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823848234811 karma


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82384823488 karma

No, not Russia, and if it was there would be direct evidence of it.

Do you expect a developed country with at least a modicum of talented IT professionals to not be cautious of leaving any direct digital evidence? As you assuredly know, anyone can basically use a daisychain of IPs to obfuscate their origins.

CIA using Vault 7 tools can make an attack it carries out look like it comes from another nation/party

Yes, many agencies of many countries can possibly use falseflag options but it doesn't mean they do.

The fact NSA does not provide a track for the packets reflecting fact of no hack attack means it was an insider job/leak.

Anyone can fire up a TOR session and possibly hide their origins as you know. They can command a node, be it a PC or any tech device, then use it as a regular proxy or another TOR server, therefore obfuscating themselves even more, many times over. When you have the power of a nation state, this is very feasible. Also IP addresses within government domains are sometimes not public information, as you probably also know. It's a weak "security by obscurity" technique but if they published IPs of sensitive nodes, it invites any nation state to come knocking on the door.

I don't see how that's enough information to conclude it was an inside job. I'm not saying it was a country or any one person but until we have the information at hand, it's hard to conclude either way, which you seem to be doing. Maybe you know more about this than I but considering your answer here and below, I suspect you're not fully aware of network security as I thought. Could your bias against the institution that fired you be influencing some bias on your part?

It is difficult to know the true origin - must be able to trace the packets and look inside of them in order to know. Called Deep Packet Inspection.

But even packets can be changed en route, source and destination both as well as obfuscated by a litany of routes by using proxies and something as TOR. I don't know why you put so much influence on thinking this would be the proof.

82384823488 karma

  1. Will this be an open linux-based OS? One that I can flash my Pi, router or other device with?

82384823483 karma

You can't be moral when being vigilant of external influence in your election process? That's one thing that I'd like to be pure because when you mess with a man's vote, you mess with his livelihood and possibly life. I'm evidently pretty passionate about voting (democracy) being corrupted as I was when the DNC seemed to place less weight on Bernie's vote. I don't know if I can condone any of the leakers but you could just as well call it a moral decision. And in case you didn't know, morality tends to be political.