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18randomcharacters5 karma

The tough part is, now that my therapy is "done", I miss her! But it's not like we were really friends, so I think it would be inappropriate to reach out in any way.

18randomcharacters3 karma

/u/MarkMcLachlan answer this one! ^

Ever just stop to realize how much plastic trash you're responsible for producing?

18randomcharacters3 karma

I had regular virtual sessions with a therapist for a large part of 2020, and ended them a few months ago because I felt like all the topics I'd wanted to work on had been worked on and I was in a better place.

But also, because I felt like I was developing feelings for her. Which isn't great on many levels, but also because we're both married.

Anyway... How common is that? It seems like the therapist/client relationship is all about opening up emotionally, vulnerability, and the therapist listening to and giving care to the patient. Which all feels very personal and intimate. But of course, it's the job.

Tl;DR: how common is it for clients to develop feelings for therapists? Do therapists develop feelings too? How do you handle that sort of situation best?

18randomcharacters3 karma

Am I too late? I have questions!

How screwed are we?

Have you heard of street epistemology? It's like the socratic method, but done in nonformal settings (like the street). For a while I thought it was going to be the key to fighting disinformation, but I've lost that hope.

My boomer parents have no sense of what real and fake news is. They seem to simultaneously believe and doubt anything they see on Facebook, depending on if it fits their preconceived notions. What can I do?

18randomcharacters3 karma
