Comments: 794 • Responses: 55  • Date: 

LuisMoncada425 karma

Hello, Jeremiah. You were great on the show! How did they break down the news that your character had to die or did you know from the beginning you were on for certain amount of episodes?

jeremiahbitsui211 karma

Hey Luis, thx bro!! I don't know how this question did not show up- sorry! Yeah I didn't know at all when I was going to die, and didn't sign for a number of episodes. I was basically a glorified day player! haha Probably different that the deal y'all got. We only on your last day but I could tell you guys were gonna be icons!!

matthwatson389 karma

How did it feel watching the infamous box cutter scene for the first time?

jeremiahbitsui646 karma

I was blown away... at the premiere in LA, it was a tense room. Then when I got my throat slit Brian's daughter fainted and I think some one else threw up, i think! Felt weird though because that was my first death scene

matthwatson92 karma

Thanks for answering! You're a stunning actor, man.

jeremiahbitsui162 karma

You are very welcome!

char466176 karma

What was it like talking to Giancarlo Esposito (Gus) after filming the boxcutter scene? I always imagined it to be like "So... you killed me pretty well back there..."

jeremiahbitsui287 karma

haha he's actually a very cool guy and peaceful like a yogi dude so he was pretty shaken up. He told me he had a very hard time sleeping the night before and the night after. We still keep in touch, I'm so happy for all his success- he truly deserves it! Even though he killed Vic...

HologramHolly139 karma

Hey Jeremiah!

Thanks for doing this! I'm the girl who hooked you up with edify on Facebook :P.

I always thought Victor was an interesting character that I wish they had elaborated a bit more upon. Since I understand Victor was a character that came out of a one-off appearance as Gus' messenger, I kinda wondered, how much of his idiosyncracies (like being super quiet, that cold hard gaze) are yours and how much of it was given to you by the writers?

Also, how was the experience of filming the box cutter scene? How did they even do that?

So glad this AMA came to fruition!

Also just putting this out there, I found myself constantly wondering what that said about me being attracted to Victor in all his scenes. You're super cute. :P

jeremiahbitsui216 karma

For details on the box cutter scene and my experience... read a few comments above I went into a bit of detail, and if there's anything more specific fire away ;-)

Victor was really all my creation... Vince let me create that character which was wonderful. In season 2, I thought I would probably never be on again because it seemed like just a small role... but I still took it very serious and knew the character. I was never suppose to have seen another episode but Vince wrote to me which was a huge compliment, and I was truly grateful. All expected was one day, one episode but I got 3 seasons on the greatest show on TV, truly an honor! thank you

jeremiahbitsui181 karma

Again Thank you for hooking me up with REDDIT!!

HologramHolly28 karma

Thanks for the reply!

One more question. I kinda got the vibe that Victor hated Jesse partially because he saw him as a possible rival in moving up the chain of command, and that Victor was the Jesse to Gus' Walt. Is any of that at all accurate?

jeremiahbitsui24 karma


almar7127 karma

You played a great role! How early throughout the series did you know that you were going to be killed off?

jeremiahbitsui317 karma

Season 4 was suppose to take a much different direction from what I heard before. But Vince is one to hold his cards very conservatively, I would never play poker with the man unless I was in character! haha

I heard about Victor's death actually during the Christmas Holiday... two of the producers called me and said "we are happy to have you back and we are going to start the season with a BIG bang, unfortunately you are the big bang. They did predict that the scene was going to be EPIC and push the envelope" It ended up being the most bloody death scene on TV, from what i hear.

IN SHORT- about a month before...

matthwatson123 karma

Here's a question we're all wondering... How was the boxcutter scene made? Was there a fake blood pouch in your shirt, or were special effects used?

jeremiahbitsui276 karma

The boxcutter scene was a big production, as you know we film in ABQ however for the special effects rigging we had to do all that in LA. Its basically a plastic tube taped to my neck then a silicon prosthetic glued over- it looked like skin! The slit was precut, then the "blood" was shot out of a syringe, we used a mechanical pump but it was way too much... it shot all the way across the room.

douchebag420121 karma

What was your most memorable moment (on or off camera) while working on Breaking Bad?

jeremiahbitsui386 karma

Most memorable definately after Bryan won his Emmy, next day on set. I asked him how weird it was to win awards and what not. I told him it seems like it would be very uncomfortable, he said that he didnt start acting to win awards but was just trying to provide a living for his family.

BIG PAPA- "I'm just trying to make some $ to feed my daughter, it was all a dream..."

dirtyblueballoons112 karma


jeremiahbitsui244 karma

Thanks... actually I have a horrible confession but a redeeming one- I just started watching Breaking Bad this summer. REDEMPTION- now I am hooked, I started out of guilt... a Pastor at a church I go to would always ask me questions (AMA) haha! I would BS with what in general I knew, but now I am a full blown fan and truly addicted!!

cherie_amour104 karma

Did they film you and Aaron separately during the scene when Victor walked in on Jesse while he was inflating his suit and acting like a bored fool? I imagine it would have been difficult maintaining your signature straight face during that hilarious scene!

jeremiahbitsui218 karma

Yeah it was hilarious, I tried not to laugh but he did some crazy s*it y'all didn't see! As a person Aaron and I are buds but when in character I really hated Jesse, I considered him a joke to our business.

RLAGUSWL103 karma

I miss Victor! The only character I would take my panties off for. You're a very sexy man ;)

jeremiahbitsui391 karma

Haha... well I appreciate that, Victor would blush if he had in blood left in him ;-)

ampedd_up96 karma

Great of you to do this AMA, there's been this mystery that I keep wondering about from time to time about the show.

Were you the one who called Hank a minute before the Salamanca twins made an attempt on his life?

jeremiahbitsui164 karma

Yup and texted the Salamanca twins POLLOS

partyboy4990 karma

What was it like working with Bryan Cranston? Any funny stories from the set?

jeremiahbitsui186 karma

Bryan in real life is a jokester! He came to Season 3 wrap party dressed as a woman... always doing something crazy. Good question let me think of one good story!

saintelsawhere77 karma

Have you made up a back-story for Victor? I've heard a lot of actors do that when they don't have much of a back story within the script set in place by the writers. If you did, what was it?!

PS You're lovely! In the show and for coming on here to do this!

jeremiahbitsui178 karma

Thank you first of all! I appreciate it... the backstory was simple, he was me if I didn't go to college and start acting. Truly I grew up with some tough guys and had some crazy ass experiences living in ABQ around my high school days. Actually I thought of him as more of a military guy than a thug ;-)

matthwatson71 karma

Do you get the privilege of going to watch on set for any season 5 episodes?

jeremiahbitsui140 karma

I wasn't in ABQ this last season... but yeah they wouldn't mind me dropping by. I should- good idea!!

Staankygirl61 karma

how freaking cool is Aaron Paul in real life? and by cool i mean sexy...

jeremiahbitsui107 karma

Aaron Paul is super cool... he's good buds with Steve Aoki who I am a fan of! But we clicked on set and we'd grab beers after we wrapped, super cool dude the sexy part I will leave that up to you!

matthwatson60 karma

What made you want to audition for the role as Victor?

jeremiahbitsui127 karma

I actually read for the part of the Pollos Hermanos Manager first... "Victor" was originally NDA Customer.

jeremiahbitsui79 karma

Technically I guess my agent and the casting director made me do it... haha! But its been a killer role, much more of a fit then the Manager, plus its really more of a girl's role.

OpieWanKenobi57 karma

I've heard that Vince Gilligan doesn't tell anyone, including actors, what's going to happen in future episodes. With that being said, how do you think the show will end? Are you pulling for Walter to get away with all that he has done?

jeremiahbitsui179 karma

You are right he doesn't but he told me exactly what is going to happen and how this all ends. Just kidding, you are spot on.

I think everyone will die except Jesse he will be the guy who rides off into the sunset. That's my prediction, but lets see!!

grimmy201251 karma

Tell me, catalytic hydrogen is it protic or aprotic?!?! Because I forget.


jeremiahbitsui105 karma

haha... yeah I never answered that huh?

Hydroxylation of phenol with a 25% aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide in polar protic and aprotic solvents on TS-1 heterogeneous catalyst.

saintelsawhere47 karma

What was your favourite scene in Breaking Bad in general? And which was your favourite scene to act?

jeremiahbitsui131 karma

My favorite scene so far has got to be Walt saving Jesse in half measures... favorite to act was Box Cutter the BIG death scene. Until I had gallons of corn syrup all over me...

derpyninja44 karma

hey Jeremiah, i think you were menacing, even to to very end with the blood and not breathing part! My question is: how uncomfortable was it getting stuffed into the barrel? Did they use a stunt double or a dummy on the shoot?

jeremiahbitsui101 karma

It was very uncomfortable especially the barrel being that I sprained my ankle in that barrel. They eventually used a double but also for the face plant into the ground. I wanted to do it all but they wouldn't let me

Most uncomfortable though was having Giancarlo's finger in my eye socket, but we went with it... .wish it made the cut!!

matthwatson43 karma

Filming must be pretty tense. When the camera is off, is everyone still in character, or do they all crack jokes and mess around?

jeremiahbitsui81 karma

Filming on this show is much like any great set (Clint Eastwood, Oliver Stone, Jim Sheridan) everyone is doing what they love and so yes usually its like family, there's tense moments but always fun! A ton of little jokes, the gag reel only captures part of it!

Square-Peg38 karma

What are some things that are constantly preached on the set of Breaking Bad that aren't usually a big deal on most sets?

It seems like there is special attention given to things like getting pregnant emotional pauses in the dialogue just right.

jeremiahbitsui89 karma

Well usually TV move very fast so much so that there's little room for error. BrBa is more like film, it shoots like a movie... we rehearse like film. I had reservations about TV being that I kinda have a romanticism of film and the process and experience however BB truly changed that forever.

So you got it right "pregnant pauses" are rare on TV, I think it has to do also with how we take our entertainment and media now-a-days. Everything is instant and so its good to see a show that pushes people to pay attention and just sit at the edge of their seats.

jet_tripleseven31 karma

I don't actually have a question, but congrats on that box cutter scene. You deserve more credit for making that moment as great as it was - when Gus first walked in, Victor had this obnoxious smug look on his face... he thought he was the right-hand man for a second there. Then, he didn't think anything anymore...

anyway, thanks for doing this Jeremiah!

jeremiahbitsui46 karma

Thx! You are welcome... that's really just what my face looks like- haha! Just kidding

PrincePUA30 karma

what did you think of what happend to your character?

And thanks for contributing to such an awesome show :D

jeremiahbitsui71 karma

I think its the nature of the business... I've know a lot of guys in this type of business ironically. When I was young I had a shady past, a guy told me once... "you must be willing to commit everything, most important your life. Everyone dies its just a matter of time."

uR a PUA so you know the rules of the game ;-)


I love your work as far as Breaking Bad goes! What are some other things you've been involved in?

jeremiahbitsui72 karma

A lot of doors have opened up which is great however now I am competing with dudes that are at the next level, which is tough. I learned early on even if you are a better actor you don't always get the part.

IF you go to my facebook I was just featured on a friends album, its a funny story because I was just freestyle rapping and she was like I want that on my album. That was at Sundance film fest a few months ago, now she's like signing with a big label (don't know if i can say). So I might be a rapper, which is funny- I miss 90s rap!!

saintelsawhere25 karma

Who was your favourite actor on set to act with?

jeremiahbitsui92 karma

Ohhhh geez this is the hardest question eeeevvver! Wow= BryAaroNianCarlOnathan!

jeremiahbitsui114 karma

Let me just say Giancarlo was probably whom I was most starstruck with, Do the Right Thing, Malcolm X... SO MANY HITS!!

matthwatson24 karma

Are you Japanese? I'm learning Japanese and can't help but notice your last name appears to be Japanese (I think...)

jeremiahbitsui87 karma

No I'm not but I actually created a little video of you guys I'm trying to upload it, it gives a bit of background.

I'm actually Dine/Omaha (and a little Czech, Mexican)... so an IndiCzechican!

cmilquetoast23 karma

Awesome work as Victor, thank you so much for that. It really added to the story.

What was Victors motivation for showing that he could do the cook?

How many takes was it to do the scene where Gus cuts your throat and was that as physically and mentally exhausting as it looked?

jeremiahbitsui110 karma

We did a million!! No really like 40 takes at least just from one angle. It was very exhausting, I was so sticky and tired by the end of the day. Funny thing was every so often I would go into a make shift shower and the hair/makeup ladies would sponge bathe me... haha! that was wonderful, I felt like the Prince of Zamunda ;-)

jeremiahbitsui68 karma

PS my motivations for knowing the process were to get rid of Jesse, Victor despises Jesse. Plus I think would mind having their cut!

can_never_decide22 karma

First of all, thank you for being a part of breaking bad.

I have to say that the scene where you take walter to the lab at the end of the third season, to inevitably kill him, is one of the most eerie scenes from a show I've seen.

  • How do you prepare yourself for parts like this?

  • Did you ever feel that at a certain point during your role in the series that Victor was going to be killed off?

  • Also, what is it like working with Aaron Paul? He seems like an interesting character.

jeremiahbitsui47 karma

YOu are more than welcome... yeah it was really eerie in Full Measures. It even felt eerie shooting it.

To prepare for a part like this is comes from being ready because I got the role off a cold read. So just practice, practice, practice and working on being comfortable in your own skin. That make sense.

I knew Victor would eventually have to die but honestly I was told it wasn't until later in season 4, but I was happy I didn't just randomly die... like being shoot off a bullet ricochet. haha

Aaron Paul is very interesting, hung with his best buds one night and they told me his story. I had a whole new respect for him. I wish him the best!

fondour21 karma

I imagine with Breaking Bad's popularity that any role was hard to get. How cut throat was the competition?

jeremiahbitsui38 karma

Haha yeah I had to cut a few throats in the audition room! And had to punch a baby- Will Farrell style! ;-)

Honestly, everyone wanted and still wants on the show... I have actor friends that loathe me because of it. So does that speak to how "cut thoat" it is? Plus the economy is bad so lets just blame it on that...

moderatemoderater20 karma

Has anyone from Breaking Bad mentioned the possibility of you reappearing in the show through a flashback?

jeremiahbitsui50 karma

haha They always say that... well you know you could always come back in flashbacks. I'm just happy to have been on three seasons.

Sometimes people are like you were so mean and scary, I like Victor never even killed a fly!! Wish I coulda showed my marksmanship ;-) or Victors should I say. So my answer is YES bring me back to shoot a few people.

alsartist9218 karma

Wow...such a pleasure having you doing this! My question for you is, what are your thoughts on how this season is panning out? Who are you rooting for at this point? Walt or Hank? I really feel it comes down to those two characters.

jeremiahbitsui50 karma

If I was rooting for someone its usually the bad guy but I would like Hank to actually duke it out with Bryan, knock some sense into him... then they all roll out to a Thai- Island as a family.

Thank you, it might seem silly but its an expression of what I would like for his character.

wolfvision17 karma

First of all, I loved your work in the show. You played a very intimidating character and you were fantastic to watch.

My question is basically, how did you get the part, what was the process, how'd you hear about the show prior to auditioning for it? and what was the auditioning process once having met the writers or the people involved in the shoot?

And of course, what was your favourite experience whilst being on the show? Also, thanks for taking time out of your day to do the AMA

jeremiahbitsui33 karma

You are welcome, thank you!

I honestly didn't try to play it mean or intimidating just trying to replicate a few guys that I knew. I was reading for the Pollos Manager, and ended up cold reading for NDA customer (Victor). I didn't know all the lines but knew the character like if I had him in my back pocket. My first meeting was with Sheri Rhodes (God rest her soul), Kiira Arai (still in the game very talented) and Adam Bernstein (super cool since that day). Writers would be on set, very hands on and seemed to love the process.

My favorite experience off set was our Season 4 kick off party- very cool we had a wonderful lunch and celebration. Favorite time onset had to be on my birthday, I think we had a cake and it was right after Bryan won an award... such as great day. I missed my flight to NYC but ended up doing a road trip with a buddy to VEgas, he got in sooo much trouble with his girlfriend- I felt bad.

meowkersins16 karma

Your character doesn't say much while he is on screen. What is the hardest part about acting so much through your physicality? You do an amazing job with it! :)

jeremiahbitsui42 karma

Thank you, truly because it speaks a lot to be able to say something without saying something- I'm guessing you are an actor ;-)

My acting method is a bit unromantic, I'm not a method actor so I don't have to go cook meth or get throat cut in real life- nothing against them. I practice what they call the "method of physical actions" which is Stanislavski's later teaching... its just what I feel works better for acting on TV/film. Just because we have to portray the same emotion over and over doesn't mean we actually have to feel that emotion. YOu can feel the shit out of something but that doesn't mean its always going to read on camera.

I hope that makes sense, I tried to go into a bit more detail because I feel you are an actor- if your not, you are probably like WTF is he smoking that blue?

mrlambert14 karma

You played Victor brilliantly. Do you have any new projects coming up?

jeremiahbitsui41 karma

Thank you I appreciate that! I was just in a film called Blaze You Out... check it out

Theres a few other projects that I have on the burner, I don't want to rush though. I wrote two screenplays, one has an option and the other is still in development. I want to write more.

PipBoy80813 karma

Could you talk us through the filming of the box cutter scene? I believe it took many takes, so how do you stay on top of your game for such an intense scene for so long? You and Giancarlo must have had to get cleaned up and changed every damn time.

Whatever the answer, I think I speak for all of us when I say that the effort was worth it.

jeremiahbitsui22 karma

Read a few above... basically it was a long process and I had to prep weeks before and be fitted for a prosthetic on my neck. Then we had to practice the shooting (squirting of blood) that was pretty funny, we called it the pop shot! OH- that one scene took one day I believe!

In one of the comments before I talk about how I got cleaned up! haha

Thank you I appreciate it!

xVictor12 karma


jeremiahbitsui41 karma

Thank I appreciate it, and Victor does as well!

They were all a$$holes- JUST KIDDING, super rad dudes. Bryan is a jokester with a great sense of humor, watch the blooper/gag reels on youtube. That honestly gives you a good sense of his person. His genius is he could be fooling around one minute then the camera starts rolling and he's Heisenberg!

Aaron is just a nice sincere guy, not a douche bag at all- its cool how in the show you see him break through at times. Then in season 4 he's more hardened, very talented guy!

Giancarlo on set is super serious yet always gracious and kind, he loves to laugh. BIG LAUGHS!

waltjrsbfast12 karma

First off, huge fan man. We've been talking a lot about you on our podcast.

Quick question: When someone's character is being killed off, sometimes, the show runners will sit down and have a talk and discuss it with the actor. Sometimes, you'll just read about it in the script. When did you learn your character would be killed off and how did they tell you?

jeremiahbitsui27 karma

Thank you!!

Two producers told me.... they were sweet about it and said that Victor was never planned to exist and that Vince Gilligan created him because he liked my performance in Mandala- I was honored. SO I went out with a smile on my face =)

Know_worries11 karma

In season four episode one was it just a coincidence or do you know if it was an intentional reference during the scene where Jesse is in the car and you put a gun to his head and just say "drive" in the episode of the xfiles with Bryan Cranston he has an identical scene.

jeremiahbitsui16 karma

haha yeah you never know whats in the mind of Mr. Vince Gilligan, he's a genius and you probably are too! I mean it- I was never smart enough to watch Xfiles ;-)

jeremiahbitsui30 karma

Or maybe a promo... for Drive (the movie)! I have dry humor ignore me.

BloodiedEruption11 karma

Hey man! Big thanks for taking the time to do this, I was just wondering what some of the craziest things you've seen on the set of breaking bad are? I heard it can get a bit mad at times, just wondering what your own view on things was! P.S., I thought you could have been a great cook, Gus should have just gave you a chance :-(

jeremiahbitsui20 karma

Thx you are welcome! Craziest thing I seen was Gale dead and how the criminologist would say how it really looks like to come up on a fresh dead body... he showed a bunch of dead guys in a flip book. There are pop marks when its close range because of the gun powder- crazy huh!?

spartan133710 karma

Great to have you here, my question is, in your opinion, how do you think the series should end, what should Walt and Jesse get coming to each of them? also i'd like to know if you keep watching the show, after you were killed that is (S4-S5).

jeremiahbitsui28 karma

Haha I just started watching the show this summer as I shamefully admitted a few posts up.

I think Walter is almost past the point of no return, the only redeeming thing is going to be his family. Jesse is still very innocent- I would like to see him live. Mike just needs to retire after all this, I hope he gets a service dog for his PTSD, and lives on a beach somewhere.

RideBMX4life9 karma

Whats your favorite episode of breaking bad?

jeremiahbitsui29 karma

Favorite episode to shoot Boxcutter, favorite episode to watch was the Mandala because I never seen a little kid shoot a guy, plus I liked Combo's character- very real to ABQ.

sepiaknight9 karma

Who is the best actor (or actress) to work with on the set? Are there any you can't stand?

jeremiahbitsui18 karma

haha I think I know the actors who on the show you might think are annoying as characters (which is intentional) but they are all wonderful people! And that's not just a cheesy actor line, I really liked everyone.

Giancarlo like I said in another comment has been an inspiration for years so it was a blessing to have worked with him.

ServerGeek8 karma

Can you give us any behind-the-scenes stories?

who's the biggest prankster on set?

jeremiahbitsui24 karma

You probably already read this but Bryan is the biggest prankster, always fun!

Behind the scenes... for some reason a lot of actors sing obscure songs for some reason. I think its what you do when you're a big shot, I'm going to have start learning some really old Leonard Cohen songs- dude is awesome though in my book!

crinkleberry8 karma

Did the whole place where you were shooting the box cutter scene feel very tense even when off screen? I'm just wondering because that was about as intense as it could have possibly been.

jeremiahbitsui17 karma

It was a tense day, even off screen it was really intense. Because of that I wanted to have a moment when victor died, when he looks up from the Vat and sees Gus- the editors say it looks like Victor is saying "look dad, look what I did. Are you proud of me?" You never Victor smile and so that was important for me.

Slayner7 karma

Hey Jeremiah, Starting with the obvious -- You did a fantastic job in Breaking Bad, truly another great addition to a great show.

I read in another comment that you are just now getting into breaking bad. At the end of season 5 episode 3 Walter mentions killing victor as more of a message, 'flying to close to the sun'. Why do you personally think Gus killed your character off?

jeremiahbitsui32 karma

I appreciate it thank you! Yes very Greek... Icarus and Daedalus! I want a gyro to fly close to my table right now!!

I think Gus was jealous of Victor because of his mean looks! haha I think he didn't want to kill me but had to in order to retain order and control- makes sense in a very dysfunctional manner. But that created a rift between Gus and Mike... Mike & Victor were bridge partners!

jeremiahbitsui14 karma

I appreciate it thank you! Yes very Greek... Icarus and Daedalus! I want a gyro to fly close to my table right now!!

I think Gus was jealous of Victor because of his mean looks! haha I think he didn't want to kill me but had to in order to retain order and control- makes sense in a very dysfunctional manner. But that created a rift between Gus and Mike... Mike & Victor were bridge partners!

DavevaD6 karma

So, do you think that your character and Gale were good friends? Victor seemed really upset that Jesse killed him. Or was it just that Victor was upset because he didn't do his job of protecting Gale. Thank you. Love the show.

jeremiahbitsui12 karma

Victor didn't ever get connected to Gale, remember the scene when Gale gets the boot? Victor would have beaten him down if he had to.

In real life I love his character, Gale is the MAN!