Highest Rated Comments

7akash14 karma

President Lovell,

    Thank you for doing this AMA. Such a novel idea - you truly are the coolest!

     My name is Brendan Takash. I graduated Fall 2013  (and was the student speaker!), and now I'm an MBA student here at Marquette. 

     Earlier this year, I came out as gay, and have since taken up a leadership position in the Marquette GSA. Over my 4+ years here, I've seen the atmosphere of tolerance grow wider, despite a few setbacks (notably, in the controversy surrounding Jodi O'Brien). The GSRC has made wonderful strides at Marquette, but I believe we can certainly do more.

     Now, with nationwide positive momentum, and the legality of gay marriage in Wisconsin, I believe now would be the most influential time for you to take action here at Marquette. Can you plase share with us your plans for strengthening inclusivity on campus? How will Marquette be the difference in these changing times?

     Thank you for your time, and we're glad to have you as President!

  • Brendan Takash

7akash1 karma

I would be honored to join this meeting! I can be contacted at: brendan.takash@marquette.edu