Highest Rated Comments

9me12354 karma

So did she.

9me1233 karma

Damn, you make that shit with photoshop? I somehow respect you even more now.

9me1233 karma

What kind of software did you use to create The World of Tomorrow?

(I know it's kind of a weird question, but the visuals of it are so wacky I can't help but wonder)

9me1233 karma

Are you in any way involved in the writing of SciShow? How do you research for it? Also, how's hosting SciShow?

9me1232 karma

Most of the movies you've scored seem to have a somewhat clear inspiration for its sound that often has noticeable reference to the movie's core concepts, except for Inside Out (one of my favorites of yours, btw). How did you decide on what you wanted the film to sound like when it had such a complex and abstract story?