Highest Rated Comments

7RED72 karma

Hi Jorg, love your show and try to introduce people to it whenever I can. Do you have a lot of people working on your slingshot projects (I always see people working on things in the background)? Do you do a lot of inventioneering that doesn't involve slingshots or your day job?

7RED72 karma

Are you planning on adding a good breakdown of all effects to the character page? I would have definitely liked to see more detail of the stats/damage calculations in Titan Quest.

One thing I enjoyed about good ol' TQ was the random nature of the warriors skills. It felt like I was basically attacking everything and the little dude(ette) was pulling off all kinds of opportunistic moves depending on what openings they saw in the enemy's defense. It made the fights feel more dynamic. Do you have any plans for skills/powers that function in a similar manner?

I gave the Diablo III beta a shot, and the controls felt a bit more refined than older action rpgs, but I honestly didn't enjoy it as much as the old TQ games, so Kudos on making something that has stood the test of time (and has been nostalgically reinstalled more times than the average zelda cartridge).