Highest Rated Comments

2PlayerProductions222 karma

Actually, we just sat down and watched the first full cut featuring all the footage from our final trip to Sweden! The movie's coming along well and, as C418 pointed out, work on the score has begun in earnest. It's been a long time coming, but we think covering an 18-month span of time in the life of the company has made for a better film. (Hi, Mojang)

2PlayerProductions18 karma

Levering- We knew from the beginning the Pirate bay thing was something we would have to do. The movie would be pirated, and looking at how much Minecraft is pirated it seemed like it would happen a lot. The amount of press the move got freaked us out a bit, because suddenly everyone was talking about how we put our movie out for free, and that wasn't exactly the intent.

We would much prefer people buy the movie, but we're not going to sue anyone for pirating it. You might as well try to take ownership of something like that if it's going to happen anyway.

2PlayerProductions14 karma

Fangamer and Ben deserve much of the credit for the planning of this campaign. We designed the pitch video and made some slight suggestions, but otherwise our participation was minimal. It's a pleasure to work with this group and we're thrilled the campaign is doing so well.

2PlayerProductions11 karma

Owens: Yes, I think it turned out the way I imagined it would and I think we all feel very proud of it. I can see you why you found it a bit directionless, because the movie doesn't have a big dramatic arc the way IGTM does. To me, the Minecraft movie was more about ideas and exploring them. It probably owes more to something like Helvetica than IGTM (though I did really enjoy IGTM).
Thanks for asking this question though - it seems like some people have also voiced these complaints (and some people love the movie the way it is), but I think it comes down to what you enjoy in movies and what you expected to see in a documentary about Minecraft.
Switching to DFA - no, actually I don't feel like we've gotten in the way (though with projects in the past I definitely have felt this way). We've been very careful to keep our distance in tense moments and just capture what's happening. It seems like everyone at Double Fine is so focused on their work (and we're around the office so often) that they don't notice us so much anymore. At least I hope so -- it's possible we're making everyone nervous...

2PlayerProductions11 karma

Levering- These things are easier said then done, but it's a goal for us in the near future. They turned down our doc Reformat the Planet in the past, but since then i think their standards are different, with half the film industry being out to destroy them and all.