Highest Rated Comments

19Kilo86 karma

Poke some holes in the box and don't skimp on the packing peanuts. John Cho doesn't seem like the kind of guy to put up with some raggedy baby bullshit.

19Kilo50 karma

Says the person who could benefit from a multivitamin or two...

19Kilo34 karma

IT guy here. Short answer - It's not going to help much.

Longer answer - The data is backed up and the buildings they blew up are things like corporate headquarters. All the good stuff is in datacenters and they'll have onsite data backup in the form of filers or other large disk arrays.

In the event something like a HQ or call center is destroyed or inaccessible (floods, tornadoes, etc), companies like Sungard maintain offsite locations where the banks and credit card companies can quickly spin up an alternate site. It will be smaller (your 3,000 person call center becomes four 300 person call centers), wait times will go up on the phone and it will be inconvenient, but business doesn't stop. Those DR sites like Sungard will have desktops, phones, switches, routers and a firewall that connects them to one of the many redundant data center locations.

The real damage would be something like what happened after 9/11... Markets will drop, people will still have all their credit debt but odds are their savings in the form of 401Ks, IRAs or stocks will be lost or heavily damaged which would (ironically) cause them to have to lean more heavily on credit to survive.

19Kilo31 karma

Apparently there's a button for that.

19Kilo15 karma

If you have to pull rank, you've already lost. Like they said, listen to your NCOs. They'll dole out work and punishment and reward. You're there to grind through the paperwork when some hapless Joe loses his NVGs on a field problem.

Also remember that as a butter bar, you're the fork and knife using equivalent of an E-Nothing. You've had slightly more school in a totally different area. Don't assume your degree means you know more than the E-2 who's been in the unit 6 months longer than you have.... As a young private/specialist/SGT, nothing worried and infuriated me more than getting a new LT on the tank and then having to put up with him trying to turn wrenches on my goddamn tank with my tools that I signed for.