Hey y’all! I’ve spent the past couple years interviewing the lead engineers who built Google’s groundbreaking augmented reality glasses back in 2012, as well as the developers, detractors, models, “Glassholes,” and Tumblr trolls who brought it down in the years following. It all culminated in my (first ever) book about Google Glass, flush with top-secret labs, ominous barges, rising tensions between the haves and have-nots, cyberspace and the meatspace, and big tech’s imperialist march on personal privacy. With Silicon Valley chasing the AR/VR dragon once again, the whole thing feels oddly prescient.

You can buy the book here -- buy the paperback and the ebook comes free! -- and if you fancy following me on Twitter, my handle is @quinmyers! Also, the book is the third installment of a series called Remember the Internet by Instar Books that aims to be “the complete history of the internet, one book at a time, so be sure to check out the other books here!

Never in my wildest dreams did I think I’d write a whole dang book, let alone do an AMA so let’s do this! AMA about Google Glass, augmented reality, the internet, writing, and anything else that comes to mind!

EDIT (5pm ET): I'm going to step out and make dinner but I'll be back to answer any questions I missed in a pinch. This has been so much fun, thanks for all the great questions!

PROOF: https://i.redd.it/sxd13wnb4xo91.jpg

Comments: 127 • Responses: 39  • Date: 

gruntothesmitey54 karma

On a scale of "shoe mirror under the bathroom stall" to "Matt Gaetz", how creepy was Google Glass and why did anyone think it was a good idea?

quinnmyers61 karma

What an incredible gauge for creepiness, I shudder at the idea of Matt Gaetz getting his greasy little hands on either shoe mirrors or Google Glass. One thing that came out in the book was that the nose-to-the-grindstone engineers at Google were pretty well intentioned and were genuinely surprised by people's reactions to the camera. In fact their defense (to this day) is that the microphone on people's phones is worse (which is rich, coming from the people who would later invent Google Home, Alexa, etc).

By and large though the answer is somewhere in the middle, not overtly creepy as the shoe mirror but creepier the more you knew about it, like Gaetz. The camera could only record for ten seconds at a time, and too much recording resulted in some people's equipment getting really hot -- but people started developing software the was creepy as heck, like taking pictures by winking, among other things.

As for why people thought it was a good idea, the answer is money. They believed Glass would replace iPhones and whoever wins that prize will be rich and powerful beyond anything we could possibly conceive... which is why The Zuck and pretty much every single company in Silicon Valley continue to think it's a good idea -- and they're hoping people are easier to convince now than we were in 2012.

gruntothesmitey17 karma

they're hoping people are easier to convince now than we were in 2012.

That's really scary.

Thanks for the detailed answer!

quinnmyers1 karma

of course! ty for the great question!

professor_jeffjeff16 karma

Shortly after Google Glass came out, I learned that I could activate someone else's Google Glass if I spoke the right commands and was close enough. This allowed me to photobomb people proactively instead of just opportunistically, and I may very well have been the first person to ever photobomb in this manner since it was pretty shortly after it was released.

quinnmyers5 karma

Omg that is amazing. Imagine what you power you would’ve had in a room full of Glass Explorers. Pure chaos.

striker752 karma

How much did Robert Scoble's shower pic hurt Google Glass? I remember it being pretty widely mocked and pointed at as further proof that the glasses were dorky as hell.

quinnmyers50 karma

LOL it's so fun to talk to people who remember the saga, because in a vacuum this would be SUCH a weird question. It's hard to guage how much this really hurt Glass. On one hand it was just another dorky tech guy who wanted (though would also probably benefit from) Glass succeeding. But on the other hand "The Shower Pic" pretty much sparked the "White Men Wearing Google Glass" meme and like you said, further united people in seeing the only people cheering for Glass were wealthy white dudes who evangelized tech and their own personal status more than they cared about the general public's privacy concerns, etc.

Even Larry Page (semi-jokingly?) told Scoble he "really didn't appreciate the shower photo," so you know Google was aware of the pic and the damage it wrought. So all in all, the shower pic didn't help lol

fernatartcamp51 karma

What was the #1 reason Google Glass failed?

quinnmyers141 karma

The whole episode was such a carnival of failure that it's honestly hard to say, but I think you could argue the leading reason Glass failed was Google's marketing. Sebastian Thrun, the absolutely brilliant former Google VP and "godfather of Google Glass," told me if there was one thing he'd change, it'd be to market Glass as essentially a GoPro -- a no-frills wearable sport-utility camera that people can wear hiking, biking, skiing, etc. That way, people wouldn't think about wearing Glass to an intimate date or a bar to record their surroundings/scan people's faces/etc.

Instead, Google tried to market Glass a piece of high fashion. Their argument was that if they wanted people to wear it all day, they had to convince the public that ~cool and hot people~ wear Glass. So they strapped it onto runway models, celebs, and slapped an exorbitant price tag on it to make it seem exclusive. Unfortunately the only people who took the bait were rich white dudes, and everything else came crashing down when people started realizing Glass couldn't actually do what Google promised it could do in their now-infamous "One Day" Youtube video.

fernatartcamp46 karma

As a marketer I am fascinated by this. Thanks for the thoughtful reply!

quinnmyers61 karma

Of course! I've had a few marketing people read the book who've said Glass should be taught in marketing courses as a case study in what NOT to do lol

importvita16 karma

I knew after watching their One Day video it was doomed for failure. The way it should have been marketed is exactly why I was hyped for it. The One Day video made it feel out of reach, exclusive and expensive. Not at all what I'd want to strap on my face and go mountain biking or stream with.

quinnmyers23 karma

You'd be in the same camp as many of Google's lead engineers and developers who'd been working tirelessly on Glass, saw the One Day video come out and were like "uhh wait, what?????" then watched the narrative spin completely out of control.

lloydleland-17 karma

Hahaha! Nobody likes white dudes, amiright?

You really seem to be caught up on race as if the concept of putting forth rich white dudes wearing/using [x item] has never sold a product. When I thought about google glass, I thought of pretentious elites that didn’t connect with everyday worker bees who probably wouldn’t be allowed to wear glasses with cameras to their place of employment into be first place.

Your book of probably full of woke theories concentrating on your obsession with race so I’ll pass big time.

The failure of google glass most certainly has more to do with privacy concerns, workplace policy, and a pushback on the Orwellian slippery slope than the “rich white dudes” trope you seem to jam into most of your responses.

The only person I’ve ever seen wearing google glass out in public was a black guy in San Diego.

Miraclefish9 karma

I dunno man I'm a rich white dude and my rich white dude friends were the only ones curious about Google Glass.

quinnmyers3 karma

I realize that engaging/responding with these folks in good faith is a fool's errand but fwiw the "white men wearing google glass" was a very real cultural touchstone at the time and one of the major reasons the public turned on it!

Anyway, ty & carry on!

burnt_wick24 karma

They were hideously ugly.

quinnmyers24 karma

And that too lol they were clunky as heck and didn't look "cool" no matter how many celebs Google got to promote them.

Mood-Rising31 karma

The thing that has always stuck with me is how quickly public perception turned from “the future!” to “this is creepy!”. It almost seemed to happen in a week.

I’ve always thought it was related to the early stages of the backlash to Silicon Valley we are seeing now, especially the protests against gentrification and bus routes for Google employees. The early articles against it seems to always bring these things up. Now much of tech seems to be viewed through a dystopian lens.

As an autistic adult, the failure of Google glass has always been depressing because I can see so much value in it for people like myself.

Do you think Google Glass was a tipping point or victim of those cultural trends?

Do you see a path forward for similar products, especially for assisting people with neurodivergent disabilities?

quinnmyers38 karma

This is an awesome question, thank you! It's funny you say it seemed to happen so fast -- I think if Google Glass came out today, rolled out the same way they did back in 2012, people would immediately dunk on it, bring up its privacy concerns etc, and that change in public perception would take less than 24 hours. Back in 2012, Glass drove news cycles for a few years before Google finally gave up (on a commercial version, at least).

I think both forces you mentioned are right. Tensions were boiling over in Silicon Valley, but the privacy issues and anti-Google sentiment REALLY came to a head in the summer of 2013 when the PRISM scandal broke. That's something that doesn't get brought up in a lot of postmortems about Google Glass, but there's no doubt that people freaked out about government surveillance through tech companies like Google, and then turned and saw Google Glass, which essentially looked like a data-siphon for your entire life. So in a way, Google Glass was a victim of the cultural trends that resulted from the PRISM scandal -- but also a tipping point, because Glass was so much the posterchild of tech's encroachment on private data, and Silicon Valley's hubris in assuming people will consume whatever they put out.

As for a path forward -- 1000% yes! That's one of the major positives about Glass that almost always gets overlooked, and an area that continued to advance after Glass was pulled from the shelves. Here are some resources to get you started: Recent update from from Stanford and a company that's partnered with Google called Brain Power -- and definitely DM me if you'd like, I'm happy to send more info on this!

reddit_guy66626 karma

Did Netflix throw money at you yet for the documentary rights?

quinnmyers26 karma

Hahaha they haven't, but it would be pretttttty prettttttttty cool if they did.

miraclej0nes22 karma

In your opinion, was Glass specifically a bad idea or is AR/VR generally doomed to failure for more structural / societal reasons? Can you imagine a version of Glass that would have been actually successful or is this something we think we want because of cyberpunk chic but in actuality is just annoying and embarrassing?

quinnmyers33 karma

Great question u/miraclej0nes! After reliving the sound and fury that Google Glass created back in 2012, part of me things AR is doomed to fail, but realistically (or maybe cynically) I think they're inevitable. A very smart and cool and nice tech writer I interviewed for the book said something to the effect of, people like cell phones and computers because it allows us the power to put everything it carries (the internet, the news, communications, social media, etc) away, whereas a computer strapped to our face encroaches on that personal freedom.

There are things about Google Glass, and AR in general, that were great -- directions while driving, for example, cast arrows and signs into the "real world" so people didn't have to look down at their GPS. However, many cars today can cast those digital directions onto the car windshield -- so do drivers need goggles anymore? I'm not sure. Maybe AR like Glass is something pervasive in science fiction, but a sort of technical evolution that gets skipped in reality. Like laser blimps, or hoverboards with lasers on them.

All told, Glass might have been successful if they didn't put a camera on it and toned down the pizazz on their announcement and roll out. But even then, the tech just didn't solve a problem that people actually had, and they looked kind of stupid. Maybe Google figured out the latter, since literally last month they very quietly announced a new beta version for the public to test AR glasses. I guess we'll see!

FoldableHuman21 karma

I would add to this that, experientially, they were pretty bad. The prism was quite small with an extremely narrow visible angle, making the whole thing very difficult to use, especially if you were unfamiliar with it. So for the people who got to briefly try it out rather than sit with it for hours or days, the experience was extremely underwhelming, and the sheer disconnect between ads showing directions painted on the road and a tiny arrow blinking in the corner of your vision made the whole thing feel like a prank.

Also they were incompatible with myopia, so that's like 30% of the population that just can't use it in actual daily contexts, like driving, without contact lenses or laser eye surgery.

quinnmyers5 karma

Yes! That's spot on and well said, ty!

cranbeery15 karma

The last time I saw Google Glass in public was on a train circa 2013-14, a few months after first seeing them. I moved to the other end of the car and out of their line of sight. I got the feeling ostracization was normal for users.

When was Glass well and truly done? Was social pressure a factor?

quinnmyers29 karma

It's funny you say that, because one of the stories in the book is about a Glass Explorer (the official name for Glass users (Glassholes was less official)) who stuck with Glass through thick and thin until one day, he got onto a train and someone threatened to beat him up if he didn't take his Glass off -- he was like "wait, why am I putting up with all this?" and never wore them again.

Explorers told me they went from people being nice and curious/excited about their Glass, to being, like you said, ostracized or threatened because people felt their privacy was being invaded. But think about how you feel when someone lifts their phone up to you and starts recording -- you feel a little uptight or uncomfortable and act differently, right? That's how Glass Explorers made everyone around them feel.

So social pressure was 100% a factor and try as they might Google couldn't keep up with the burgeoning PR disaster, and all the Glass Explorers getting into fights for refusing to take their Glass off that fueled the news cycle around their first foray into selling hardware. From a commercial standpoint, Glass was truly done in early 2015 -- but somewhere deep in the Google catacombs they left a few Glass servers running, and there were a number of diehard Glass Explorers who continued wearing them until ~2019, when those servers were discovered (hopefully not because of me poking around lol) and shut down, which basically rendered the tech useless.

cannotbefaded12 karma

Do you think they will make google glass 2?

quinnmyers42 karma

My friend, they already have! For a while Glass 2.0 was strictly for enterprise rather than commercial, so it was essentially sold to companies whose employees would benefit from AR -- ie; building a helicopter is a lot easier when the directions are floating in front of your face as opposed to in a physical manual you have to keep looking back to.

As you might imagine, it's got 10 years of technical improvement behind it so the computer is faster and more dynamic, but also not concerned with appearance (they basically look like spruced up safety goggles). And, as of last year-ish, Google opened up sales to the general public of their Glass Enterprise versions, as well as quietly started beta-testing a new, potentially commercial version of Glass with members of the public (as opposed to developers/engineers, etc).

arrived_on_fire15 karma

I am so excited to hear this! As a mechanic I can think of so many times where the manual diagram overlaid on top of the wiring harness would be just what I need.

quinnmyers12 karma

Nice! They're way less flashy than the videos about their predecessor, but you'd probably enjoy Google's videos about their enterprise version and how they help with that kind of stuff -- like this one!

xrandx10 karma

Having been in tech for about 40 years now I've seen a lot of fad products come and go. I wonder if you might speculate on Google Glass being a product similar to the Apple Newton; an innovative idea representing where tech will go but way ahead of its time without the platform to support it or truly the market being ready for it?

quinnmyers11 karma

In many ways Glass was ahead of its time, and I think had they waited a few more years to make something sleeker and more powerful, while addressing the camera and privacy issues, it might've succeeded.

I also think that Glass might've altered how AR/VR will be accepted in the future. With Glass in mind, people might be inherently critical of accepting whatever AR glasses Meta/Snap/Google/Apple are putting out in the near future. Or, as I mentioned in another comment, many cars today can cast Augmented Reality (arrows, directions, info) onto the windshield, which might signal that we'll evolve to the point where AR is very much a part of society, but not via wearable computer glassess/contacts.

I talked to Babak Parviz for the book, he's often credited for inventing/being "the man behind Google Glass," and even back in 2012 he was working on contact lenses that displayed blood sugar level for diabetics. If there's a version of Glass that eventually gets accepted by society at large, it will either be contact lenses -- or brain implants, something they also spitballed during Glass' initial pitch meetings. But I realized in writing this that tech's final hurdle to personal data collection is our physical ability to turn off our computers/phones and disconnect, so I'm not sure if a version of wearable AR computers will ever truly be successful.

phoez1210 karma

Did Google Glass and the Snapchat glasses follow a similar trajectory? I remember the hype surrounding both projects was extremely brief and then I never heard a thing about them until.. probably now.

quinnmyers20 karma

So Snapchat's "Spectacles" first debuted in 2016, a good year or so after Google finally took Glass out of its misery commercial availability. There was certainly a lot of hype surrounding the Spectacles, but Snapchat was very careful to not overpromise and underdeliver like Google had -- their smart glasses were only for Snapchat, for instance, and thus had a limited scope/utility for use. Unlike Glass, Spectacles were something people who love Snapchat only wear for special occasions, not something everyone will wear everywhere all the time. They were also wayyyyy cheaper than Glass, and thus avoided the rich-tech-bro stigma that sunk Glass.

And with that, you might be surprised to learn that Specatcles are still around and available, and Snapchat has continued to update them on a near yearly-basis. Are they a huge money-maker for the company that's on path to completely replace cell phones one day? Probably not. But to a certain extent, when people think of AR today they think of Snapchat over Google, and I'm sure there are some intangible benefits to that going forward.

phoez124 karma

Thanks for the reply Quinn, it’s an interesting topic to follow and study the history of.

quinnmyers2 karma

You're welcome! Thanks for the great question!

evilgiraffe66610 karma

Did you know your book is upside down?

quinnmyers9 karma

oh crap dang it!!! this is so embarrassing!!!!!

Scrabbleloser9 karma

Why call them “Google Glass?” Why not “Googly Eyes?”

quinnmyers17 karma

One of the most haunting aspects about finishing this book is the idea that I might've left a few stones unturned, or failed to ask a pertinent and pressing question of Google's top brass in the limited time I had with them. And now I will live the rest of my life tortured, forever reminded that I failed to ask why Google named their groundbreaking tech Glass (stupid, lends itself to debilitating portmanteau) instead of Googly Eyes (smart, evocative, includes name of the company).

But honestly they did face a major setback when the in-house optometrist found Glass might've been causing major eye strain and/or user's pupils to shift 😬. Turned out it was a clerical error, but still, not great! (Also they did call them Google Goggles and Google Wingman for a while) (sorry to suck all the fun out of this question).

Ipride3629 karma

Did Google do any Market Research beforehand to determine the viability of the product or did they just read Engadget where they flip out over any tiny thing?

Also, did they do any legal research regarding the privacy violations the device would cause or was it typical Google where they are blind to privacy?

quinnmyers12 karma

They kept Glass top-top-secret for the entirety of its development, assuming that, just as they do with software, they'd test the market for Glass by putting out a beta version and getting feedback. It's a noble idea in theory, but then they marketed it as a final product (not a beta) and took the initial wave of tech fanboy-driven hype as proof that the general public would immediately jump on board. Not so much!

As for privacy, they were definitely aware of the privacy issues that came with heads up AR, but they either figured they could explain away the privacy concerns or assumed user behavior would adapt to the new tech. They thought having to verbally say "Ok Glass, take a picture" was good enough to settle any concerns of clandestine camera usage, which is probably why they were completely caught off guard by the public's reaction to the camera.

So yes, they were pretty oblivious to the idea that people might be concerned about privacy. And then PRISM broke and really opened the floodgates.

lumaleelumabop1 karma

Honestly... I always thought it was fine. It's as invasive as cell phone is today. I can easily hold my phone in a nondescript way and start recording. I can easily take pics nobody will see. My phone has no "recording light" like Glass did. I thought the verbal commands DID make it easier to not worry about it. People sensationalized it but it literally already happens with cell phones and apple watches and everything in between.


Why would you want more violation of privacy? I for one would not have signed up for having a smart phone if I knew the amount of data I would be getting harvested. But I couldn’t make that decision because they weren’t upfront about their data harvesting until they were forced to be. Why is it just okay to make their privacy violations even worse? At least with a phone you can see the weirdo angling their phone at you instead of having to be suspicious of everyone wearing glasses

lumaleelumabop2 karma

Well yea, I don't disagree, but I feel the glasses are on par with cell phones and especially smart watches we have already today. Not saying I LIKE that particularly, but I've accepted the current level of privacy infractions. My honest opinion is unless directly criminal things are happening- illegal recordings, or using my location data to stalk me, or selling my biometric data so they can steal my credit cards, or anything else like that- I don't honestly care. But I see how the recordings thing is scary. I just don't think the glasses made it any more scary than already available tech.

quinnmyers1 karma

Totally fair point! I could also see how today, people having their phones out and recording things is wayyyyy more ubiquitous than it was back in 2012 so people were pretty freaked out about the camera at the time.

But you were right that it was sensationalized. Another incidence of this was that people feared Glass would enable facial recognition, when the actual tech wasn't anywhere near being capable of that -- in fact Google prevented that software from being sold on the App store (though someone could've back-doored it in). I think I mostly meant in my comment that they assumed behavior would simply change is that they perhaps didn't realize the extent to which cell phone usage was enmeshed in social behavior and were a bit overconfident that people would quickly adapt (with no or little pushback) to a totally new tech. Anyway, I appreciate the thoughtful discussion!

pukotoshana_murkals7 karma

What meteoric rise?

quinnmyers1 karma

When it first came out, Google Glass was 100% hyped as the next big thing. Google revealed the tech with tons of pomp and circumstance: blimps, skydivers, BMX riders, fireworks, stuntmen, etc. People thought it would replace phones, many thousands flooded Google's hashtag contest in hopes of winning a chance to buy a pair of Glass and be one of the first people to own the purportedly cutting edge tech. Endless media coverage lauded it as the next big thing, Time named it one of the Inventions of the Year, the hype train seemed impossible until it all came crumbling down. So I'd argue it was pretty meteoric rise, or whatever nebulous adjective for getting a lot of hype and popularity in a short time you want to use, even though it failed before the product officially came out!

Hollybanger456 karma

Did the Fred Armison bit on SNL contribute to the Glass’ demise in any way? I remember friends saying they had no idea about them then when the bit came out they noped out of their interest. Seems like a outlier but plausible?

quinnmyers1 karma

Sorry to casually reply so late lol but the SNL bit was 100% part and parcel with what I called the sort of mainstream media wave that really put the nail in Glass' coffin. Sooner or later any mentions of Glass on mainstream sitcoms/news/etc were all poking fun at Glass and how ridiculous it was.

But if there was one show that really turned the tide, it was The Daily Show's episode that focused on Glass Explorers. I p much dedicated a chapter of the book to this bit, bc if Glass had any hopes in winning back the public, TDS killed and buried it in a deep, deep grave. It's definitely worth rewatching! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClvI9fZaz6M

CarlLady5 karma

Did you interview people who purchased Google Glasses for your book? Was it hard to find people willing to admit they bought one? I’m curious to know how long people who bought them kept wearing them, hoping for them to catch on, before they gave up and packed them away next to their Zunes and LaserDiscs.

quinnmyers9 karma

Yep! I interviewed a ton of former Glass Explorers, and pretty much all the ones I reached out to were more than happy to chat. For all the flack they got as a group, it was really a select few who dug their heels in the sand and claimed they were being oppressed/silenced when people asked that they not wear their Glass. I would say a good number of Explorers stopped wearing them in 2013/4-ish when it became too much of a hassle to go out in public with them, or because it became clear they weren't going to catch on. A lot of them just realized they paid $1500 for Glass and then continued having to do beta-testing work for Google (sending bug reports, etc) for free, which irked them to the point of quitting on the tech.

Up until recently (when Google cut off Glass' access to the servers) I talked to a handful of Explorers who either still wore them or used them for a camera. And there are a lot of Explorers who met back then and remain friends today. They have groupchats or keep in touch, talking about the next version of AR glasses. One group would even get together once a year and go on vacation somewhere, all wearing their Glass and exploring a city and hanging out, which I thought was v cute and endearing.

DayOldBrutus5 karma

Did you run into any other interesting forgotten products along the way?

quinnmyers14 karma

There aren't many interesting forgotten products that really come to mind, but sifting through endless tech coverage from the early aughts was certainly a trip down memory lane. People debated wearables a lot -- and whether anyone would wear a smart watch (rumors of apple watch) when they'd have Glass (!) -- plus a lot of other tech we continue to use/talk about was just entering onto the scene: drones, 3D printers, the cronut, etc etc.

Actually, there is one forgotten product that proved to be a real pain in the butt while researching Glass -- Google+. There were countless company updates, responses, statements, etc that Google put out exclusively on Google Plus (in an attempt to get more people to use it) that are now gone. Not even archived, just vanished, only traceable by the remaining tech blogs that covered/screenshotted the posts at the time. RIP Google+

dontalkaboutpoland4 karma

I got a chance to work with Google Glasses and Google Cardboard in 2014. The one thing I remember was getting severe headaches after using the glass. Was it ever addressed?

quinnmyers2 karma

I'm sorry to hear that! As far as I was told, they knew about the headaches/dizziness/eye strain etc and their way of addressing it was essentially just kind of hoping people would get used to it after a while and the headaches would go away. So, short answer: nope!

coruscae3 karma

What made you decide to do this and how did you get access to these insiders?

quinnmyers1 karma

I spend a lot of time writing about online communities and the trends, memes, language, vibes, historic events, etc therein — and how those things impact or are influenced by the real world. So, I wrote this book because Google Glass is, like, a tentpole example of the ongoing tension between the online world and the offline. Google hoped to merge those two worlds with Glass, but they were stopped from doing so largely by uniquely-online and offline forces. And seeing how Mark Zuckerberg recently picked this baton backup and wants people to live in the soft beige conference rooms of his metaverse, I’d say we’re headed straight for another showdown.

And as for the insiders, getting access was actually pretty hard. By and large, a lot of the folks who worked on Glass are either still at Google (and thus were under NDA) or worked at a company in the industry didn't want to burn bridges by crapping on Google, Glass, or the people who worked on it. I got pretty close to talking to a few people still at Google, but they might've been reeling me in close just to sniff me out and spin my wheels without any intention on going on the record :/

Oddly enough, the people who were willing to talk about Glass -- and talk about it A LOT -- were those who had leadership positions on the Glass team but had moved on, and thus were powerful enough that their careers aren't dependent on Google anymore. It took some emailing and a few phone calls to garner trust and a relationship for them to open up, but it was fun and I think they enjoyed telling their side of the story.

samrazi3 karma

I have a pair still, is it worth anything ?

quinnmyers10 karma

A couple years ago Google released a Glassware update that essentially bricked Glass, so right now your pair can't connect to any servers (and any pictures you take have to be manually offloaded). That said, there are still enthusiasts out there who might throw you a bid on eBay! And sometimes a curious person will wander through r/GoogleGlass and ask about buying a pair, so might be worth poking around that sub!

KidenStormsoarer3 karma

I was honestly looking forward to it coming down in price and being accessible, it could have been the next iteration of smart watches. Do you think it would have worked better marketed like that?

quinnmyers1 karma

Maybe! It's hard to say. If it had been cheaper and more accessible, I still think it would've faced the privacy issues, though maybe not gotten as vitriolic as it did, given the demographic that Glass became synonymous with. But even then, the tech was pretty clunky and no super sleek or easy to wear, nor did it even work that well (technically Glass was a "beta" product, but still).

However, I think you could look at Snapchat's Spectacles as an example of, in many ways, doing the opposite of what Glass did and being successful -- cheap, simple, singular-purpose driven, marketed well, etc. Although therein not offering some of the promising utilities that Glass offered such as AR directions and notifications.

KillRoyTNT2 karma

Did it have something related with being a competition to Luxotica? Those are an absolute monopoly in regards of rims for glasses.

And to maintain dominance you need to destroy competition.

quinnmyers2 karma

They actually partnered with Luxottica! It was big news at the time. On one hand, it promised to fix Google's problem with Glass looking clunky and dorky, but on the other, it didn't help the growing sentiment that Glass was an exotic luxury that only the wealthy elite could afford. And by the time that partnership was made it was too late anyway, Glass was pretty much doomed to fail.

CONVERSE19911 karma

What’s your favorite horror film?

quinnmyers1 karma

I'm honestly a huge baby when it comes to horror films but if I had to name one it'd probably be the original Exorcist. Still skeeves me out even as an adult, especially reading about all the weird stuff that happened on set and such.

LionTameratLaw1 karma

Is crabs bugs?

quinnmyers2 karma

oh ok wow this is a great question and i will dig into this and explain in a really thorough way... so spiders is bugs and insects is bugs too. ticks is spiders in a way, bc of so much legs... now when the head vs the eyes and brain is connect to the body and there's three pieces: thorasic and thorax and the freaking other part, and they are all being friends body-wise and head-wise, then that's you start to understand that yeah, this is really bugs!

Havoksixteen1 karma

Don't meteors fall, not rise?

quinnmyers1 karma

I suppose you're right, which definitely makes it weird that it's become an adjective for a sudden rise!

TheBlacksmith641 karma

Everyone I know thought it was an idiotic, expensive toy that didn't work half the time.

quinnmyers2 karma

Once it came out, certainly. But before that, TIME named it Invention of the Year, and it was widely regarded as the next big thing!

usedatomictoaster1 karma

Ever used google glasses to burn ants with the sun?

quinnmyers1 karma

I reckon that, depending on which version you had, you could use the battery pack on Glass to burn ants if you wanted to -- no sun necessary!

SnooSeagulls93480 karma

I imagine Glass or some version of it might find use in the armed forces. For e.g. aiding in navigation, real-time translation of words spoken in other languages, perhaps work like a body cam etc. What do you think about this?

quinnmyers1 karma

Glass was originally designed for commercial use and thus lacked any real power to excel in a specialized area or hard-use that the armed forces might require. That being said you are right on -- militaries have used augmented reality (and AR glasses) for a long time, and continue to do so. There was actually a recent article on this in Popular Mechanics!

eyemroot-27 karma

Why did you pick such a particular topic about a product ~95% (est.) of everyone globally didn’t care about, know about, or did not have access to as the defining literary work to showcase writing that is likely as mediocre as the subject matter (judging by a strictly cursory observation of 749 previous works published in MEL)?

quinnmyers40 karma
