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What was something about life outside of N.Korea that surprised you the most/seemed strange to you after leaving? (This can be something that might not seem significant to everyone else. Just something that really shocked you.)


I've always wondered about children of high ranking North Korean party officials that study abroad in Western countries. If they are allowed to live abroad and witness how life is outside of North Korea, how do they return to North Korea and still believe what is told to them by the North Korean government? How many of these children are "converted" to more Western norms yet hide that in order to get by in North Korea?


Have you ever thought about writing a book/autobiography about your life? Even if it's something you don't really want to do, it would be a sure way to make money for you to put towards traveling and seeing the world.

edit: Just wanted to add that I said that she could put the money towards traveling because in her last AMA she said she wished to travel.


What do N.Koreans think of gay people? Are there any gay people that come out in N.Korea? Or does the country claim that no one in N.Korea is gay?


I personally think you should! I would definitely buy your book.