Highest Rated Comments

AKPhilly12329 karma

What were you and SLJ working on together?

AKPhilly11774 karma

Hey Jerry. I'm studying for the bar exam. Any advice?

AKPhilly1105 karma

Former Colbert intern here, from his 2008 PA primary coverage. Why don't Jon and Colbert check in with each other at the end of the show anymore? those bits were always hilarious.

AKPhilly15 karma

Hi Buzz! Big fan (obviously). I have a few questions:

  1. What are some of the most exciting things going on at NASA right now and how can we support it?
  2. In light of yesterday’s Antares rocket launch failure, what is your opinion on the privatization of space travel?
  3. Will mankind ever make it to the sun?

Thanks! You’re the best.

AKPhilly12 karma

True enough..."In light of" was probably the wrong choice of phrasing...it was meant as more of a general question.