Highest Rated Comments

07of0931 karma

"Did Obama kill Hitler?"

07of0929 karma

Sometimes. There are kids that I know are only eating 2 meals a day because they get free breakfast and lunch at school. They come in hungry -- I keep snacks for them in my classroom. I have one student who likes to draw so I brought him some old comics that he could use as inspiration. He has 8 siblings/cousins living with him in his apartment so he sleeps on the desk in the back of class during their lunch hour. Those are the kids that I feel like I'm making a difference for. But for the kids who have shut down, who have already had too many bad experiences where they don't trust any adults, I don't feel effective. I don't know how to reach them and I feel like I don't have the proper training to deal with what sometimes is deep psychological trauma.

07of0929 karma

Hmmm. One of the kids broke my classroom window with a baseball bat last year. This year a kid took a swing at me (but I ducked like a badass and he hit the wall and broke his nose). Bahaha #ninjastatus

07of0927 karma

Thank you! What a nice thing to say. Most days I don't feel all that respectable. Like right now, someone's making animal noises during a state exam.

07of0923 karma

"Is Dr. Dre a real doctor?"