Highest Rated Comments

12awr2 karma

How did you deal with chronic pain? Medication, meditation...?

12awr2 karma

Damages are usually capped at whatever the policy is written for. You can always sue for more, and attach their property which is why homeowners are encouraged to have higher limits.

12awr1 karma

What kind of machine/instrument would you recommend for light therapy? Are there certain things I should look for or specifications I should stay within?

12awr1 karma

Hi, I was wondering what you think about MDMA for depression and other mental disorders? My husband has expressed interest for a while now, but I have remained sceptical.

12awr1 karma

Why would it be under comp? Comprehensive covers fire, theft, vandalism, hitting an animal, and glass damage. I'd assume that it would be filed under uninsured motorist, but then again I've been out of the insurance world for about 15 years.