Highest Rated Comments

ALTM4N7 karma

hell... I figured they would be as attentive as they could be. We went on some bs patrol near DC with the FET and I could tell the FET were going to be more in the way than the NAT GEO guys, I think one of them was a prior marine. I was curious though, because if I were them I would have been right on Marines asses. Guess the go-pros kept them from having to do that though.

ALTM4N7 karma

I was with Echo at the time, I'm curious; did the Nat Geo guys ever get in the way?

ALTM4N6 karma

As a younger man, I may, or may not have been, highly aroused by your work. This arousal may, or may not have, ended in a passionate and primal display. In a way, I love you as you may, or may not have been, my first time. So thanks. Or not depending.

ALTM4N3 karma

"nice", I preferred motor t. FET is just a little too butch for me. was he? I didn't recognize him even though I had met him in Bridgeport once. How did you five guys get singled out? Volun-told?

ALTM4N3 karma

Hell yeah, props.