Highest Rated Comments

7thprez422 karma

Good thing they hadn't seen the piece on sneaking people out of North Korea yet.

7thprez346 karma

Thank you for being the most relevant investigative news source in the US. Can't get enough of your stuff. I saw your VICE news bit with Shane who went to DPRK as a tourist and basically was shammed across the country by tenders and fake banquet set ups. Other than the poverty, what is the most shocking thing about DPRK? Is there any hope?

7thprez295 karma

Hard to sneak Dennis Rodman anywhere.

7thprez165 karma

Yes! An hour would be nice. Maybe spend more time elaborating on each story.

7thprez107 karma

I wonder if North Korea has a central casting where they get all these extras from, like as a reward for good service? Must be nice for them to use the good facilities when the party needs to make an impression.