audience and find a few familiar faces.

Some of the most memorable moments have been when - unfortunately - audience members pass out. This can be from a few too many Champagnes before the concert or just - I hope - being awestruck from the great "Philly Sound"!

courtney222267 karma

Hey David! What part about performing live have you missed the most?

MainlyMozartSD108 karma

The feeling that the audience is close and completely absorbed in the music, caught up in the experience of seeing The Philadelphia Orchestra in person.

Antique-Composer57 karma

Will the trumpets be allowed to open their water valves on stage?

MainlyMozartSD79 karma

Yes - but onto special absorbent pads.

Unkorked48 karma

Are you the same Dave Kim that the character from the Goldberg's show is based on?

MainlyMozartSD35 karma

I wish! Everyone mentions that.

FatherJohnMeesty39 karma

Hey David! Really cool to see you doing an ama. My question is: what advice do you have for classical musicians that have experienced intense burnout? It feels harder than ever to feel motivated to practice or even find enjoyment in progressing musically.

MainlyMozartSD53 karma

Find projects. All of us experience occasional burnout. But having something to prepare for is always a game changer and positive motivational tool. Maybe a series of special musical offerings for your church? A video gift for a local retirement community?

LilSebasteion38 karma

Hi David! I grew up in the Philly orchestra world, doing PYO and Temple Music Prep. My teachers were Bobby DePasquale and Yumi Scott. I’m no longer in music but the classical world culture in Philly really shaped my childhood and I still try to play when I can since I look back on that period in my life so fondly.

Having played under Luis Biava (who was my personal fav) I’ve gotta ask, who is your favorite conductor that you’ve worked with and why?

MainlyMozartSD52 karma

Your words feels like family! So warm and familiar!

My fav is Wolfgang Sawallisch. He was the greatest musician and conductor I have played under. Zero ego, integrity, gravitas.

Polyfuckery35 karma

Is there a piece that you find you enjoy significantly more or less when you are able to interact with it rather then being a part of creating it?

MainlyMozartSD62 karma

In the end, when I am sitting onstage as a member of the orchestra, my job is to do the best job I possible can for any piece of music put in front of me. I try to leave any hint of ego out of it.

MainlyMozartSD76 karma

Amazing username BTW....

Charlitos_Way2 karma

I totally agree with this sentiment but it's not always easy to do. Have you ever struggled with this? Have you felt embarrassed for having to pretend to enjoy playing something that is utter rubbish? (And managed to do so anyway because of professionalism of course)

MainlyMozartSD9 karma

Yep - happens time to time. But my job is not to critique the music I am playing.

ArtemisPJ31 karma

Besides violin, what's your favorite instrument in full orchestra? Can you double on any other instruments and if so, which ones? What's your favorite piece to play? I'm a flute player :)

MainlyMozartSD84 karma

I can play only the violin. My other favorite instrument in the orchestra is the french horn. So noble and warm.

SweetJibbaJams23 karma

Who is the most memorable guest performer with the orchestra?

MainlyMozartSD39 karma

A few come to mind: David Daniels, Martha Argerich, Yo-Yo Ma, Ute Lemper

glbracer23 karma

What is your favorite technique to practice in your spare time? Any other tips for a passionate yet uneducated musician?

MainlyMozartSD71 karma

I try to practice SUPER slowly. I find that the practice "sticks" better than if I hurry through and make little Band-Aid corrections.

kamiathewolf22 karma

In your opinion, how have orchestra pieces changed or evolved through the centuries? The classics compared to modern compositions? Thank you so much for your beautiful work and good luck!

MainlyMozartSD54 karma

Thanks for your kind words. I love that more and more people of color and women's compositions are in the mainstream repertoire.

emurphyt18 karma

Do you ever miss the academy of music or were you not there long enough before the move to the Kimmel center?

MainlyMozartSD35 karma

We still perform there at least once a season. I love the aura on that stage. So many giants of the music world have graced it.

What some people don't know is that The Philadelphia Orchestra owns the AofM!

darthminimall16 karma

I've heard that some of the members of the Philadelphia Orchestra have some rather large egos (not naming names, obviously). Is there any truth to this? If so, does it ever cause problems? There were a lot of problems with that sort of thing in my university orchestra, I'm wondering if it gets better or worse.

MainlyMozartSD69 karma

LOL - of course there are huge egos in the PO. But I believe the job is so pressure filled that one needs a certain inner hubris in order not to fall apart onstage. At least that's what I keep telling myself....

DickButtPlease11 karma

How many fish can you name?

MainlyMozartSD18 karma

Uhhh, lots. I am an avid fisherman.

DickButtPlease17 karma

Thank you for giving a serious answer to a silly question.

Now a serious question.

I was listening to NPR this morning and I heard you. One thing I was wondering about was since there is plexiglass between the woodwind musicians, will that effect the music? I would assume that the sound will bounce off of the plexiglass.

MainlyMozartSD20 karma

I feared that would happen. But it didn't and I was amazed at how the Philly Orchestra still sounded like the Philly Orchestra in spite of the barriers.

Gurpee66611 karma

Has anyone ever made any Frank Zappa comments?

MainlyMozartSD30 karma

No but I once visited a gorgeous little chalet on a mountainside in the Swiss Alps. In the guest book, I was delighted to see Mr. Zappa had also recently been there.

andrew_mahogany11 karma

Curious — a) Which concert A will be used for these compositions? and b) How are you compensating for the change in acoustics due to social distancing?

MainlyMozartSD21 karma

Mainly Mozart won’t go back inside a concert hall until June 2021 - at earliest! All works in October will be played on an outdoor stage at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Concerts are amplified (each member of the orchestra will have a mic) which I believe answers your acoustics question. Whole new world for all of us but we've been doing concerts this way since July! - N

MainlyMozartSD7 karma

This will be my first visit to Mainly Mozart Festival. I'm sure the Festival organizers can help answer your question.

_onthebrink11 karma

Hi David! When did you start playing the violin? Also, do you have a favorite place to perform?

MainlyMozartSD60 karma

I started at the age of 3.

My favorite is playing in Korea. There is something extraordinary about looking out in to the hall and seeing thousands of faces that kinda look like yours!

lmboyer0411 karma

I’m glad to hear you guys are getting to play now! I know many musicians and people in the arts in general have had it really hard this year, especially given that the arts are always struggling to some extent or are getting defunded. How have you seen the field adapt? Have you been through any similar times in the past? And how do you think we keep the arts alive and even help them grow in the future?

MainlyMozartSD22 karma

We are making sure we stay relevant in these unprecedented and uncertain times. The PO is busy creating a series of video concerts to be broadcast this fall. For instance, a few days ago, we just recorded a sublime Mozart Concerto with Emmanuel Ax. Many orchestras have canceled their 20-21 seasons. This is unspeakably sad and coming back will be even more of a struggle bc of it. All of us in the arts need to stay in the public eye and maintain relevance.

Katesfan11 karma

We are still social distancing and staying home because we have a newborn. What are some good ways to enrich my 3 year old’s musical experience in the absence of in person music classes and performances? He already likes hammering our keyboard and singing along :)

MainlyMozartSD20 karma

Let him bang on or play any instruments you can get your hands on. Plenty of free stuff out there and in people's attics if you look. Something will stick and music will be a part of his life forever!

Chtorrr10 karma

What is the very best cheese?

MainlyMozartSD17 karma

St. André

Thrashtendo10 karma

Thanks David for doing this! What’s the fastest piece of music you have ever played?

MainlyMozartSD23 karma

The Carmen Fantasy for violin - the last 2 minutes are frantic!

samba_019 karma

What are some of your favorite Philly restaurants?

MainlyMozartSD23 karma

My absolute fav for sushi and Japanese are the Bluefin restaurants. There is one at the Reading Terminal, one on City Line Ave, one in Norristown, and another in Paoli. I also love The Double Knot near the Kimmel Center.

djlefevre9 karma

Have you ever played with Ray Chen? If not would you like to? I went to high school with him, he was in my grade!

MainlyMozartSD37 karma

He played for me in a masterclass at Curtis many years ago when he was there. I had to wear sunglasses bc his aura was so dazzling! What a personality and distinct musical voice!

icerock5479 karma

Tips to sight read? I have an audition for my college's orchestra :)

MainlyMozartSD34 karma

1) Scan the entire page first. Find anything out of the ordinary and make a mental note - dynamics, accidentals, phrase markings. 2) If the mood in the room is right, ask the listener for a tempo. As if you know already but are just confirming... 3) In advance, practice having your eyes ahead of where you're playing - at least a bar. 4) Try not to play like you're sight reading. Even if you're messing up a bit, play musically and with commitment and feeling.

Good luck!

scullycatface9 karma

Hello Mr. Kim, have you ever composed a piece for your orchestra to perform?

MainlyMozartSD66 karma

Nope. I'm a pretty capable performer on the fiddle but a horrible composer. I remember back when I was at Juilliard all my compositions sounded like scales going up and down. They were all named "The Sea" or "Waves" or similar....

emanespino9 karma

how can a student from drexel get a discount from watching a concert in philly?

MainlyMozartSD33 karma

EZSeatU is our award winning program for students in the Philadelphia area. You but one ticket for $25 at the beginning of the season then have access to many concerts the rest of the season, with that one ticket stub! You'll find it on the PO website: www.philorch.org

maestro20058 karma


I'm a woodwind/brass player. It's very easy for us to sync up on style as there really aren't very many decisions to make, and the decisions tend to be obvious. But with strings, it seems to me like there would be a lot more room for different bowing choices. I've only ever played in college and community orchestras with long rehearsal periods, so I'm wondering for a professional orchestra with a very short rehearsal cycle, how do you get on the same page so quickly? How much of it is part prep? Do professional string players look at a part and naturally make the same bowing decisions?

MainlyMozartSD10 karma

Depending on the period of the music, Classical, Baroque, Impressionist, etc, we are all so skilled with what you correctly assume is the most important part of playing a string instrument - the bow - that we can adjust on the spot. Many times in a given subscription week, a guest conductor can change the way we play a piece within a minute of the beginning of rehearsal.

getshrektm808 karma

What is your best advice for somebody who wants to keep playing but does not have easy access to ensembles anymore?

I've played French horn since the 4th grade, and the past year has been the first in 13 years that I haven't been in an ensemble, so naturally I miss it quite a bit. I did not go to school for music specifically, but I have a minor in Music Performance and am working towards connecting my musical background with my other professional pursuits.

I can't wait to be able to see the Philadelphia Orchestra again! You're one of my favorite parts about living in Philly.

MainlyMozartSD14 karma

Thanks for loving on the PO!

A backyard chamber music reading party is perfect in this beautiful fall weather. How about creating a short music video to email to your elderly friends/relatives who can't get out?

See you soon!

dylee277 karma

What violin do you currently play on, and what's the most memorable one you've had a chance to play?

MainlyMozartSD28 karma

Most memorable was a Strad I played in Santiago, Chile in the 90's. The day before I was to fly home, I built up the courage and asked the owner if I could use it for a few years, he said yes! I flew back to NY with it and went straight to the most famous dealer of the time. He took one look and said, "Where'd you get this piece of junk?" It was a fraudulent Strad - a total fake... and I fell for it hook line and sinker.

I play 2 fiddles: a JB Guadagnini owned by my orchestra and a Michelangelo Bergonzi which I own.

blckravn017 karma

How can orchestras expand their repertoire & perform works from lesser-known composers without alienating the audience?

MainlyMozartSD30 karma

It's all about balance. I don't care how great the caviar is, if that's all I eat for a week, I get tired of it. We need variety and a delicious mixture of new and old. You can see it in how orchestras program -

New work Famous soloist Intermission Beethoven Sym

Ameletus6 karma

Apologies if this comes off as disrespectful, but what is the logic for going ahead with these particular performances during a worldwide pandemic? It seems like having musicians from all over the country travel and play together in an orchestra is one of the most risky ways possible to to put on a live orchestral concert. Is there are particular reason for doing this rather than focusing more on putting on performances with local ensembles so as to avoid all the travel and mixing? What kind of precautions are you guys taking to make this safer?

MainlyMozartSD13 karma

The measures in place are a ton more careful than large gatherings I see on TV - football games, political rallies, etc. We'll all be covid tested upon arrival and masked and distanced at all times. So many orchestras around the country have had zero positive tests thank God. We're being super careful.

caromack2136 karma

how excited are you to be performing again? I know for me, it feels like it’s been forever since I have performed/heard live music. also, what’s your favorite viola joke? I’m a violist myself. don’t hold back!

MainlyMozartSD31 karma

My fav is the one about the violist driving home and discovering that his family has been attacked by the conductor of the orchestra. He looks up with an incredulous and delighted look on this face, "You mean the Maestro visited MY house??"

TheJermster5 karma

Orchestras always seem to have so many Mozart performances. Is that because his name is so famous, or do people really like the music that much? I enjoy some of his symphonies, but IMHO other composers often make more interesting music. Mahler is probably my favorite orchestral composer but his name is not as recognizable, so I guess that translates to fewer tickets sold?

MainlyMozartSD14 karma

Every composer has groupies. Re Mozart being a bit over-programmed, I happen to agree with you. But the sublime stuff is exactly that and deserves to be heard over and over.

So sometimes we program knowing that those groupies for say.... Bruckner - will enthusiastically attend, though not necessarily a Debussy lover's cup of tea.

Smoestie5 karma

Hey David Kim, What kind of animal do you love the most? :-) May success be with you, & wishing you good luck.

MainlyMozartSD11 karma

I'm a dog lover! We have an apricot Cockapoo named Maisy.

darry28sept5 karma

How was your day so far?

MainlyMozartSD18 karma

Good! Rowing machine, quiet time, bfast, NPR Radio interview, and now my first Reddit AMA! Still left - dog walk and dentist :(

Rundeep5 karma

As a longtime subscriber, I miss you guys terribly and am thrilled at the efforts made by the organization to keep putting out new things. Are there things on the horizon that will keep us in touch? Like a Philly equivalent of this West Coast gig? By the way, love your videos and your daughter is adorable and accomplished.

MainlyMozartSD11 karma

Thanks so much. The PO is litterally Zoom calling 12 hours a day to continue brainstorming for new and relevant ideas during covid. Stay tuned and please keep tuning in to our online offerings! Grateful to you.

GMahler_vrroom4 karma

Back during my music school days, there was a lot of 'silo'-ing - instrumentalists didn't interact that much with vocalists, and (in a multi-arts college) music students didn't interact with theater/dance/visual arts students. It was very rare when there were collaborations - music students playing live for a theater program, wind ensemble accompanying ballet.

How do you see this separation between arts disciplines, and the pros/cons of spending time on cross-discipline material?

MainlyMozartSD5 karma

All musicians like to be invited to perform, sometimes regardless of genre. I know if someone had told me years ago that I would be playing Irish tunes or with Stevie Wonder, I would have never believed it. I am all for instrumentalists NOT silo-ing.

numericaldata4 karma

Apologies if this had already been asked, but how has seating in the orchestra changed in response to COVID? Are musicians spaced out, and if so, has this presented any kind of challenge? Listening and being able to lock into one another as musicians is key, and I’m wondering what kind of obstacles everyone has had to overcome because of that?

MainlyMozartSD7 karma

Good question: we are one to a stand. And spaced apart from each other about 10 feet. The winds and brass are individually enclosed in plexiglass booths. In spite of all that, we're still able to hear one another. The Philly Orchestra sound lives on and thrives.

RupertDurden4 karma

Best cheesesteak in Philly?

MainlyMozartSD14 karma

Jim's on South Street. (Also Andre Watts' fav)

FrakkinPhoenix4 karma

What is your favorite meal?

MainlyMozartSD9 karma

1) Korean 2) Japanese 3) Mexican

mikeypoopypants3 karma

Who are your favorite violin players to listen to?

MainlyMozartSD15 karma

Oistrakh, Perlman, Zuckerman, Szeryng

ChristopherPoontang3 karma

Don't you wish there was a festival that was centered around a different composer than Mozart? I mean, high classicism has its place, but why not Mainly Brahms, or Debussy, or anybody else besides polite, orderly Mozart?

And who does the seating chart for the orchestra? Is it by lottery, or is there one guy everybody sucks up to?

MainlyMozartSD8 karma

Though I am not positive, I don't think MM is centered around Mozart. It's a catchy name though! Repertoire variety is the name of the game so I am with you.

MeatyBacon6663 karma

Settle an old score for me... is the B flat clarinet a jazz instrument in your eyes and should it have a home in jazz bands across the country? In high school my director would not let clarinets into jazz band and I still think he is wrong.

MainlyMozartSD12 karma

I happen to be buddies with my orchestra's clarinetists - Ricardo Morales and Paul Demers (bass). They are so versatile and I'm sure would say "let the B flat rip" in any genre!

tasker_morris3 karma

David, thanks for the AMA! As a Philadelphia composer, how can I get my scores into the creative director’s hands?

MainlyMozartSD7 karma

You should send it to the PO in care of the Artistic Administrators. You can find that info on the orchestra's website - www.philorch.org

BigboyPapi1223 karma

How does music affect your life?

MainlyMozartSD8 karma

Well, it has been the most important part of my life for as long as I can remember. I am now 57 and began playing when I was 3.

thebace3 karma

Between you, Robert Chen, Frank Huang, Malcom Lowe, and Martin Chalifour, who is most likely to win a “Devil Went Down To Georgia” style fiddle competition? Who would win in golf? Who would win in a battle royale?

MainlyMozartSD23 karma

I would kill at that... no contest boys. DK every day

glassflowrrrs3 karma

Hi Mr Kim. I am excited for you to be able to perform in front of a live audience again.

Came here to ask some advice:

I had played cello for about 15 years but took a break when I went to uni. I haven’t been able to pick up my cello since and it makes me sad to think that I may never find a reason to play again. I think about it all the time.

Have you ever felt like you would take a break or never pick up your violin again? What motivates you every day to practice and play.

Thank you for your time and music.

MainlyMozartSD11 karma

Trying to self-motivate is always harder than with a friend. How about asking a few friends to prepare a few simple pieces to play together - maybe a duet or trio. You provide the wine and cheese as a thank you.

gummy_bear_time3 karma

How do you think orchestral concerts will change 10 years from now?

Orchestras will (I hope) remain an integral part of the arts, but I think the style is still fairly traditional. Some orchestras have done things to entice younger audiences, like pop culture music night. What are some more potential changes you think we'll see in the coming years?

MainlyMozartSD14 karma

I'd like to see concerts at different times of the day - not just 8pm. I'd love to see some morning concerts or cocktail hour shows. I can see orchestra's performing in different kinds of venues and not just concert halls.

rmiztys2 karma

what was it like to meet oprah?

MainlyMozartSD6 karma

Incredibly beautiful eyes.

ka-roo2 karma

Have you ever been invited to perform in Korea? I would think that would be pretty special.

MainlyMozartSD9 karma

Though I was born in the US, I have played in Korea my whole life and I love it. My Mom, in addition to the gift of violin playing, also gave me the gift of speaking the Korean language. She passed away when I was 14 but never spoke a word of English to me. She knew that was a good way to give me a chance to speak Korean later in life. It worked!

a_l_existence2 karma

Do you need a well rounded guitarist who has played several shows with their local orchestra?

MainlyMozartSD3 karma

I wish we did at the moment! Keep the faith! Opportunities will continue in the future.

OppositeBid1 karma

Do you agree that San Diego has the best Mexican food? How excited are you to get a California burrito?

MainlyMozartSD1 karma

I am SO excited to get my Mexican on soon. I am looking for the best food trucks in Del Mar.

wtf-whytheface1 karma

Hi Mr. Kim, this is a very difficult time for arts organizations. From public school programs, to conservatories and major symphonies, all are facing unique struggles. How do you think the musician community can use this opportunity to come out of this time stronger than before?

MainlyMozartSD7 karma

By investing selflessly to those who need connection and the arts more than ever - now. Offering music sacrificially.

ShadowEuphoria1 karma

I’ve recently been getting into researching the history and manufacturers of orchestral instruments, can you tell us a little about your violin and/or your favorite bit of trivia about the violin?

MainlyMozartSD7 karma

I play a Guadagnini that is from the mid-1700's. I am fascinated with the fact that the great violin making eras followed the wealth. Royalty in the 1700's bought up and commissioned the great instruments. Now many of those fabulous works of art are bought up by banks and foundations - to be loaned out to young musicians in need. Also, I have to say China and Russia are big players in the instrument game now.

ChristopherMcLucas1 karma

Are there classical/modern pieces of music that use palindromes that you are fond of?

MainlyMozartSD2 karma

Probably but I can't think of any at the moment.

XenAlpha20201 karma

What's your favorite instrument?

MainlyMozartSD3 karma

Piano and accordian

bat_hat1 karma

Hey David, what do you think music management will look like in the future now that big companies like CAMI are shutting down?

MainlyMozartSD3 karma

More small boutique managements rather than CAMI-like giants.

Gimme_yo_dang1 karma

Have you built extra muscles in your arms from all that waving about with that drumstick thing?

MainlyMozartSD3 karma

As a matter of fact I have - they call me the Lou Ferrigno of the violin world

Hematospermia1 karma

Hi David— thank you for doing this IAmA. I really enjoy going to the symphony and experiencing the music performed live. Clearly the sonic presentation is designed to be best for the audience, and I’ve always wondered what the sound is like for the musicians. Do you mainly hear the other strings that are nearest to you?

Also, the one thing that I dislike most about the symphony is my fellow audience members. I once had a middle-aged lady vomit on the floor in the seat directly behind me. What is it about the symphony that brings out the people most likely to ruin the experience for everyone else?

MainlyMozartSD8 karma

During a recital I once had a woman once fall asleep and fall right on her face out of her chair on to the hard wooden floor. You'd think she would be embarrassed and leave at intermission but when I returned for the 2nd half, she was back in her seat holding an ice pack to her forehead.

We sense a lot from the stage - prob more than people think in such large concert halls. But it's all part of live music and I feel being too caught up in getting perfect silence is a futile exercise.

Felipe_AP1 karma

Hi David, Wishing a cool day for you from here, man. Just a question: what would you advice to all those indie musicians/producers/amateur mixing engineers who want to make a living from music? all my "knowledge" comes from practicing some beethoven/schubert on piano, and some concert guitar, for example.

MainlyMozartSD5 karma

Just know that it is a marathon in this business. It takes a long time to have our voices heard. So it is never a failure to be doing something else to pay the bills while working on your music.

jinntakk1 karma

Have you ever tried disc golf? I got into it with friends during the pandemic because it was still a way for us to hang out and see each other safely outdoors. It's a lot of fun and feels a lot like hiking while throwing a disc around 60-70 times a round!

MainlyMozartSD2 karma

I've seen lots of videos but I am hooked on just plain golf.

Charlitos_Way1 karma

What are your views on warming up before a rehearsal or especially a concert? On stage okay? Loudly playing motifs from the piece you're about to preform? Someone showing off with a concerto or Paganini?

MainlyMozartSD4 karma

I just SMH.... I sometimes practice solo works too but not loudly.

chillaxnphilx1 karma

Have you ever performed George Gershwin's Rhapsody in Blue? I've always wanted to see it performed live, but not many orchestras perform it.

MainlyMozartSD7 karma

Many times. I love Gershwin and consider him one of the greats.

Omega-231 karma

Hello. Do you know Christoper Macasouris? He’s my uncle and I know he’s very big in the Philadelphia opera scene. He had a benefit a few years ago, and I never realized the impact he has had in the opera community.

MainlyMozartSD4 karma

I'm afraid I do not know him.

EdsteveTheGreater1 karma

With music programs around the USA being cut off entirely due to the pandemic, (such as Dayton, Ohio, who laid off their music, arts and PE staff in the same board meeting where they approved sports to go on almost unchecked) or severely limited (such as parts of West Virginia who have outlawed all after school activities, including concerts and rehearsals, but again, not sports) what do you think teachers, parents, and students can do to advocate for music's safe return to our communities?

MainlyMozartSD3 karma

Vote and advocate for those you agree with.

wiy1 karma


MainlyMozartSD3 karma

Of course it is not so comfortable playing with a mask on. I never realized how much heavy respiration goes on. And being so far apart is also something that takes getting used to. But in the end, we're all highly trained pros so we can adjust.

At the PO, musicians and staff get along beautifully and all row in the same direction with the same goals in mind. It is a lean org right now bc we are not at full admin size. So even more so - we stick together and support the greater cause.

drfarren1 karma

Concert master is a very big deal and means you're a leader in your orchestra. That said, do you ever feel like second fiddle when you're performing a concerto not featuring violin such as the Mozart Clarinet concerto?

MainlyMozartSD3 karma


Admirable-Entrance651 karma

What has been the biggest hurdle in your musical career? Thanks for your time.

MainlyMozartSD3 karma

Can't really think of any. I am the luckiest violinist on Earth.